MTL - Rules Strange Story: My Family is Not Normal-Chapter 491 The phone rings in the cemetery

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  Chapter 491 The Phone Ringing in the Cemetery

  Fatty Peng also noticed the row of footprints, and was so frightened that he didn't dare to go any further. He hugged his fat self, curled up into a ball, and squatted on the ground.

  At this time, he suddenly heard a rustling sound from the grave next to him.

   Isn't it? Is someone really going to crawl out of the grave?

  Fatty Peng was so frightened that he covered his eyes with his hands in fear, only revealing a slit, and slowly looked in the direction of the sound.

  I saw a black figure in the tomb next to him, which was moving.

  When Fatty Peng saw it, he was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe out, and he didn't dare to move his whole body.

   With a trembling voice, he wanted to ask Zhou Bai for help.

   "Bai...Brother Bai, is something..."

  As soon as his voice came out, the black figure stepped back abruptly.

   Then, Fatty Peng saw clearly that it was a very large mouse, biting a bone with rotten flesh, and quickly escaped from the grave next to him.

   It turns out that someone is not going to climb out of the grave...

  Fatty Peng breathed a sigh of relief.

  Patting his chest with his chubby hand, he quickly turned around to look for Zhou Bai.

   On the other side, Zhou Bai had already walked along the last row of tombs, and walked slowly to the side of those collapsed hills.

  He stopped by the tombs alone, looking towards the collapsed location.

  I saw that the sand next to it came out from the inside, leaving only an empty shell.

   Looking from his position, he felt that it was pitch black, like a black hole.

   It seems that there is some magic power, which is attracting the people next to it to come closer.

   Zhou Bai stared at that position for a while.

   The more I look at it, the more uneasy I feel.

  Just when he was thinking about whether to go or stay, he suddenly heard a crisp bell ringing in his pocket.

   "Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell..."

   Is this... ringtone?

  The mobile phone that had been on strike since entering City A, suddenly rang at this place.

   It's really hard not to remind people of some "sly calls".

  Fatty Peng and the white bird on the dead branch, when they heard the hypnotic bell, hugged themselves tightly again in fear.

   Zhou Bai hesitantly put his hand into his pocket.

   took out the cell phone that kept ringing.

  Strictly speaking, this is not a mobile phone, but a machine that looks a bit like a mobile phone.

  The man with the badges on his chest, the machine given to him in the duty team office.

   Zhou Bai looked down at the empty tomb.

  I always feel that this machine sounded at this time and this place, and it doesn't seem like a coincidence.

  He stared hesitantly at the machine in his hand, letting the bell ring in this empty cemetery.

   It wasn't until the end of the ringtone that he swiped the screen suddenly and pressed the answer button.

   "Hello." Zhou Bai said to the other end of the machine.

  I only heard the sound of gasping for air from the machine, but there was no answer for a long time.

   "Hey, is anyone listening?"

   Zhou Bai asked again.

   But the other party still didn't answer.

   Wouldn't it really be a "sly call"?

   Zhou Bai murmured in his heart.

   Just when he couldn't wait for a response and was about to hang up the phone, he suddenly heard a scream from the other end of the machine.


ah! !

   It's connected, it's connected, I didn't expect it to be connected! "

   Zhou Bai felt pain in his eardrum, so he quickly took the machine away.

  Wait until the other party finished shouting excitedly, then took the machine back to his ear with lingering fear.

   "Can we communicate normally now?"

   On the other end of the phone, there was a young female voice.

  She managed to calm down, and when Zhou Bai said that, she coughed twice in embarrassment.

   "I'm... sorry.

  Because I make this call many times a day.

   Finally able to get through, I am really excited. "

   Zhou Bai understood her working status very well, but he looked down at the time on his pocket watch, and still had no choice but to urge her.

   "I understand your feelings very well.

  But I'm in a hurry, so can you please talk about the key points first. "

  After listening, the other party quickly took a deep breath, and then changed into a very professional tone, and said seriously.

   "If my call is correct, you should be Zhou Bai, a member of the duty team in the fifth block of City C, right?"


   Zhou Bai looked at the time on his pocket watch, and kept his answer as short as possible.

   "I'm the operator responsible for keeping in touch with you.

  You can call me Xiaomei.

   I don’t know if you are in city A, have you encountered anything that needs to be reported to us? "

  When Zhou Bai heard such an empty question from the other party, he couldn't help fiddling with the pocket watch in his hand a little anxiously.

   "We have now found a clue, following the clue, we should have a chance to find the source of the distress signal.


   Zhou Bai thought of those wounded figures in the processing plant.

   After speaking, he paused again.

   Xiaomei on the other end of the phone may not be completely trustworthy.

   You have to pick and choose what you want them to know.

   "If there is any problem, you can just say it. If we can cooperate, we will try our best to cooperate."

  Hearing Xiaomei's swearing promise on the other end of the phone, Zhou Bai also paused.

  You are outside the city, we are inside.

  Then, what help can you provide?

   Zhou Bai didn't answer in a hurry, but took the machine in his hand and took a few steps forward.

   Plan to hurry up and talk while walking.

   Just as he took the machine in his hand and walked a few steps forward, he suddenly heard a "rustling" sound from the machine next to his ear.


  You...still...listen...can you...see..."

  Xiaomei's voice on the other end of the phone became intermittent and indistinct.

   Zhou Bai hurriedly stopped, and took a few steps back.

  Then, the sound in the machine returned to normal.

   "Zhou Bai, Zhou Bai, can you hear me?"

  Xiaomei shouted nervously on the other end of the phone.

   Zhou Bai could only hold the machine again, away from his ear.

"can hear."

  On the other end of the phone, Xiaomei let out a long sigh of relief: "Great. By the way, where did we just talk?"

   Zhou Bai replied helplessly: "As I said just now, you can help."

   "Yes, yes, yes, I did say this just now. Then go ahead."

   Zhou Bai thought for a while, and tried to say: "We are in danger in City A, can you save us?"

  Xiaomei paused for a moment: "Eh... maybe there is no way."

   "Then we didn't bring enough food in, can you bring food in for us?"

  Xiaomei was a little embarrassed again: " seems not to work."

   "Then you still ask me to make the request?"

   Zhou Bai felt that the other party was simply incomprehensible, and even wanted to hang up her call on the spot.

  (end of this chapter)