MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2586 2588【Chain operation】

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  Chapter 2586 2588【Chain operation】

  Actually, although Liang Kun is sinister, vicious and shameless, on the surface she is very good at pretending.

   He is loyal enough to his brothers, whoever asks him to do something, does it properly; he has also made a lot of things for the society, not only grabbing a lot of land, but also making a lot of money for the society...

   Because of this, everyone will be deceived by him, thinking that he is really a good brother, so they only vote for him when the leader is re-elected.

  The leaders and managers under his banner are not very clear about his character, and many of them have been deceived by him. So now hearing what Xiang Nan said, it was inevitable that they would start to waver.

   "If Liangkun is really that messy, then he deserves to die."

   "I didn't expect him to be this kind of person. He really knows people and faces but doesn't know his heart."

   "I also received rumors that it seems that these things are true. Liang Kun has really done a lot of immoral things."

   "If that's the case, let's not think about avenging him. After all, whoever is the fitter is not going to be the fitter, anyway, it's not our turn, so why bother wading into this muddy water."

   "That's right. As long as the new fit people are fair and pay their salaries on time, we will work with them. After all, this line of work is just asking for money, so why bother with your own future."

   All the leaders and managers whispered.

  Xiang Nan has good ears, and when he heard their discussion, he couldn't help but smile triumphantly.

  He knew that most of the dwarf mules came out to hang out just for money. Willing to show loyalty, willing to do anything for brothers, there is no one in a million.

   Just like in the movie, all the younger brothers of Big Boss B know that he died unjustly, and he cannot escape the relationship with Liangkun. But apart from Chen Haonan and his group, no one wanted to avenge Big Brother B.

this is the truth.

  If Liangkun deserves what he deserves and deserves to die, then no one will avenge him.

   After all, everything should be done in a [teacher is famous], even the dwarf mule is no exception.


  After the banquet was over, Xiang Nan took Xiaoba back home.

  Xiao stammered sitting in the co-pilot, but looked at him frequently, a little hesitant to speak.

   "Why, just say what's on your mind, why are you hesitating." Seeing this, Xiang Nan asked with a smile.

   "Brother Nan, you're all... fit people, so will you dump... dump me?" Xiao stammered and asked.

  She is just the most ordinary young lady, girls like her in Xiangjiang, if not a million, have 800,000. In comparison, the total number of fit people in Xiangjiang may not exceed a hundred.

  She was a bit high-ranking in supporting Xiangnan before, but now she is even worse, making her a little ashamed.

"Why do you say that?" Xiang Nan said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm not that kind of irresponsible man. Since I accepted you, I won't abandon you casually. If you don't believe me, then I I swear to you, if I throw away the fine grains, I will be chopped off when I go out..."

   "Brother Nan, I'll believe what you say, no need to swear." Xiao stammered hurriedly covering his mouth.

   "Just trust me." Xiang Nan nodded, "Small grains, I will have money in the future, and I will definitely let you live the best life."

   "Yeah." Xiaoba nodded.


   After another day, Xiang Nan officially went to work and began to take care of Liang Kun's property.

  After a night of fermenting, now the entire Xiangjiang community knows that Liang Kun has been planted, and Xiang Nan has become the new fit person of Yau Ma Tei. What's more, he fought against more than 80 people one by one in Macau, but he was not injured at all.

  Such a fierce person came to the top, naturally the world was shaken, and people looked sideways.

   "This pretty boy Nan is really good. He's fine against more than 80 people. He's like a **** of war!"

   "A twenty-four-year-old fit person is indeed remarkable, a generation better than the old!"

   "Such a person is really not easy to mess with. Let the brothers be careful in the future, and don't go to Yau Ma Tei if you have nothing to do."

   "Hmph, that's how it is in the world. Whoever takes risks quickly will die quickly. Don't look at him making a fuss now, be careful about making lists in the future."

  In the rivers and lakes, there are those who envy, those who are jealous, those who disdain, and those who seem to hate... There are all kinds of people.


  But Xiang Nan doesn't care about the rumors in the accident world. What he has to do now is to accumulate wealth as soon as possible.

  If you have money, you can recruit troops and expand your power; if you have money, you can eat, drink, have fun, and enjoy yourself;

   It’s not even good to say, even if he is arrested one day, if he has a lot of money, he can still ask the queen to defend him. Big crimes become small crimes, and small crimes become innocent.

  In a capitalist society like Xiangjiang, money represents almost everything.

   On the one hand, Xiang Nan integrated his own resources, such as karaoke bars, bars, bathing pools and other leisure and entertainment venues, trying to engage in chain operations.

  For example, as long as you recharge as a member in one place, you can get discounts in other stores; another example is how much you spend in bars, you can go to the karaoke karaoke for free; or how much you spend in the bath, you can go to the pedicure shop for free pedicures...

  In this way, the resources in his hands can be effectively integrated, and the companies under him don't have to go their own way anymore. More importantly, funds can also be managed in a unified manner.

   On the one hand, they continue to gallop in the stock market. He won 3 million in Macau before, and then he got rid of the fat dog, and smuggled his savings.

  Xiang Nan has already checked, and there is a total of 60 million Hong Kong dollars in the bank card account. Although it was less than Xiang Nan expected, it was still a lot of money.

   You must know that all of Liangkun’s legal businesses add up, and he only earns 50 to 60 million Hong Kong dollars a year. And he is already the most profitable one among Hongxing's twelve fitters.

  With these 63 million Hong Kong dollars, Xiang Nan can definitely flex his muscles in the stock market.


   "This chain operation plan, what do you think, please give some opinions." Xiang Nan said to the managers.

   "Brother Nan, is this possible? What if the customers don't buy it?" the bar manager said to Xiang Nan.

   "Yeah, why spend money on consumption, why do you have to do so many tricks?" The bath manager asked in confusion.

   "Brother Nan, I think it was good before. We also made a lot of money." The karaoke manager also objected.

"Go to nima, when Liang Kun is here, you all behave obediently. Now that Brother Nan is in charge, you just goofy, don't you think Brother Nan is in your eyes?" Pheasant Hearing this, he immediately said angrily.

  When the managers heard this, sullen, disdainful, and frightened expressions immediately appeared on their faces.

   "Pheasant, shut up!" Xiang Nan waved his hand, "They have concerns, it's understandable, we can persuade and educate, but we can't insult, intimidate, let alone beat."

   "Thank you, Brother Nan." Everyone nodded when they heard this.

"How about this, since you have concerns, then select a few stores as a pilot for a period of one month." Xiang Nan then said, "If the response is good, then expand the scale. If the response is not good, then don't mention it in the future." this matter."

   "Pilot?! This..." Everyone is still hesitant, and they don't want to be this pilot.

   After all, as the saying goes, the rafters in the early years will rot first, and no one knows whether Xiang Nan's approach will work. If it goes bad, wouldn't it delay their business.

  (end of this chapter)