MTL - Repairer-Chapter 432 Purple Cloud Star

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  Chapter 432 Purple Cloud Star

   "Open Cosmic Web..."

  Su Xiaofan's divine sense touched the ring on his hand, and immediately a huge light curtain appeared in front of Su Xiaofan.

  This light curtain is like a wall, erected in front of Su Xiaofan, with images and text on it, it doesn't seem to be much different from the technology of the Milky Way.

  However, this light curtain image can be controlled with spiritual thoughts. You can query the information you need on it without even moving a finger.

  The light curtain that appears now is a bit like the webpage Su Xiaofan has seen before, and there are many subdivided contents in it.

   "The way to simplicity? The cultivator's civilization has reached its limit, but it has become simpler?"

  Looking at the light curtain in front of him, Su Xiaofan showed a smile on his face. This kind of website is a bit like the 22nd Century Earth, and he can operate it without even being familiar with it.

   "Damn it, is there any current news?"

  When Su Xiaofan saw a line of text on the light curtain, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. With a movement of his divine sense, the image on the light curtain suddenly changed, and messages emerged one after another.

  A disciple of a certain sect was promoted to a cultivator of the Immortal Monarch, a certain sect failed to explore the great secret realm, the high-level sect suffered heavy casualties, a certain rogue cultivator killed a disciple of the sect, and was wanted by the entire galaxy...

  Looking at the messages on the light curtain, Su Xiaofan felt as if he was surfing the Internet back then.

   That is, there is no mobile phone. If the original galaxy has a mobile phone, Su Xiaofan feels that life is almost the same as living on the earth.

  But the ring connected to the cosmic network is actually equivalent to an optical brain, and its function is much more powerful than that of a mobile phone.

  If Su Xiaofan doesn't want the light curtain to appear when he is outside, the cosmic web can also directly appear in Su Xiaofan's sea of ​​consciousness, which is also convenient to operate.

  In fact, the ring connected to the cosmic net is the most common magic weapon. High-level ones can be directly refined into the body without showing it outside at all.

   "This proto-galaxy is really lively."

   After browsing the current affairs news for a while, Su Xiaofan also opened his eyes and learned more about the original galaxy.

  The life planets in the original galaxy have been developed, a total of more than 300 million planets, and these more than 300 million planets are all planets of cultivators, also known as the realm of cultivators, and the realm of Yuqiong is just one of them.

  In addition to these more than 300 million cultivators that have been incorporated into the cosmic network, there are still some realms in the original galaxy that even powerful cultivators dare not set foot in.

  These realms are where the star beasts live. The unique aura of the original galaxy not only attracts human cultivators to practice and survive here, but also attracts some powerful star beasts.

  These star beasts occupy about one-third of the entire original galaxy. They basically don't leave their own star field, but they don't allow the practitioners of the original galaxy to enter their territory.

   Fortunately, there are no top-level star beasts living in the original galaxy. Otherwise, if there is a star beast with a size comparable to the galaxy, the original galaxy will no longer exist.

  In addition to the realm of cultivators and the realm of star beasts, in the original galaxy, there are also some dangerous and forbidden places naturally formed by the universe.

  Most of these dangerous places appear on the edge of the original galaxy, and the degree of danger varies from high to low.

  In dangerous places and forbidden places with relatively low danger, you can usually enter and explore with a true immortal cultivation base. As long as you are careful enough, there are very few cultivators in such dangerous places.

  However, dangerous places and forbidden places with a relatively high degree of danger are not accessible to cultivators below the immortal king, because there are two dangerous places where powerful cultivators once fell.

  Risk and opportunity usually coexist. The more dangerous, the more precious the rare treasures in the dangerous land. In the Great Forbidden Land, there are even rare treasures in the Great Secret Realm.

   Therefore, many Venerable Golden Immortals who have no secret door and cannot go to the Great Secret Realm often explore in the dangerous or forbidden places of the original galaxy.

   Zongmen cultivators are okay, as long as they pay a certain price, they can borrow the secret door of the elders of the sect to go to the big secret realm, or do tasks or search for materials, and then refine the secret door by themselves.

  However, the Venerable Golden Immortals among the casual cultivators often do not have such channels. Therefore, in the Great Forbidden Land, the most common ones are casual cultivators. Without the help of the sect, they are really exchanging their lives for resources.

   "What a huge base of cultivators..."

  Su Xiaofan browsed the universe net for a whole day, and only then did he roughly understand the original galaxy.

