MTL - Repairer-Chapter 433 Mirror Moon Realm

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  Chapter 433 Mirror Moon Realm

   "The cultivators sent by these two sects to Ziyun Star, the highest cultivation level is no higher than that of an immortal?"

  Looking at the information about Ziyunxing, Su Xiaofan frowned. The fairy cave he tried to crack before was definitely a formation arranged by Venerable Jinxian.

  In this way, the Venerable Golden Immortal should not be a cultivator of Lingmu Sect and Tianhaimen. In this way, it will be more difficult to find that person.

  You must know that, as a transit realm, the control of the two sects on Ziyun Star is actually not very strong, and most of them just provide some services for past cultivators.

  The cultivators who can go to the nebula or explore in dangerous places are at least the cultivators above the immortal king, and most of them are casual cultivators. These people are very likely not to use their true identities.

  So if you want to find the owner of the fairy cave, you will have to spend some trouble.

   "We still have to start with Lingmu Sect and Tianhaimen."

  Su Xiaofan pondered for a while, and then focused on those two sects. At that time, the cultivators of Ziyun Star were all evacuated by these two sects. They should not be injured.

  Compared to Ziyunxing, Lingmu Sect and Tianhai Sect have more information. After a while, Su Xiaofan learned the general information of these two Sects.

  Speaking of which, the relationship between Lingmu Sect and Tianhai Sect is very deep, and the two sects belong to the same planet called Mirror Moon Realm.

  Mirror Moon Realm is a not very high-level realm, and the cultivator with the highest realm is the Venerable Golden Immortal.

  In the Mirror Moon Realm, there are a total of hundreds of sects. The ancestors of Lingmu Sect and Tianhai Gate are both Venerable Gold Immortals, so they can occupy a place in the Mirror Moon Realm.

  Because the ancestors of the two sects were both from casual cultivator backgrounds, the sects were formed only after they became immortals. The names of the sects they gave were also taken from their own dao names, and there was no support from the great sects behind them.

  So they need to find their own cultivation resources, and before they become venerables, they also need to subsidize the cultivation resources of sect disciples.

  Because of resource constraints, both Lingmu and Venerable Tianhai were unable to refine the secret door, that is to say, they could not go to the Great Secret Realm, and could only search for resource materials in the original galaxy.

  The ferocious beast realm near Ziyun star produced an extremely rare fragrant beast.

  The grade of the Fragrant Beast is not very high, at most equivalent to a cultivator at the level of an Earth Immortal, but the meat of the Fragrant Beast is very popular in the original galaxy.

  The meat of the fragrant beast has no effect on the cultivation base, it is mainly a word of fragrant.

  Even if you use the simplest cooking method, put the fragrant animal meat in water, boil it, cut it into a plate, and eat a meal of fragrant animal meat, you can still keep your mouth full of body fluid and aroma within a month.

   But fragrant beasts are extremely rare in the original galaxy, and they are very difficult to catch, so the price of fragrant beast meat is also extremely expensive.

Normally, one catty of fragrant beast meat can be exchanged for one hundred high-grade primordial stones. If one is lucky enough to catch a fragrant beast, one can get twenty or thirty catties of meat, which can be used to get together the primordial stones of the three main materials of the secret door. up.

   This is also the reason why the ferocious beast realm has attracted many golden immortals. More than 80% of the cultivators go to the fragrant beasts.

  Lingmu and Venerable Tianhai, the two are close friends, they have been together since they were not immortals, and they have a good relationship with each other after they established sects.

  After they became venerables, they once went hand in hand to capture a fragrant beast in the Realm of Fierce Beasts. I have to say that the two of them were very lucky and caught a fragrant beast for the first time.

  The harvest of one operation allowed them to obtain resources that they hadn't collected for tens of thousands of years. The two immediately regarded the beast realm as a treasure, and planned to collect the resources needed to refine the secret door here.

  The beast realm is not a good place. Venerable Jinxian enters it and fights with beasts almost every day. It is not uncommon for him to get injured when encountering powerful beasts.

  The Venerable was injured, and without resources, it would take a long time to recover, and he needed a safe and quiet place for retreat to heal his wounds. A Zongmen resident with a large defensive formation is usually the best choice.

  However, the Mirror Moon Realm is far away from Ziyun Star. If you use the galaxy teleportation array, at least a few fairy stones will be lost each time. In the case of frequent injuries, both of them feel inconvenience.

