MTL - Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child-Chapter 671 you go

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  Chapter 671 You go

  Yu Niaoyou's words made Shen Zhuo speechless.

   It is true that he thinks too highly of himself, but he doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

  Because he is the emperor and the king of a country, the whole geese belong to him. He should be above all living beings. This is the privilege bestowed on him by the imperial power.

  Shen Zhuo was silent for a while before speaking.

   "Are you really not afraid of death?"

  Yu Niaoyou said calmly: "Of course I am afraid of death."

  Shen Zhuo: "Then why can't you say something that makes me happy? Even if it's a lie."

Yu Niaoyou said calmly: "If you want to hear nice lies, you can go back to Yujing. With your status, there must be countless people rushing to flatter you. You can listen to any kind of lies you want, but false What is true is false, you know this better than me."

  Shen Zhuo was finally speechless.

  Yu Niaoyou said bluntly: "I can't give you what you want, you should die."

  Shen Zhuo was still unwilling to give up: "Obviously you were not like this before, you used to like to pester me very much, and you would try your best to make me happy, and you wouldn't be as cold and heartless as you are now."

Yu Niaolang: "I have told you many times, the past is over, now you are the emperor of the wild goose, I am the wife of the Duke of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, you have your country, and I have my son-in-law. With friends, we have long since parted ways, and there is no possibility of meeting again."

   Empress Dowager Wen also said these words to Shen Zhuo.

  But he couldn't listen.

  He always had a last hope in his heart.

  He hoped that Niaoyou could still soften his heart, and hoped that they could still get back together.

  But when he saw her in person at this time, he realized that the reality was much colder than he expected.

  Yu Youyou carefully monitored the changes in his expression, seeing that he seemed to be loose, she continued to persuade him.

"Right now the gates of Xingning City should have been sealed off. Ah Juan and Guixi must be leading people to look for me everywhere. If you let me go now, I can pretend nothing happened and let you leave Dongtang. "

  Shen Zhuo: "What if I don't let you go?"

  Yu Youyou emphasized her tone: "Xingning City is only so big, they will find here sooner or later, and none of you will be able to escape."

  Shen Zhuo: "If something happens to me here, Dayan will immediately send troops to Dongtang."

  Yu Niaoyou: "Then let's go to war, at worst, the fish will die!"

  Shen Zhuo: "..."

  He stared fixedly at the woman in front of him.

  She obviously doesn't know any martial arts and has no ability to protect herself, but at this moment she is tough and doesn't give an inch.

  Who gave her such confidence?

   Is it Xiao Juan? Or Tang Guixi?

  When the atmosphere was at a stalemate, there was a sudden knock on the door.

   Tuk Tuk!

  Shen Zhuo: "What's the matter?"

  Wei Liao's voice came in through the door.

   "Your Majesty, Dongtang's soldiers and horses are searching the whole city. They are almost here. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. For your safety, please evacuate as soon as possible."

  Yu Niaoyou immediately turned her head to look out the window, and saw that there were indeed a large number of people approaching in the distance.

  Those people held torches in their hands, and the firelight reflected the night sky as brightly as day, and they could still see clearly even from a long distance away.

  Shen Zhuo kept looking at Yu Niaomiao with his eyes, and never moved away.

   "You really don't want to go with me?"

  Yu Niaoyou said without hesitation: "I don't want to."

  Shen Zhuo's voice became low, and his tone sounded almost threatening.

   "Even if I want to send troops to conquer Dongtang, you still don't want to go with me?"

   Yu Niao still shook his head.

  The last hope in Shen Zhuo's heart was completely extinguished at this moment.

  The light in his eyes dimmed, and his expression became indifferent.

   "Do you believe that I will kill you right now?"

  Yu Niao looked at him neither humble nor overbearing: "Brother Junzhi, are you really going to kill me?"

  Shen Zhuo was silent again.

  Brother Junzhi, what an intimate name.

  Over the years, he often heard Niaoyou calling him that in his dreams, with a sweet and crisp voice.

   Now hearing her call him that in reality, he only felt a strong mockery.

  The huge gap between ideal and reality made him feel as if a piece of his heart had been dug out, and he felt empty in his heart.

  Shen Zhuo knew that he couldn't go down and kill her.

  He was abandoned by his father since he was born, and his mother was extremely strict with him. People around him reminded him all the time, making him remember his responsibilities.

  When other children are playing carefree, he will start to learn to forbear.

  In order to make himself better than other princes, he must redouble his efforts to study.

  From childhood to adulthood, he has been constantly improving.

  His life seemed to have turned gray and white, boring and boring.

   Curly is the only touch of color.

   It is precisely because of this that he cherishes this touch of color.

  If even this bit of color is obliterated, there will be no memorable happy moments in his life.

  Shen Zhuo seemed to accept his fate.

   "I won't kill you, you go."

  Yu Niao could not help being stunned.

  She didn't expect that Shen Zhuo would suddenly change his mind and let her go.

  Happiness came so quickly that she couldn't believe it.

  Shen Zhuo looked at her and laughed at himself: "What? Are you reluctant to leave?"

  Yu curled up and stood up: "Farewell!"

   After speaking, she strode towards the door.

  Shen Zhuo looked at her swift footsteps, and felt more and more bitter in his heart.

  He couldn't help asking: "Aren't you afraid that I will attack Dongtang in a fit of anger?"

  Yu Niao paused.

  She looked back at the man sitting at the table and said calmly.

"You will not."

  Shen Zhuo asked back: "Where does your confidence come from?"

  Yu Niaoyou: "You can't send troops to Dongtang for me. Brother Junzhi, maybe you haven't realized that every time you are faced with a choice, you choose not me."

   This time it was Shen Zhuo's turn to be stunned.

  Yu Niaoyou said unhurriedly.

   "Back then in Bashu, my father proposed marriage to you.

  He wanted to marry me, but you refused without hesitation.

  Because you only want to go back to the palace to take back everything that belongs to you.

  In your life plan, I am the extra one.

  Later, you made public the truth about Concubine Yue’s murder.

  You used me and Ah Juan,

  You knew that doing this would make me uncomfortable, but you still chose to do it.

  Because your plan is more important to you than mine.

   Later, you knew the truth about the murder of my parents, but you still chose to work for the tiger.

  You even accused me of being willful and reckless, and in turn put the blame on me.

  Because you know that once the truth is revealed, your crown prince will be lost.

  Compared to your crown prince, I seem so insignificant.

  Every time, you choose not me,

   So I guess this time will be no exception.

   It is not a trivial matter for the two countries to go to war. You have just ascended the throne not long ago, and it is time to stabilize your position and people's hearts.

  Wars will do you more harm than good.

  Chongguan became angry and became a beauty, but it was just a story told by the storyteller.

  You are not the type to do such a thing.

   Maybe one day in the future, you will send troops to attack Dongtang, but the purpose should be for your own ambition.

   There's no way it's just for me. "

   After speaking, she opened the door and walked out without looking back.

  (end of this chapter)