   Among other things, the huge number of cultivators alone shocked Su Xiaofan. He never thought that the entire galaxy is full of cultivators.

  That’s right, in the original galaxy, there are basically no mortals. People who live in the original galaxy can practice.

  Cultivators have a long lifespan. Even those in the Qi training period have a lifespan of one or two hundred years, and it can reach more than a thousand years in the Nascent Soul stage. This also makes the original galaxy a galaxy with a population explosion.

  There are more than 300 million living planets, making the number of practitioners in the original galaxy countless. According to the statistics of the number of people who log in to the universe network, it is at least more than a trillion trillion.

   Among the trillions of cultivators, there are eight famous powerful cultivators at the earliest stage, which are called the original galaxy is the ancestor of the great power, and the ancestor of Qingyang Sect is the ancestor of Qingyang Sect.

In addition to these eight ancestors, there are about 20 or 30 powerful cultivators in the original galaxy, all of whom are ancestors who created a powerful force, but their prestige and prestige are weaker than those of the eight ancestors. .

  In addition to these super powers on the bright side, there should be more than a dozen unknown power cultivators in the original galaxy. Although these powers are not well-known, their cultivation base is not weak.

  Back then, there was a star field that was attacked by star beasts. At a critical moment, a lone cultivator who lived in seclusion in that field took action and protected that star field, which became known to the world.

  One such powerful cultivator will emerge in tens of thousands of years, so according to the official statistics of, the number of powerful cultivators in the entire original galaxy should be around fifty.

  However, powerful cultivators seldom appear in the original galaxy. Most of their true deities are hidden in the sect, and then they are cloned in the great secret realm or chaotic space.

  As for the number of Da Luo Jinxians, there are more in the original galaxy. There are two to three hundred famous Da Luo Jinxians. As for those relatively low-key ones, there must be at least more than one hundred.

   Da Luo Jinxian is similar to a powerful cultivator, and usually does not appear in the galaxy.

  The reason why there is a Da Luo Jinxian in the Yuqiong Realm is because the nebula here is adjacent to the technological civilization, and a Da Luo Jinxian needs to sit here.

  As for Venerable Golden Immortals, there are many in the original galaxy, and the number is not indicated on the universe website, but according to Su Xiaofan's guess, there must be at least hundreds of thousands.

   Don't think that the number of hundreds of thousands is very big. Compared with 300 million planets of cultivators, hundreds of thousands are inconspicuous at all. Counting 10,000 planets, there may not be a golden immortal venerable.

   "There are hundreds of thousands of Venerable Golden Immortals in the original galaxy alone, but what about the entire universe?"

  Su Xiaofan's expression was a little dull, not because he was intimidated by the huge number of cultivators, but because Su Xiaofan had never imagined that there would be so many high-level cultivators in the universe.

  Even if the aura of high-level galaxies is far inferior to that of original galaxies, the number of cultivators appearing in those billions of galaxies is estimated to be astonishing.

   "The Guanghan Immortal Monarch is just an Immortal Monarch cultivator, where did he get such a big tone back then?"

  Su Xiaofan curled his lips, he thought of the Immortal Guanghan on the moon, Su Xiaofan was really bluffed by him back then.

  According to Guanghan Xianjun, during the heyday of the mother planet of the earth, there were Da Neng and Daluo Jinxian, and then there were twelve immortal monks, who could run across the universe.

  But in the original galaxy, even if there are powerful cultivators, it is far from being a rampage. After all, the strength and cultivation of the eight ancestors are far superior to ordinary powerful cultivators.

  As for Xianjun, let alone the original galaxy, there are even many Jinyang galaxies, and that is just a middle-level realm.

It can be said that Xianjun cultivators belong to the kind of very embarrassing existence in the universe. They cannot explore the great secret realm, nor can they do the sect missions of the great secret realm. At best, they can only move around dangerous places in the universe .

  In this way, the cultivators of immortal monarchs are the most active in the universe, and the frequency of cultivators of immortal monarchs is also the highest in nebula or dangerous places.

   "I don't know what enemy the earth offended back then? Even Da Neng can't handle it..."

  Thinking of the earth hidden in the Milky Way, Su Xiaofan is also full of helplessness. It stands to reason that there are powerful cultivators, even in the original galaxy, they can become the overlord.

  Su Xiaofan also doesn't know how the cultivator of the home planet back then hid it in a galaxy of technological civilization, and has not dared to reveal his whereabouts until now.

   "Search Ziyun Star!"