  After discussing with Venerable Tianhai, Lingmu and Venerable Tianhai decided to find a nearby place where they could rest and heal their wounds.

  So the two golden immortals, Lingmu and Tianhai, took a fancy to Ziyunxing.

   Firstly, Ziyun Star is not very far from the dangerous beast, even if there is no teleportation array, the two of them can resist it after flying for half a month.

  Secondly, Ziyun Star is a barbaric planet, only barbarians and wild beasts exist, it can be regarded as an uncivilized and undeveloped life planet.

   Moreover, the most powerful ferocious wild beast on Ziyun Star is only at the level of a fairy, and it is completely non-threatening to Lingmu and Venerable Tianhai.

  So the two submitted an application for the development of Ziyun Star to the original galaxy cultivator alliance.

  According to the laws of the original galaxy, as long as you have reached the cultivation base of the Venerable Golden Immortal, you can apply for the development of a planet in the original realm where no practitioners are stationed.

   However, for the cost of developing the planet, the alliance of cultivators of the original galaxy will not give any subsidies. The alliance of cultivators will at most radiate the cosmic network to the past, and the developer will bear the rest of the costs.

  The two venerables Lingmu and Tianhai also spent a lot of money and built dozens of giant cities on Ziyunxing to separate them from Manghuang Dachuan.

   Then Lingmu Sect and Tianhai Sect recruited a large number of disciples, and spent a lot of fairy stones to send these low-level disciples to Ziyun Star.

  Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the sect disciples who first went to Ziyun star gradually spread out, making Ziyun star a real planet of cultivators.

   It’s not how many thousands of years have passed. This Ziyun star, which is very close to Nebula and the beast realm, is developing better and better, attracting more and more adventurers.

  Where there are people, there will naturally be business. Lingmuzong and Tianhaimen control the commodity transactions on Ziyun Star, and the original investment fee in Ziyun Star has been charged back.

   What the two Venerables Lingmu and Tianhai can see clearly, other golden immortals or immortal monks can naturally see. Ziyun Star is indeed a place suitable for rest and recovery.

   It was just that Lingmu Sect and Tianhai Sect took the lead, and other sects could not intervene.

  Although Lingmu and Venerable Tianhai failed to cross the Golden Immortal Tribulation thousands of years ago, they had already died in the original galaxy.

  However, in the sect created by the two of them, there will be golden immortals in every generation. With golden immortals, they are qualified to develop Ziyun star, but they have always firmly controlled Ziyun star.

  However, the upper limit of these two sects is too low, and those golden immortals who come and go to Ziyun star are very disapproving of the fact that Ziyun star is controlled by the sect.

  Many celestial lords and even Venerable Golden Immortals, after going to Purple Cloud Star, directly arranged formations and built caves in the vast wild river, and regarded it as a place for their own rest and recovery.

  Lingmu Sect and Tianhaimen together only have two or three Venerable Golden Immortals. They don't want or intend to provoke those practitioners of the same level, so they keep turning a blind eye to those practitioners in the wild and wild river.

  The cave where Jing Shizhen, Su Weixuan and others were sent out should be the cave left by a Venerable Golden Immortal. Only Su Xiaofan could decipher the formation outside the cave.

  However, after the accident occurred in the nebula near Ziyun star, not only Tianhaizong and Lingmuzong evacuated all the disciples on the planet, but also those high-level cultivators who had privately hidden caves in Ziyun star also all evacuated.

   This is also the reason why after merging with the earth, only some barbarians and savage beasts remained on Ziyun Star. As early as ten years before the nebula swept Ziyun Star, all the cultivators on it were evacuated.

  So now Su Xiaofan wants to find the owner of the Golden Immortal Cave. Through him, he knows the place where the teleportation array of his cave is sent out. Su Xiaofan feels that he still has to pass through the two sects before Ziyunxing.

  In any case, the Venerable Golden Immortals of those two sects often cultivated in Ziyunxing, and they should know more or less what kind of neighbors they have around them.

   "For this matter, we still have to go to the Mirror Moon Realm."

  After Su Xiaofan checked the information, he had a general direction in his mind.

  Go to the Mirror Moon Realm first, find the Venerable Golden Immortal of Tianhai Gate or Lingmu Sect, and ask who actually owns the Golden Immortal Cave.

