MTL - Rules Strange Story: My Family is Not Normal-Chapter 20 Slaughterhouse No. 8

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  Chapter 20 Slaughterhouse No. 8

  The content recorded in this notebook should be left by the previous guard.

   It feels like a rule he summed up by himself.

  After briefly inferring the owner of the notebook, Zhou Bai looked at the contents in earnest.

  【1. The scariest thing in the slaughterhouse is the supervisors. 】

  【2. Don’t count or try to know how many doors there are in the slaughterhouse, and don’t open doors you haven’t seen before. 】

  【3. Don't make the doctor angry! Remember! Remember! 】

  【4. Pig is a docile animal. It has a stout body, short limbs, large ears, and a long snout. Keep these characteristics of pigs in mind! keep in mind! keep in mind! 】

  【5. Director Liu will always put our safety first! 】

  【6. Don't go into slaughterhouse No. 8. No matter what happens! 】

  【7. Director Liu is the best person in the world. Don't hit him, even if he asks us to hit him! 】

  【8. If you meet someone whose eyes turn red, you must run quickly! 】

  Seeing these rules, Zhou Bai felt that the difficulty of this dungeon had increased a lot.

   Judging from these words, when the former guard wrote these rules, his mental state seemed to be abnormal.

  Many rules seem, even a little ridiculous.

   At this time, the system sound rang.

  【It is found that the host has found a new rule. 】

  【Now mark the wrong rules for you. 】

  【In the guard's notes, Rule 7 is wrong. 】

   Zhou Bai stared at the rule marked in red, feeling even more puzzled.

  Because the information content of this rule is really too much.

   Isn’t Director Liu a good person?

  Need to fight Chief Liu?

  Or, when Director Liu asks to hit him, he can hit him?

   In other words, this whole rule is all wrong.

  In addition, what are the supervisors in the slaughterhouse referring to?

   Don't make the doctor angry, this should be right.

  But when you see someone with red eyes, you don’t have to run away, you can also beat them up like Zhou Bai did just now.

  Therefore, there are doubts about Article 8.

   Zhou Bai took another look at the two rules, and then put the two rules together in the drawer.

   Now is not the time to stop and think about the rules, there are more urgent things waiting for him to do.

   According to the working rules, the slaughterhouse will be disinfected at 7:30 every morning.

   Zhou Bai must make sure that everyone in the slaughterhouse has left before this.

   This is his job responsibilities.

  It's already 7:00 in the morning, and there is only half an hour left.

   Zhou Bai needs to inspect the slaughterhouse as soon as possible.

  So he took the key and walked towards the slaughterhouse.

  Although it is daytime now, the wet and chilly feeling in the slaughterhouse still makes people feel a bit chilly on the back.

  This slaughterhouse has a total of 8 slaughter rooms.

   Arrange them horizontally from the left side of the door in order.

   Zhou Bai started to check from the first slaughterhouse.

  As soon as the slaughterhouse was opened, the smell of blood could be smelled immediately.

  In the workshop, hooks, machetes, boning knives and other iron tools should be placed on the table.

   exudes a shocking cold light.

  Zhou Bai tried his best to adapt himself to the smell inside.

  Walking in, each slaughter room was carefully inspected before taking out the key and locking the door.

   When he reached slaughterhouse No. 8, he stopped at the door.

  The work rules of the guards, as well as the notes left by the previous guards, all mentioned this slaughterhouse.

   But, the code of practice says so.

  【Unless you get the permission of Director Liu, you are not allowed to enter the No. 8 slaughter room. 】

   And the former doorman's note reads.

  【Do not enter the No. 8 slaughter room. No matter what happens! 】

  Among these two rules, there is obviously a contradiction.

   But now there is no way to distinguish between true and false.

  For the sake of safety, it is still not appropriate to venture in now.

  So Zhou Bai decided to just go outside the glass window of No. 8 slaughterhouse and check if there is anyone inside.

  So, he walked to the window and looked in through the glass.

  I saw the layout inside, which was no different from other slaughterhouses.

   There is a row of racks for hanging pigs.

   However, in this slaughterhouse, it seems that a pig is still hanging on a shelf that has not been removed.

  Because the distance was a bit far, Zhou Bai worried that it was the reflection of the glass that made him see wrong.

  So he put his hands on the glass, and then put his face close to the glass to identify it carefully.

  The dead pig was hanging on the rack.

  In the empty slaughter room, it was shaking, making a "squeak" sound.

   Zhou Bai put all his attention on that shelf.


  An eye appeared, taking all his sight.

  Pupils were facing Zhou Bai's eyes, separated only by a piece of glass.

   Zhou Bai was frightened by the sudden appearance of eyes and took a step back.

   Then I saw a human face appearing in the glass.

  He was wearing a hazmat suit.

   It's just that the hood on his head has been pulled away by him.

  The whole head is exposed to the air.

   Zhou Bai didn't know who he was, but he checked the clock on his phone.


   It's time for disinfection soon.

  After 7:30, no one can stay in the slaughterhouse.

   This is Zhou Bai's job responsibility.

  So Zhou Bai knocked on the glass.

   Called him vigorously, telling him to come out quickly.

  But the other party didn't pay attention to Zhou Bai.

   Self-serving smirk.

   Zhou Bai suddenly became anxious.

  The audience who were watching the live broadcast became anxious like him.

  —"There are only 4 minutes left! If he doesn't come out, Zhou Bai will violate the rules!"

  —"But that person seems to be out of his mind, no matter what Zhou Bai tells him, he won't come out."

  —“It would be great if I could go in and pull him out.”

  —"That's even worse, the rules say that you can't enter the No. 8 slaughterhouse."

  —"Run over now to inform Director Liu, is there time?"

  —"It's too late! It's too late! Only 3 minutes left!"

  No. 8 slaughterhouse and field director's room, one is located at the northernmost side of the slaughterhouse, and the other is located at the westernmost side of the slaughterhouse.

   Zhou Bai ran to the director's room and came back, it was too late.

   Only 3 minutes left.

   Zhou Bai looked around anxiously.

  I saw several sets of protective clothing hanging in the changing room next to the No. 8 slaughterhouse.

   Zhou Bai turned his head and glanced at the clothes that the person inside was wearing.

   There is not much time left for him to think.

   gritted his teeth.

   Then quickly ran over, picked up a protective suit and put it on.

   Wrap yourself tightly.

   Then he opens the door to slaughterhouse #8.

   ran in at a gallop.


   Countdown, only 60 seconds left.

  The audience in the live broadcast room clenched their hands, and their hearts beat faster following Zhou Bai's movements.

  (end of this chapter)