MTL - Reverend Insanity (Gu Daoist Master)-~ Section 317: 3 plots of ghosts

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The stars are empty, tens of millions, pooled into a star sea, suspended in the sky above Zhongzhou.

The blue light of the stars is intertwined into one piece, forming a dreamlike scene.

At this time, if it overlooks the five domains, Beiyuan, Nanjiang, Donghai, and Xiqian are all covered in darkness. Only a few places are special, shining brightly.

In stark contrast to the four domains, only Zhongzhou.

The starry Zhongzhou.

Compared with the giant Yang Xianzun, Xingsu Xianzun is very familiar with the situation of the ghost demon, so it has already begun to layout.

Even Fang Yuan is behind the stars and respects the true state of the ghosts.

This is the precaution that Zhidao is good at.

Xingsu Xianzun lives in the embroidered building.

At this time, she was multi-purpose, and refining the natural wisdom road traces of Zhongzhou, while healing, while manipulating the actuarial array of stars, and some of the thoughts were posted inside the heavens.

This is also the wisdom of the wisdom of the idea is very rich!

The sky-filled actuarial array is running slowly and everything is normal.

This array has only a few basic offensive and defensive capabilities, and the level of Yaxianzun is not. However, it is precisely because of this that this has allowed Da Zixian and Ju Yang Xian Zun to let go, and choose to trade with Xingsu Xianzun to seek their own interests.

Juyang Xianzun has a strong demand for bloodlines, while Fangyuan has obtained a number of Yuanjing.

The most important power of the sky-filled actuarial array is to cover the entire Zhongzhou, collect information from all over the continent, and then calculate it, so as to dispatch Zhongzhou Zhuxian for more precise cooperation.

Xingsu Xianzun is the first of Zhidao, and Zhidao is her pioneering. Today she is still the first Zhidao of the world. No one knows the essence of wisdom more than she does!

Zhidao emphasizes that control is a study of fixed numbers.

The three elements of Zhidao practice are the meaning of the mind.

The thoughts are changeable, the will is fierce, the emotions are disturbed, and the wisdom of the practice is to let the monks repair these three aspects!

This is the most basic.

Therefore, the wisdom of Taoism is often very calm, self-disciplined, knowing how to control and regulate itself.

On this basis, Zhidao Xiu is good at memorizing through information and understanding the status quo. This is to control the present.

Further, Zhidao Xiu repairs through the various clues and intelligence, according to the rules of the world and the common sense of human nature, to calculate certain possibilities, this is to control the future.

This is the essence of wisdom!

It is precisely because of this nature that the Stars and Immortals are the only ones of all the sages of the past and the present.

She blends with God's will, affecting fate, because fate is the world's largest fixed number.

From this point of view, the star fairy is the most unique.

Numerous messages are like thousands of streams, flowing from the stars and stars, into the minds of the stars.

These messages include the most basic mountain river terrain, including meteorological changes, including the distribution of major remediation forces, as well as the specific location of the immortals, current status, and so on.

The massive amount of information is like a river flowing into the sea, surging, madly pouring into the mind of the stars.

In exchange for the giant Yang Xianzun, the big love fairy, this must be difficult to parry.

But the stars are different.

She majored in wisdom, the broadness of her mind, far surpassed the rest of the sages, receiving such a messy and disorderly amount of information, completely calm and calm, more than enough.

There is a touch of joy in the heart of the stars.

Her control over the entire continent is rising rapidly.

The more real intelligence that Zhidao has mastered, the more he can take advantage of the wisdom.

If you don't want to say, what is the best match between channel and intelligence?

"With the sky-filled actuarial array, I can always monitor the entire Zhongzhou, and if it is a small prison tower."

"The mood of Zhongzhou is relatively stable. The morale of the top ten ancient schools in Zhongzhou is higher than before. It seems that they are comparing the other four domains."

"However, at this time, the starry array of stars is only the most basic level, and it has huge room for improvement."

Xingsu Xianzun secretly counts himself.

For example, in collecting information, the means of investigation are not sharp.

Not to mention the immortal, even if the mortal is a strong teacher, it can hide its own secrets to a certain extent.

For example, in the actuarial array of stars and stars, the channel for storing information and information is still rare and needs to be supplemented. Of course, the best arrangement is to directly insert the Qiankun crystal wall.

For example, the calculation, thinking, and dispatching ability of the sky-filled actuarial array itself can also be improved.

But it also requires a lot of related fairy tales.

The computer shackles, brains, brains, and brains created by Pirates of the Devils.

The special Xianzhi head melon developed by Yuanlian Mozun.

The monkey cerebral palsy, the cerebral palsy, the phoenix cerebral palsy, and the brain scorpion that can be matched with the force means.

There is also the result of the ghost of the demon in the esophagus.

These locusts are suitable for the actuarial array of stars.

In addition, the most basic offensive and defensive power of the stars and stars is also a huge room for growth.

