MTL - Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child-Chapter 587 military power

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   Chapter 587 Military Power

  Since the old emperor became seriously ill, he never went to the early court again.

   But Jiner suddenly announced that he would go to the morning.

   All officials above the fourth rank of Beijing Middle School have to participate, including Xiao Juan.

   He left the county palace at dawn and rode to the palace on horseback.

   After the early morning, the old emperor was helped out and slowly sat on the dragon chair.

  The prince led the civil and military officials to kneel and kowtow.

   Just a dozen or so steps from the gate to the dragon chair made the old emperor breathless from exhaustion.

   He sat and rested for a while before his breath calmed down.

   "I called all of you Ai Qing to the palace today because I have an important business to discuss. Last night I received an urgent battle report from Liaodong County for 800 miles."

  Wei Wynn unfolded the expedited battle report and read the contents to everyone.

The content is very short. The general content is that the army of the Chen Kingdom is pressing on the territory and intends to invade Liaodong County. The head of Xiangtai County led the Eastern Expedition Army to fight, but because the food and grass were burned, the 300,000 Eastern Expedition Army was in crisis and asked the court to send food support. .

   As for why the grain was burned?

   It was only because the head of Xiangtai County and King Min forced the local tyrants to return the land, which seriously damaged the interests of the local tyrants. These people held grudges and joined forces to stop the grain and grass. In addition, Chen Guo’s meticulous work interfered with it, causing the grain and grass to be burned.

  The old emperor asked everyone, should this matter be settled?

  The ministers began to give advice every word and every word.

   Leaving aside the details, the distribution of food support is for sure.

   That's 300,000 soldiers. If they all starved to death, it would be a huge loss to the court.

   What's more, at the moment of the war, if you abandon the Eastern Expedition Army and let the Chen Kingdom's army go straight in, it will endanger the entire geese in the future.

   Neither the emperor, the prince nor the civil and military officials would like to see such a situation.

   But how much food should be sent? Who should deliver the food?

   These all have to be carefully considered.

  The old emperor listened quietly for a while, then suddenly asked.

   "Prince, why don't you speak?"

   Shen Zhuo, who was named, stood up and said respectfully.

   "Erchen has a suitable person in mind. This person is on good terms with the Lord of Xiangtai County and King Min, and he has been to Liaodong County. He is quite familiar with the situation in Liaodong County. It is most suitable for him to lead the team to send food and grass."

   Although Shen Zhuo did not name his name, everyone present already understood who he was talking about, and they all turned their attention to Prince Lang.

  Old Emperor: "You mean Xiao Juan? He is indeed a good candidate."

   Xiao Yan had a bad feeling in his heart.

  The prince suddenly proposed to let him go to Liaodong County, fearing that he had bad intentions.

   But he couldn't refuse, so he had to stand out and bow slightly: "It is an honor for Wei Chen to gain the trust of the emperor and the prince."

  Old Emperor: "In this way, the task of escorting grain and grass will be handed over to you. I hope you will not disappoint me."

  Xiao Juan: "The minister obeys the order."

   Then he thought and said again.

   "Although the head of Xiangtai County is a hero of women's high school, she is still a female class after all.

  The army is all men, and there must be many inconveniences among them.

  If General Tang was still alive, he would not want his daughter to be born and die every day.

   For things like defending the family and the country, it is safer to leave it to our men.

  The old minister asked his father to issue an decree to summon the head of Xiangtai County back to Beijing.

   In addition, send suitable generals to Liaodong County to take over the Eastern Expedition Army. "

   As soon as these words came out, they immediately got the support of many ministers.

   "His Royal Highness said that there are differences between men and women, and women should not appear in the barracks."

"The reason why the grain and forage was destroyed is that she has nothing to do with the county lord of Xiangtai. Although she has good intentions, she has already developed a feud with the tyrants in Liaodong County. Little rifts are likely to breed more crises."

"Yeah, now they are just burning the grain and grass, and maybe they will do more extreme things in the future. Before the incident happens, Wei Chen suggested that the generals should be replaced as soon as possible, and it would be better to recall the Xiangtai County Lord to Yujing. "

   "Resolving internal concerns first, and then dealing with foreign enemies, can achieve twice the result with half the effort!"


  The old emperor hesitated a little: "Now that the war is going on, suddenly changing generals will probably make the army's heart turbulent."

  Shen Zhuo was well prepared for this, and spoke in a hurry.

"Father, don't worry, the king of Langjun and the head of Xiangtai are on good terms, and the king of Langjun will go to negotiate with the head of Xiangtai, presumably the head of Xiangtai will understand our good intentions, as long as the head of Xiangtai does not Opinions, the soldiers of the Eastern Expedition Army will naturally have no idea."

   Hearing this, Xiao Yan finally understood the purpose of Shen Zhuo.

   This fellow is digging a hole for him on purpose!

  Shen Zhuo knew that he had a good relationship with Tang Guixi, so he deliberately made him to be this villain, just to make a conflict between him and Tang Guixi.

   As long as he and Tang Guixi broke down, it would be equivalent to cutting off one of his arms.

   When Shen Zhuo ascends the throne in the future, it will be easier to deal with him.

   Xiao Juan was upset, but he couldn't show the slightest bit on his face.

  In the end, the old emperor accepted the prince's proposal and decided to let Xiao Juan take the imperial edict to Liaodong County. While distributing food, he took back Tang Guixi's military power and sent other generals to Liaodong County to take over the Eastern Expedition Army.

   As for who to send? This has to be discussed again.

After    retreated from the DPRK, the civil and military officials went out in groups of three or five.

   Among them, only Xiao Juan was alone.

   He was wondering, what should he do next?

   A familiar voice came from behind.

   "Your Royal Highness, please stay."

   Xiao Juan stopped, followed the reputation and saw Wei Liao in the military uniform.

  Wei Liao has just been canonized as General Huaiyuan.

   He strode in front of Xiao Yan, his peach eyes curled slightly with a smile.

   "His Royal Highness, long time no see, how are you doing?"

  Xiao Lian's face was as cold as ice: "What's the matter with you?"

  Wei Liao laughed schadenfreude and said in a tone that was not too big of a deal to watch the fun.

"I heard that the county lord of Xiangtai has a close relationship with the princess of the county. Now that you are forcing the lord of Xiangtai to surrender military power, you are going to tear up your face with the county lord of Xiangtai. How would you explain to the princess of the county when you go back? ?"

  Xiao Juan: "This is the king's family business, and it has nothing to do with you."

   After saying that, he turned and left.

  Wei Liao said at his retreating back.

   "If I were you, I would go cry in front of the emperor and pretend to be pitiful. Judging from the past relationship, the emperor may be soft-hearted and send someone to Liaodong County."

   Xiao Juan ignored him.

   Now the focus is not on who to send to Liaodong County, but the emperor is determined to take back the military power in Tang Guixi's hands.

   This is actually not difficult to predict.

Earlier, the emperor was able to tolerate Tang Guixi in charge of the Eastern Expedition Army because the situation in Liaodong County was unstable at that time. Tang Guixi was the only daughter left by Tang Pei. Tang Pei died for the country and had a high reputation in the army. Taking back the military power in Tang Guixi's hands will not only leave a story behind, but also easily lead to a mutiny.

   But now the war is imminent, and the 300,000 Eastern Expedition Army is waiting for food to save lives.

   In order to get food and grass, even if Tang Guixi was unwilling, he could only surrender his military power obediently.

   Xiao was too tired to try to stop this from happening.

   (end of this chapter)