MTL - Resurrection of Reiki: I Will Win Every Bet-Chapter 13

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Except for Yang Fan and Hu Xinyan, the other two were exhausted.

Especially Ding Jie, who is only a beginner, and guerrilla warfare consumes a lot of energy.

But the teachers don't give rest time.

The semi-finals are very simple, two-two battles, and everyone fights once.

The team with all victories is ranked first, the team with only one loss is ranked second, and the team with all three losses is ranked fourth.

Yang Fan laughed in the first round, he played against Ding Jie.

"You buy time to recover well, and when you meet Hu Xinyan, you just admit defeat and go all out to fight that middle-ranker."

Ding Jie nodded: "I know! I'm not stupid."

Not only is he not stupid, but the mid-level player is not stupid either, he immediately concedes defeat as soon as he enters the field.

Obviously the same idea as Ding Jie.

But these are all within reason, we have come here, who doesn't want Amethyst honey?

In the second round, Yang Fan vs. the dragon, and Ding Jie vs. Hu Xinyan, it was still two battles of conceding defeat.

Here comes the main course...

In the third round, Yang Fan played against Hu Xinyan, and Ding Jie played against the dragon.

Seeing the beautiful woman in front of him, Yang Fan was full of thoughts.

Bazhong has a lot of crushes on her.

Even Long Jiang and Wu Yang were included.

But Yang Fan has no feelings for her...

Hu Xinyan also looked at the boy in front of her curiously.

This is the only obstacle on her way to winning the championship.

This is also the only time she needs to show her strength to fight.

The opponents she met along the way were all much weaker than her.

She won easily without even drawing her sword.

"My name is Hu Xinyan! Please give me more advice..."

A crisp voice like a yellow warbler spit out from the mouth of the beauty.

Yang Fan was taken aback when he heard that!

He smiled and replied: "There should be no one in No. 8 High School who doesn't know you. My name is Yang Fan..."

Hu Xinyan said seriously: "Please use all your strength later, you will suffer a lot if you underestimate me."

Yang Fan was speechless: "I didn't underestimate you!"

Hu Xinyan nodded and stopped talking.

She is stronger and has a temperament of not admitting defeat.

Although he is as famous as Long Jiang and Wu Yang, he feels that he is much better than them.

He didn't want Yang Fan to treat her as the same level as the two of them.

So speak up...

"Come on, Hu Xinyan, defeat Yang Fan!"

"Goddess! Conquer him with your beauty..."

"Your appearance kills everything, Yang Fan, you will accept the trial!"

"Yang Fan, if you hurt the goddess, you will be an enemy of the whole school, so think carefully!"

"Come on, Yang Fan! Don't let the water go..."

"The real strong don't need women, they will only affect the speed at which you draw your sword..."

"He doesn't seem to use a knife!"

"That will also affect the speed at which he draws his legs..."

The melon-eating crowd instantly divided into two factions, the men cheered for Hu Xinyan, and the women cheered for Yang Fan.

Teacher Chen looked at Lao Liang and said with a smile: "It seems that our Xinyan has met a strong enemy this time, and we need classmate Yang Fan to be merciful."

Lao Liang replied with a smile: "Where, where, I know this girl Hu Xinyan. She is only one step away from Baiyin, and she may break through at any time. She is the student who is most likely to be admitted to the three colleges in this year's No. 8 Middle School."

"Congratulations! I only hope that she can make a breakthrough in one fell swoop when she gets Amethyst Honey this time. Winning or losing the competition is not so important."

Teacher Liang also nodded: "I see the same thing. With Yang Fan's talent, I am satisfied. Winning or losing really doesn't matter."

Listen to these two guys complimenting each other's students here.

Teacher Wang rolled his eyes aside.

Said I was in a bad mood and didn't want to interrupt...

Shout directly: "The competition begins!"

Hu Xinyan drew out her sword and pointed at Yang Fandao.

"Student Yang Fan, be careful!"

Yang Fan didn't reply, and directly used Fengshen legs to rush towards the opponent.

I saw Hu Xinyan also rushing forward quickly, both of them were very fast.

This is Yang Fan's first encounter with a speed opponent.

When the two met in the field, they saw Hu Xinyan swinging her long sword, and the dazzling sword light covered the sword body.

Like a gorgeous silver dragon, it stabs towards Yang Fan.

This sword glow was obviously not weak, so he quickly used "Chasing Wind and Shadow" to dodge.

Hu Xinyan made an inch of it, flew up and raised her arms, and used a sword technique to stab him in the abdomen.