   Only after finding out about that golden fairy, can Su Xiaofan approach him, because only the other party knows where his teleportation array has sent him to.

   "Grandma, the map of galaxies bought with so much repair value in the past can no longer be used in the original galaxies."

  Su Xiaofan slandered, whether it is the galaxy map bought from the system, or the bright starry sky map shown in the secret door, there is no mark of the specific boundary of the original galaxy.

   "System, can you find the Mirror Moon Realm?"

  Su Xiaofan pinned his idea on the system tool spirit, which has been invading the cosmic network of the original galaxy, and I don't know if it succeeded.

   "I can't find it. You need to pay for this frankly, and the opponent's spirit has strong protection."

  Although the system's reply was still a mechanical sound, Su Xiaofan actually heard a hint of panic from it. It seems that the original galaxy universe network's weapon spirit level is not lower than the system weapon spirit.

   "Then buy it."

  Su Xiaofan's spiritual sense returned to the cosmic network, and as his spiritual sense changed, a light curtain somewhat similar to the System Everything Mall appeared in front of Su Xiaofan.

   "Search for the star map of the original galaxy!" Su Xiaofan gave the order.

   "The strongest star map in the original galaxy, the most complete star map in the original galaxy, with one map in hand, you can travel all over the galaxy..."

  Following Su Xiaofan's order, countless pieces of information were refreshed on the light curtain. There are actually quite a few people selling star maps on the universe website in the original galaxy, and the advertisements are also outrageous.

  Su Xiaofan mentally moved, and kept the merchants with the best credit scores, and ranked ten from high to low.

   "Fuck, it's just a star map of a galaxy, and it's so expensive?"

  When Su Xiaofan saw the price of the first starry sky map, he immediately cursed in his heart, this thing is actually purchased with top-grade primordial stones, and the price is astonishingly expensive.

  The starry sky map of the original galaxy with the highest reputation directly marked the price of 80,000 top-grade primordial stones.

  Su Xiaofan went in and took a look, and the other party promised that the star boundary in the star map should not be less than 280 million.

  As for the remaining 20 million, they are all remote and barren planetary boundaries, so they are not included in the star map.

   Ranked second in the starry sky map, the merchant promised only 250 million starry sky domains, and the price was 30,000 lower than the first-grade primordial stone.

  The lower the ranking, the lower the price, and the fewer planets counted by the star map.

   The cheapest starry sky map can be bought for 5,000 top-grade primeval stones, but the other party only promises 80 million boundary coordinates, which is a full 200 million less than the first starry sky map.

   "It's just a map, it's so expensive."

  Su Xiaofan felt that he was at a disadvantage. Back then, he spent 5 million repair points to purchase the galaxy map of the universe and ten thousand worlds from the system, but the effect was extremely limited.

  Of course, that also has something to do with Su Xiaofan not having a secret door at that time, and unable to teleport over a long distance. He was able to directly go to the original galaxy, but he was actually locked through that galaxy map.

   "Host, you won't suffer from buying a map."

  The voice of the system tool spirit sounded, "There are many forbidden and dangerous places in the universe in the galaxy map, and there are detailed introductions, but you haven't paid attention to it..."

  Qi Ling scoffed at Su Xiaofan's idea, because no matter in which galaxy, or even in a small planet boundary, maps are the most precious resources.

  It’s like the map of galaxies in the universe. Even if the original galaxies and those galaxies of technological civilizations are not mastered, Su Xiaofan only spent 5 million repair points to buy it, which is actually a huge bargain.

   Among other things, if Su Xiaofan is willing to sell the map of galaxies in the universe, even if 10 million top-quality primeval stones are sold, there will probably be sects fighting for it.

   "Forget it, just buy a star map of the original galaxy."

  Since he decided to buy it, Su Xiaofan naturally wanted to buy the best one, so he carefully looked at the way to buy the starry sky map.

  The star map is cash on delivery, as long as Su Xiaofan clicks to buy it with his divine sense, will lock Su Xiaofan's location, and then the other party will deliver it through the most famous wormhole express in the original galaxy.

   And Su Xiaofan needs to prepare 80,000 pieces of top-grade primordial stones in advance, and pay them through the other party's wormhole express. After the cosmic network side verifies that they are correct, Su Xiaofan can unlock the seal of the starry sky map, and the transaction between the two parties is considered completed.

   "Wormhole express, interesting!"

