MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 226

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"When the time comes, I will help you find out where the gate of the Protector's Great Array is. We will directly attack its gate. Destroying the Protector's Great Array will definitely be as easy as the palm of your hand!"

\"Let's do it!\" Ye Hao said in a deep voice, "You draw a map for me right now, and mark the weak parts of the **** formation on the map for me, and then we will consider launching a general attack!"

\"But I.???..\"

"Okay!\" Hu Na wanted to say something, but she finally swallowed the words.

Hu Na knew very well in her heart that Ye Hao was definitely something she couldn't afford to provoke. Now that the battle is imminent, it's better to do things according to Ye Hao's wishes, otherwise, if Ye Hao gets irritated by an order, the consequences will be disastrous. When Hu Na was drawing a map, Wu Zhengtao took some confidants and subordinates and took advantage of the cover of the night to find Ye Hao.

After the two sides met, Wu Zhengtao apologized to Ye Hao immediately: "Mr. Ye, what happened last time was purely a misunderstanding, it was because I didn't know Taishan, and I violated your old man's big drive.

People, don't know me in general! \"

\"Yeah!\" Ye Hao replied with satisfaction, "You guy, you are very sensible!

Chapter 319: Harmony and Wealth

"That is!" Wu Zhengtao replied with a smile, \"From today onwards, we are friends, and Mr. Ye's business is mine!"

"Does the unhappiness between us in the past also need to be completely cleared up now!"

"I came here today to specifically apologize to Mr. Ye. I hope Mr. Ye can see my sincerity and forgive me this time. This is my little intention!"

This guy Wu Zhengtao is still very, very good at doing things!

Wu Zhengqi had already given away three spirit stones before, but this time he came over and gave them ten spirit stones again.

Wu Zhengtao is not a fool. Ye Hao came here today with a large team. If he does not give Ye Hao enough benefits, Ye Hao will definitely not retire easily. If he wants to do something big, he must invest his money. After accepting Wu Zhengtao's spirit stone, Ye Hao's expression suddenly became much gentler.

"Okay!" Ye Hao nodded and said with a smile, "Since the Wu alliance leader has already apologized and gave me such a heavy gift, then the grudge between us can naturally be taken away! "

"I, Ye Hao, are definitely not a person with a small stomach. Everything can be negotiated!"

"That's it!" Wu Zhengtao also said with a smile, "Be kind and make money!"

"From now on, our two will be a family!"

At this time, Hu Na really couldn't stand it anymore!

She glared at Wu Zhengtao sternly and refuted: "Wu Zhengtao, do you want shame?"

\"Oh, isn't this sister-in-law Nana?"

Wu Zhengtao looked back at Hu Na and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law and Big Brother Ye are very happy to get married. I just found out today. I'm really sorry for not being able to attend your wedding, sister-in-law!"

"Hmph, it's unreasonable!"

"Why am I so unreasonable?" Wu Zhengtao returned quite unjustly, "Brother Ye Hao and I hit it off, and today the two of us brothers are relieved of their previous suspicions. It can be said that everyone is happy?"! "

"Now we all live in harmony and become a family again, sister-in-law, you should be happy!"

Hu Na angrily refuted: "Wu Zhengtao, you are such a shameless person!"

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter with you? Where did I offend you?"

At this time, Hu Na really wanted to beat Wu Zhengtao, a despicable villain, on the ground, so that she could vent her violent and impulsive emotions.

This time, Hu Na and Zhang Shichun spent a lot of energy and cost to convince Ye Hao to come and eradicate Wu Zhengtao.

Seeing that their plan was about to succeed, who knew that Wu Zhengtao turned into a **** at a critical moment, and would make Hu Na vomit.

However, in front of Ye Hao, Hu Na could not refute Wu Zhengtao in person.

After all, she herself is not with Ye Hao yet, she has already fallen, how can she be qualified to blame others?

Could it be that, in front of Ye Hao, tell Wu Zhengtao that she and Ye Hao were falsely married?

If this is the case, I am afraid that Ye Hao will have to turn his guns and destroy the Righteous Path Alliance immediately.

For Hu Na, she now feels as disgusting as eating flies!

Wu Zhengtao was also able to perceive Hu Na's embarrassment. The expression on this guy's face was as obscene as he wanted to be.

Ye Hao couldn't bear to watch this scene.

