MTL - Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation-Chapter 2082 Slay the Demon King with a single sword!

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At this moment, only Taixuanzi could barely resist, standing amidst the wave of violent laws.

"Xianpin Huashen, is it really so powerful? It's really terrifying!"

But it was him, his eyes trembled, like a rock in a hurricane, and he was in danger of being submerged at any time.

"Kang Dang! Kang Dang!"


Jiang Tian and Demon Emperor Claw didn't know how many swords they collided.

All over the sky are their shadows.

The sacred soldiers entwined with the chaos and gods, surrounded by black light, the strange patterns are bright and dark, and the magic swords surging with magic energy collide with each other.

With every blow, countless fluctuations swayed in the void. Shattered the space of a hundred li, the peaks broke and the earth sank.

Hit later.

In the eyes of everyone, the millions of miles centered on the two have long turned into a huge black hole, devouring everything. The boundary membrane of the Critical Grand Canyon has been punched out.

The two even broke into the turbulence of time and space, and fought in the mighty space storm.

"My God, is this still the power of transforming gods? I am afraid that the saints who return to the Void, and there is no such power to destroy the world, right."

Gu He trembled in two waves.

He once ruled the Saint Yuan Continent, thinking that he was already the top powerhouse among the Saints of Void Return.

But in front of these two people, it was almost like ants.

Both Jiang Tian and Demon Emperor Claw could kill him with a single sword.

Only at this moment did Gu He understand what terrifying power a true peerless genius possesses.

And many ancient demons were not only surprised, but shocked.

Demon Emperor's claw, but the remains of the Nine Nether Demon Emperor.

The vast magic power he possesses is difficult to measure, and has already reached an unimaginable level.

Especially it also carries a magic sword left by the Nine Nether Demon Emperor, as well as a defensive magic treasure.

Such a powerful strength absolutely makes the giants of the Nine Great Immortal Sects have to be big.

But Jiang Tian was even with it, and still faintly pressed. What level of Jiang Tian's power reached?

"Boom boom boom!"

The collision became more and more intense.

In the end, the gods in Jiang Tian's body were "houses collapsed", and the avenues and laws of the gods were sprayed out without money, turned into a colorful torrent, and poured into his holy soldiers.


The sword of the holy soldier trembled violently.

It is just a holy soldier, in essence, it is a level worse than the magic sword. In countless collisions, it has long been overwhelmed.

At this moment, he assumed a mighty force ten times stronger than before, and suddenly he couldn't support it.

You know, what Jiang Tian urged out was the avenue of gods.

Although the sage weapon is one level higher than the Taoist weapon, and is generally used by the saints who return to the Void, they cannot withstand the power of the avenue of divine rank.

But Jiang Tiansi did not stop, his black hair flying like a waterfall, his eyes like iron:


Boom boom boom!

The magical laws and avenues all around trembled violently, and finally shattered abruptly.

On the sword, the chaotic divine glow skyrocketed, instantly transforming into a ten thousand-foot-long peerless heavenly sword.

Holding the Heaven Sword in his hand, Jiang Tian slashed out with a volley, slashing the Demon Sword abruptly, smashing it on the Demon Emperor's claws.

Shit! Shit!

Several tentacles were broken, and the Demon Emperor's claws suddenly fell from the void of one hundred thousand meters, and the blood was splashed in all directions. It smashed into the ground from the sky, and smashed out a pit several miles in size, like a crater.

The critical Grand Canyon is trembling.

And countless demons were already dumbfounded.

The dignified Demon Emperor's Claws, the resurrected Demon Emperor's remains, was actually cut down by this person with a sword?

"This is impossible."

The silver armor demon shouted.

In its eyes, the Demon Emperor's Claw is an invincible existence.

Since the ages, the Demon Emperor’s Claw has recovered several times. Which time did it not stir up the wind and rain and set off a monstrous turmoil, making this universe shake and uneasy?

Even in the face of the giants of the Nine Great Immortals, the Demon Emperor's Claws can contend with each other, and can at least retreat without falling into the wind.

Although Jiang Tian had condensed the gods, he was originally weak and weak without the thunder, but he could actually slash the devil's claws!

This is really incredible.

"If I hadn't seen it in person, I would never believe it!" Gu He almost didn't stare out.

Taixuanzi's purple-clothed granddaughter looked at Jiang Tian with admiration, and said with a milky voice: "This uncle is so powerful! Even the Tianjiao Huashen in the Nine Heavens Continent is not so powerful!"

Even Taixuanzi opened his mouth wide.

That is the legacy of Jiuyou Demon Emperor!

Its owner is a demon emperor who overlooks the heavens and the world, and wrestles with the giants of the immortal world!

Such a terrifying power was lost to Jiang Tian, ​​how strong is Jiang Tian?


In the huge pit, there was an earth-shattering roar.

A black light soared into the sky, and in the sky, the demon emperor's claws were embarrassed.

Bleeding from the corner of its mouth, sword marks all over the body, a long horn on its head, and a few tentacles, were all cut off.

There was demon blood lingering in the wound, and the law of magic nature and the avenue wandered around the wound like lightning, repairing quickly.

But every time Jiang Tian's remaining Shenpin Avenue law quickly disintegrated.

The blow launched by Jiang Tian's burning **** was so powerful that it made Taixuanzi feel ashamed.

However, the Demon Emperor's Claw smiled without anger, full of gloat:

"Human race insects, how many more attacks can you launch when you burn the energy core in your body? Your gods are going to be rotten, and the cracks in the gods are getting bigger and bigger!"

Hearing this, Tai Xuanzi, Gu He and the girl in purple showed anxiety in an instant, and suddenly looked at Jiang Tian.

Under the gaze of everyone, the lingering colorful divine light on Jiang Tian's body exploded several times, helplessly dissipating.

In the end, only the red Vermilion Bird Lihuo Avenue was left, barely surrounding the golden Gengjin Avenue.

The biggest difference between whether a deity undergoes thunder tribulation is that there is no continuity.

If the deity that has not been thundered is a battery, it is useless if the electricity is exhausted.

The deity that has gone through the thunder tribulation is a round of great sun, providing endless energy forever in a time dimension that the former is hard to reach.

"Octopus, you look too high at yourself. Before the deity burns out, this seat will kill you."

A trace of contempt appeared on Jiang Tianjun's face, raising his sword to his eyebrows.

His eyes were as cold as iron, without wavering at all.


Jiang Tianzhou was surrounded by the red and golden divine light, and turned into a sky-shattering divine rainbow, rushing towards the Demon Emperor's Claws again.

The Demon Emperor's Claw roared wildly.

Its tentacles danced violently all over its body, straightening out instantly, like a hedgehog!

On many tentacles, black lights overflowed, turning into magical laws and avenues like evil dragons and demon pythons.

The magic sword is blooming like a cold magic light, and a terrifying aura is brewing in the period.

Inside the Demon Emperor's Claw, it was like a round of black sun burning, constantly providing it with huge energy.

In the face of this vast and surging, horrible energy that seems to be able to destroy the common people and destroy the universe, whether it is Gu He or the royal demon commander in silver armor, there is a big gap.

Even Taixuanzi is slightly inferior to three points!