MTL - Salted Fish Doesn’t Want to Inherit Hundred of Billion Property-Chapter 143 logistics war

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As soon as Qing Qin uttered these words, the sound of the flashing lights crackled, and the media present trembled, and immediately sent the news back: Qibao's President Qing has made another big one. News, hurry up and vacate the space and send it out immediately!

And the employees in the square immediately burst into a burst of soft admiration.

"What is that flying?"

"Looks like a drone."

“This is more warehouse? Does it mean a few sorting drones?”

Qing Qin cleared his throat? and continued: "Qibao Technology has developed a delivery drone, and in the near future, the drone delivery network will be spread all over the main cities of Huaguo. Cities. Today, when logistics and distribution are at their most stressful, they will be your best partners.”

"The world's martial arts, only fast is not broken." Mr. Ma stood at Qingqin's left hand, showing high fighting spirit, "The introduction of drones will bring earth-shaking changes to the logistics industry, our Blue Bird will With speed to become an invincible army, right!"

"Okay!" All the logistics staff standing below responded with a voice that shook the sky.

Qing Qin clapped his hands and turned around, the big screen behind him suddenly lit up, showing a series of key encrypted orders, these orders continue to enter the data analysis building of the Jade Bird Alliance, Then, it is screened, matched, and quickly mobilized by artificial intelligence. The transportation between cities and cities is all through the fast lane of Jade Bird Company, and when it reaches the bottom station, it is handed over to the nearest and most suitable logistics company. to transport.

On one screen after another, there are surveillance cameras from large warehouses and cooperative logistics companies in various places to ensure that the transportation process of goods is all under supervision.

The media below, such as Dong Zhu, saw the specific structure of Qibao Logistics for the first time. He took pictures and analyzed in his heart—

Each e-commerce platform has its own ideas for logistics.

Let's not mention Su Shi, it is a veteran offline store, and it is a top master when it comes to offline layout diffusion stores, but when it comes to online? , the courier sent to you by half a circle around Huaguo University has long been criticized by people.

Jinggou takes the form of warehouse construction and logistics. On the one hand, the largest unmanned warehouse in Asia is under construction. Of course, the current number one unmanned warehouse is still Blue Bird Alliance. On the other hand, it is 211 time-limited, and the guaranteed delivery time is limited to one day.

Taomao often sings against its opponents every day, and the route it takes is to cooperate with other logistics companies to establish a large logistics cloud logistics system.

As for Qing Qin, looking back on the history of the establishment and development of the Jade Bird Alliance, his thinking is very clear:

Children? Only make choices, we have to do everything.

Dong Zhu took out a small notebook, took out a pen from his pocket, and began to write the draft, intending to use it in the next long press release. Begin to explain the construction ideas of the Blue Bird Alliance.

"On the one hand, Jade Bird builds its own logistics and warehousing, and uses this asset as the root and trump card of the enterprise to ensure that the logistics backbone network is unimpeded," said the commander at Jade Bird Alliance. In front of the building, he swiped his fingertips, and the big screen turned into a map of the flower country, "On the other hand, don't forget our former allies after the rise, and the fast delivery of the last 1 kilometer can completely rely on these small logistics companies. to fill.

Mr. Ma nodded frequently: "This is the same as the human body. The main blood vessels are fast and fast, and the capillaries are everywhere, filling each other."

"Now, some people want to block our capillaries by reducing our blood supply," Qing Qin's face did not show any anger, but everyone present knew him It's alluding to one reach in all directions, "Then we have to make blood on our own."

He shrugged: "The general public has always believed that logistics is a labor-intensive industry, but it is not. Technology is the core of it. Today, let Jade Bird show you the new logistics ."

Dong Zhu looked up and observed the drone. He had heard that Qibao Technology’s drones seemed to have reached a cooperation with the official? These extremely beautiful technological creations are their most ? After the hole card?