After all, Hu Na is Ye Hao's wife now, how could Ye Hao watch him being bullied by Wu Zhengtao?

"Okay, Wu Zhengtao, please be honest!"

Ye Hao said in a deep voice, "I'm going to be in the farm for a period of time. During this period of time, you will be responsible for all the food and drink expenses for me and my brothers!"

"Ah?\" Wu Zhengtao suddenly looked bitter and asked, \"Brother, are you not going back to the abyss of ghosts?\"

"I don't want to go back now!\"

Ye Hao responded decisively: "I saw the beautiful mountains and clear waters at the foot of Tianque Peak, and the environment is very good. I want to relax here for a few days!"

"This place is quite a distance from the abyss of ghost qi, and it is not very convenient to transport supplies from the abyss of ghost qi!"

"So, for my material consumption in this period of time, I will ask Alliance Leader Wu!"

"But this...\" Wu Zhengtao said weakly, "This is really inappropriate!"

Wu Zhengtao's current situation can be said to be on pins and needles, but Ye Hao is surprisingly relaxed at this time.

"What's the matter?" Ye Hao patted Wu Zhengtao's shoulder and said, "Just now, the leader of the alliance called me a brother, and now I ask you to help me with this little thing, you are stammering with me, are you in the end? My brother?\"

When he said this, Ye Hao's tone suddenly flashed a touch of sharpness.

It was precisely because of this sharp stroke that Wu Zhengtao's emotions instantly became tense.

Wu Zhengtao could lower his stance, and replied in a nonchalant manner: ?? Big brother, you misunderstood what I meant, brother, I am definitely not stingy with the little supplies, the key is that your brothers need special supplies! "

"Our Tianque Peak is a place where yang energy gathers. It is really not suitable for brothers and sisters to cultivate here!"

"If eldest brother insists on cultivating here, I am afraid it will be difficult to receive the expected results. If it is not possible, the brothers will be burned by the yang energy. In that case, the gains will outweigh the losses!"

"Okay!\" Ye Hao waved his hand, \"Don't talk to me about those useless nonsense!\"

"My brothers and I stayed here for a while. During this period of time, you provided us with one ton of grain, 800 kilograms of vegetables, 800 kilograms of meat, and 5 tons of drinking water every day!" ""If there is any other need, I will send another person to inform you, and you must get it for us immediately!\"

"Ah...?..." Wu Zhengtao's face with Chinese characters turned into a super big bitter gourd.

Ye Hao asked back: "What's the matter, is there a problem?"

"No problem!" Ye Hao's expression suddenly became serious, and Wu Zhengtao also became "reasonable".

Wu Zhengtao knew very well that there was a huge gap in the power between himself and Ye Hao!

If the two sides tore their faces and fight at this time, he, Wu Zhengtao, will definitely be the one who will suffer in the end.

The two sides have already \"negotiated properly\", but Ye Hao still wants to stay at Tianque Peak and refuses to leave, making it clear that he is still unwilling to let go of his controversial alliance. At this time, he had to do everything possible to curry favor with Ye Hao and not leave Ye Hao a reason to do it.

Otherwise, once Ye Hao is offended, the one who suffers in the end must be himself. ?





Chapter 320: I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry

Therefore, at this time, Wu Zhengtao must have Zhang holding his head and pretending to be a grandson.

"Please rest assured, eldest brother, I will fulfill the task of supplying supplies in full according to your requirements!"

"Yeah!\" Ye Hao nodded and replied, "If that's the case, then don't stand here stupidly, go back and prepare the supplies!"

"Before dawn tomorrow, today's supplies must be delivered to me, understand?"

"yes, Sir!"

Wu Zhengtao obeyed obediently, and then Zhang pulled his head and walked away in despair.

Watching Wu Zhengtao's retreating back, Hu Na asked in a coquettish voice: "Ye Hao, what the **** are you doing, you promised me back then that you would definitely join forces with our Righteous Path Alliance to exterminate the scumbags of the Justice League!" "Now When it's time for action, why did you suddenly release water?"

Ye Hao shook his head and said, "Nana, don't be so excited. If we want to eradicate the Justice League, we must first prove that the Justice League is an evil organization, but we can't kill innocent people!"

"I can tell you with my own mouth that the Justice League is an evil organization!"

