MTL - Salvation Began from Cafe-Chapter 922 Am I your girlfriend from today?

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Li Yalin spent the night with Zhang Meizi ’s family. Do n’t get me wrong. The limited story that everyone was expecting did n’t happen. After all, Li Yalin could n’t really take advantage of seeing Zhang Meizi in a drunk state.

He's really not that kind of person!

However, even if there were no restricted plots, he could not sleep peacefully all night. After all, seeing Zhang Meizi in a drunk state was completely different from the past, it was almost as if he had become a person, and it was a surprise.

If it wasn't for taking care of seeing Zhang Meizi, Li Yalin would have run away, but it has been reassuring to see Zhang Meizi in a state of drunkenness. Because of helplessness, he can only choose to stay overnight.

As for waiting until this night ...


With the scream of super high decibels, Li Yalin understood that she saw Zhang Meizi completely sober.

What should I say, this girl's voice is really high enough, and her penetrating power is super strong.

Keke, it seems that now is not the time to spit.

"you're awake?"

"I ... I am ..."

After waking up, she saw that Zhang Meizi apparently returned to her usual state, but at this time she was holding the quilt in her hand, and her expression was very flustered.

It's no wonder that anyone who wakes up after drinking and finds his clothes taken off will feel super wrong.

Especially in the presence of a man in this family.

"Don't get me wrong, you drank too much yesterday and vomited many times. If you didn't change your clothes, today ..."

Faced with flustered expressions, and apparently misunderstood to see Zhang Meizi, Li Yalin's look at this moment was very calm.

Yes, he took off his clothes to see Zhang Meizi, but he could n’t help it. Who told me to see Zhang Meizi last night, in addition to talking drunk, she spit out a spit in the wine, if Li Yalin did n’t Pack up, I'm afraid she woke up today, and the surrounding scenes will definitely make her look very exciting.

"I ... then ... apart from clothes, have we ... have anything happened?"

Hearing Li Yalin's explanation, she saw Zhang Meizi calm down a little bit, but then, she seemed to think something, and the whole face turned red all of a sudden.

what happened?

What do you want to happen?

"What do you think?"

Looking at Zhang Meizi with amusement and amusement, Li Yalin really didn't know what the girl was thinking, how did it feel as if you were still looking forward to what happened to us two?

"I ... that ... nothing ..."

Seeing Li Yalin's expression, it was natural to see Zhang Meizi.

After all, the two haven't been together for a long time. What kind of person Li Yalin is, seeing Zhang Meizi is better than anyone.

However, because of this, when she saw Zhang Meizi at this time, her expression seemed to faintly reveal a look of disappointment.

What the **** ... do you really expect what will happen between us?

"That ... didn't I trouble you yesterday?"

After a moment of hesitation, she opened her mouth again when she saw Zhang Meizi. After all, she really drank too much last night. What happened, she really couldn't remember for a while.

This was the first time she was drunk, and the feeling of fragmentation made her very uncomfortable, and she now wants to know if she did anything overdone yesterday.

"Trouble? Trouble is not so much trouble ..."

In the face of seeing Zhang Meizi blushing, Li Yalin subconsciously recalled everything that happened last night. How to say, it really made him want to laugh when he thought of it.

After all, seeing Zhang Meizi like that, although it is a bit troublesome, it is actually very cute, isn't it?

Especially the confession is truly unforgettable.

"Well? Really what happened? What humiliating thing I did ..."

When I saw Li Yalin's expression, she suddenly felt flustered when she saw Zhang Meizi. What did she do? Why does Mr. Yalin show such an expression?

Subconsciously, when she saw Zhang Meizi, she wanted to come forward, but she was wearing very cool clothes at the moment. When she leaned forward, the quilt dropped, and some harmonious scenes immediately appeared in front of Yalin.

"Yeah ..."

I just saw Sister Zhang subconsciously leaning forward, but after seeing Li Yalin's weird expression, she immediately noticed that something was wrong and exclaimed hurriedly. She also quickly retracted her body into the blanket.

"Well, don't be nervous, in fact, there is no trouble, that is, you confess to me, and by the way say a lot of things like me."

Seeing Zhang Meizi like this, Li Yalin really felt very interesting.

See Zhang Meizi, see Zhang Meizi, why are you so cute?

Seeing such a lovely meeting with Zhang Meizi, Li Yalin was also subconsciously aroused.

You said to let Zhang Meizi know what happened yesterday. What kind of expression would she show?

Was hesitant to explain?

Or shyly retracted into the quilt?

Anyway, Li Yalin felt right looking forward to seeing Zhang Meizi ’s performance.



"Confession ... Did I confess?"

Li Yalin had already made a lot of predictions in his mind, but what he couldn't think of was that at this moment, the reaction of Zhang Meizi was completely out of his prediction range.

I heard that I confessed to Zhang Meizi in a drunk state last night, and at this moment I was lost in thought.

Will you be shy if you say yes?

What about panic?

Why are you so calm?

It's not like I met Zhang Meizi!

"See Zhang ..."

"So Teacher Yalin, how did you respond to my confession last night?"

Originally, Li Yalin saw that Zhang Meizi's state was a bit wrong, so she wanted to say something to subdue the atmosphere, but before he finished his sentence, she had already interrupted his words.

How do you respond to your confession?

Meet Zhang Meizi ...

"Ahem ... after all, you drank too much last night, you couldn't listen to it and refused, so ..."

"So you agreed, right?"

For such a situation ~ ~ Li Yalin felt very embarrassed. Faced with the confession of seeing Zhang Meizi last night, of course he couldn't say a refusal, after all, he really refused. I knew that I would see Zhang Meizi when drunk What more tricks will come up.

But the problem is, it was just saying that she was drunk when she saw Zhang Meizi, and it was not true at all, and Li Yalin was completely perfunctory at that time.

But now ...

Hey, see Zhang Meizi, you look so serious and serious, I'm quite uncomfortable!


"Since Teacher Yalin has agreed to my confession, does it mean that I will be your girlfriend from today?"


Is there such an operation?

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