He thought about it, his heart was full, and he continued to write: "As we all know, logistics is the lifeline of e-commerce, why? , because of insufficient funds, because of technical defects.

Tao Mao said that an enterprise can only do a good job of one enterprise, it is impossible to put its energy on logistics, and it takes many years of passive defense before thinking about turning back to the offense.

Jinggou builds its own logistics, and has never thought of a united front, which means that the transportation capacity is limited, and there is no way to cover all parts of the country. Merchants must enter the eight major warehouses, which is not conducive to promotion.

Qing Bao, with his keen eyes and fearless courage, has invested a lot of money in logistics for several years, and finally has a breakthrough today. It is called grinding a sword in ten years, and this is called becoming famous all over the world! "

When Dong Zhu was writing, Qing Qin had already introduced the next step: "Next, I will carry out a logistics delivery test with your face. We have invited several volunteers to take the initiative to Cooperate with the filming and delivery signing process.”

The screen behind was immediately divided into four pieces. The four volunteers greeted the camera and then introduced:

"I'm waiting for a little Rubik's cube."

"I'm waiting for three books."

"I'm waiting for a pair of shoes?."

"I placed an order for a desk lamp at Tianbao Mall today."

Not only the products are different, but the location of the consignee is also different, some are in the suburbs, some are in the city center, some live in high-rises, some are bungalows, and some live in schools.

"Our drones can be delivered at high altitudes, quickly and accurately reaching the hands of those who need them." Yan Shen, who came here with Qingqin, has been honed in the past few years. Jian Jun became the first leader of Qibao Technology when he was away all year round. "You can watch the demo below."

With his order, the three drones floating in the air received the data, quickly flew to the exit port, hovered over the goods for three seconds, and quickly completed the scan matching Work?, stretch out the robotic arm, and firmly grasp the package with the corresponding barcode.

"You don't have to worry about the poor grip," Yan Shen explained, "How? The gripping of packages of different shapes is improved after long-term testing of the sorting robot arm, and, After catching the package, a special liquid will be sprayed from the bottom of the drone, which adheres to the surface of the package to form a mucous membrane to ensure that the package will not fall during the delivery process."

Speaking, he interrupted the automatic delivery process of one of the drones, let it fly to Qing Qin, and displayed the transparent mucous membrane on the package in front of everyone.

Qing Qin stretched out his hand and tried to grab it twice, but there was absolutely no way to grab it: "It's really reliable."

"What our drone can do is far more than that." Yan Shen smiled, when the drone flew over his head, he simply grabbed with both hands, and the whole person fell on the ground Under the plane, the package was not taken down at all.

The drone felt the abnormal weight, and immediately flashed red light, and a mechanical sound sounded: "An error occurred, someone grabbed it, stopped flying and sent the positioning coordinates."

The positioning coordinates appear on the big screen immediately, and Jade Bird will turn on the drone's own camera to observe the situation and determine whether it is necessary to call the police.

Yan Shen let go, resumed the automatic delivery program, and watched the drone fly upward: "This is a safety measure and an anti-theft measure. People have evil thoughts to shoot down the drone and **** the package."

"Next, let's see if the delivery process is going smoothly." Qing Qin smiled and walked down the stage. On the locomotive, "I will also personally deliver the gifts that Qibao prepared for the volunteers. By the way, I will chat with them about the experience of drone delivery."

, turned back with the helmet, the mountain-like power dissipated, and replaced it with a natural and unrestrained romance: "Sorry, please keep it secret for a while and give our volunteers a surprise."

Qing Qin stretched out her index finger and made a silent gesture on her lips, the next second, start the locomotive and speed away!

There was a commotion in the whole venue because of his actions, Dong Zhu immediately called the cameraman: "Brother Pan, hurry up and get in the car, we will shoot live!"

"Hurry up! This is big news!"

"Where's the car, when will the car come? Damn it, Qibao only allows three media to follow, let's go and sign up!"


