MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2587 2589【Kill chickens to scare monkeys】

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  Chapter 2587 2589【Kill chickens to scare monkeys】

  However, four managers still raised their hands, "Brother Nan, we are willing to be this pilot."

  These four managers also figured it out. The so-called one emperor and one courtier. Liang Kun has already burped, and now Xiang Nan is in charge. And these old courtiers may all be purged.

  If he doesn't show his loyalty anymore, why should Xiang Nan keep them. Therefore, even if there is a risk, they are willing to take it.

   "Very good." Xiang Nan was really satisfied, "I am very pleased that you can take the initiative to invite Yingying and accept the reform. Well, since I do the pilot according to my plan, I won't let you suffer in vain.

  If after the chain operation, the earning is less than before, then I will fill in the deficiencies by myself. If you earn more than before, the extra earned will be your bonus. "

  Hearing what he said, the four managers were naturally very happy.

  The loss is Xiang Nan's, and the gain is theirs, then their only worry is gone, and Xiang Nan can get a good job in vain. They can't help but secretly admire their own wit.

  When other managers saw it, they were very annoyed.

  If they had known the advantages of being a pilot, they would have volunteered for it.

   "Brother Nan, can we apply to be a pilot now?" Several managers asked one after another.

   "No need, four pilots are enough." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said, "But don't worry, let's see how the results are. If you really make money, it's not too late for you to join."

  When everyone heard this, they knew that the opportunity had passed, so they all nodded.


   Subsequently, the chain operation of the four stores began.

  These four stores are a bar, a bath, a karaoke hall, and a restaurant.

   Apply for a membership card, which can be used in all four stores. And after accumulating enough points, you can exchange for free services.

  Xiang Nan specially introduced an electronic networked cash register system for this purpose. This system alone cost a small 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, which is really not cheap.

   After the trial, the effect is really good.

  Xiangjiang people like to live on a budget. After applying for a membership card, not only can consumption be discounted, but points can also be accumulated and redeemed for free services, which is really a good deal for them.

  For example, at a gathering of colleagues, first eat at the restaurant, then go to the bar to have fun, and after drinking well, go to sing and take a bath... This was very common at the time. After applying for a membership card, after one round, you may save hundreds of dollars.

   Therefore, many customers are willing to apply for membership cards. In less than a week, Xiang Nan collected more than three million Hong Kong dollars in membership fees alone.

   And after promoting the chain operation, the business of the four stores has improved a lot.

  Originally, there were many bars, baths, karaoke halls, restaurants and other entertainment places in Yau Ma Tei, so guests naturally had many choices. But now that they have become members, in order to save money, they naturally try to choose chain stores as much as possible.

  In this way, as long as the customer signs up for the card, basically no outflows will be made, and the business will naturally be fine.


  Other stores saw that the chain operation was really effective, and before the one-month trial period was over, they took the initiative to apply to join Xiangnan.

  Xiang Nan didn't care about their past and present, and merged these stores into chain operations.

   In this way, these storefronts are all connected as one. Not only is it convenient to manage, but also the accounts are clear, which can effectively prevent the behavior of harming the public and benefiting the private, and guarding and stealing.

   More importantly, after the chain, the membership fee is centrally managed by the headquarters. In this way, the capital of the headquarters has increased greatly, which is naturally a good thing for Xiang Nan.

  Such as karaoke halls, restaurants, bars, game halls, etc. are cash cows, with small investment, large profits, and large working capital.

   Now the chain operation, one card is available, attracting more and more people to apply for membership cards, and one charge can cost thousands or tens of thousands. In a very short period of time, it brought tens of millions of funds to Xiangnan.

  Whether these funds are used for lending, stock speculation, or investment, they can turn profits into profits, money to make money, and make Xiang Nan earn more wealth.


  By the third week, Xiangnan's chain operation plan has attracted two-thirds of the stores to join, and the remaining one-third has not joined.

  Xiang Nan is not in a hurry. Two-thirds of the stores have joined, which has allowed him to control the money bag.

   After mastering the money bag, he will clean up the people next.

  Jingkun has 15 small bosses and more than 200 younger brothers in Yau Ma Tei. Of course, this is officially joining Hong Xing. In addition, there are a large number of peripheral members who have not joined the association.

  They are responsible for watching the field, maintaining order on the site, and suppressing hostile associations. In addition, work such as lending money, collecting bills, soliciting customers, and parking cars are mostly handled by them.

  When Xiang Nan first took over the site, in order to avoid causing a backlash, these little bosses and younger brothers were also retained and let them continue to work in the original site.

   In the next few days, little bosses and younger brothers came to express their loyalty to him.

  They join the club to make a living, and it doesn't make any difference to them who is the boss.

  Xiang Nan naturally knows that their loyalty is worthless, but as long as they are willing to obey and don't fight against him, then it doesn't matter to use them. After all, something has to be done.

   But as of the third week, there are still people who have not expressed their loyalty to him, the fit person.

  Xiang Nan no longer intends to give them another chance.


   "Siqiang, call me these people. I want to ask them if they take me as a fit person seriously." Xiang Nan said to Shaqiang.

  Although Shaqiang had harmed him at the beginning, after Xiang Nan took power, he did not deal with him, but used him very much.

  Because he wants to set Shaqiang as a benchmark, and let Liangkun's former younger brothers know that as long as they follow him well, even people who are not him will be reused.

   "I'll call right away." Sha Qiang nodded and said.

  After seeing how powerful Xiang Nan is, he never dared to fight against Xiang Nan again.

   After all, he is not even afraid of guns, and he is a fierce man who singled out more than 80 people.

  So after Liang Kun's death, he followed Xiang Nan wholeheartedly.

   And those bosses, in his opinion, are pure idiots.

  Xiang Nan has seized the money bag and won the allegiance of ten leaders. Even his younger brothers are recruiting soldiers these days to expand their power.

  They still insisted on not expressing their opinions, could they still twist their arms over the thighs.

  It’s all right now, Xiang Nan was furious and thunderous, they wait to be dealt with.

  Shaqiang immediately called the five leaders and asked them to come to the headquarters.

   After about twenty minutes, five bosses arrived one after another.

  Peasant, Chaopi, Baopi, Datianer, Shaqiang and others were also in the conference room.

Xiang Nan sat on the boss chair and looked at the five of them, "How are you five? I have been a fit person for three weeks, but you don't even show your face. Why, do you think I am a fit person? Is it not enough?"

   "Brother Nan, don't get me wrong, aren't we busy?" A little boss boasted. He is a local snake in Yau Ma Tei and has some influence.

   "Yes, you are busy." Xiang Nan nodded, exhaled a puff of smoke, "You went to the bathhouse yesterday and the karaoke bar the day before yesterday, you are really busy."

   Hearing that, knowing that Xiang Nan had been watching him, he couldn't help turning pale.

  (end of this chapter)