MTL - Returning From Level 900-Chapter 382 bad luck

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Can't say why.

He Ji only felt that there was a special temperament in the girl, which made him feel comfortable getting along.

May be blind and still consider the kindness of others.

It may also be the optimism that the disabled still loves life.

It is also possible that it is because of the contented nature that exists in both of them, which makes him feel very relaxed and comfortable chatting with girls.

In the first few visits, He Di was just an ordinary errand runner who was free to eat in the college.

At most, he has the identity of a three-hundred-layer "big guy".

When they appeared in Xu Wa's ward, relatives and friends were puzzled but did not dare to offend easily.

No one chased him.

But the scene is extremely awkward and unnatural.

Because He Ji and Xu Wa are not friends either, it was especially abrupt to come here to visit.

The kind girl seemed to sense his embarrassment and teased him like a joke every time.

At first, it was the topic of "Ugly Rejecting Nana", and later it was about all kinds of embarrassing things about chasing Du Keke.

The two went from strangers to acquaintances.

From acquaintance to acquaintance, they talk about life views like "aesthetics" like friends.

During the chat, I accidentally said "You are more beautiful than her", which caused the atmosphere to become a little subtle.

To ease the quirky atmosphere.

The two agreed to eat some delicious sauerkraut fish together when the girl regained her eyesight, and also went to play various hobbies such as escape room escape and haunted house exploration, wild survival, mountain climbing, skydiving and other hobbies.

This was originally Xu Wa's line to comfort He Di.

It slowly became He Di's lines to comfort Xu Wa.

After many times, Xu Wa became accustomed to it and did not take it as a reality.

She had given up on restoring her vision.

Begin to learn how to use Braille and tools such as blind sticks.

Family members occasionally ask her about the guy who often visits with bottles of free milk and if he's chasing you.

Xu Wa always laughed and laughed at herself.

"Whose son is so stupid, he looks at a blind man."

For fear of irritating her, everyone didn't mention it again.

Only treat the other person as a better but financially tight friend.

But when the frequency of embarrassment is getting higher and higher.

Gifts on hand are becoming more and more valuable.

Xu Wa's relatives and friends became restless.

They all asked her what her identity was, and why did they all start sending high-level optical brains for blind people here?

The key point is that there is no one that can't win over a million!

Is this a normal friend?

Or the poor and sour boy who always came to visit with free milk? ?


In the face of inquiries from relatives and friends, Xu Wa still answered calmly.

As if nothing had changed.

What is especially strange is that not only Xu Wa has not changed, but even He Ji, who has changed the most, has not changed.

He still ran to Xu Wa's ward when he was free.

Does not deliberately mention their current status or income.

At most, say a few words like bragging. Now there are more people who ask themselves to do things, and they are as busy as dogs every week.

Xu Wa would laugh and joke that it was really hard to chat with the blind girl when he was so busy.

He doesn't seem to know that she was once normal and is now blind.

She doesn't seem to know that he was once poor and now rich.

Neither cared about the past or the future.

They are very satisfied with the simple life of the moment.

He would steal fruit from the blind girl's bedside.

She would not shy away from letting him teach her how to use the blind light brain.

After listening to him studying the manual for most of the day, he tore the manual to shreds angrily, saying that this is not something that human beings can learn. Who invented this shit, even normal people can't learn how to learn blind people?

She laughed happily.

He told her that he had performed well and had been promoted to chief dogleg.

She told him that she had made great progress in Braille recently and had memorized several pages.

He told her that he was lucky enough to start independently in charge of big projects.

She told him that the sauerkraut fish was not as delicious as her own, but it was the closest restaurant to her own craftsmanship.

He said she was bragging.

She also said he was bragging.

The two almost didn't fight.

Relatives quietly wiped away tears outside the ward.

some day later.

Xu Wa's injuries are stable and can be discharged home to recover.

She was discharged from the hospital in a wheelchair or with a blind cane accompanied by her family.

He Di didn't come that day.

He entered the tower.

one person.

It is not to bring people into the worm room, nor to bring people to play a quadrangle.

Instead, try to sprint 300 floors alone.

Except for the integer layer that needs to match the wild team, he enters all the other scattered layers alone.

He is testing whether he has the ability to hit 300 layers alone.

As a result, the first experiment was unlucky, and I encountered a gas chamber directly on the 69th floor.

He is already a super high-level master, and he is a master of both mechanical and poisoning techniques. He could have easily passed this level.

But for some reason he has been testing the speed of dismantling the mechanism.

Not even enough for 6 minutes, far exceeding the average tower climber.

Just stay in the gas chamber that is already full of poisonous gas, dismantle it again and again, restore it and dismantle it again.

There are many gas chamber simulation mechanisms for sale on the market, but in his opinion, they are not detailed and perfect.

He bought all the organ charts available on the market and went through all the tests, and found that it was still not as fast as Wang Wen's speed in clearing the gas chamber.

In the end there was no way.

He Di took advantage of an opportunity to copy [Same Level Teleportation] to see Wang Wen and asked if there was a faster way to clear the gas chamber.

Wang Wen's friends all laughed.

At that time, he didn't belong to "my own person", and was just a "worm room leader".

So I don't know that the former First Consortium Intelligence Department, who is now a member of the fraternity family, has already had new steps for quick customs clearance.

After asking a question.

Chen Hansheng said that he could buy it with money.

Or use a worming chamber location instead.

Wang Wen handled He Di's team with the tower in the "stocking" mode, and he didn't care how he charged to sell the As long as it didn't delay the normal entry and exit of his bug-fighting team.

He Di has a dog-legged self-knowledge.

The "ticket fee" collected will be handed over to Wang Wen in full every time.

Then Wang Wen forwarded it to him.

Even though Wang Wen has repeatedly mentioned that he does not need to give it to himself, he still enjoys it and does not change when he is scolded.

The "ticket fee" is generally 10% of the income of those who enter the insect room to fight insects.

There are as many as there are.

In the later stage, some bug hunters can raise the ratio to 50% or even 90% in order to "jump the queue".

He Di still turned in as many.

For Wang Wen, the number of these foreign bug hunters is so small that they are often ignored.

So occasionally the money you hand in will "can't come back".

He didn't care either, and he didn't even bother to remind him.

Again, he was used to being content, anyway, in the end, the academy took care of the food, and it didn't matter whether he had money or not.

If you have money, buy something delicious for Xu Wa.

If you don't have money, you can take two bottles of free milk with you.

Anyway, he never disliked the silly girl when he saw that, and he drank happily.

After getting the new steps, he specially practiced a few times in the simulation training room in the academy, and was surprised to find that with his own strength, according to this new solution, it took only two or three minutes to clear the 69th floor.

This is the number he is satisfied with.


Try sprinting again in the new week.

This time, "bad luck", did not encounter the gas chamber, the 69th floor is just an ordinary organ room.

So he kept going up.

Those "wild teams" with integer layers found out that week that there is a fierce man who has been matched all the way from 10 layers to more than 200 layers. The material backpack hangs on his chest, and he always carries a humanoid cloth bag behind his back. Like some kind of scary and powerful prop.

Never leave the body, and never see him use it.