MTL - Return of the Net Gaming Monarch-Chapter 12 Made

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In front of him, a large group of blasting bears are wandering, and Lin Fan’s flashing lightning hits the past. The head of the blast bear flashes a “-2o”, which makes Lin Fan slightly stunned. At this moment, he installed the blue method. The stick, as well as a few pieces of green equipment, can be singled out to the level of the 19th-level monster. However, this explosion bear is only an eleventh-level monster!

"It’s not a bear monster, it’s thick and thick!” Lin Fan smiled, and once again, a flash of lightning hit him. He also understood it. The movement of the bear was really slow, and he continued to fight. Three flashing mines, the bursting bear slowly climbed to the front of themselves. >八一中文网W≦W≤W≦. <8≤1<ZW. In the face of such a monster, Lin Fan does not need any technology at all, and has already killed the bear.

"Experience 1oo, it is not bad, I need to upgrade the experience is five thousand! The difficulty is not big!" Lin Fan smiled slightly, took a look at the experience.

In this way, Lin Fan was put into the glorious task of hunting and killing the bear. In about half an hour of cleaning up, Lin Fan finally found a bear that was much larger than the ordinary blown bear.

"Blowing the bear collar!" Lin Fan smiled slightly, and directly hit a flashlight. Although the Bobs collar is not a Boss, it can be regarded as an elite monster. Such monsters will at least explode. What about the explosive equipment. However, the explosive bear collar in front of the moment is the monster that is refreshed for the first time in the game. Such a monster has a burst rate that is three times that of a normal day. As long as the luck is not too bad, it can explode good equipment.

"Hey!" The giant bear took a roar and rushed straight toward Lin Fan. For this guy who dared to provoke its dignity, it was directly a huge bear's paw.

"Fire ring surgery!" Lin Fan's face changed slightly, directly using the skills of the fire ring technique, suddenly, his body filled with a flame of fire red, blocking the huge bear's paw.

After the fire ring technique resisted the attack of the giant bear, Lin Fan only rushed backwards behind him. He did not think that the degree of the collar in front of him was so fast, which was more than twice as fast as those of the giant bear. Fortunately, he saw the machine early, directly using the fire ring. Otherwise, although I have the conversion ring to convert a part of the damage, but my current magic value, will definitely bottom out.

Lin Fan stepped back two steps, only to launch a flashlight. Then, immediately, a fireball smashed out. After all, the lightning ray has a cooling time. During this cooling time, again. Freeing a fireball is the best option.

"-2o" and "-14" two injuries floated directly on the head of the giant bear collar. Then, Lin Fan immediately rushed toward the giant bear collar, and the two attacks were taken under the giant bear. Going behind the giant bear collar, another flashlight thundered over.

"Hey!" The giant bear collar was angry, and looked straight up. Suddenly, the two giant bears that had wandered in the distance seemed to have heard the summoning and rushed straight toward Lin Fan.

"Damn, will summon the younger brother?" Lin Fan watched the two giant bears rushing toward themselves, and could not help but curse, but the degree in his hand did not stop, still attacking the giant bear collar, for the arrival of two giant bears, he However, there is not much scruples. The attack of the giant bear is not high, and the degree is very slow, and you can completely avoid it.

Flashing a furry bear's furry paw, Lin Fan stepped back two steps behind him, and once again a flash of lightning smashed past, then, when the giant bear collar is about to rush to himself, a sideways, dodging After the giant bear, it blocked the way of the giant bear collar.

This card card is just right. The giant bear collar is blocked by two giant bears. It is only necessary to bypass two giant bears and attack toward Lin Fan. However, how could Lin Fan make him succeed? When the bear collar circled two slow giant bears, Lin Fan went round to the other side, and another flashing lightning hit the head of the giant bear collar. Directly playing the giant bear collar wow wow. However, the degree of the two giant bears is too slow. It not only does not work, but also becomes a stumbling block for the giant bear collar. The two giant bears stand in the middle and can only turn their heads and turn their heads again, but they can’t catch them. Lin Fan's figure.

"Hey!" With a sorrow, the body of the giant bear fell to the ground, and at this moment, Lin Fan’s experience is also a big one, and the experience of the giant bear collar is still very high.

After solving the two giant bears in front, Lin Fan walked directly toward the body of the giant bear collar. The equipment that the first elite of the holy city burst out should not be too bad!

The giant bear collar burst out of thirty silver coins, and two pieces of equipment. Lin Fan took a look at the two pieces of equipment.

"Giant Bear Armor: Unidentified"

"The violent bear axe: not identified"

"Damn, you still need to identify!" Lin Fan looked at the two pieces of equipment, depressed, but his heart was also relieved, the most unexpected thing is not whiteboard equipment, because the whiteboard equipment does not need identification.

"There are only giant bears in the wilderness in the north of the holy city. It doesn't make much sense to stay there again. Go to the east side of the holy city!" Lin Fan glanced around and whispered. Go straight to the east.

"Poisonous spider, level 11th, blood volume 3oo" looked at a spider in front of him that was only bigger than himself. Lin Fan couldn't help but glimpse, and then a flash of lightning hit the head of the poisonous spider.

The damage of "-45" floated directly from the head of the poisonous spider, and suddenly made Lin Fan look a little shocked. It seems that his legal injury is not bad, but the defense of the giant bear is much higher.

For the poisonous spider, Lin Fan did not spend much energy. After all, even if the spider's foot is much more than the giant bear, the degree is much faster. However, Lin Fan relies on his own walking skills and is not poisoned by spiders. The venom is sprayed.

Lin Fan directly brushed the poisonous spider in the area of ​​the poisonous spider, and in the middle also broke out two pieces of whiteboard equipment, and a cockroach that needs to be identified - fangs.

"The explosion rate is really low!" Lin Fan smiled and said to himself, he brushed the monster for two hours, and even the level was raised by one level. However, in addition to the poisonous spider exploding several pieces of equipment, the giant bear is A piece of equipment has not exploded!

"Finally found" Lin Fan looked at the emerald green poison spider not far away, could not help but whisper, compared to other elite blame, the body of the poisonous spider collar is smaller than the ordinary poison spider A trace, and the color is not that brown, but the emerald green.

"Lightning thunder!" Lin Fan directly hit a poisoned spider's head on a head of lightning, directly knocked off the 30 points of blood of the poison spider.

This time, Lin Fan had the experience of a giant bear collar, and did not link the poisonous spider collar with the common poisonous spider. All the way down, they were all careful, and soon the poisoned spider collar was killed.

"It's a recipe!" Lin Fan's eyes are slightly bright, and the formula of the medicine, in the early stage, is something that the major guilds are vying for. After all, some of the formulas made by the formula can sometimes play the role of some squadrons. .

"Magic spring water: need material, water forest flower x3, bezoar x2, effect, instantly restore 100 mana."

Looking at the recipe in front of him, Lin Fan took a deep breath, his eyes were full of excitement, and he immediately returned to the magic potion. The value of this thing is a good thing even in the later stage! After all, the pharmacy sales agent can only recover 10 mana every 3 seconds, and the duration is only 12 seconds. Compared with the effect of recovering the drug at this moment, the difference can be more than two points.

"Yes!" Lin Fan's eyes, full of excitement, with this thing, as long as a pharmacist to configure this agent, then you can go to play more advanced monsters.