MTL - Record of Mortal’s Journey to Immortality: Immortal World-~ Fairy essay

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"In the next Han Li, it is flying from the spiritual world. Here is the rumored flying platform! Except for the Taoist friends, it seems that there is no other person." Han Li gently pressed the pool with one hand, and then flew out of the pool, his body green The light flashed, and there was no water stain at all.

At this time, he has discovered that the palms of the Yuan Yuan and the Wuji Mountain are all safe and sound in their bodies, but the magic light and others are hidden in the spirit beast bag without any reaction.

This place seems to be a very simple high platform. In addition to the pool at the center, the high platform is surrounded by a layer of blue light.

Outside the light curtain, faintly visible snow flakes are flying all over the sky, and outside is a crystal ice world.

"It turned out to be Han Daoyou. Lingjie dialect, can this have some headaches? The following interfaces, there are two or three of them that are called this name. Forget it, I will register it for you. Anyway, it is generally not Will come to investigate this kind of thing." Gao Sheng first brows, but immediately said another show does not matter.

Then he grabbed both hands and saw a crystal jade book and a pale silver giant pen in his hand, and quickly wrote something on it.

Although Han Li’s heart was a bit strange, but the face was not exposed, but instead stood in the same place and quietly looked at each other’s actions.

After a while, Gao Sheng’s hands flashed, and the jade book and the giant pen disappeared at the same time. Instead, a purple gold thin jade card was replaced, and a smiling smile was handed over to Han Li.

"Is this?" Han Li did not pick it up immediately, but asked him without a word.

"This is the fairy card of the Taoist friend. Everyone who can be picked up after the registration of the immortal immortal can receive the things. After the friend of the road, with this, he can enter the major fairy cities without any investigation, and also enter some special places. There is no need to pay any fees. Oh, this is just the treatment that you can only get from the immortal, like me, etc. These are not treated like this from the fairyland." Gao Sheng said in an unusually envious tone.

"Oh, why is this?" Han Li finally showed a hint of surprise.

"The immortal world is boundless, and the native immortals are hundreds of millions of people, but there are very few immortals who have risen up from their own strengths. But among the high-ranking immortals in each fairy field, the number of flying immortals and native immortals But it doesn't matter much. What does this mean? The friend should be very clear." Gao Sheng smiled and explained.

"It turned out that I have some understanding. Since the fairyland has this rule, then I will be welcome." Han Li was a bit stunned, nodded, and then raised his hand, he took the purple gold jade card. After the first look, I saw that my whole body image was vividly printed on the top, and I was alive, and I also marked my name and "Flying" and other golden essays.

Han Li’s sleeves shook, and the jade brand suddenly disappeared, and another smile in the mouth asked:

"Listen to the high brother's tone, the fairy world seems quite orderly, but I don't know the top of the friend's mouth is..."

"Han brothers don't have to ask much about this matter. As long as you read what is recorded in this memory stone, you probably know something about it." Gao Sheng didn't say much, he raised his hand and threw a blue spar. , back.

"Thank you thank you." Han Li grabbed the spar and showed a gratitude on his face. He posted it on his forehead and understood the method of use. After a little urging the law, he would God's knowledge is immersed in it.

After a full tea effort, Han Li took a sigh of relief to remove the spar from his forehead and said slowly:

"It turns out that the fairy world is now divided into countless fairy tales, and these fairy tales are supervised by the various celestial palaces. This is somewhat interesting, but supervised and not ruled?"

"Daoyou really is the person who understands. In this case, I will tell Daoyou about the current situation of the fairy world. I don't know if the friend can be interested in listening to one or two!" Gao Sheng heard the words of Han Li, but his face appeared. Asked strangely.

"Also ask Gao Xiu to point one or two." Han Li arched his hand, his face dignified a few points.

"Han Daoyou is not polite. The situation of the fairyland is quite different from that of the fairyland. Although Xianyu is nominally respected by the Immortal Palace, in fact every fairyland has a lot of power that is not under the fairy palace. Even some super strengths can stabilize and stabilize their own Xianxian Xiangong. Only the ancestors need to maintain a certain order in the fairy world, so as to avoid some bad chaos that is not easy to clean up. Of course, these imperial palaces are also a large number of forces in the immortal domain, otherwise they are simply unable to convince the public. These imperial palace leaders are also very interesting, and generally do not anger other than their own The big forces, so the current fairyland is still peaceful. As long as you don't violate certain laws of the immortal world, you can take advantage of it in the fairyland. The Taoist friends are flying ascending immortals, and the situation is slightly different from that of the native immortals. Even though the true fairy has been baptized by thunder and robbery, the real yuan in the body has begun to change, and it can accept the spirit of the spirit, but if it is completely converted, it will take hundreds of years. If it is a friend of the Tao, I will definitely choose a certain force from Xianyuan to attach to it. After the complete transformation of the real yuan in the body is completed, other things will be considered. Otherwise, the Taoist friend is at the beginning of the fairyland, and the daily consumption of Xianlingjing is probably not small. The number." Gao Sheng is no longer polite, and talked about it.

Han Li listened as he showed a thoughtful look.

"Thank you for your guidance, please don't be a man of the Immortal Palace." Han Li smiled and asked suddenly.

"Han Daoyou saw it. It is indeed not the people of the Immortal Palace, but the people of Shiji Temple. The reason why it appears here is that it is only dealing with some errands handed over to the temple by the Palace. But if the Taoist friends are now If you join the temple, Gao is naturally very welcome. The Shiji Temple not only provides all the treatments given by other forces, but I can also be the master, so that the Taoist friends can choose a high-ranking Xianjia practice in the Temple of Heaven. Practice." Gao Sheng also laughed, and there was no concealed return.