"However, at this moment, the sky-filled actuarial array has reached the bottom line that other Sayādaws tolerate. Any improvement will bring about the attack of the Sayādaw."

Xingsu Xianzun has an insight into the world.

The sky-filled actuarial array is mainly subject to external pressure, and secondly it requires a lot of cents. Therefore, we can only stop here for the time being.

"Next, let the statistics of all the celestial beings of the ten ancient schools in Zhongzhou. Life, cultivation, genre, fairy, killing, fairy, genre, etc., and then handed over to the sky and stars. ”

"As for the two days, the fairy in the sky..."

Xingsu Xianzun decided to take a step slower.

This kind of thing can't be anxious.

The information that was originally used to spy on Zhu Xian is a very jealous thing.

Xingsu Xianzun is a tough implementation, and the top ten ancient factions of Zhongzhou are the subordinates of Tianting, so there is a possibility of implementation.

Even so, the centuries of the ten ancient schools of Zhongzhou will be very uncomfortable, even concealed.

But these are all small sections, and the stars and fairy gods do not want to force.

Forcing is to violate the people's minds and reverse the practice.

Stars and fairy gods will be so unwise?

When the celestial beings begin to taste the benefits of big and small, their mentality will gradually change until they actively cooperate with the stars and actresses.

Under this circumstance, Stars and Immortals will force the two centuries of the celestial celestial beings to report their complete intelligence to the celestial stars.

Not at the moment.

Many superpowers of the two days, after all, have just turned to heaven. If the Stars Xianzun does this, it will not only cool their hearts, but also let the people of the world see the blessings of the aliens who are in the heavens.

In the long run, it will be very unfavorable for the future.

Xingsu Xianzun first refines the heavenly court, intervenes in the west desert, intercepts the interference of the source layout, builds the Da Yan Xian array, and builds a large-scale anti-party source for two days. Later, he and Fang Yuan jointly defeated Juyang to build the most basic stars. Actuarial array.

All kinds of measures, both to see the move, but also to stabilize the fight. Today, the situation in the court is bright and cheerful, and the haze of repeated defeats has been swept away.

“Juyang Xianzun’s injury is even worse than mine, and it’s also a restoration and refining and turning.”

"As for Fangyuan, the lack of Xianyuan, regardless of the natural traces of refining and chemical, or the confrontation between the Sayādaw, is powerless."

"The biggest variable is still in the ghost demon."

Thinking of this, the star fairy Xianzang once again looks into the distance.

In the two days, the ghost demon has already been in the fire, the mountain-like body quickly melted and recovered, and the three heads were distorted, constantly making a terrible roar.

"Ghost..." Stars in the sacred mouth of the sacred, the heavy murder once again rose from the heart.

East China Sea.

Fang Yuan’s heart was shocked, and the joy was filled in the chest, but the face was not obvious.

The nine-turned celestial machine has been refined!

Since the battle for the glory of the battle, Fang Yuan has been able to survive the most difficult period.

Later, Fangyuan revolved in the East China Sea, and did not refine the traces of the East China Sea refining road, posing a statue of Xianyuan, but secretly refining the heavens.

Until now, Fang Yuan has finally done a good job, and has produced a nine-turn machine!

It's hard to get.

This is only the first attempt to refine and it has been directly successful.

Mainly because of the nine-turn smelt, helping a lot of sources. Secondly, the fairy tales of the celestial ancestors were excellent, and after the improvement of Fangyuan, they reached a certain extreme.

But looking back on the whole process, the difficulty is still quite high.

If it is not a source of adventure, it is likely to be defeated.

The nine-day-old machine is a success, and Fangyuan’s next step is to improve the celestial confusion.

This step is not difficult.

Fangyuan is very confident.

He has accumulated a lot of improvements in the sky, and the confusing and killing itself is also excellent enough to be the most stable cornerstone.

"I have to find a chance to meet with Li Xiaobai and put the confession of the nine-level number on his body. This will enable him to lurk in peace."

"Maybe I can take advantage of the Ghost Respect?"


Juyang Xianzun is fully healing.

With the help of the longevity of the road, he was able to kill the star trails, the road signs and the road traces.

Although he got nine turns of light but he added more intense feelings.

"The Ghost Monster swallows the wild nine turns of fire, which is stupid."

"He is unclear, and there is no possibility of refining the fire. At the moment, in order to protect himself, he fights hard in his body and constantly kills the traces of the soul in the ghost demon."

"Once the Ghost Respect is weak and reaches the limit, the Stars and the Devils will surely shoot, and then there will be a fierce battle."

Juyang Xianzun did not urge the investigation and killing.

He must start to reserve Xianyuan.

This time, in order to protect the Emperor Guangdi, he kept the nine-turned light, and at the same time played against the two sages, Xianyuan consumed a lot.

Later, if there are three confrontations in the Ghost Respect, he will probably be targeted by the other two because of the advantage of the nine-turned light.

The nine-turned light was taken by Ju Yang Xian Zun, but it was also very hot.