MTL - Returning from the Immortal World-Chapter 1340 After the acquaintance (one more seeking a monthly pass)

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Qian Weixian Zunjiao sighed, and the lightning-like figure appeared in front of the remaining two Luo Jinxian. As her life sword continued to display swords, she quickly killed the two.


A scream of screaming screams from the mouth of Qinglan Road. His facial features began to distort and blood ran down the corners of his mouth.

Tang Xiu sneered: "I kill your brother, kill your master, it is with you **** sea enmity. Your life is under my control, so you are now like a loyal dog in front of me. But in the future I will lift I am afraid that this control of your blood will become a driving force for you to become stronger. In order to scribble the roots, you must die."

Qingdao Dao is miserable: "You are a betrayed bastard, I..."


Tang Xiu did not give him the opportunity to finish, directly controlling his enchantment explosion, the soul flies.


He looked at other people, Shen Sheng said: "Star tears and black cockroaches are left behind, others enter the cave fairy."


For the first time, everyone saw Tang Xiu’s hot, so the attitude became more respectful than before, and they entered the cave fairy.


Qianwei Xianzun just opened his mouth and realized that he had made a mistake. He quickly turned around and said: "The great Tang Dynasty, our cooperation has ended. The four Suzaku saints will pay I am giving you."

Tang Xiu nodded slightly and said: "Jong Wei Xian Zun, I would like to thank you for your help. I will wait for their injuries to heal, so I will not leave you. When I am free, I will be present. Go to Xianting and express your gratitude again."

Qian Weixian respected her heart, but she knew that Tang Xiu’s identity could not be revealed, so she nodded and said, “I will wait for you in Xianting. Leave a message.”


She left with four big Luo Jinxian and drove at a very fast speed.

Tang Xiu regained his gaze and walked straight to a boulder not far away to sit on his knees, waiting for the end of the healing of Wan Yixian.

Time is in a hurry.

In the blink of an eye, six hours have elapsed. When the Wanzong Xianzong floats up, the other three figures are also moving. They stand side by side with Wanxi Xianzun and look at the boulders that are not far from the knees. Tang Xiu. The four people understand that even if there were supreme appearances, there were more than a dozen Da Luo Jinxian appearing, but the real leader is the young mysterious person who seems to be very weak, in fact, even Da Luo Jinxian can kill.

"Black scorpion venomous scorpion, you also enter the cave fairy, leaving the tears to protect me." Tang Xiu opened his eyes and said calmly.

The black scorpion venomously nodded slightly, and the body shape turned into a streamer, and entered the cave fairy.

Star tears?

Wanxi Xianzun and Tengchong Xianzun, Jiuzhixian, Yu Meixianzun four people, turned to look at the stars tears, their eyes flashed a line of fine light.

The appearance of the tears of the stars changed slightly. When she recovered her original appearance, she smiled at the four people: "This hundred years has made you suffer."

"Singer aunt?"

The four people of Wanxu Xianzun showed an incredible look, and then the expression of ecstasy climbed on their faces. Even Yu Meixian is even more out of tears, Qi Qi fell in front of the stars.

Star tears personally lifted the four of them and sighed: "The four of you are all good, and they are the children of my Suzaku Shengzong. It is a good apprentice of my nephew."

Wanxi Xianzun strongly suppressed the stirring emotions, respectfully said: "Teacher and aunt, thank you for coming to save us. Over the past 100 years, too many of our own people have come, and because of the death of four of us. It’s not that we can’t commit suicide, we should have died long ago.”

The tears of the stars sighed and said: "You don't have to thank me. The one who really saved you is him, the great Tang Emperor. In fact, I am also deeply guilty. If it wasn't for the Tang Dynasty, I bought it from the prison. Come out, I am afraid that it will not take long, I will die in prison."


The four people were shocked and looked at the Tang Dynasty. They all clenched their fists and said: "Thanks to the great Tang Dynasty for his life."

Tang Xiu looked at them quietly, and there were countless thoughts in his heart. He wanted to tell his true identity to four people, but he was afraid to tell them that any one of them would be embarrassed in the future, and they might reveal their identity. Unless they can break through to the Supreme Realm. Or, use the Curse of the Soul for them.

After half a week.

Tang Xiucai secretly sighed and said: "If you want to thank me, give me five thousand years! As for the things of Suzaku, you don't have to take it anymore."

The four people changed their face. As Wanxi Xianzun stepped forward, he said: "The Great Tang Dynasty has a life-saving grace for all four of us. Since you have already spoken, we should have stayed with you. You have been working for five thousand years. But my sect is now in turmoil and precarious. I hope that you will be forgiven, we must return to the Suzaku Sacred, guard the sect, and kill with the enemy."

