MTL - Rules Strange Story: My Family is Not Normal-Chapter 496 See you again

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  Chapter 496 Meet the pig-eared man again

   "Are you still asleep?"

  Zhou Bai was in the dark, so he couldn't see Qi Fa's expression clearly.

   Only his dark eyes could be seen, and he looked away after hearing his question.

   "Well, sleep right away."

  After Qi Fa finished speaking, Zhou Bai saw his figure lying on the bed.

  So in the room, there was only the sound of snoring from Fatty Peng in his deep sleep.

  Zhou Bai breathed a sigh of relief, got up and walked into the toilet.

  Turn on the light, and see my sweaty face appearing in the mirror.

  In the mirror, there was a faint black circle under his eye sockets.

   This looks like he didn't sleep well, you can really see it just by looking at it.

   Zhou Bai faced the mirror, shook his head helplessly, then turned on the faucet, took a handful of cold water, and splashed it on his face.

   With such a splash, he suddenly became more sober.

  Dried his face with a towel, took out his pocket watch, and glanced at the time on it.

   On the pocket watch, it shows the current time, which is already four o'clock in the morning.

  Tomorrow morning, you have to arrive at the supermarket at 9:00 am. In order not to be late, you must start at 7:00 am.

   Only two hours left to sleep.

   Zhou Bai put away his pocket watch, turned off the light in the bathroom, and walked back to his bed.

   Before going back to sleep, he glanced at the bed near the window.

   There, Qi Fa closed his eyes, maintaining the same supine posture as before.

  Compared with Fatty Peng, who was sleeping sprawled across the bed next door, hugging the quilt, he suddenly seemed a little stiff.

   Zhou Bai only glanced at him, but didn't make a sound to puncture him.

   Instead, he lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and prepared to continue sleeping.

   Zhou Bai was like this. After turning four or five times, he finally continued to fall asleep in a daze.

  Unfortunately, this time, he couldn't have a good dream.

   "Bang, bang, bang..."

   There was a sudden loud knocking on the door.

  Zhou Bai had just fallen asleep when he was awakened by the sound of the door slamming, so he could only open his eyes again.

  He sat up from the bed irritably, and then saw Qi Fa who was sleeping by the window and was still lying on his back. At this time, he also opened his eyes.

   "I'll go and have a look."

   Zhou Bai stood up, whispered something to him, and then walked towards the door.

  Behind him, the curtains in the room were drawn tightly.

   But looking from the inside, you can still see the dark red moonlight outside the window, turning the curtains red.

   While Qi Fa heard the knock on the door, his thin face turned to look at the window, and then the color of his eyes suddenly turned red.

  Zhou Bai didn't know anything about what was happening behind him, he still discerned the sound outside the door, and then slowly walked towards the direction of the sound.

   "Bang, bang, bang..."

  The banging on the door still didn't stop, but it seemed that it no longer stopped at their door.

   "Bang, bang, bang..."

   Zhou Bai approached his room door.

  Put your ears to the door, and after confirming that the person outside the door is indeed not at your door, you put your eyes close to the cat's eyes.

  Through the cat's eyes, Zhou Bai saw a bloated figure appearing in the screen.

  His knuckles were broken and bleeding.

  A half-missing pig's ear is bandaged.

  The two ears shook back and forth as he slammed the door hard.

   "Bang, bang, bang..."

  The middle-aged man with pig ears slammed on the door opposite Zhou Bai and the others with his **** hands.

   After smashing it several times, the door didn't open.

  So the pig-eared man turned sideways and started looking for a new target.

   "Bang, bang, bang..."

  The man with pig ears started banging on the door next door again.

  Just when Zhou Bai thought that everything would go on like this, he suddenly saw that the door opposite him was actually opened.

  A man with fox ears cursed loudly in the corridor with the anger of being suddenly woken up.

   "Which son of a **** is it, who stays up late at night, smashing the door?"

   As soon as he finished speaking, the pig-eared man who was raising his hand to knock on the door smiled and turned to look at him.

  A pair of red eyes, with a hint of madness.

   When staring at the man with fox ears, his whole body rushed towards him.

  The man with the fox ears didn't have any defenses, and he was thrown to the ground by the pig-eared man in an instant.

  His jaw was clamped by a fat hand, and his long, thin neck was thrown back with constant struggle.

  Then, Zhou Bai saw a row of teeth and bit down on his neck.

   Immediately pulled out a whole piece of flesh and blood.

   There was the sound of chewing, and then the man with fox ears raised his hands in horror and helplessness.

   wanted to cover the wound, but the blood still flowed down his fingers, staining his whole hands red.

  This **** scene made Zhou Bai, who was standing alone by the door in the dark, feel his back start to feel a little chilly.

  Chewing sounds came in from outside the door.

  The sound entered their room and filled his ears, making him feel as if these sounds also existed in their room.

  There was no more banging on the door.

  Even the cries for help and struggles just now could no longer be heard.

  Zhou Bai saw the pig-eared man with big dark circles on his face, still biting the tenant on the ground who had long since lost signs of life.

   But although he was chewing the flesh and blood, he didn't look like he was eating.

   Instead, it was more like venting some kind of emotion.

   At this time, it was five o'clock in the morning.

  The red moonlight outside the window showed no signs of fading.

  According to the rules, Zhou Bai can't open the door now, nor can he make any noise.

  He could only look at the blood outside the door through the cat's eyes, slowly flowing towards the crack of the door under his feet.

   Another five minutes passed.

  There was such a big commotion outside the corridor, but the people in the hotel didn't seem to notice it.

  It’s already at this time, and no one has come up to deal with it.

  Perhaps, they had acquiesced in such a thing to happen?

   Zhou Bai didn't continue to think about it, anyway, there is no way to come up with any answer now.

   Anyway, it's almost seven o'clock in the morning.

   How they will deal with this matter at that time will naturally have an answer.

  Zhou Bai gently moved his body away from the door, slowed down, and quietly moved towards his bed.

  Try not to let your own voice disturb the people outside.

  Qi Fa opened a pair of red eyes, clutching the sheets in pain, gritting his teeth, as if trying to restrain himself.

  When he saw Zhou Bai's figure coming back, he shrank his fingers violently, and his nails dug into his palm, letting the pain relieve the rising anxiety, and then he quickly closed his eyes.

  (end of this chapter)