MTL - Returning From Level 900-Chapter 381 Wang Wen's standard

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Song Pingan's life has undergone tremendous changes.

Not only do you have a good life yourself, but you can also help those you care about to have a good life to a certain extent.

This is a very exaggerated change.

Ordinary people will never encounter this kind of turning point in their entire life, because it means having an earth-shaking income rise line.

How earth-shaking Song Ping'an's income level is, you can simply calculate it.

Before joining the bug-fighting team, his basic salary in Boai was around 4,000 or 5,000. If there is a mission to enter the tower, it will be settled according to 10% of the value of the item. His tower floor is below 200 floors, and the world tower is within 200 floors. The most expensive and rare items are 30,000-50,000, and 10% is the "performance commission" of 3-5,000.

On the whole, he is lucky and has harvested the World Tower four times in a month. Including the basic salary, he has an income of about 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

Of course, the fact that the two large integers 100 and 200 are the only type of treasure to directly achieve financial freedom is another matter.

If you are unlucky and don't harvest in a certain week, your monthly income will be reduced by 20% immediately.


His luck never seemed to be better.

There is basically no gain in entering the tower.

Even the resource team that joined Wang Wen at the beginning could not run into the [Water of Life] according to the mature process.

This is the bad luck that even Wang Wen has been amazed at.

Therefore, Song Ping's income level in the first half of his life can basically be set at 5K per month.

To the bug squad.

A total of two months.

Billed twice.

The first settlement, 90 million.

The second settlement, 680 million.

Add up to 770 million, and the average monthly income is 385 million!

If this income level from 5K to close to 400 million is not earth-shaking, there is no miracle in the world.

Song Ping'an will remember all his life and give the miracle to his people.

My name is Wang Wen.

He was one of the first members of the bug-killing program.

It is very clear that Wang Wen earns more, ten thousand times or even one hundred thousand million times his.

It is even clearer that these profits are not made by Wang Wen, but by many people like himself who have worked hard day and night.

Wang Wen made a lot of money.

The money that the bug-fighting team finally got was just a little bit that leaked out of Wang Wen's fingers.

But he didn't have any resentment or resentment.

Even if it is he who is working hard instead of Wang Wen.

How many times have I almost died trying to hit the last wave before the reset point.

No matter how many times I was buried by the falling worms and bitten all over my body, I couldn't bear to part with the tower.

How many times the lack of rest and long-term high-intensity physical output led to fainting.

Insect chambers were originally not very dangerous.

The danger is their mode of killing bugs.

The most important thing is that since the formation of the bug-fighting team, what is the embarrassment to lead people?

The reward amount in the bug room has almost nothing to do with Wang Wen.

As the bug-fighting team reaches 600 floors, and He Di's skill level increases, the number of times of use after duplicating it once is increasing.

Wang Wen also appeared less and less in the worm room.

It can be said that with the exception of Wang Wen's [Same Layer Teleportation], the entire insect-fighting system can function normally even without him.

If someday in the future, someone can freely enter and leave the worm room, the worm-fighting team can directly eliminate Wang Wen and redistribute the profit model.


If there is one day.

Song Ping'an would be the first to object or even resist.

Even if the new profit model will increase his income hundreds of times.

He would also rather work for Wang Wen with 1/10,000 of the share.

Because he's never been a smart, quick-witted man.

He is stupid and stupid, with only one muscle in his head.

He believes that without the opportunity Wang Wen gave, he would not be where he is today.

Anyone can do this kind of purely physical work, and Wang Wen can give the opportunity to anyone.

Give it to anyone who is more powerful or more valuable than Song Ping'an.

But Wang Wen did not.

Instead, the opportunity was left to the group of people in the resource team whose task completion rate was the last.

Apart from being unlucky, this group of people has one common problem.

It's all a muscle.

Other smart people make a lot of money even if the task is countdown.

Only this group of people can neither complete the task nor make any money.

Song Ping'an still doesn't understand why it is his own group.

It stands to reason that aside from those smart people who steal and play tricks, there are also many ordinary people who are diligent and abide by the rules.

Why didn't even the ordinary people who normally complete the task be included in the bug-fighting team.

Instead, is it someone like him who has the lowest completion rate with inflexible brains?

Song Ping'an didn't understand Wang Wen's selection criteria.

Too lazy to understand.

He only knows that whoever dares to betray Wang Wen in the bug-fighting team, he will be the first to rush up and work hard.

Because the man who gave him the miracle that pulled him out of the trough of his life.

My name is Wang Wen.

. . .

That's the standard.

. . .

What He Ji once said to Song Ping'an was true, that he only had to do it once a week to bring someone into the insect room.

What is he doing the rest of the time?

very busy.

