MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 181

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"If he dissipates his resentment, then she won't be that powerful at all!"

\"Yes!\" Ma Yuzhen also echoed.

"If Zhao Fang dissipates her grievances, she will be like a tiger that has been pulling its teeth!"

Ye Hao said in a condensed voice: "Zhao Fang's current strength is already at the level of a ghost king. In addition to her own strength, she can also order other little ghosts to fight for her, but if her resentment is not released, she will not be able to stand in the sun. active!"

"If she dispels her resentment and is no longer a ghost, she can be active during the day!"

"At that time, Zhao Fang's strength will be the strongest!"

Li Li Zhao) Uh..." Zhao Fang still has certain opinions on Ye Hao's idea, but since Ye Hao has already issued an order, she naturally cannot question Ye Hao's order. After a short pause, she can say in a more serious tone: "Yes, Master!"

It's not that Zhao Fang's fighting power is rich, but that her ghost king's strength can command a large number of little ghosts.

In the future, when encountering a low-level kid, there is no need to use force at all. Zhao Fang can recover the opponent with a single word.

As for whether Zhao Fang is a ghost or not, to Ye Hao, it doesn't matter at all.

Zhao Fang accepted Ye Hao's order and left Chenxiang Valley to take revenge, and Zhao Yan also followed her to carry out the revenge plan.

Watching the figures of the two sisters disappear into the depths of the night, Ma Yuzhen hurriedly asked:

"Boss, do you want me to spy on them to prevent them from escaping?".

Chapter 230: I believe in you

"No need!" Ye Hao repeatedly shook his head and waved his hands in rejection.

"Ma Yuzhen, take a good rest during this time!"

"The top priority, you must stabilize your current realm of strength as soon as possible, in order to achieve a breakthrough as soon as possible!"

"There are still many things that I need you to help me with in the future. When the time comes to use you, don't give me the chain!"

Ma Yuzhen glanced at Ye Hao and said mysteriously:

"Why does Lao An only think about arranging a job for me, but never give me a salary? Why do I suddenly feel that my life is so hard!"

\"Uh.?????" Ye Hao replied embarrassedly, "What benefits do you want, just agree!"


"Except the last request!\" Just as Ma Yuzhen was about to repeat the old tune, Ye Hao interrupted her.

"I haven't thought about finding a girlfriend for the time being. If I want to find a girlfriend in the future, I will consider your request!"

"Hmph, it's really boring!\"

Ma Yuzhen pouted, obviously a little unwilling.

Before Ma Lingling was in front of her, Ma Yuzhen was quite restrained when she spoke and did things.

But now that she has left home, Ma Yuzhen's personality and attitude have changed a lot.

This is not the first time she has become interested in Ye Hao!

However, Ma Yuzhen is still very sensible in most cases. She can express her thoughts without shyness, but Ye Hao is not interested in her, it is not something she can control. Even if Ye Hao didn't have much interest in her, Ma Yuzhen wouldn't be angry because of it.

After Ma Yuzhen went out for a long distance in a fit of anger, she suddenly went back the same way!

"By the way, I see that you just sent some yang energy to Zhao Fang, and her cultivation will break through immediately, and I want some yang energy too!"

Ye Hao said in a condensed voice: "If you want the energy of the heart of the world, I can give you some, but before that, I want to remind you,

The energy of the heart of the world belongs to the extreme yang attribute, while your body belongs to the extreme yin. The energy of the heart of the world may cause serious harm to you! "

Ma Yuzhen asked, "Isn't Zhao Fang the same extreme yin attribute as me, she can digest the energy of the heart of the world, why can't I!"

"Zhao Fang is a Specter, she has no physical body, Specter can absorb the yang energy of a smile,

But zombies have actual bodies, and yin and yang energies repel each other, which will cause very serious consequences! \"

"Is it really that serious?\" A hint of hesitation flashed in Ma Yuzhen's eyes.

Ye Hao replied directly: "It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, I'll send you a small amount of Yang Qi now,

Try it first to see if it can be digested.

