MTL - Returning from the Immortal World-Chapter 1403 Putian celebration (see double monthly ticket)

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Su Lingyun saw Tang Xiu and suddenly dissatisfied and said: "You don't tell me about your big country. You repaired, you come to help me talk about your brother, he is not a big man, he is not willing to find a woman to marry and have children. You have made my hair straighter, and he added me to it..."

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "Mom, the younger brother, he is not willing to marry his wife and children, you should not force him. If the marriage is over, maybe he will soon get married. Do you really don't want to hear?" I want to tell you about the big happy event?"

Happy event?

Su Lingyun suddenly became a spirit, and came to Mu Yuying in a few steps. He hurriedly asked: "Is there a?"

Mu Yuying was a pretty face and nodded silently.

Su Lingyun’s big eyes, his eyes burst into an excited look, and he said quickly: “Is it really? I...I want to be a grandmother?”

Tang Xiujun’s face is floating in a strange look. He never imagined that he only told his mother that there was a big happy event. She could immediately guess what Mu Yuying was pregnant, and she thought... Grandson?

A short half day.

All the top officials of the Tang Dynasty empire got a definite news: the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Mu Yuying, was pregnant. This news, like the insertion of wings, soon spread throughout the Tang Empire.


The thing that Tang Xiu went to the Star Empire was delayed.

Fog source sea, Xiangji Island.

In a palace, two men, one woman and one woman sit quietly on the knees and read a lot of jade content in front of them. Suddenly, the old man looked up and looked at the girl sitting in the window and looked a little sluggish. He said, "Let's lead, there is something to report."

The girl turned her head and looked at the old lady and asked, "What is it?"

The old man said: "Just got the exact news, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, one of the emperors of the Tang Dynasty, Mu Yuying, has confirmed pregnancy. The first son of the Tang Dynasty Empire, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will be born.

The girl glimpsed, and then a flash of light flashed through the eyes. As she was beaten out by a message, she slowly said: "Your Majesty let us build an intelligence network in the Tang Empire, although we have worked very hard, but The intelligence network of the Tang Empire is even better than us. In the past few hundred years, we have lost too many people. Now, finally, we have got a useful intelligence."

The old man smiled bitterly: "The emperor of the Tang Dynasty Empire is really similar to our majesty, and it attaches great importance to intelligence issues. So that the intelligence network we lay down will be pulled out from time to time. This kind of chore I really don't know when it is a head!"

The girl shook her head and said: "Your Majesty absolutely knows the emperor of the Tang Empire. Otherwise, she will not be so jealous of this Tang Dynasty, and will not pay such attention to the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty."

Xianjie, Tianfengxian domain.

A huge palace that stands tall and rushes into the sky, and it is dark. Hundreds of tactics shrouded the palace, and countless stalwarts were stationed everywhere, guarding the atmosphere.


A big Luo Jinxian wearing a black robes and a red cloak, a beautiful look on the beautiful face, when she caught the glare of the ray, did not dare to read the contents of the message, Instead, it quickly enters the palace.

"Your Majesty."

After appearing in the Golden Temple, Black Phoenix looked at the star-shaped fairy statue sitting on the Jiufeng chair like a black meteorite. Respectfully said: "The seven-star intelligence that has just arrived from the Tang Dynasty empire, please take a look." ."

The nine-phoenix chair is wearing a black mask, and the star-sung sage in the black robes is slowly raised. When she grabs the jade slip, she is covered by the black robe as she reads it. The body trembled slightly, and the whole person was covered in a surging black mist.

"I know, come back."

Black Phoenix looks awkward, and she keenly heard a trace of trembling from her voice.

After two days.

Sixing Xianzun passed the next Shengyu: a hundred years of retreat, Murong supreme generation of thoughts on the star empire, if there is no danger of destroying the country, can not be disturbed.


The whole Star Star Empire, only Murong Supreme knows, the Emperor of the Star Empire, after the announcement of the Holy Spirit, left alone.

Time is in a hurry.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a year has passed.

The Tang Empire.

With a loud baby crying, a stream of light flew from the palace of the Tang Empire to all directions.

"The birth of the emperor, the celebration of the day."

Tang Xiu stood in front of the bed, holding the son in the parcel, a **** connection, lingering in his heart for a long time. He is very excited, but there is more in his heart, but it is a complex taste. There was a scene in the past, as deep and deep in the deepest part of the soul, so clear, so that the heart of Tang Xiu is in pain:

"French, the herb is coming, he diagnosed us, hope that our body is fine."

"French, I am so happy, we are really fine. I want to give you a child who belongs to us soon."

"French, all six times. Herbs have come six times. Why are our bodies all normal, can't you have your son?"

"French, I am envious of Ying Wei, she is only two thousand years old, she has already given birth to six children."

"Fu Jun, Allure seems to leave you blood."

"French, you don't want to see..."


The heart of Tang Xiu is as painful as a knife cut, and the pain makes him hold his son's hands, and he is shaking slightly. Once, he had fantasized many times, and he could stand in front of the bed and hold his own child and watch the happy face on the bed.