I was so busy that I made a lot of money.

Originally thought that the level increase of [The Way of Man] would only increase the duration or cooldown, followed by the number of uses.

It was later discovered that it was not.

Terrible, unexpectedly terrifying.

The duration or cooldown has not changed.

The second level and the third level are to increase the number of uses.

At the fourth level, it becomes the number of skills that can be copied!

He Ji clearly remembered that when the skill was upgraded to the fourth level, the skill information of [The Way of Humanity] showed that two extraordinary skills could be copied at the same time, and they could be used 3 times each without affecting each other.

This makes this skill very scary.

It is equivalent to having more skills than others invisibly.

Although due to the duration of the skills themselves, any copied skills can only last for 1 hour.

Can win in ever-changing combinations.

For example, he can copy Chen Hansheng's [Wolf Body] and Cheng Queyi's [Full Metal Storm] to use at the same time.

Within that hour, he could fight and fight.

It's even more perverted than Qin Dongbei, who was smashed with countless resources at the beginning.

If the level of this skill is raised to seventh, eighth or even ninth in the future, the number of skills copied at the same time is likely to become four or even five.

Coupled with the extraordinary skills that he himself extracted with the power of the world.

This guy is simply a humanoid skill library!

Easily have more than a dozen extraordinary skills!

There is no one in the world with more extraordinary skills than him!

Of course, so far he can only copy two.

And one of the "skill slots" should be reserved for [Same Layer Teleportation].

Not only need to bring people to the bug room.

He has a new job.

That's the quadrangle style of play given by Wang Wen!

When Wang Wen learned that [The Way of the Human Being] can copy multiple skills at the same time, and can use each of them multiple times without affecting each other, he taught him how to develop a four-square formation and let him lead the way. Hit someone you can trust. Valley

The first boarding reward on the 400th floor of the World Tower is a master-level basic skill.

And to use Wang Wen's method to play the quadrangle, you only need someone to have an agency plus a poison master at the same time.

Therefore, He Ji can become a qualified quadrangle "field controller" as long as he finds a master of mechanical mechanics or a master of poison-making with four hundred layers to get the reward.

As a result, the immortal was too lazy to find someone else, and simply went on it himself.

When Wang Wen was brought up to the 600th floor, the reward he chose on the 400th floor was the poison master.

And because he has been taking people to the worm room for a long time, he is very familiar with Zhu Xingguo, who often takes the initiative to help Master watch the field in the worm room and improve the living conditions of the worm-fighting team.

Everyone in the worm room knew that Zhu Xingguo had many identities.

For example, "Master of Life", "Universal Treasure Chest", "Mosquito Collector", "The King of Scraping" and so on.

One of the most important is "Wang Wen's apprentice".

Scientific name: "Personal Disciple of the Destruction-level Organism Master".

He Ji was not qualified to worship Wang Wen as a teacher, but he won the qualification to worship Zhu Xingguo as a teacher through his fairly good performance.

So after helping Zhu Xingguo to use the [The Way of Humanity] to copy the skills and then copy the props for a period of time, he successfully relied on Zhu Xingguo. . In order to save face, Cheng Queyi's self-created "micro-organism" training course.

This course needs to spend academy coins in the academy to find Cheng Queyi to teach it in person.

Shattering level course!

He Di's use of this kind of course just to break through the master is simply anti-aircraft guns to hit mosquitoes.

After training for just over a week, he showed signs of "opening up".

Practice thinking on your own.

Combined with the general mechanics courses in the academy.

It took him about a month to rush to the master of the mechanical technique without making a sound.

The combination of drug production and agency.

Then randomly copy the area damage extraordinary skill of a powerful point.

If it weren't for the fact that 5 people had to be assembled in the lower tower to open the integer-level level, and if he wanted to save some effort, he could be the "field controller" and "reaper" to finish the quadrangle.

at last.

According to Wang Wen's orders.

He Di gave priority to selecting members from the resource team who had "no jealousy and slandering the worm-fighting team", and went with him to play the Quartet.

After experiencing the superiority and pleasure of God's selection of people, He couldn't help but stunned secretly, lamenting that the "boss" Wang Wen's mind was really meticulous.

The seemingly unintentional plan is actually intertwined at every step, testing the human nature of observation.

The 500 members of the resource team who were initially patted on the chest by Chen Hansheng to ensure that there was absolutely no problem with their character were divided into four levels after repeated screening.

Smart people who cheat and cheat are fired.

The one-strand wooden man was included in the insect-fighting team known as the "miracle counterattack".

Less than half of the remaining members of the resource team thought that they would have no other chance and could only stay in the resource team and play resources for the academy every week until the end of their lives.

Unexpectedly, another quartet of thugs appeared.