If you can digest it, that's even better! \"

"Forget it!\" Ma Yuzhen immediately waved her hands and sighed, \"I believe in you!\"

The depths of the ghostly abyss!

There are several groups of powerful ghosts quickly gathering in this place!

Soon, a group of ghosts converged into a burly and tall ghost.

Immediately afterwards, the ghosts of other groups also converged into human figures.

"It's great!" One of the fat men with a face full of flesh said with a grin, "I feel that my strength has increased several times at once!"

"If it wasn't for the arrogance and arrogance of the idiot Taiming, we would never have been able to make it out!"

"Now that guy U Ming is dead, but it has fulfilled us, it's really great!"

In the next period of time, seven ghosts took on the appearance of human beings one after another.

These seven ghost figures were all the subordinates of the Ghost King of the Underworld. When the Ghost King Crane was alive, their strength could not be greatly improved because they did not have enough ghost energy to cultivate, and they were stuck in the neck by the Ghost King of the Underworld. After the Ghost King Ou Ming was killed by Ye Hao, his seven subordinates gained all freedom at once.

These seven evil ghosts originally had such impressive strength, but after they were released and suppressed to obtain their freedom, their cultivation bases all broke through to the level of ghost kings.

It is true that the combat power of these seven guys still has a big (acbc) disparity compared to the King Tailing Ghost King.

But don't forget, the seven of them together have a huge numerical advantage.

Moreover, when the seven ghost kings join forces, they can also release a powerful ghost formation, and their combat power will soar several times.

After the seven ghost kings became active one after another, a large number of little ghosts gathered in the abyss of ghost energy.

With the arrival of a large number of little ghosts, the ghost aura in the ghost abyss became vigorous again.

At this time, Ye Hao was active not far from the abyss of ghost qi, and the change of breath in the abyss of ghost qi also attracted Ye Hao's attention.

When Ye Hao rushed to the ghostly abyss, the sky was already dark.

Standing at the entrance of Devil May Cry Abyss, one can sense an extremely cold and depressing Yin evil breath.

"Why are there so many ghosts in here?" Ye Hao couldn't help but muttered, "I just killed a ghost king here a few days ago, why... there are ghost kings in here?"

Ma Yuzhen replied: \"What is there to be afraid of the ghost king, I will go down immediately and take down all the ghost kings inside!\"

\"You come back to me!\" Ye Hao said in a deep voice.

"There are probably thousands of evil ghosts in this abyss of ghostly energy. Unless the ghost king takes the initiative to come to us, if we want to enter through the window, the difficulty is not small!"

"Especially at night, in the dark night, the evil spirits in the abyss are very fierce!"

"Even if we want to go in to hunt ghosts, we have to wait until dawn before we can go down!"

Zhao Yan echoed: "Yes, let's wait until dawn before going down, it's too dangerous to go down now!"

Ma Yuzhen, Zhao Yan and the others could only sense the ghost aura in the abyss, but they could not sense the details of the abyss.

But Ye Hao was able to sense that there was definitely more than one ghost king in the abyss of ghost energy!

There are several extremely powerful breaths in it. If these ghost kings join forces, it will be very troublesome.

Ye Hao asked the big guys to camp and rest at the mouth of the abyss, and at this time, the seven ghost kings in the ghost abyss also sensed Ye Hao's breath. The seven ghost kings have united at the bottom of the valley to set up the seven evil ghost formation. As long as Ye Hao dares to enter the ghost abyss, they will immediately be besieged by them. But Ye Hao stayed at the mouth of the valley very cautiously, which made the other ghost kings feel very anxious.

Ye Hao was very patient. He waited patiently at the mouth of the valley for a whole night, but he didn't even cross the Thunder Pond.

And the seven ghost kings in the abyss of ghost energy finally lost their patience after a long night of waiting.

The ghost kings from all walks of life have returned to their own territory, and before leaving, everyone made an appointment to help each other! .

