MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 171

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The wooden door behind him slowly pushed open.

Out of the corner of Gao Xiaobai's eyes, he saw a pair of feet, which stopped beside his face.

Look up--

The visitor crouched down and smiled at Gao Xiaobai's gaze.

When he saw this man's face, Gao Xiaobai was confused.

They seem to be...

Don't know? But why did this man look at him with the look of an old friend. After the man appeared, the ghost general stood by and did not move.

This made Gao Xiaobai have some guesses and fears about the man's identity.

The man finally spoke up.

"Your shrine, you are really brave..."

Gao Xiaobai was startled, opened his mouth to say something, but was coughed violently by a mouthful of blood. The pressure from the long knife just now actually caused his internal organs to be damaged! This man...

Do you know that he is a person from the Oni Shrine?

Who is he? !

The man smiled slightly, looking extra gentle.

"How dare you come out to do bad things when I just returned to Ancheng?"

"Isn't it good to be a tortoise?"

The man's two sentences are very short.

But the amount of information contained in it is large enough.

Just returned to Ancheng......

Gao Xiaobai's eyes widened in astonishment..

The man's face gradually matched the legendary name.


He is Yun Zhongjun!

He actually just returned to Ancheng!

However, they still have a Yun Zhongjun who is still in Youdu, and they slaughtered in Ancheng tonight.

Gao Xiaobai anxiously wanted to say something.

His eyes were full of fear and eagerness.

After Yun Zhongjun finished speaking, he stood up.

Ye Hao casually explained the ghost general.

"Hurry up and fix it."

Ghost General: "Yes... Master, this little girl..."

Ye Hao: "That's Pharaoh's business, don't worry about it."

Ghost General: "Yes."

After a brief conversation, Ye Hao slowly left.

On the ground, Gao Xiaobai kept following Ye Hao's footsteps, and there was a word on his lips that he couldn't say. The ruthless blade of the ghost general fell.


Gao Xiaobai heard the sound of blood being separated.

He is still muttering...


Really misunderstood...

This night, the encounter of every mutant alien is similar to Gao Xiaobai.

Or when he was about to do something with the first person, he was suddenly wrapped in blood vessels.

Or when you want to play with the net red beauties first, you are suddenly isolated into a space full of mirrors.

Or even before he reacted to anything, 1.2 was stabbed in the opposite direction by a long knife coming from the air.

Mutants quickly emerged in the city and were quickly pushed back.

Although there were casualties, 80% of the deaths were filled by mutants. One after another, the mutated inhuman corpses were transported back to the office.

Pharaoh looked at these strangely shaped corpses with a proud sneer.


Wanting to fight him, Fenggui Shrine was still a little stunned.

Haven't figured out Yun Zhongjun's whereabouts? !

Isn't Bongki Shrine speeding up its own demise!

Pharaoh whistled happily and greeted the people behind.

"Don't be a mother-in-law, let me move faster!

Are you pushing your girlfriend or your mother, so carefully? Hurry up, there are three cars behind, do you want to work until dawn? ! "?



Chapter 213: Do something for the world 【Subscribe】

"It's interesting!" Ye Hao had already returned to his residence at this time.

What happened last night was terrifying to ordinary people, but to Ye Hao, it was just a farce.

"Worshiping ghosts and shrines, these guys are really stupid!"

"Master, do you want your subordinates to eradicate all those scum?"

"Forget it!" Ye Hao waved his hands and sighed, "The garbage can never be cleaned up!"

Ye Hao is not a savior, one person cannot save the whole world.

But Ye Hao didn't mind doing something for the world.

At least let the ordinary humans in this world have the ability to deal with those mutants.

The mutant aliens have extremely dark minds and have terrifying lethality.

If these guys go berserk, it will be a disaster for ordinary people!

After a long silence, Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "If only I could find the heart of the world!"

Cui Yingying asked curiously, "Master, what do you want the heart of the world to do, and what is the heart of the world?"

"Your question, is there too much 102 o'clock?"

"Master, I was wrong, I?..."

"Okay!" Ye Hao interrupted Cui Yingying before she could finish her words.