The selection criteria are those honest people who have no jealousy, jealousy, slander and sour comments amid hopelessness and insipidity.

Now, no one dares to underestimate the Academy and the Resource Team.

Do your job well in your own post.

After all, no one can guarantee that there will be another selection opportunity.

Everyone sees how the people who are elected are developed.

Not to mention the bug squad.

Even the quartet thugs team in charge of He Di made a lot of money.

According to Wang Wen's teaching style, the Sifang Formation can play more than 200 billion a week. Although it is not as effective as the insect room, it is already terrible for the thug team.

The same 1/10,000 share ratio, 200 billion is 20 million!

Play a week, earn 20 million!

The members who were selected to join the thugs team were so happy they almost fainted.

Regardless of rotation, as long as you have the opportunity to go in and play once, you can achieve financial freedom immediately.

Play the whole family free twice.

Hit three times and move into the second area.

Play four times, enjoy life without worry and enjoy life by yacht fishing by the sea.

As for how embarrassed.

When he got 200 billion for the first time, it was as if Zhu Xingguo had ordered a fart, and his bowels were twitching nervously.

Having seen the speed at which the bug-fighting team made money, he was still a little cowardly when he could also enter this atmosphere.

Call Wang Wenshi the money.

Wang Wen said that from now on, He Di will be his own person and will be distributed according to the "own person's rules".

Under this rule, Wang Wen, who provided [same-level teleportation] and the four-square play style, remained the same.

The rest of the "own people" who have contributed each account for 10%.

The people who contributed to the project of the Quartet include "logistics support" Zhu Xingguo, "technical guidance" Cheng Queyi, and "practical operation" He Di.

In other words, the benefits of the Quartet, He Di is no longer a worker, but a shareholder.

10% profit.

More than 20 billion!

This is the amount of money He Di can get every time he plays the quad.

Far more than Song Ping'an of the bug-fighting team imagined!


Only 10% of the actual practice seems to be harsh.

But still the same reason, Wang Wen is the core of this style of play, without [same-level teleportation], even if you learn to cultivate flow, it will be useless.

Each tower climber encounters a level randomly, and it is impossible to enter wherever they want.

He Di is the "own person" distribution qualification obtained through his own efforts and luck.

Otherwise, at most, for the sake of hard work, they will be given a higher share than ordinary "thugs", such as 5/10,000 or 1/1,000.

Wang Wen, who owns the worm room, doesn't really care about the benefits of the Sifang Array.

But the rules cannot be broken.

Since the subordinates have the ability to discover the opportunity to contribute points, they cannot be denied for no reason.

Everyone is making money, not shabby.

So why is this embarrassing settled here.

He is known as "Wang Wen's chief errand manager", "Zhu Xingguo's apprentice", "Cheng Queyi micro-organization course graduate", "Insect room leader", "Square matrix practical operation and field control teacher", "College certified teacher" "identity of.

Entered the circle of the number one tower climber in the world.

It is conceivable that Wang Wen will add his name to the "own people" on the 700th floor.

He Di will also be squeezed into the ranks of the world's top tower has the opportunity to choose the 700-story treasure and become a real person.

Go up to the 700th floor.

So far only Wen Wang's team can do it.

On the 660th floor where everyone was stuck, Wang Wen could fill in the progress forcibly to pass the level, or rely on Ren Ruan Ruan to skip the level without any reward.

In addition, other tower climbers want to pass the level, the most likely way is to repair the damaged space capsule, and then return to the planet according to the signal to find progress.

in this case.

Whether it belongs to the "top level" or not, and whether it is a "own person" in Wang Wen's circle, can be easily distinguished from the tower floor.

Only the truly recognized members will go up to the 700th floor.

This became a watershed.

He Di is still an "ordinary person" on the 600th floor.

He was in no hurry.

Happy to bring people into the worm room.

When no one enters the worm room, they choose to rotate among the thugs to play the quad.

Every week has been very fulfilling.

He no longer needs to borrow thousands of points from friends to pick up girls.

On the contrary, those beautiful girls don't let him spend money anymore, and they take the initiative to invite him to eat, drink and talk about life, and they don't know what to do.

Probably because of his character and talent.

The result is embarrassing and cheap.

The girls who posted backwards didn't like it, even if a girl like Du Keke who had been chasing down her muscles and bones, suddenly added his contact information back one day, and took the initiative to invite him to the second area for coffee.

And said that she was treated as a guest.

He embarrassed to go once, but did not let her treat.

The two chatted about the current situation like ordinary friends, and then separated.

Since then, He Di has never accepted the invitation of the other party.

On the contrary, Xu Wa, the girl who was accidentally blinded, visited more and more frequently.