MTL - Repairer-Chapter 17 Zhanfeng Chimes (Part 1)

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  Chapter 17 Zhanfeng Chimes (Part 1)

  【Repair value: 8 points】

  【Zhan Fengling, a low-level incomplete magic weapon, can be repaired, needs 5 repair points, do you want to repair it? 】

   "No restoration!" Su Xiaofan first denied the restoration question and answer, and then the handwriting disappeared.

   "It is also an incomplete magic weapon, but it should be better than the bronze mirror, but why are they all incomplete magic weapons?"

  Su Xiaofan turned over the wind chime in his hand and examined it carefully. The brass bell had just a few shallow scratches on the surface, and it looked intact overall. It had nothing to do with incomplete.

   "Could it be that this so-called magic weapon can really bring good fortune and avoid evil?"

  Looking at the red string tied to the bell in his hand, Su Xiaofan picked it up with his right hand, shook it slightly, and there was a pleasant and crisp sound.

   "Well, this sound sounds very comfortable."

I don't know if it's my own psychological effect, but it's different from the bells Su Xiaofan used to hear, the crisp ringing of the Zhanfeng chime seems to have a purifying function, making Su Xiaofan feel his mind is clear, as if his breathing is unobstructed many.

   "Good stuff!" Su Xiaofan praised.

   "Okay Xiaofan, you just haven't seen it before. There are many bell wholesale markets like this."

  Being banned by Jing Shizhen from doing business in utensils, Zheng Dagang's awkwardness hasn't passed yet, and a series of weird words are uttered out.

   "A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory!"

  Jing Shizhen glared at Zheng Dagang, took the bell from Su Xiaofan's hand, carefully put it back on the tray, waved his hand at Zheng Dagang and said: "Okay, I've seen things too, you can get out of here, kid."

   "Then let's go back first, Uncle Jing, if my mother makes a bag of Chaos later, I will send it to you."

  Although he only saw two artifacts, he still saw the real objects. Zheng Dagang felt that he had not lost his word to Su Xiaofan.

   "Don't, if my brother and sister make wontons, you call me and the taste will be wrong."

   Jing Shizhen has eaten a lot of delicacies from all over the world, but he has a special liking for the chaos of the Zheng family. Whenever he comes back to Luochuan, he always wants to have a meal.

   "Brother Gang, Uncle Jing, wait a minute."

   Just as Jing Shizhen picked up the tray and was about to send the two magical artifacts back, Su Xiaofan suddenly spoke.

   "Huh? Xiao Su, what's the matter?" Jing Shizhen stopped and looked at Su Xiaofan.

   "Uncle Jing, I... I want to ask, how much do you sell for this wind chime?"

  Su Xiaofan glanced at the bell and said: "I like this thing very much. My family just bought a house. I want to put it in the new house. It can be regarded as an addition to the house for the family."

   "Xiaofan, magic weapon is just a talk, why do you take it seriously? If you want to buy it, don't buy it here. Uncle Jing's knife is very fast."

  Hearing that Su Xiaofan wanted to buy this bell, Zheng Dagang was taken aback for a moment. He has been in the magical artifact business for several years, and up to now, he doesn’t think this thing really has magical powers.

What's more, the things in Jingxin Hall have always been famous for their high prices. Ordinary antiques are 30% more expensive than those on the market. This bell is also named as a magic weapon. Uncle Jing still doesn't know what kind of It's expensive.

  In desperation, Zheng Dagang also ignored his relationship with Uncle Jing, and opened his mouth to expose Uncle Jing's old background, which made Jing Shizhen's face darken when he heard it.

   "You know what a fart, return my knife quickly?"

It's about Jingxintang's honor, Jing Shizhen can't tolerate Zheng Dagang's nonsense, "Except for Jingxintang, which antique shop dares to pay ten for fakes? Buying things here is just for peace of mind. It's better to buy more expensive than fakes." Bar?"

Jing Shizhen's words are not nonsense. Jingxintang has been in business for decades, and has never sold fakes. There are also some antique shops that want to follow the example of Jingxintang, but they are not strong enough to sell fakes. Lost everything.

   "Brother Gang, Uncle Jing is right, it's not like you haven't seen the pain of those people who bought fakes and took medicine."

  In the antique shop, buying a fake is also called taking medicine. The medicine is naturally bitter, and it also describes the mood after buying a fake.

  Su Xiaofan agrees with Jing Shizhen's words very much. In the past few years in the antique market, Su Xiaofan has met all kinds of people. Not everyone who buys a fake will consider himself unlucky, and more will come to make trouble.

There are reports of fraud and threats of force, but usually those people do not get any compensation or returns, because there will be a receipt when the transaction is made, and the receipt usually says handicrafts in the item column. The market is normally traded, and the police come. There is no way.

   This is also the main reason why Jingxintang has been booming in business since its opening. Things are expensive but genuine. If someone with a little ability wants to buy antiques, Jingxintang will be the first choice.

   "Xiao Su is still sensible, Gangzi, a brat who doesn't speak human language, and doesn't know how you do business in the market."

  Uncle Jing is very satisfied with Su Xiaofan, he naturally likes to listen to good things when he is old.

   "Uncle Jing, how do you sell this bell?" Su Xiaofan asked again.

   "Do you really want it? For the house you just bought?"

  Hearing what Su Xiaofan said, Jing Shizhen became serious and said, "What kind of house did you buy? Is it a villa?"