"I don't mean to blame you, why are you nervous!"

"The heart of the world belongs to the core origin of this world!"

In the whole world, the vitality of all living beings comes from the heart of the world.

"If we can find the heart of the world, we can use the energy of the heart of the world to suppress evil!"

Ghost worship shrines are rampant, and there are countless ghosts all over the world, all because the evil spirits in this world are too strong.

Evil qi is strong and righteous qi is insufficient, which will lead to this situation.

The reason why the evil qi is strong is because something blocks the light of the heart of the world, which makes the heart of the world polluted, and cannot exert a sufficient amount of the power of the world to suppress the dark evil qi. The strength of the evil creatures has soared, and normal humans are indeed very weak.

Ye Hao had also secretly searched for the heart of the world before, but he didn't take it too seriously. In addition, Ye Hao himself had many other things to do, so he didn't pay too much attention to this matter. But this time, the throbbing of the ghost shrine made Ye Hao full of interest in the heart of the world again.

Thinking of this, Ye Hao glanced at the ghost general and said:

"Go help me find out the whereabouts of the Heart of the World!"

"If there is news, let me know immediately!"

"Yes, Master!"

The Ghost General responded respectfully, and then walked away.

In the depths of endless time and space, there is a bottomless abyss!

There is a sky-high ghost qi that continuously emerges from the abyss, like a volcanic eruption, the momentum is like a rainbow!

In the abyss, there are dense ghosts!

If Ye Hao came here, he would definitely be deeply shocked by the number of ghosts here!

In the depths of the abyss, there was a huge heart-shaped object, and the surface of the heart-shaped object was polluted with large black spots.

From a long distance, you can sense a stench and pungent breath, emitting from the heart-shaped object.

This huge heart-shaped object is the heart of the polluted world.

The existence that occupies and pollutes the heart of the world belongs to the No. 1 powerful ghost king!

The king of ghosts!

From the abyss of the ghost king, an agile figure hurried over.

"Report to the king, someone is looking for the heart of the world, and our position may be exposed!"


The person known as the Ghost King, standing in the endless ghost energy, can only vaguely see the outline of a huge humanoid, but he cannot see the real face of this person. "Does anyone know the heart of the world?"

Not everyone knows that there is a heart of the world. The ghost king of the underworld has occupied the heart of the world for hundreds of years.

No one has ever made him feel half threatened!

The Ghost King of the Underworld has already used his ghost energy to contaminate the heart of the world by more than 90%.

In another year and a half at most, he will be able to completely pollute the heart of the world.

At that time... the effect of the Heart of the World will be completely lost, and the Heart of the World will also be reduced to the delicacy of the King Taiping.

After the ghost king devoured the heart of the world, his strength greatly increased, and the whole world would be shrouded in ghost aura!

Unexpectedly, at this time, someone took aim at the ghost king!

No matter who this person is, it is enough to make Mi Ming Ghost King's heart turn up a layer of turbulent waves.

"Kill all those in the know, but not one!"

"Yes, Lord Ghost King!"


Ye Hao sat calmly on the sofa, holding a half glass of red wine in his hand, and took a sip carefully.

Cui Yingying asked: "Master, since you want the Heart of the World, why don't you... go find this thing in person, isn't it easy to find this thing with your strength?" Don't worry!" Ye Hao replied lightly, "We have plenty of time to play with them!"

At this time, Ye Hao, of course, will not fully disclose the situation to Cui Yingying.

Since Ye Hao has already handed over this matter to General Ghost, the result will come out soon.

It's just that Ye Hao now knows that the heart of the world has been occupied by a powerful evil ghost.

If Ye Hao came forward to look for it, he would definitely be "retaliated" by this powerful evil ghost.

Although Ye Hao is not afraid of things, but Ye Hao is also a person with vision, an ordinary lonely ghost, and now he can't arouse Ye Hao's interest.

Ye Hao just wanted to know where the powerful ghost king was, and then killed him directly to take away the heart of the world, that was enough.

The ghost general's work efficiency is still very fast, especially this time, but Ye Hao personally assigned it.