MTL - Reborn: Super God of War-Chapter 613 Legacy Broken Edge

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ps: It was too late last night. I just got up and posted it late. Sorry.

In other words, brothers, in the eyes of the master panda, is it okay to drop a recommendation ticket?



The ground exploded, and shocking pits were imprinted on the ground! These are all smashed by giant magic babies. The fighting power of the magic babies is really extraordinary. Coupled with the weird moving speed, when viewed from a distance, it is a mobile bomber. Wherever it goes, there is a bang. The ground explosion.

brush! Another magical art fell on the head of the devil baby. Do not remember standing in the center of the two giant pits, his face lightly thrown out a treatment, seeing that the fist will fall down again, calmly moving gently, but avoiding accurately! As a legal profession, the ability to move without remembering is quite okay!

"Hmm ..." At this moment, the baby babble issued a sharp howl, with wind on the soles of his feet, a fist, a pair of hands, and fluttering towards the memory! The speed of this devil baby soared again, covering from the calf to the sole of the foot by a layer of light ghost armor, how is this familiar? The "Holy Spirit" recorded in Lin Jie's book is exactly this style.

Using this trick, the light-quality combat boots almost condensed the essence, and the speed of the magic baby was astounding. In just half a second, it was necessary to catch the memory of the memory, and it was necessary to capture the memory of the memory in his arms. !!


At this moment, a violent wind blew, the violent wind screamed, the air was cold and the traces of water vapor condensed and were frozen into ice moraine! These ice cubes were stirred by the strong wind, mixed into it, and blown towards the magic baby! This hail-torn wind was amazing. He even pushed the giant devil directly to the ground!

Not far away, Lin Jie stood with a sword and floated in the air.

This is not a glide from feather fall and light wing armor, but a veritable float!

He shook his right hand, and the snow and snow gathered in the wind. Turned into a huge ice fist, as soon as Lin Jie sent it, the broken blade was held in the ice fist, chopping past the magic baby! The four swords were stabbed in an instant, sweeping across thousands of armies!

-4837! -4203! -4524! -4857!

"No memory, hard work. Let me come next." Lin Jie smiled, not remembering that he had knocked off the magic baby's full blood and half of the blood, but he was unharmed. This little girl is growing too fast. !! But she must have played very hard, and Lin Jie's eyes were soft. Whispered.

"Don't go!" Bu Yi repeatedly waved the healing technique, pursed his mouth, and stubbornly said, "I can kill him."

The mind of this little girl, Lin Jie, was naturally incomprehensible. After entering the abyss, Lin Jie talked with the old Jiuxian fiercely, and even his ears, noses, and mouths were focused on this map. .

Finally went to Raven Ridge together. The inherited boots were taken away, and Lin Jie didn't have any chattering thoughts until he came to this demonic town.

"Okay" don't remember. "After all, I had a chance to show off the power of this girl. I found a sense of presence in front of someone, but someone ran out to grab the show."

What and what! Not remembering my sister is very angry ...

Not to mention that it is Lin Jie, who is born with a negative number of "Emotional Quotient" attribute, even if it is a boy of the level of emotional sage, it is difficult to guess the thought of a girl. The heart of a woman, a needle in the sea, isn't something to say casually ...

"Damn!" The magic baby opened his mouth and spit out two characters! As mentioned earlier. Different languages ​​will switch between each other to avoid communication difficulties. So Lin Jie and they understood.

"The clan is refining Huaxia's inherited combat boots into ancient monsters. You can't be disturbed in any way. No. You can't let the two go to destroy them! I will detonate this hard-boiled magic baby, which is also a contribution to the country! "Before thinking, the baby's body suddenly swelled wildly!


You know, all the efforts of the demonic players are in these arms. One detonation is equivalent to all the efforts of the past year. This is a costly one.

"Eh? Do you want to explode? Why are the people of this archipelago always so stingy, when they get angry, they cut their belly and explode?" Lin Jie felt a sense of destruction and grinned, but he was not afraid, and he waved, The wind and snow are fiercer!

Woohoo! Woohoo!

Ice and snow gradually freeze and condense the body of the giant baby monster, and the surface of the skin is covered with a thick layer of ice crystals. The driving force is getting greater and greater. The ice and snow fists are wielding again and again. His roar, the weird sound of baby crying flooded the air.


The baby's body exploded, and the turbulent shock wave spread!

"Ice and snow walls, stop me!" Lin Jie stretched his hands, and the snow and ice condensed into a thick ice wall. The shock wave bombarded the ice wall and imprinted a huge deep pit, but it was not broken.

Ding ~

—— "You killed the enemy demons, you get 15 military achievements."

"Are you dead?" Lin Jie let out a sigh of relief, and the snow and ice slowly stopped. Change the climate environment between waves, this hand is just like a god!