Le Taotao had no idea what was going on in the venue, and according to the agreement signed before, she also broadcast live simultaneously: "Yes, Qibao screening volunteers is done in private, the first choice is It is a customer who often places orders in Tianbao Mall, and I was lucky enough to choose it."

"After knowing about this experiment, I ordered a desk lamp," Le Taotao showed the order page on the mobile phone, and there was a peach table lamp on it, "You can see the following The logistics page of , has shown that the goods are out of stock, well, it is now being delivered."

She clicked the dot and was delivering, and immediately popped up a city map, the little green dot on it was the drone that was rushing to her house with the goods on its back: "We can monitor the drone in real time. The delivery process, um, there is also a camera interface, but I can't click it now, after all, people's privacy must be respected."

"After all, no one wants to change clothes at home, and it happened to be photographed by a drone flying next to it." Le Taotao smiled, "But when the drone is attacked and the goods are robbed, This monitoring can be turned on, and the mobile phone will also have a reminder.”

After she chatted for a while, the phone vibrated lightly, and when she clicked on it, a nice female voice said: "Tianbao Genie is here for you, your courier arrives in two minutes, please choose to pick it up. point."

At this time, a pickup map pops up. The green pick-up points include the Jade Bird storage container at the entrance of the community, the downstairs of Lejia, and the balcony of Lejia.

"If there is no decision within three minutes, it will be automatically delivered to the storage container."

Of course Le Tao Tao chose the most technologically advanced one and sent it to the balcony. Not long after the selection, there was a gust of wind on the balcony.

The camera was already aimed at there, and the audience saw a black and white drone with a high sense of technology, lightly landing on the platform of the balcony? On the screen? It flashed, and a line of emoji appeared: ^ω^

Tianbao Elf continued to broadcast: "Your order has been delivered, please sign for the consignee, Ms. Le."

Le Taotao walked over, and at a position of about three meters, the drone made a ding-dong sound: "Face recognition passed, please check the package."

The colorless gas was released from the robotic arm of the drone, and it soon decomposed the original strong gel. The package was successfully dropped, and the drone hovered in the air.

Le Taotao checked it again: "The surface of the package is intact, and the packaging inside does not have any deformation problems. The Taozi table lamp is exactly the same as the one displayed on the website, um, it lights up, and As imagined? Cute."

She lowered her head on the phone? Operation?: "Confirm the receipt."

"Thank you for your cooperation, I'm A1488, please give a five-star praise." The drone suddenly heard the voice of milk cute milk, and the display screen changed to: ●v●

The big scene that was actively discussing new delivery methods stalled for a moment, and then went crazy:

"Ah, ah, ah, Ah Wei, come out and walk me through the process!"

"I used to want drone delivery, but now I don't, woo woo woo, mom doesn't allow you to do child labor at such a young age!"

"It's so cute, does this mean that every drone has an intelligence? I want to place an order for seven or eight items now, and let the Blue Bird drone deliver it to me."

The barrage turned into a discussion about the cuteness of the drone in an instant, and Le Taotao gave a good comment with a smile.

The drone display turned into:


It circled happily and waved its mechanical arm again before flying back to the horizon.

Le Taotao chatted with the barrage excitedly: "Qibao Technology has made a lot of progress in the protection of drones in the past few years, and when it comes to drones, it is absolutely We are the No. 1 in China, and even now have a place in the market of country A. It is a famous high-tech industry in Huaguo…”

She studied science for a while, and saw that the time had passed nearly an hour, and just when she was thinking about the next broadcast, she heard her doorbell being rang.

"Sorry, I'll open the door." Le Taotao was still wondering who would go to the door at this point, and walked to the door, followed by a burst of screams.

Before the audience reacted, there was a prosperous beauty in the video.

"Welcome to try out the Blue Bird drone delivery," Qing Qin smiled and nodded while looking at the camera, stretched out his hand to greet the audience on the opposite side of the screen, "I'm here to ask about your experience, by the way. ?A surprise gift from Jade Bird Logistics."