MTL - Salted Fish Doesn’t Want to Inherit Hundred of Billion Property-Chapter 110 Are you raising cows?

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Hao Shu is a grass-roots poverty alleviation worker in Yunmeng Prairie An Village. He stationed here with great hope two years ago, but there were many twists and turns in the middle. Do you have to admit that this job Wouldn't it be good to just have a warm blood.

In addition to staying in the village for a few months without going home, busy with career and difficult environment, what worries him most is the issue of poverty alleviation industries.

Now, one of the most common ways to get rid of poverty is to organize tourism. Like their Yunmeng Grassland, it is also a well-known prairie in the country. The environment for tourism is unique.

However, the entire Yunmeng Grassland is such a big state, don’t you know how much, how little, how many? Under the banner of horse grazing and the like, in contrast, their small village has no competitiveness.

Hao Shu knows that they do have grasslands, blue sky, cloud-like cattle and sheep, and many special delicacies, but the location is relatively remote, and it is not convenient for tourists to come in? ?, the tourism industry can only go on depression.

After that, he chose to start a large-scale breeding business. Cattle and sheep breeding is a good idea, but the enthusiasm of the villagers for breeding? No? He did not find a few suitable companies, and the sales channels did not expand. Reluctantly set up an online store, but it is not too obscure to everyone, and it will not bring about a qualitative transformation.

"Our company's acquisition standards have been clearly stated, and the milk production in your village is not enough to make Yunmeng Company lower its requirements." A manager he contacted said so. He said, "You and I are also old schoolmates. To be honest, give up early. Now the dairy industry is concentrated in the development of large companies, and retail investors should all withdraw from the stage of history. Isn't this place so easy to pull? got up."

"Old classmates rarely get together once, don't talk about this." Hao Shu toasted him and blocked the man's mouth, so as not to continue to talk about his troubles, "I also applied for a few project, I'll try again one last time."

"Yeah, you don't always hit the south wall and don't look back. After all, you're also a graduate student in 985 agriculture and breeding. You're vacant in this place, don't you think it's better to put your resume? Hand it to our company and come in and try it."

The two chatted for a while, Hao Shu didn't drink too much, and he was carrying a large package, shopping around, bringing a bunch of things to the villagers, and then stepped on Time for the last bus to return to the outside of the village.

It takes another half an hour to go back from here. Hao Shu has long been used to it. The car broke down.

Several unpretentious people around the car and the driver are studying how to repair the car. Among them, the most handsome young man was just standing outside. When he looked up, he saw Hao Shu walking over with a package on his back: "Hello!"

The young man came over and greeted with a smile: "This is An Village right in front?"

"Yes, you are?" Hao Shu looked up and down the young man in front of him.

"My name is Qingqin, and I'm currently the president of Qibao Company, which is officially cooperating with Yunmeng Grassland." Qingqin smiled and handed out a business card, "It looks like you are Are you planning to go back to Ancun?"

While speaking, Qing Qin also came to a judgment. Although the man in front of him was disgraced, he spoke in a succinct manner and showed a bookish air. Compared with ordinary herdsmen, he was more like a local grass-roots cadre.

Hao Shu took the business card and turned it back and forth for a while without finding any problems. Then he remembered the project he applied for before, and he believed it by seven points. Get up: "Did you come here for inspection? It just so happens that I am a cadre of Ancun, why don't you? Come into the village with me to have a look. As for this car..."

They chatted here, and the people who came along with Qingqin also made plans: "There is something wrong with the tires of the car, I have already called, and now it is not too early, Mr. Qing is still Let's go to the village to rest, we have two people here? Waiting for someone to pick you up, go back to the city directly, what do you think?"

Yan Shen just followed him on a whim. Looking at the sunset, he also persuaded Qing Qin: "Come here, let's just go into the village, it will only take an hour for the tow truck to come? , it's not a big problem for them to return to the city."

The people below have already made arrangements, and Qing Qin has followed Hao Shu into the village.

When they entered the village, the sky was already dark, the village lights were lit up at some point, and a few people came back with the sheep, seeing Hao Shu too much? Enthusiasm?: " Comrade Hao is back!"

After saying hello, they all looked at Qing Qin and Yan Shen with curious eyes, then turned their heads and whispered to the people around them.

Hao Shu was also a little embarrassed. After distributing the things he helped bring, he took them back to his home.

This is a good small bungalow. The land price here is not high, the house is quite big, and it can accommodate three people. ? They all settled down.

"Our village is not bad. We have joined several projects before. After funding, the water and electricity network has been built. It is only occasionally that water and electricity are cut off." Hao Shu said Touching his nose, he felt a little ashamed.

On the chair: "When I came here, I thought the road was okay, at least I could send something out."

Hao Shu laughed dryly and brought them dinner: "I'm not good at cooking, please forgive me."

"It's okay," Qing Qin naturally wanted to get something from Chef Han, who was determined to open Qibao canteens all over the country before he left. Take it out, "Everyone? Taste it."

This meat sauce beef has large grains, and every spoonful can see the beef with distinct grains. Mixed in rice, it is fragrant, spicy, and chewy, is it? Good news for people who can cook.