"It's amazing!" Bu Yi was startled, did not expect Lin Jie to have such skills.

Lin Jie put away the broken blade, showing joy, his power was far beyond his expectations! After the fusion of the Frost Sword and the Razor Sword, the broken blade finally evolved into an illusive blade. Now it looks like it is not a broken blade, but a complete weapon!

This sword is about two meters long and extremely thick. The sword is engraved with Fenglin volcano and the sun, moon and stars, revealing a domineering ‘sword contains the world’!

[Inherited Broken Blade] (Asia Legend)

Requires level 0, requires force above 1000

Attack 1029-1300

Strength +130

Stamina +130

Health +900

Jump +21

Movement speed +21

Block + 17%, parry + 17%

Fire damage +70, Fire Demon storm +3

Thunder damage +70, Thunder storm +1

Bonus skill: Sweeping thousands of troops, you consume 10 points of anger. Deals 200% damage to the target 4 times.

Bonus Skill: Flame front, your attack becomes a fire attack within 90 seconds, and generates a swordmang. The target hit by the swordmane will deal an additional 10% damage. Cooldown: 720 seconds

Bonus skill: Thor arrives, you enter Thor's arrival. Increases the attack by 10% and turns it into a lightning attack, with a 70% chance to paralyze the target for 60 seconds. During the 5 seconds before Thor launches, you are immune to any Thunder attack. Cooldown is 720 seconds.

Bonus Skill: Dark Blind Hole.

Additional Skills: Snow and Snow Field!

The name of the broken blade finally broke away from the "silver broken blade" and the "gold broken blade". Become a true Inheritance Broken Blade! The attack directly broke through a thousand points, and the additional attributes were extremely powerful! Except that the ability of the Dark Blind Hole has not been strengthened, several skills such as Sweeping Thousands of Armies, Flame Front, and Thor's Fall have been enhanced.

The new skills of the two swords. Is the snow field!

[Snow and Snow Realm]: Environmental magic, you order snow and ice, and the blustery forms a snow and snow realm with a radius of 20 yards centered on you. All hostile units in the realm reduce the casting speed, attack speed, and movement speed by 20%. You can freely adjust the wind direction and the temperature of the snow and ice. The duration is 10 minutes and the cooling time is 12 hours!

That's right, environmental magic! Even if the mages with high levels, best equipment, excellent skills, and powerful operations are selected into the mage's holy land ‘Winter Castle’. Reading environmental classics left by ancient mages is also difficult to learn about environmental magic!

Ordinary magic is the use of spells, gestures, actions, materials, etc. to borrow power from the elements of nature. Condensed into a fixed shape and launched. This skill has a very small degree of freedom, at best it uses expensive and rare casting materials to increase its power.

The environmental magic is different. This is to override itself and control the power of nature! Elements are like arms. Drive for you, where do you want to snow. Where the snow is everywhere; where you want drought, there is the sun! Lin Jie has seen before. The magic teacher of the Winter Castle has frozen the world with a single trick, and how powerful is it?

In contrast, the field of snow and wind in Lin Jie's grasp is trivial.

"Don't recall, go and see if there is any spoils for this devil baby." Lin Jenu nodded, this is the first time in this life to kill rival players, I do not know what good things will come out.

I don't remember deeply understanding the characteristics of Lin Jie's black hands, holding on to her small **** and stepping forward, she took out the items exploded by the magic baby in her hands.

No other items, only one book.

"Devil's Code Fragment"!

Lin Jie turned to look at this book, the Demon Code, which is a missionary book for demon players. It is rumored that it was imprinted in a book that gathered a demon era ~ ~. This book is equivalent to the "Secret Notes" of the demons, which contains many skills.

"The devil's language doesn't understand ..." Lin Jie shook his head in dismay, even though he spent a long time in the library, and didn't learn the language of these other world player demons. However, he had an idea in his mind, would that demon code be the book of the era?

According to the fact that when the Book of Dust Seals unlocked the seal, it swallowed a Book of Ages, it can grow up and eat up the Book of Ages! Unfortunately, Qiu Yuan and the epoch book in his pants are the only one in the world, and he couldn't bear to swallow it. If the demons have it in their hands, that's great, it doesn't have any psychological pressure at all!

"Wait ..." Lin Jie flashed, and a flash of blood burst into his pupils.


Under the light of the divine light, the text on the remaining pages of this demon code gradually faded into several faint texts.

[Book of Epoch: Fragments of Dark Apocalypse]!

Lin Jie was startled, "Dark Apocalypse! Isn't this the artifact of the Demon Clan? I did not expect that the artifact of the Demon Clan is actually a book of the epoch? No, it should be said that the essence of this book is the Dark Apocalypse. The perennial sacrifice of the demon tribe has become an artifact. Very good, not only will I have to retake the inherited war boots this time, but I must also get the Dark Apocalypse! "(To be continued)