MTL - Reign of the Hunters-v6 Chapter 47 Invitation

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Chapter 47—Invitation

Naga is a personal thing.

To be precise, Naga is a core figure in the main line of fate. The things on this character are generally guarded by heavy soldiers, not to mention that this thing is the head of Naga. The leaf word sat in front of the dark temple, and looked at the task introduction in detail. Finally, I closed the task panel, and laid my hands on the stairs in front of the temple with my hands behind my head. I looked at the distant sky and looked dull. Depressed sky. After watching it for a while, she finally sighed. She thought for so long. She still didn't think of the way to accomplish this task alone. It seems that there are many things that cannot be done by one person.

So she got up and walked towards the mercenary union called Yucheng.

Yucheng is the base camp of the dark players. It needs to be entered through a special NPC, because the number of players in the dark is much smaller than that of the mainstream players. Therefore, the current dark players only have one main city. Although there is only one main city like Yucheng, the scale and facilities of this city are not at all simpler than that of the hero city. There are things in the mainstream player city. There are things in the mainstream player city. And the scale is more prosperous and huge.

Although the players in the mother-loving city are not as full-filled as in other fulfillments, they are also considered to be shoulder-to-shoulders. It seems that many players have already invested in the embrace of the dark system and intend to go the same way as the leaves. It’s black. Unfortunately, the level of players in the Dark Department is lower than that of the mainstream players. Until now, no one has reached 100, including leaf words. In the mainstream players, there are already tens of thousands of players with a level of more than one hundred. This disparity is really big, but there is nothing important. The game is fair. It is not because the dark players are temporarily behind, and the mainstream players are maliciously suppressed. Instead, they give the dark players a lot of benefits for them to upgrade. .

Just like a special item called the magic stone. This thing is used in the copy, as long as you enter the copy, the difficulty of the copy is reduced by 30% immediately, but it does not reduce the experience and rewards of the copy. It is really a good thing, but this The price of the game is only limited, and it can only last for five hours. The most boring thing is that this thing is only used by the dark players. If it is not these restrictions, it is estimated that this game can be sold to mainstream players. pen.

Ye Zi’s mercenary union in Yucheng hangs a long-term copy of the 100-member team, targeting the Hero City of the Central Continent, with a rating of more than 100. When this information was hanged, it attracted a lot of dark players. Because there are relatively few players in the Dark Department and there are no big guilds, so there is no big team to make a big copy, but this is not the case. It does not mean that no one does not have this thought, so after this message is sent out, there are quite a few guilds with such thoughts who are beginning to find ways to contact the player who published the message.

Unfortunately, the leaf words actually closed the secret language, so that these guilds touched a nail that is not hard or soft, and can only be kept thinking about it in the future. Anyway, there are still some days when everyone reaches the 100th level.

The PVP contest entered the final stage of the in full swing, but the leaf words suddenly became uninterested. Perhaps this kind of self-imported feeling was forced to be onlookers, but no one could understand it. Therefore, she simply did not want to I will pay attention to this matter again. Even if it is a game of the Lunar Year, she will hardly look at it. I am afraid that the more I look at it, the more uncomfortable I feel in my heart. It’s a pity. The moment of the peak matchup was originally Her location.

Ye Ye also killed a few hundred mainstream players in the wild, and flew to the back of the sixth to go all the way. She just sat on the back of the sixth, let him fly all the way to the sea, while flying, the more uncomfortable in my heart. Some things she can not care about, but some, she really can't let go, especially, these things originally supported her motivation from the previous world to this world, so lost in life, think about the pain in my heart. . When the level dropped to level 1, she felt that it didn't matter. However, the more she reached the duel, the more she felt in her heart. It didn't seem to matter, but she pretended not to matter.

In fact, she really likes the careful eye of the horns.

When is the next PVP contest? It seems that after six years, is it true that her regrets will be delayed until that time? The leaf word licked the corner of his mouth, and he couldn’t tell the truth.

Just when Ye Ye was still unable to participate in the PVP contest, he was awkward with himself. On the back of the sixth child, a figure suddenly appeared. The leaf words were shocked, raised their eyes, and then closed. When I got on my eyes, I didn't want to take care of it. It was a bit uncomfortable for a sudden person to see that he was not welcomed by the original. He knelt down, put out a finger, poked the arm of the leaf, and saw that she did not respond and poked all the way. On her cheek, I heard a bad voice squeeze out of my teeth: "Would you like Jiangnan to fall from this air?"