   Sighed for a while, Su Xiaofan's divine sense issued an order, he did not come to the original galaxy to travel, but to find his father and the others.

   Following Su Xiaofan's order, many messages appeared on the light curtain in front of him, all about Ziyunxing.

   "Fortunately, even though it is the wilderness realm, it is still connected to the cosmic network."

  Seeing those news, Su Xiaofan breathed a sigh of relief. He has stayed on the fused Earth for many years, so he naturally knows what kind of realm Purple Cloud Star is.

   "It's almost the same as I guessed before, Ziyun Star is indeed a transit planet..."

  Su Xiaofan was not in a hurry to read the news about Ziyunxing’s disappearance, but first opened some introductions about Ziyunxing.

  Ziyun star is a star on the edge of the original galaxy, and the Yuqiong realm where Su Xiaofan is currently is exactly the opposite polar orientation.

  Compared with the Yuqiong Realm, Ziyun Star is much behind, because there is no technological civilization beyond the nebula there, and it is impossible to enjoy the dividends of doing business like the Yuqiong Realm.

  Because Ziyun Star is too far away from the central boundary of the original galaxy, although the cosmic network radiates there, some related technologies that are more popular in the original galaxy have not been transmitted there.

  If the original galaxy is equal to the twelfth-level technological civilization, then Ziyun Star is the wild place in this 12-level technological civilization. Even at the beginning, no sect was willing to develop Ziyun Star.

Later, near the Purple Cloud Star, a ferocious beast realm was discovered. The ferocious beasts in that realm are as powerful as the Daluo Jinxian, and they are covered with treasures, which are very attractive to practitioners below the Jinxian. .

  With resources, cultivators will naturally be attracted, and the appearance of the beast realm has brought some immortals and even Venerable Golden Immortals to gather in the star field where Ziyun star is located.

  Since then, only one or two sects have appeared on Ziyun Star, and a teleportation array has been built on Ziyun Star, which is used as a transit point for cultivators to explore here.

  But the aura of Ziyun Star itself is not particularly abundant. In the entire original galaxy, it only belongs to the lower realm, so the sects settled there have not been developed, and the merged Ziyun Star will show that barbaric appearance.

  More than a hundred years ago, in the star field near the Ziyun star, a major event that was once on the news of happened.

   That is the nebula that is only tens of light-years away from Ziyun star. Suddenly, something happened, and it covered the past in the direction of Ziyun star.

  Cultivators below Xianjun cannot survive in the nebula, and the nebula is full of dangers. Even powerful cultivators have records of falling in the nebula.

   Most of the permanent residents on Ziyun Star are low-level cultivators, and there are not many immortals, so they will definitely not be spared in the nebula.

  So before the Ziyun star was surrounded by the nebula, the two sects on the Ziyun star began to migrate all the cultivators on the planet.

  Some high-level cultivators who live in seclusion in Ziyun star and who can enter the starry sky are unwilling to enter the nebula easily without knowing the situation, so they also fled Ziyun star one after another.

  Only some barbarians living in the wild and wild rivers, and those beasts who could not enter the starry universe to survive, were swallowed by the extended nebula.

   Nebula riots are not common in the original galaxy, so when the Ziyun star was swallowed by the nebula, the original galaxy even dispatched a powerful cultivator to check the situation.

  But what the great cultivator didn't expect was that Ziyun star disappeared after being surrounded by the nebula, and the nebula also quickly withdrew.

   Except for one missing planet, nothing happened in that star field. Even if the powerful cultivator followed the nebula and checked it, he couldn't draw any conclusions.

  Because of this incident, Ziyunxing had a very rare access to the cosmic network. Otherwise, a wild and abandoned planet like Ziyunxing would have no chance to leave a message on the cosmic network at all.

   It’s just a star that has disappeared. In the vast and boundless galaxy of the original galaxy, stars are born and die almost every moment.

  So this incident only attracted the attention of some cultivators who had explored near Ziyun Star, like a wave splashing in the sea, and it did not attract the attention of mainstream cultivators in the original galaxy at all.

   "Lingmu Sect, Tianhaimen!"

  Looking at the names of these two sects, Su Xiaofan immediately began to search. These two sects occupied Ziyun Star back then.

  However, these two sects are not the native sects of Ziyun Star, but the Ziyun Star that settled in tens of thousands of years ago, and thus the cultivator civilization was popularized on Ziyun Star.

   I will write another chapter later to make up the million words



  (end of this chapter)