"Wu Zhengtao, that beast, occupied my eldest brother's wife, and even killed dozens of innocent people. His crimes are monstrous and he will die!"

Ye Hao returned solemnly: \"Okay, 627 even if everything you said is true, at most it can only prove that Wu Zhengtao himself is a scum, but there are more than 800 people in the Justice League!\ "

"We can't just kill everyone because Wu Zhengtao is a bad guy!"

At this time, Hu Na became even more anxious: "The former masters of the Justice League, those who still have a conscience, all went to the Righteous Path League with my senior brother, and these people who stayed in the Justice League are all shameless scum!"

Zhao Yan can't bear it anymore!

"Hu Na, your point of view is really too hasty. Those who are willing to follow Zhang Shichun are all good people and those who don't want to follow Zhang Shichun are all bad people?"

"Why do I think that Zhang Shichun is not a good person anymore, and his brainwashing methods are too powerful, right?"

"Me!" Hu Na almost vomited blood from Zhao Yan's anger!

But in this situation, the person who really has the right to speak is not Hu Na, but Ye Hao himself!

Unless Ye Hao gave an order to launch a general attack, the masters under Ye Hao would never do it.

No matter how anxious Hu Na is now, it's useless. If she shows her fox's tail because she is too anxious, it will be a big problem.

"Okay!\" At the critical moment, Ye Hao comforted Hu Na, "Nana, don't worry, I will find a way to control Wu Zhengtao, a hungry wolf, and I will never let him kill innocent people! \"

"I hope so!" Hu Na knew that she couldn't control Ye Hao at all, so she could only helplessly shrug her shoulders.

What Ye Hao said to Hu Na just now were all words from the bottom of his heart.

Now the forces under Ye Hao's hands can definitely be said to be strong.

But the younger brothers under Ye Hao's hands are all creatures of the dark world, and it is difficult to find a few normal humans.

With Ye Hao's strength, he is fully capable of suppressing those charming and interesting sea breams, but Ye Hao himself is a normal human after all. China and Japan are together with Zombie Specter and can't get in touch with normal human beings, that is absolutely impossible.


Humans are gregarious animals, and Ye Hao has no way to live normally without the human group.

Therefore, Ye Hao urgently needs to subdue a group of normal human subordinates. Since Wu Zhengtao's Justice League has been delivered to his door, is there any reason not to accept it?

Ye Hao set up camp below Tianque Peak, but made Wu Zhengtao an ant on a hot pot.

On the top of Tianque Peak, Wu Zhengtao stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the fascinating and interesting questions that spread all over the mountain. He couldn't help but sigh for a while.

Wu Zhengqi leaned in and said: \"Brother, it's not an option for us to spend it like this!"

"We, the Justice League, are famous and decent. If we hang out with the ghostly abyss like this, it will be very detrimental to our reputation (acbc)!"

"If you can't find a way, please take Ye Hao, the **** of plague, we're afraid we won't be able to survive for a few days!"

Wu Zhengtao glared at Wu Zhengqi fiercely, and retorted sharply: "You still know that Ye Hao is a plague god?"

"Since he is the **** of plague, how could he be invited away by us casually?"

"Since I can't politely invite Ye Hao away, I can only win a little bit!"


Wu Zhengtao asked angrily: "I warn you Wu Zhengqi, I won't stop you if you want to die, but you must not drag Lao Tzu to bury you with me, I haven't lived enough!"

Wu Zhengqi said in a low voice: \"When I went down the mountain to negotiate with Ye Hao, I also made a simple understanding of their forces!\"

"There are about 1,000 people in the group of charming and interesting questions under Ye Hao's hands!"

"With this little manpower, if we are determined to fight with him, we won't necessarily suffer!"

"And we still have terrain advantages on the mountain, plus the protection of the guardian formation, I think there will still be a certain chance of winning!"

"What do you know?\" Wu Zhengtao couldn't bear it any longer, and when he slapped his hand, he slapped Wu Zhengqi's face.

After hitting Wu Zhengqi with a big mouth, Wu Zhengtao pointed at Wu Zhengqi's nose and reprimanded: "You really don't know anything about Ye Hao!"

"The number of people Ye Hao brought this time is just the tip of the iceberg!"

"I have been to Ye Hao's ghostly abyss once before. There are tens of thousands of active zombie ghosts there!"

"What, there are tens of thousands of people, so many!"