  Su Xiaofan took out 80,000 top-grade primordial stones, put them into a storage ring, and after clicking the words to buy, he quietly waited for the arrival of the goods.

  In just five or six minutes, Su Xiaofan suddenly felt a fluctuation in the space more than one meter away around him, and then a small black hole-like wormhole appeared in front of Su Xiaofan.

  After the wormhole appeared, a jade slip floated out of it, and at the same time a voice sounded, "Please put the primordial stone into the wormhole!"

  Su Xiaofan didn't hesitate, and directly threw the 80,000 top-grade primordial stones into it, and the wormhole disappeared.

  The speed of reviewing Yuanshi by the other party is obviously extremely fast. When Su Xiaofan put his consciousness on the universe network, the page already showed that the transaction was completed, and Su Xiaofan was asked to hit 666 and add 10086 likes.

  With a wave of his hand, Su Xiaofan took the jade slip in his hand, and then his spiritual sense probed in.

  A piece of cosmic starry sky appeared in Su Xiaofan's sea of ​​consciousness. The vast, boundless and inexhaustible planets were densely packed with light spots.

  If this is the first time to see such a starry sky map, Su Xiaofan will definitely feel a little caught off guard, but the galaxy map is far more complicated than this starry sky map, and Su Xiaofan is considered experienced.

   "Huh? What's going on, was absorbed by the secret door?"

   Just when Su Xiaofan wanted to check the Mirror-Moon Realm, he suddenly discovered that the star map in the Sea of ​​Consciousness disappeared suddenly.

In his body, the whereabouts of the starry sky map was naturally clear to Su Xiaofan. He found that the starry sky map he bought for 80,000 top-grade primeval stones actually appeared on a light curtain in the secret door space, and quickly blended in.

  A moment later, Su Xiaofan discovered that the light curtain representing the starry sky of the universe actually showed the starry sky map of the original galaxy.

There are more than 280 million star boundaries, and the effect presented is a pinpoint-sized light spot, but different from before, as long as you touch these light spots, you can see the color of the star boundary represented by the light spot. name.

   Not only that, after the names of these planetary realms, there is a relatively detailed introduction to this realm.

   "Not bad, it's a comparative value."

  Su Xiaofan took his own position as the center, checked some surrounding realms, and the situation of those realms immediately appeared in Su Xiaofan's mind intuitively.

   "Searching for the Mirror Moon Realm..."

  Su Xiaofan has a feeling that with the star map of the secret door, it seems that he can directly search for the star boundary.

  Following the guidance of Su Xiaofan's spiritual thoughts, a Mirror-Moon Realm, separated from the Yuqiong Realm by countless light spots, suddenly appeared in the screen wall light curtain.

   "Mirror Moon Realm, the realm of middle-rank low-level cultivators, no great cultivators, no Da Luo Jinxian, special products..."

  When Su Xiaofan focused on the light spots of the Mirror Moon Realm, information about the Mirror Moon Realm immediately appeared in Su Xiaofan's mind.

  In the introduction to the Mirror Moon Realm, Su Xiaofan saw the information about Tianhaimen and Lingmu Sect. These two sects are still in the Mirror Moon Realm.

  In fact, Su Xiaofan was thinking too much. The disappearance of Ziyun Star is actually a kind of reinforcement for Tianhaimen and Lingmuzong.

  The number of disciples of the two sects who have bred for countless years on a low-grade low-level planet like Ziyun Star has reached hundreds of millions.

  Although most of the cultivators returning to the Mirror Moon Realm are low-level disciples, it is undeniable that they are the foundation for the development and growth of a sect.

  From a realm relatively lacking in spiritual energy to a realm rich in spiritual energy, in the past hundred years, the disciples brought back by the two sects have shined brilliantly and injected a lot of fresh blood into the sect.

   "I am a hard worker."

  Su Xiaofan sighed, connected to the network of the hotel he was staying in through the universe network, and went through the check-out procedure directly.

   "Fortunately, there is a secret door. Otherwise, to go to the Mirror Moon Realm from here, it would take two teleportations, and it would take half a day in between."

  Su Xiaofan did not follow the guidance of the universe network to the teleportation hall, but directly opened the secret door in his mind.

  When the coordinates of the secret door locked the mirror-moon realm, Su Xiaofan's figure suddenly disappeared into the room,

  (end of this chapter)