MTL - Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child-Chapter 670 murder

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  Chapter 670 Killing Heart

  The three years in the Feng family were the most relaxing and enjoyable time in his life.

   Even after many years, that memory still hasn't faded in his heart.

  Yu Niaoyou: "I remember my father once said that a ruler should put the world first. Have you done it?"

  Shen Zhuo: "Naturally."

  Yu Niao: "After the Chen Army invaded Liaodong County, the Eastern Expeditionary Army urgently needed food and grass support. What would be your choice?"

  Shen Zhuo stopped talking immediately.

  Yu Niaoyou: "You chose to give up the Eastern Expeditionary Army and the people of the entire Liaodong County."

  Shen Zhuo explained: "That's because of the rebellion in Prince Jia's Mansion. I must quell the rebellion as soon as possible. The treasury has limited money and food. I can only quell the internal turmoil first, and then deal with the foreign troubles."

  Yu Niaoyou looked at him with penetrating eyes.

   "What you said is only part of the reason.

  The reason why you gave up Liaodong County is also because Tang Guixi is in Liaodong County.

  You don't want me and Xiao Juan to join Tang Guixi, you don't want Tang Guixi to continue to be in charge of the Eastern Expedition Army.

  You want to borrow a knife to kill people, and use Chen Jun to get rid of Tang Guixi.

  What you draw is your own selfishness from beginning to end. "

  Shen Zhuo couldn't refute.

  He really thought so at the beginning.

  Yu Niao's eyes were cold: "For you, keeping the throne is more important than anything else, and you can even sacrifice the entire Liaodong County for this."

  Shen Zhuo: "When I take back Liaodong County, I can exempt Liaodong County from taxes for the next five years, which can be regarded as compensation for the people of Liaodong."

  Yu Niao: "Five years of tax exchange for so many lives of Liaodong people, let's see if they agree?"

  Shen Zhuo was silent again.

  The tax paid by Liaodong County every year is not too much, but it is not too small. The five-year tax is already the limit he can make concessions. If there is more, the Ministry of Households will definitely not agree.

  Yu Niaoyou explained the taxation system of the Eastern Tang Dynasty to Shen Zhuo in detail, and then explained the taxation system of Dayan again.

  She compares the two tax systems side by side.

  In comparison, the taxes on the Dongtang side are obviously much less, and the people can still have a lot of surplus food after paying the taxes.

   In addition, Eastern Tang also had a system of distributing land according to the head. Every commoner could be allocated two acres of land, regardless of gender. Every year, the government would distribute grain seedlings to farmers for free.

  If the Eastern Tang Dynasty is annexed by wild geese, it means that all the land in the hands of the people will be taken back.

  Even if the imperial court is willing to reduce or exempt them from taxes for five years, what happens after five years?

  In the future, they will still have to live the hard life of tightening their belts after paying their taxes.

  The more Shen Zhuo listened, the more silent he became.

  Actually, he is not ignorant of the benefits of these systems to the common people, and he is also willing to carry out reforms like Dongtang.

But the wild goose is not the Eastern Tang. The Eastern Tang is a small place. Tang Guixi has just finished the war. She has a high prestige among the common people. What she says has a strong prestige. Even if some people in the court are dissatisfied, they dare not say more What.

  Big geese have a lot of land and a lot of people. If there are too many people, there will be mixed thoughts. Everyone has their own ideas, especially the local tyrants and gentry everywhere. They control most of the land and will never allow the imperial court to carry out land reform.

  Even though Shen Zhuo had ambitions in his heart, he didn't dare to touch the interests of those powerful people easily.

   Yu Niao looked at him and said calmly.

   "I'm not afraid to tell you,

  From the moment you gave up Liaodong County, your image in the hearts of the Liaodong people has been completely destroyed.

  Especially those common people whose families were ruined in the war, they hate you even more to the bone.

  If you want to send troops to Dongtang, I can guarantee that the entire Dongtang will work together to fight you to the death.

   If you don’t believe me, just give it a try! "

   At the end, her demeanor had become awe-inspiring and fierce.

  Shen Zhuo knew that it would be very difficult to capture Dongtang, but if he really wanted to fight to the point of death, the price the wild goose would have to pay would be much higher than he expected.

   After all, fighting is all about arrogance.

  If Dongtang really wants to break the boat, it means that they will fight this battle at all costs.

  The so-called barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes.

  Dong Tang could fight the wild geese regardless, but the wild geese could not.

  Once the expenditure of the war exceeds the estimate too much, the household department, the military department and the cabinet will protest.

  The people will not analyze the reasons, they will only become more and more dissatisfied with the court and the emperor.

   It's a vicious circle.

  Shen Zhuo, as the king of a country, cannot but be cautious.

Yu Niaolong continued: "Taking a step back, even if you win this battle by chance, it will be a disastrous victory. By then, the people and land in Dongtang will be almost destroyed. If you spend so much manpower and financial resources, you will be defeated." In order to get such a shabby Dongtang, do you think this deal is a good deal?"

  Shen Zhuo was silent for a long time before speaking.

   "Liaodong County is the territory of our wild goose. If I give up here, what is the national prestige of wild goose?"

   Yu Niao said coldly.

  "When the Chen army invaded Liaodong County and brandished butcher knives at the innocent people here,

  The national prestige of wild geese no longer exists.

  The only way you can restore the country's prestige,

  It is to drive the Chen Army out of Liaodong County to protect the people living here from suffering from the war.

  But you gave up this opportunity.

  Brother Junzhi, you have lost the qualification to talk about national prestige with the people of Liaodong. "

  Every word and sentence seems to have thorns, extremely sharp.

  Even the seemingly limp "Brother Junzhi" was full of mockery in Shen Zhuo's ears.

   Rao, no matter how much Shen Zhuo could endure, he couldn't help being irritated at this moment.

  He grabbed Niaoyou's neck with a stern look in his eyes.

   "Do you know who you are talking to now? Are you not afraid that I will kill you now?"

  Outside the door.

  Wei Liao and the commander of the imperial guards were separated on both sides.

   There are many Sirius guards and imperial guards scattered around this room, all of them are to protect the safety of the emperor.

   Wei Liao put his arms around his chest and leaned his back against the wall.

  He heard the conversation coming from inside the room, and learned that Shen Zhuo was intent on killing Niao Niao, he subconsciously stood up straight, and put his hand on the handle of the saber at his waist.

  The commander of the Imperial Guard next to him saw this and immediately became alert: "What's wrong? Have you noticed any changes?"

  Wei Liao didn't speak.

  He pricked up his ears to listen carefully to the movement in the room.

   If Shen Zhuo really wants to do something to Niao Niao, he can only rush in to save her.

   Fortunately, Shen Zhuo quickly regained his composure.

  He let go of Yu Niao quickly.

   "Sorry, I was impulsive, didn't hurt you?"

   Obviously just crossed the line of life and death, but Yu Niaoyao can still laugh.

   "Look, even if it's me, as long as I offend you, you still can't help but want to kill me.

  This is also the reason why you feel so cold at the top.

   Not because that position is too high, but because you think too highly of yourself. "

  (end of this chapter)