Hao Shu is not particularly good at eating spicy food, plus this is so delicious, even taking a few bites? After that, she burst into tears and pulled Qing Qin? Is there any product for sale? When will it be released? Be sure to tell me when it’s on sale, and I’m going to stock up on ten boxes at home!”

Yan Shen, who is also a peerless foodie, felt the same way. Looking at the secret bibimbap sauce, his eyes were filled with greedy green light: "Mr. Qing, don't you? You can also be an employee benefit when you enter the market?" what."

I never expected the power of this bibimbap sauce to be so terrifying, Qing Qin was so frightened that she immediately put away the small bottle and stuffed it into her bag, regardless of the bright expectations of the two fans His eyes: "This is made by a private chef. It will not enter the market in a short time. If it is produced on a large scale, the taste will be greatly affected."

If I want to enter the market, I have to wait until I am determined to fight for the first place. Qing Qin thought in my heart, this thing should be used as a reserve resource, and I will take it out when I have to exchange money. .

The two foodies sighed in disappointment, Yan Shen was okay, he was already thinking about how to bind with President Qing, how much?

Send away? It was dark in the temple of the five internal organs, and the three of them fell asleep separately.

The person in charge of the propaganda plan went back early, and Yan Shen took the initiative to take on the task of propaganda.

Qing Qin thought that it was also suitable for training people, so he asked him to attend, and his attention was completely focused on this cadre. Indeed, as recommended by Comrade Lu, he was patient. , has tenacity, is meticulous and intelligent, and has a good relationship with the villagers. It is a very suitable partner.

As soon as they chatted, they chatted until the middle of the night, and when it was early in the morning, Hao Shu immediately took the big speaker and started broadcasting the news: "Tonight at 6 o'clock, tonight at 6 o'clock, there is a I hope everyone will tell each other about the registration opportunity of the Qibao investment project, and the villagers will participate on time."

The loudspeaker looped four or five times, and the whole village stopped a little after the herdsmen who were going out and grazing heard it.

Wait for a few more rounds at noon? Mention, Hao Shu made a big move this time, and there was an immediate discussion in the village.

Aunt Zhang in the west of the village rolled her eyes and understood: "It seems that Hao Shu brought him some rich customers, that Qibao who came to invest."

"Oh, no? It's just for money? It's useless," her neighbor sighed, "Thanks to me, I cleaned up my house well yesterday."

The house of their family is the best in the whole village, and some decorations with local characteristics are specially made on it. When there are few guests in the village, nine times out of ten they collapse at their house.

"You are short-sighted," said the Zhong family, smoking a cigarette, "Isn't it good for investing?"

"How many have we come here? How many people have invested in breeding, has there been any change in the past two years?" The one lying at the door of the house said, "How about not? It's just like this, anyway, the national policy is here, and people won't starve to death."

The people present showed disgust at the same time and dispersed. In the previous large-scale breeding, this family also brought back a few lambs, all of which were of good quality. As a result, this lazy man was greedy for gambling, so he immediately sold the lamb and took the money to eat the mountain empty.

Six o'clock in the evening, the village committee.

This is a relatively large house in the center of the village, don't you know which side donated the seats, the villagers have long been used to it, and sit in a neat row in it .

In front is the only projector in the village, connect it to Yan Shen's computer, and show their concept of a milk factory.

"Our plan is to set up a milk factory in the village, a modernized milk factory," Yan Shen was too lazy to talk nonsense, open the door, straight to the point, following his actions, the projector The 3D structure of the entire milk factory was shown on the top, which caused a burst of exclamation below, "This place is the breeding area for dairy cows, and robots will clean it regularly every day. This is the feed area. Our Qibao has invested in several alfalfa gardens, where alfalfa is harvested and dried. After dry processing, it will be transported here, and then fed by professional machines..."

He talked endlessly about technology: "Milking is not artificial, this is our latest developed machine, which can be intelligently analyzed according to a variety of methods Milking the cow in the most appropriate way can greatly reduce the incidence of mastitis..."

In this part, I also want to thank the great King Jian for his efforts. He took away some of the graduate students to study with the military in cooperation with the military, and also obtained a lot of core technologies that can be applied to civilian use. While perfecting their intelligent robotic arm for express sorting, it can also be extended to dairy farms.

Raise your hand.

"Do you have any questions? Stand up and say it directly." Yan Shen saw that they responded enthusiastically, took a sip of water with satisfaction, and asked with a smile.

"So what are we going to do? None? We need cows to be milked."

Yan Shen thought about this matter: "You only need everyone to contribute some money to take a share in this milk factory, and then send a few young people over to study and participate in training. The operation is still very simple, and after making money, everyone can lie down and eat dividends.”

The complexion of the people below changed slightly, Aunt Zhang continued to ask: "How much? How much?"

Yan Shen: "100,000 per person?"

Hao Shu turned his face away, and his heart was over. When they discussed it before, they knew that this method was a bit difficult. Xiaoqing always promised to think of a gentle explanation. Who knew Yan Shen would be so direct.

There was an uproar in the entire conference room, and on the spot, a few people turned their heads and left, still muttering—

"Other factories are for us to raise cows, and we can raise the milk and exchange them for money? That's fine. This one directly requires us to pay!"

"Liar! Xiao Hao, what are you doing!"

"No? Go no? Go, whoever is stupid will go!"