Chapter 231: New Crisis

If one of them is attacked, cry out to the others for help!

After others heard the call for help, they all had to come to support as soon as possible.

The sun rose slowly, causing a ray of light in the ghostly abyss.

Ye Hao stood at Taniguchi, looking at the bottomless ghostly abyss, and could not help but frown slightly.

"Get started!\"

With Ye Hao's order, Ma Yuzhen was the first to enter the abyss.

There are a lot of goblins in the abyss of ghosts. Ma Yuzhen was attacked by goblins within five minutes after entering the abyss.

However, Ma Yuzhen is not a vegetarian either. She has a strong physical quality and is born to be the nemesis of ghosts.

Even if it is a ghost king level existence, it is very difficult to defeat her, let alone these little ghosts.

At the same time, after the little ghost outside the abyss and Ye Hao and his party fought, the ghost king entrenched in the abyss also made a ghost cry for the first time.


The shrill ghost screams resounded fiercely in the abyss of ghost energy, and soon several extremely powerful auras gathered from all directions. Sensing the change in the ghostly abyss, Ye Hao couldn't help frowning.

"Start retreating!\" Ye Hao shouted loudly, \"Ma Yuzhen, hurry up!\"

"Yes, Master!" Ma Yuzhen responded and started to return the same way.

Zhao Yan and Zhao Fang also turned around and evacuated immediately, and a large number of little ghosts chased after them frantically.

However, Ye Hao and his party did not go too deep into the abyss, and they quickly came out of the abyss.

At this time, it was already bright outside, and the sun was shining brightly on the earth.

Ordinary evil spirits can't move in the sun, they can only give up their pursuit.

After getting rid of the pursuit, Zhao Yan asked curiously:

"Brother Ye Hao, why did you withdraw so quickly? If you want me to say that those evil ghosts in the valley are nothing to be afraid of, right?"

Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "In this abyss, there are several powerful ghost kings!"

"What are you afraid of?" Ma Yuzhen said disapprovingly.

"The most powerful ghost king was killed by the master, and the rest of the rabble are not given for nothing!"

Ye Hao chose to ignore Ma Yuzhen's praise.

The last time Ye Hao was able to quickly control the ghost king of the underworld, it was mainly because the ghost king of the underworld was too big, and he did not let the little ghosts stop Ye Hao, and let Ye Hao enter the abyss directly. This time, the seven ghost kings in the abyss were much more cautious than the bream ghost king.

These guys didn't give Ye Hao a chance to approach them at all.

Ye Hao's side, just entered the abyss of ghosts, and was immediately besieged by the little ghosts.

According to this rhythm, even if Ye Hao can finally enter the abyss of ghosts, he will have to be consumed by the overwhelming little ghosts.

In a state of exhaustion, encountering the ghost king, the situation is very bad.

Ye Hao is very aware of the power of the ghost king, not to mention that there is more than one ghost king in the Devil May Cry Abyss this time.

"Look Master!"

After exiting the abyss, Ye Hao planned to return to Xuecheng to rest, but Ma Yuzhen discovered a new situation.

A ghost king came out of the ghostly abyss, entrenched in the shadow of the abyss mouth.

"Yeah!\" He also waved his hand and said, "Let's go over and see what this guy is doing!\"

The evil ghost hiding in the shadows is a fat man with a face full of flesh. On his forehead, there is a hideous scar that almost split his skull into two halves.

Looking at it up close, the fat man's head is like a cracked watermelon, very hideous.

After Ye Hao approached, Fatty first greeted Ye Hao:

"This friend, my brothers and I have no intention of being your enemy. I would like to discuss cooperation with you. What do you think?"

"Cooperation?" Ye Hao rubbed his hands and smiled, "Do you think we can have cooperation!"

Fatty said solemnly: "Of course we can cooperate!"

"I know you are very powerful, but our brothers are not vegetarians. In the future, our big guys will not make water in the well, and they will live in peace with each other. Isn't it good!"