"Repair, let me hug."

Mu Yuying's opening on the bed, awakening Tang Xiu from his memories, with a trace of cockroaches growing in his heart, carefully handed the child to Mu Yuying.

"Repair, give him a name!"

"Tang Nian."

Tang Xiu didn't even think about it, blurted out. After that, his whole body was shaken and disappeared instantly. When he reappeared elsewhere, the color of hatred came to his face.


It’s hateful.

He hates not others, it is himself.

He used to think that he had forgotten the past and forgot the woman. But now he suddenly realized that thousands of years of love, how can you forget to forget?

After a long time.

Tang Xiucai calmed down and sighed deeply: "Perhaps, giving time is the most correct choice."

After January.

The Tang Dynasty Empire held the "Putian Banquet", and under the heavens, Qi He’s son Tang Nian’s full moon was happy. It was this day that Tang Xiu decided not to wait and announced the beginning of the war.

He wants to kill.

To give a just born son a peaceful future. He wants to use the iron ride of the Tang dynasty and use the killer of the Tang dynasty to kill a grandeur.

You can bear hatred, but he is not willing to let his son bear hatred again. So before his son grows up, he wants to fight the enemy.

Suzaku saint.

The star soul is sitting on the throne of the lord. The corner of his mouth is smiling and holding the hand of his wife, Shi Yanzun. The eyes seem to penetrate the void and fall on his baby grandson.

"French, let's get started?"

Poetry Xianzun, despite his excitement, was still calm and asked.

The smile on the face of the soul of the soul is slowly converging, and the eyes are dignified: "The military changes in the Tang Dynasty are very different, and a large number of Tang Empire soldiers are missing. If I guess correctly, the repairing child is ready to give us the future baby. Grandson, killing a peaceful environment. The millennium has passed away, and it is time to avenge it."

The poetry fairy said: "I used to be too weak and blame for my own strength. Now it is better. I broke through to the supreme realm. The strongest of Suzaku Shengzong’s current supreme realm is already eight. Together with the Qiongwei Xianzun and the black cockroach, the whole ten strongest people in the supreme realm. Even if they kill now, they can kill all the **** of Yundanzong and the Promise Temple!"

Star Soul Supreme nodded silently and said: "You are right, but you can't take it lightly. Even if the strength of our Suzaku Shengzong, now there is hope for revenge, but killing the enemy, we will probably suffer hugely. The loss. So, wait. Wait for the repair to lead the army."


The poetry of the poetry respects the key points.

Suzaku Shengzong.

In the vast sky, in the palace on the planet, the Danqing Emperor, who practiced on the knees, suddenly changed his face. When he appeared outside, he looked at the four black robes flying in the distant sky. The eyes finally fell on the chest of the black robes they wore.

"Ghosts of the Ghosts. Does the Yin Magic wish to have no life?"

Nine Yaoqin magic appeared silently next to Danqing the Great, slowly said.

Danqing Emperor sneered: "The Yin and the Magic wish no life to think of poison, and the plot is very big. When we were besieging the Suzaku Shengzong, the Yin and the Magic wished that Wushou would personally lead a large number of strong souls to help each other. Kill Suzaku The sorrows of the sons of Zongzongmen are even better than those of us. Now his people are coming to us and don’t know what is going on.”

Between the two talking, the four had already flown in front of the two.

"Danqing Emperor, Jiu Yao Qin Mo."

Being the first red-haired old man, his eyes swept over the two men and slowly said: "In the name of my lord, I came to tell the two, the strong empire of the Tang Dynasty has a supreme realm, but Suzaku Zong Xing Xiu Dian's former apprentice, shepherd. The original owner of the fog source is also the shepherd."

Nine Yaoqin devil said: "Yin can't, you are the strongest in this supreme realm, come to us personally, not just tell us about this thing?"

The red-haired old man can't shake his head and said: "Nature is not. What I want to say is that the emergence of the Tang Dynasty empire is really strange, the speed of development is fast, and it is only seen in life. Therefore, our sorcerer believes that the person The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is likely to have a deep relationship with the Suzaku Shengzong. Today, the Imperial Tang Dynasty’s military forces have been greatly mobilized, and in just a few days, at least 80% of the troops have disappeared without a trace. Therefore, Our lord is afraid of an accident here, let us four people come to help."

The quiet night EQ is very low. I can't write a woman at all. All the women who appear in the fairy world are in need of plot. As for how their feelings develop, it is also natural. The night does not deliberately match who, and does not deliberately distract who, Tang Xiu The feelings between the snow and the city are the most heart-wrenching of the quiet night. I still hope that the feelings of Qiong Wei, Xian Er and Tang Xiu are relaxed and not so heavy. By the way, the gift that the night brothers and sisters gave to the brothers and sisters today is the lonely snow of the child Yan Juru. The good brothers and sisters can go and have a taste, leaving the monthly and recommended tickets to leave the body. The static night WeChat public number is jyjs00, or the public number can directly search for the quiet night to send attention.