Tang Xiu said faintly: "You stay with me and you can kill with the enemy. Is it the battle that happened before, the Jiu Yaoqin's master Shu Lei is killed, and six hostile Da Luo Jinxian are killed. Isn't it helping Suzaku saint?"


The four quickly exchanged a look, and then Wan Xianxian said: "You are right, it is indeed to help us Suzaku." But we do not return to the sect, always in the heart, but also hope that the Tang Dynasty Emperor forgive me. ”


Star tears looked at Tang Xiu, Shen Sheng said: "Your Majesty, if I remember correctly, you promised me before, once you rescue them four, you will give me an explanation. I want to know, you in the end Who is it?”

Tang Xiu smiled bitterly: "Do you really have to know?"

The tears of the stars are said to be broken: "Yes."

Tang Xiu said helplessly: "Why are you here?"

Star tears said: "My life is saved by you, so let me loyal to you for five thousand years, naturally no problem. But if you want them to be loyal to you, you must give an explanation."

Tang Xiu silent for a moment, slowly said: "Return to the fog source sea! After returning to the foggy sea, I will tell you my true identity. However, I also need you to promise me a condition."

"What conditions?"

Wan Wanxian respected the look and immediately asked.

Tang Xiu said: "You have recovered your ability to act, and the injury has been much better. But before I tell you the true identity, you must not have any connection with the old one. Even you must Stay in the cave fairy."


The Wanzong Xianzun four people hesitated.

Star tears took a deep breath and said, "I promise you for them."

Tang Xiu nodded and said: "Now go inside the cave fairy! We have just experienced a fight, especially the Wan Lei Supreme was killed, it should have been known by the Jiu Yao Qin, maybe he is very It will come soon. So, we need to leave early."

Star tears said: "If we want to completely erase the traces, we can no longer transmit through the space, at least the space of the three nearby fairy fields can not be used."

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "I understand."

With the tears of the five people entering the cave fairy, Tang Xiu called the black scorpion to let her fly with her own flight.

A year later.

Tang Xiu finally returned to the Wuyuan Sea. When he saw the solitary smoke on the edge of the calm sea at the source of the fog, the handsome face finally showed a smile.


The soft call makes the solitary smoke wake up from cultivation.

A moment.

The beautiful face of the solitary smoke rises with excitement, and when it rushes to the front of Tang Xiu, it plunges into his arms and says with a bit of grievance: "Master, you are finally back. You The next one is more than a year, I miss you very much, and I am very worried about you. In the future, I will not separate from you."

Tang Xiu patted her back gently and said with a smile: "Smoke, you can rest assured! If it is not unlucky, the whole fairy can kill me, and now there are not many."

The solitary smoker nodded hard. After loosening Tang Xiu, he hurriedly asked: "Have you put four people...have rescued them four?"

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "It has been saved."

The lonely smoker said: "Great. Master, can I see them now?"

Tang Xiu looked at the black scorpion, and said faintly: "You first enter the cave fairy, I will release you later, let you practice outside and live in the future."


After the black scorpion venom enters the cave fairy, Tang Xiu puts the tears of the stars, Wan Xi Xian Zun, Teng Chong Xian Zun, Jiu Zhixian, Yu Mei Xian Zun, and the shepherd is called out from the cave fairy. When he took the crowd into the inner cave of Jingxin Cliff, he looked at the scroll hanging on the wall.

The tears of the stars turned and said, "We have come back, we are all waiting for your explanation."

Tang Xiu turned around, and the two lines of tears had slipped down the cheeks. He remembered when she saw the tears in the prison, her miserable appearance, remembering the four apprentices on the cliffs of the Tianshan Mountains. In the tragic scene, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he kneels down in front of the star tears, takes out the soul card of the tears from the body, and slowly reaches out and hands to her.


The tears of the star's tears are unbelievable. She never dreamed that this great Tang Dynasty who controlled this life would kneel down. She did not even think that this mysterious Tang Dynasty Emperor would have to return his own soul card to himself.


Star tears did not pick up her soul card, but asked Tang Xiu to ask.

Tang Xiu’s facial muscles moved, and with the slow adjustment, he became what he used to be, muttering: “The aunt of the tears, the repairing child is not filial, and you have suffered so much suffering, so many crimes. In order to conceal my identity, I dare not easily recognize you."


The lonely smoker and the shepherd stood behind Tang Xiu and also went down to the tears of the stars.

The tears of the stars were struck by lightning. The whole person shook a few times, and the steps stepped back toward the back, and looked at the familiar face with a dull face. She didn't realize that at the moment her nails had been deeply plunged into the flesh and blood dripped down the fingers.