It's too late, but it's fast.

Yang Fan's legs burst into brilliant light, and he jumped backwards like a dragon, barely avoiding it.


Almost got stabbed...

After landing, quickly launch a counterattack, and directly use "storm and wind" to fight the opponent quickly.

Hu Xinyan moved her hands and feet, showing an elegant and refined attitude, and a smile appeared on her beautiful face.

Facing the leg shadow kicked by Yang Fan, he handled it with ease, and found the right opportunity to swing his sword at Yang Fan's right leg.

one hit...

Fortunately, there was spiritual protection, but it was painful from the shock.

Yang Fan frowned, this trick was actually seen through by her...

It seems that she has been observing her legwork and has a way to deal with it.

But sorry, I don't only use my legs...

Chapter 16 Intramural Challenge Championship

Due to the low cultivation base, many kicks cannot be used.

Since the current legwork can't help the opponent, how about adding fists and palms?

Yang Fan took a big step forward, soared into the air, and turned around in the air.

Use Fengshen's legs as a light kung fu technique, dodge to the opponent's vicinity, and attack with legs.

Hu Xinyan looked at the shadow of her leg, raised her sword and slashed...

Yang Fan turned sideways and changed his move instantly.

The right hand is turned into a palm, and the first form of "flowing water and clouds" is shot from top to bottom.

Hu Xinyan reacted promptly, and also raised her left hand, which was not holding a sword, to meet him.

The two palms face each other, and I feel that the opponent's palm is strange, round and continuous, as smooth and unimpeded as water.

His spiritual power was instantly dissipated.

Hu Xinyan was startled when she saw the opponent's second palm came quickly.

I was so scared that I hurriedly backed away, not daring to pick it up again.

His eyes widened, his mouth opened slightly, and he stared at Yang Fan who was chasing him with disbelief.

I didn't expect him to have such a strong palm technique, I always thought he could only use his feet.

Hidden a bit deep!

Yang Fan's this is not an ordinary cloud-dispelling palm, it is a palm technique that uses Fengshen's legs as body technique, and then uses both hands and feet.

It must be much stronger than a single cloud paving palm.

He didn't give the opponent a chance to breathe, and was using Fengshen legs to pursue.

The eyes of the three teachers were also full of splendor.

Teacher Wang looked at Lao Liang reluctantly sending EUR! Group, stay! Stay 9: 8#0>2!0;58/56 couldn't help asking.

"Can he still master magic?"

Teacher Liang also shook his head in surprise.

"Don't look at me, I don't know either."

Teacher Wang complained: "Ma De, what a freak, the power of this palm is actually stronger than that of the leg, and now I know that he used his hands..."

Teacher Liang grinned at the corners of his mouth and couldn't close it at all.

"There is still such a big surprise! We must cultivate it well."

Teacher Chen is worried about his students...

That palm technique can disperse Hu Xinyan's spiritual power with one blow, one can imagine its power.

Yang Fan also didn't expect that Cloud Pai palm combined with Fengshen legs is so powerful.

After catching up with the opponent, seeing Hu Xinyan as if he was facing a formidable enemy, he raised his hand and directly used the second form of Paiyunzhang "Piyunyundaiyue".

This palm technique can change body shape very quickly, attacking the enemy unawares.

Coupled with the agility of Fengshen's legs, he easily avoided the long sword and hit Hu Xinyan with a palm.

He made him retreat a few steps, couldn't stand firmly and fell to the ground, suffering some injuries.

Yang Fan stepped forward to prepare a move to determine the outcome.

Hu Xinyan, who was sitting on the ground, was in disbelief when she saw this.

Are you still a little gentlemanly, you beat me to the ground, can't you wait for me to get up and shoot?

I can't catch this weird palm technique at all, and I can't avoid it, what should I do?

It's outrageous that such a big change in combat power is obviously just an extra set of palms.

At this time, Yang Fan was already in front of him, and he slapped out with a palm.

The fourth form of Paiyunzhang "Mountains and Seas".

The spiritual power of the right palm exploded, hitting the opponent with overwhelming momentum.

She knew she couldn't stop it, but she was not willing to admit defeat like this.

Hu Xinyan mobilized her spiritual power in her palm to meet Yang Fan's attack.

Since she was rushing to meet the attack, Yang Fan's strong palm force directly knocked away the spiritual power in her hand in an instant.

Hu Xinyan was also sent flying upside down by the attacking energy and fell to the ground.

Yang Fan looked at Hu Xinyan who fell to the ground, and then at his own hands.