   "It's not a villa. Xiaofan's family bought a large flat, more than two hundred and seventy square meters, not worse than a villa." Zheng Dagang said from the side.

   "Oh? Xiaosu's family is in good condition."

  Jing Shizhen looked at Su Xiaofan with some surprise, he had heard Zheng Dagang mention a few words before, it seems that Su Xiaofan's father is not around, he lives with his younger sister, and his family background is very ordinary.

   "My dad has made some money over the years, and he bought that house when he came back."

  Su Xiaofan explained, regarding the sudden addition of houses under his name, Su Xiaofan himself still feels that it is not too real.

   "Usually, commercial housing in cities does not need to be geomantic. As long as the houses are not built in some evil places, there is no problem."

Jing Shizhen pondered for a while, and said to herself: "Two hundred and seventy square meters, it is considered a big house. There is a possibility of storing wind and gathering energy, and there is also a possibility of storing wind and leaking air. You can buy a town house and put it at home. It's okay."

   "Uncle Jing, do you still read Fengshui?" Su Xiaofan didn't understand Jing Shizhen's words very well, but it should have something to do with Fengshui.

   "Anyone who works in our business needs to know a little bit."

Jing Shizhen smiled, pointed to the gossip mirror and Zhanfeng chimes on the tray, and said, "Xiao Su, let me tell you this, your house should be fine, you can buy these things or not, sometimes It may not be a good thing to have a feng shui instrument at home."

   "Uncle Jing, I think this thing is destined for me. Please make a price. If I can't afford it, there is nothing I can do."

Su Xiaofan looked at the Zhanfengling on the tray. The reason why he wanted to buy this low-level broken magic weapon was because he wanted to use the repair value to repair it. Let's see what the repaired Zhanfengling is and the so-called broken magic weapon. what is the difference.

In fact, Su Xiaofan has a better object, that is the dragon-shaped jade pendant hanging around his neck, but it needs to spend 50 repair points to repair it, Su Xiaofan can't afford it at all, so he can only pick up a cheaper one first Practice your hands.

   "Actually, when buying a magic weapon for a town house, it's best to choose a defensive one. If you hang it at home, it's not as good as a wind chime than a Bagua mirror."

Jing Shizhen shook her head and said, "However, that old client of mine specified the required defensive magical artifacts. When I come back this time, I will bring these two magical artifacts to trade with others. I don't know now, so Xiao Su, if you want it, I can't sell it to you, or if you come over tomorrow afternoon, this matter will come to an end."

Hearing Jing Shizhen's words, Su Xiaofan and Zheng Da realized just now that these two artifacts were not kept in the safe of Luochuan Bank, but Jing Shizhen specially brought them from other places, which made Su Xiaofan I feel a little bit drummed in my heart, I don't know if I have enough money to buy this wind chime.

Before the accident, Su Xiaofan had 70,000 to 80,000 yuan in his hand, and after the accident, he took 500,000 yuan in compensation. Su Xiaofan.

What's more, my father gave Su Xiaofan a card when he came back. There was an integer of one million in it, and another two hundred thousand for buying furniture. More than seven hundred thousand.

Of course, Su Xiaofan can't control all of the 1.7 million yuan. He has to leave 200,000 yuan to pay the tuition and living expenses for his younger sister's first year of college. Su Xiaofan has 1.5 million yuan to buy that piece Accounting for wind chimes.

   "Uncle Jing, I'm going to take my sister back to the village tomorrow. I guess I won't be able to make it through tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Can I come over the day after tomorrow?"

  Su Xiaofan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. He decided to go back to the village tomorrow, and he also told the village head Grandpa Liu on the phone that there will be a banquet in the village to celebrate his younger sister's admission to Yanjing, so Su Xiaofan and his younger sister must be present.

   "I'm going back to Yanjing the day after tomorrow."

Jing Shizhen frowned, picked up the phone to check the time, and said, "Well, I'll call the client and ask him if he's free now, and if he's free, we'll settle the matter today .”

   "Uncle Jing, you'd better talk about the price first, if I can't afford it, won't this delay your business."

  Su Xiaofan said with a guilty conscience, he didn't know much about the market of the magic weapon market, and felt that he should have enough money, but if it wasn't enough, it would really make him look bad.

   "You are right."

  Jing Shizhen laughed dumbly and said, "Two million for Baguajing, one and two million for Zhan Fengling, how about it, do you have enough funds?"

   "1.2 million?" A brass bell the size of a fist can be sold for 1.2 million? Even though Su Xiaofan had mentally prepared before, he was still taken aback.

   "Uncle Jing, Xiaofan is my brother, don't apply your 30% increase rule to Xiaofan."

  Zheng Dagang yelled from the side: "Xiaofan can be regarded as the client I brought, I don't want those two parts, uncle Jing, you can deduct it from the middle."

   "I think you're turning your elbows outward."

Jing Shizhen was amused by Zheng Dagang's words, and said, "I offer 1.8 million Zhanfengling to the client, if he doesn't want it, I'll give Xiaosu 1.2 million, what else do you want? "

   "Uncle Jing, wait a minute."

  Hearing Jing Shizhen's words, Zheng Dagang took out his mobile phone and clicked it. Seeing that 1.2 million is 30% off of 1.8 million and the charge is 60,000 less, he immediately gave a thumbs up.

   "It's better for you to pay attention, or you can round up a whole number, one million!"

  (end of this chapter)