MTL - Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child-Chapter 623 the wanted

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  Chapter 623 Wanted criminal

  Yu Niaoyou fell into a drowsy sleep when she suddenly heard someone talking outside the house.

"I'm really not lying. I really didn't see the man in your painting in our store today. Please do me a favor, gentlemen. I beg you to spare our small store. This is a little tea money, not a respect. I also ask all the officials to accept it."

  —This is the voice of the proprietress of the inn.

  Yu Niaoyou woke up from her sleep immediately.

  She turned her head and found that Xiao Juan had already woken up.

  Xiao Juan stretched out his index finger to his lips, and made a silent gesture towards her.

  Yu Niaoyou could only shut up obediently, and swallowed the words again.

  Xiao Juan lifted the quilt and stepped out of bed lightly.

  He threw the clothes to Niao Niao, signaling her to get dressed quickly.

  Outside the house, no matter how much the proprietress begged, the officers and soldiers refused to give up.

  The leader said with a cold face: "Some people saw foreign guests coming to your inn today. To be on the safe side, we have to check them one by one. Call everyone out!"

  The proprietress wondered: "This is not good, everyone is resting, it's midnight..."

  The officers and soldiers pushed her away: "Since you don't want to, then we'll go in and look for it ourselves."

   After finishing speaking, he rushed into the backyard aggressively with his men, and began to check the rooms one by one.

  The guests who were sleeping soundly were woken up and forced to be searched by officers and soldiers.

  The entire guest house was filled with complaints.

  The footsteps outside the door got closer and closer, and Yu Niaoyou became more and more nervous.

  She quickly put on her clothes, shoes and socks, trotted to Xiao Juan, and asked in a low voice.

"what should we do?"

  Xiao Juan carried the burden on his back, holding the No Return Knife in one hand, and took a curling hand with the other.

"follow me."

  The two opened the door and ran out, but saw people on both sides of the corridor. No matter which direction they left, they would run into officers and soldiers.

  Xiao Juan didn't panic at all, he put his arms around the curly waist, performed lightness kung fu, and flew her up to the eaves.

  The two ran a few steps on the eaves, then jumped up and onto the big tree next to them.

  At this time, the night was dark, coupled with the cover of branches and leaves, it was difficult for outsiders to find two people hiding in the tree.

  Yu Niao looked down through the gaps in the branches and leaves.

  She saw those officers and soldiers rush into the guest room where they lived just now.

  The guest room was empty and there was no one there.

  An officer and soldier turned to ask the proprietress.

   "Didn't you say that there are two people living here? Where are people?"

  The proprietress was at a loss: "I don't know, they were still here before, why didn't they disappear? Could it be that they went to the latrine?"

   Two of the officers and soldiers ran towards the hut, but naturally returned empty-handed and found nothing.

  Faced with the officers and soldiers' questioning, the proprietress had no choice but to express her guess.

   "Although they don't admit it, I can see that they should be young couples who eloped behind their backs. They may have heard the movement and thought that the family sent someone to arrest them, so they ran away secretly."

   She became anxious as she spoke, clapping her legs and shouting.

   "Oh! They haven't paid the rent yet, so they just left!"

   The officers and soldiers were impatient to listen to her nonsense.

  They took out the portraits and said to the proprietress.

   "Look carefully, do those two people look like the man in this portrait?"

The proprietress stared at the portrait and looked again and again. To be honest, the man in the portrait was a bit like the man in the elopement couple, but because the man was wearing a bamboo hat all the time, and the brim of the hat was pulled down very low. In the dim night, she couldn't see his whole body, only his mouth and jaw.

   There is no way to confirm this alone.

  The officers and soldiers urged: "Have you seen it?"

  The proprietress adhered to the principle that more things are worse than less things, and said quickly: "I haven't seen it before!"

  After turning the entire guest house upside down, the officers and soldiers still failed to find the person they were looking for, so they had to give up.

   Before leaving, the officers and soldiers patted the portraits on the table and exhorted the proprietress.

   "This person committed the crime of regicide. He is a key criminal wanted by the court with a lot of money. He is very dangerous. If you find out his whereabouts, you must notify the government immediately."

  The proprietress replied in a hurry: "Okay, I will remember, all the officials, go slowly, and come to our small shop to drink some other day."

   She laughed and sent the officers and soldiers out of the gate.

  As soon as the people left, she quickly closed the door, and pressed her chest to let out a sigh of relief.

   "It can be regarded as sending these plague gods away."

  She picked up the portrait and looked at it again. The more she looked, the more she felt that the man in the portrait was very similar to the man wearing the bamboo hat.

  After much deliberation, she decided to go to the guest room to have a look. If the man was really a wanted criminal, she had to notify the government immediately.

   There was no one in the guest room, and the young couple did not come back.

  But there was a small piece of broken silver on the table, and there were two words written in tea next to it——

  Rent money.

  The water is still wet, indicating that the person has not gone far.

  The proprietress hurriedly picked up the money and ran out of the guest room, but saw that the door was empty, and there was no sign of the young couple.

  She smiled: "You guys still have a conscience, and you know how to make up the rent."

   After she finished speaking, she put the portrait and silver into her sleeves, then yawned and went back to her room to rest. As for whether the man wearing the bamboo hat is a wanted criminal, it has nothing to do with her.

  After Yu Niaoyou and Xiao Juan left the inn, they didn't stay in the city anymore.

  The two traveled overnight, and they didn't see people again until five days later.

  They came to a small town, and today happened to be the day to go to the market. Almost all the villagers living nearby gathered here. They took out their own goods and sold them.

  After days of running around, both of them got a lot of tan.

Xiao Juan's chin had a thin layer of blue stubble. He still wore a wide bamboo hat on his head, the brim of the hat was pushed down very low, and he was wearing a dusty coarse cloth bunt. The forearm and the straw sandals on the feet are almost worn out.

  Yu Niaoyou was wearing a patched coarse cloth dress, her hair was tied with branches, her face was plain to the sky, her lips were dry and chapped, her little face was dirty, and there was a lot of dust on her straw sandals and skirt.

   As soon as the two stood in the crowd, they immediately merged with the people around them.

  Yu Niaoyou stretched her neck and looked around, dazzled.

  She smelled the aroma of meat buns, turned her head and said to Xiao Juan.

   "I'm hungry, I want to buy something to eat, you wait for me in the shade of the tree in front."

  Xiao Juan was worried about her, and said, "I'll go shopping with you."

  Yu Niaoyou: "No need, you still have injuries on your body, just sit down and rest for a while, I'll buy a few buns from the bun shop over there, it's only a few steps away, and it will be healed soon."

  Xiao Juan looked in the direction she pointed, saw that the steamed stuffed bun shop was just across the street, and it was indeed not far away, so he followed her direction.

  He walked silently under the shade of the tree, his eyes still looking at Yu Youyou.

  From this angle, he could clearly see the scene in front of the bun shop.

  (end of this chapter)