Wang Jiangnan retracted his fingers and shrugged his shoulders: "It doesn't matter, I am the master planner, you just kick me down for a second and I will still be back here."

The leaf word called an annoyance. She climbed up and squatted and looked at Jiangnan, who was sitting across from her. She said, "If you have something, you can put it in the fart. Why are you looking for me?"

Wang Jiangnan smiled and said: "I found that you are very upset now."

"none of your business."

In the face of the rare words of the leaves, Wang Jiangnan was not angry at all. She still looked at her with a smile. After a while, she came to her ear and said, "Is it dissatisfied?"

The next second, Wang Jiangnan has been smashed the sixth, and has rapidly declined. Wang Jiangnan sighed, hehe, this woman is really a joke. He also called up an interface, slammed his fingers and turned himself back to the back of the sixth, and immediately said loudly before the other party did not respond: "I have something to do!"

I heard that he had the right words and the words that would be difficult for him to take him back again. He glared at him with a cool look: "Say. If you fart, I am not as simple as you."

Wang Jiangnan sighed at the corner of his mouth and opened his mouth. He said: "I invite you to participate in the official activities of the four-year year on behalf of the fate OL, go?"

“The official four-year event?” Ye Ye picked an eyebrow. How did she remember that there was no such activity in the last life? It seems that it is getting different.

"Well, the game has seven years of itching. The game that can go through three years is considered to be longevity. Therefore, we are going to celebrate the fate. By the way, pray that this game will become a thousand monsters." Wang Jiangnan said not too much. Seriously, the look of a smile is not related to the name of the master planner. However, it is easy to see from his face.

"Please me? What is the name?" Ye Xiang thought about it, and finally decided to go and see. "I am not the king of the East China now. It seems that there is no particularly outstanding contribution. So there seems to be no reason for me."

"Ah, let me think about it." Wang Jiangnan heard the leaf words saying that his face showed a hint of interest. He dragged his chin and thought for a while, haha ​​smiled: "The player who kills the most is not Count?"

The leaf words were slightly stunned, and then they laughed and said: "This reason... is really good, although not very nice, but I like it."

"That's it. If it's finalized, I will let the following people send you invitations." Wang Jiangnan said and sat down again: "After finishing the business, let's just gossip."

"What is it?"

"Today seems to be the competition for the first runner-up in the PVP contest. It’s a bit illogical if you don’t look at the character that you like to kill." Wang Jiangnan squinted, and the random face was very Awkward expression.

"What is good-looking, this thing is like a piece of meat in front of you. You can't see it if you can't eat it. It's better not to look at it. It's a panic." It’s even worse if you talk about this leaf word. She sighed and sighed, her eyes drifting away, and she didn't know what to look at.

Wang Jiangnan probably can feel this feeling, but he did not say anything to comfort him. He thought that the current son needs to be comforting. He reached out and patted her on the shoulder: "What is this, the next PVP contest will win the championship."

Ye Zi looked at him and looked very normal. However, it is not a taste for Jiangnan. He woke up and said: "Hey, hello, I am so a big master plan to take care of your little feelings and promise to hold another PVP for you. How do you react? No, you hurt my self-esteem."

For this kind of disorderly hat, Ye Ye’s words are not merciless. She snorted and said: “Wang Jiangnan, don’t think that I don’t know how much you have benefited from this PVP contest, that is, to drive away the prosperity. And grabbed other players, but also made a big profit, so a good thing for three arrows, whoever is the boss will do it again, for me? I am an old man, an ordinary player, you also buckle this hat too big."

Wang Jiangnan was blocked by her and couldn't speak. She could only talk about it: "You are really... don't give face too much." Ye Ci sneered at his evaluation, and Jiangnan seems to have received it at this time. What news, stood up and said to her: "Just say so, tomorrow I will send you an invitation, is the address you changed?"

"Yeah." Ye Zi still looked at the distance, the sexuality was disappointing.

Looking forward to the south of the Yangtze River, I was rushed to pat her shoulders and turned away. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)