MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2588 2590【Resist the outside world】

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  Chapter 2588 2590【Resist the outside world】

   "Where are you four, are you busy too?" Xiang Nan looked at the four of them again and asked.

   "I'm not busy, I just don't accept it. Why do you, an outsider, come here to be our Yau Ma Tei fit person. My big brother also has meritorious service, why can't I be in the position?" A leader named Da Mi said.

   "Okay, I've finally spoken my mind." Xiang Nan nodded, "In this case, let me tell you why you can't take the position.

  I checked your account. You took 500,000 Hong Kong dollars from the company in 1992 and said you wanted to open a bar, but you don't know where the bar is until now.

  You used the company’s money to lend money in 1993, but it actually went into your own pocket; in 1994, your younger brother helped you to cover the crime and go to jail, and you even got 200,000 yuan for family expenses...

  An unfaithful person like you, do you still want to be promoted to be a fit person? "Xiang Nan said coldly.

  When Da Mi heard it, his face suddenly became extremely embarrassed, and he couldn't help but look at Sha Qiang, "Did you betray me?"

   "Fuck, don't say you're stupid, Laxiang doesn't wipe your ass." Sha Qiang scolded, "Besides, Brother Nan is so good, you still don't accept him. An idiot like you deserves it!"

   "You bastard~" Big Mi cursed angrily.

   "You stupid idiot!" Sha Qiang replied unceremoniously.

   "That's enough, this is a conference room, not a vegetable market." Xiang Nan shouted loudly, using the kung fu of a lion's roar, which made everyone present dizzy, and suddenly dared not speak anymore.


   "Big Mi, do you have anything to explain about what I just said?" Xiang Nan asked Da Mi, looking at Da Mi.

   "I'm not only doing these things myself, but other people are also doing these things. Just like Shaqiang, he borrowed 600,000 yuan from the company to buy a house last year. Did you ask him to pay back the money now?" Big Mi said immediately.

  When Sha Qiang heard this, his face turned pale.

   "I'll talk about his business later, let's deal with your business first today." Xiang Nan waved his hand, "Since you admit that something happened, I will enforce the family law."

   "Don't move! Let me see who dares to move!" At this moment, Da Mi suddenly took out a gun from his waist, pointed at Xiang Nan and shouted, "Chen, don't force me, be careful."

   "The fish is dead and the net is broken~" Xiang Nan smiled, and suddenly, with a puff, the cigarette in his mouth spit out, and it went straight to Da Mi's eyebrows like a sharp arrow.

  It was too late to say it, and it was so fast, before Da Mi could react, the cigarette **** had already hit him between the eyebrows. The accompanying internal force made him dizzy. And the sparks from the cigarette **** also made him close his eyes involuntarily.

   At this moment, Xiang Nan rushed over like a cheetah, snatched the gun with one hand, and then took out a dagger from his waist.

   Swish twice, the light of the knife flew, and blood oozed from Da Mi's wrist, and then both hands hang down powerlessly.

  When everyone saw it, they couldn't help being horrified.

   Unexpectedly, Xiang Nan was not afraid of guns, and in a flash, he crippled Da Mi.

  The courage and the ruthlessness of the attack made them all turn pale.


  The other four leaders immediately knelt down when they saw this.

  They originally thought that Xiang Nan was just a fledgling, with inexperienced qualifications, and a strong dragon who would not overwhelm a snake, so they didn't take him seriously.

  But now I know that he is a ruthless character, not inferior to Liang Kun.

  They were so conceited before that they still wanted to be a car with their arms. No wonder Sha Qiang called them idiots.

   "Take him down." Xiang Nan said immediately, "Si Qiang, you are responsible for recovering the money that Da Mi owes the company. Pheasant, Si Qiang sees a few places, and you will take over from now on."

   "Yes, Brother Nan." Shaqiang and Pheasant nodded together.

"There are also you four guys who are arrogant and respectful. I will not care about you today. If you treat me in the future, Da Mi will be your role model." Xiang Nan looked at the ground and knelt four Humanely, "Get out!"

   "Thank you, Brother Nan~", "Thank you, Brother Nan~" They said thank you without a word, and then they all ran out in a swarm.

"Chaopi, Baopi, Datianer, please keep an eye on me to see if there are other people who are half-hearted and half-hearted. Come back and report to me." Xiang Nan took out a tissue, wiped the dagger and said, "Like this Disobedient little brother, I will not keep any of them in the future."

   "Yes, Brother Nan." The three of them responded together.


  Xiang Nan dealt with the big boy neatly, and after killing the chicken to make an example to the monkey, the other boys behaved much more obediently.

  Even the one-third of the stores that had been reluctant to join the chain operation before, hurriedly applied to join after hearing the news.

   After all, if you join now, the most you will lose is some money. But if you don't join, you may lose your life.

  At this time, Xiang Nan really took over Liang Kun's territory.

   It is no longer like before, he is only a Yau Ma Tei fit person in name, but in fact, few people are willing to listen to him.

  After Annei is settled, Xiang Nan will fight against the outside world.

  Yau Ma Tei is a well-known downtown area in Xiangjiang. There are many shops, pedestrians, and business is very developed.

  Like the night market on Temple Street, the jade market on Canton Road, and the fruit bar on Waterloo Road...they are all places where guests and friends from all over the world gather and gather wealth from all over the world.

   And honey will attract flies. Yau Ma Tei is so rich in oil and water, it naturally attracts a large number of societies to grab food here.

  In addition to Hong Xing, there are Dongxing, Hutchison, Chaobang, Daquan... There are more than a dozen forces, large and small, just like the United Nations.

  Some of these small societies just want to make a living, and they can live in peace with Hong Xing. But some associations and some bosses are extremely aggressive, often competing with Hong Xing for territory, causing casualties.

   Among them, Dongxing's Sand Grasshopper and United Huafu are the most arrogant.

   Sand Grasshopper and Chen Haonan are old enemies. A few years ago, when Chen Haonan first debuted, he made a fool of Sand Grasshopper's big brother.

  Afterwards, Sandhopper avenged his brother and dealt with Chen Haonan severely. Thanks to the big brother B who bravely broke into the East Star Club and rescued him at the cost of stabbing himself.

   Between the two parties, it can be said that it has become a death feud.

  Sand Grasshopper's territory is also in Yau Ma Tei, intersecting with Hongxing's territory, and both sides will step over the boundary from time to time. Originally, Sand Grasshopper and Liangkun were quite friendly, they had a lot of discussions with each other, and even joined forces to do some business.

  But now that Xiang Nan has become a boss, Sand Grasshopper will naturally no longer be friendly and make money. These days, there have been several conflicts with Hong Xing. Although no major casualties have been caused, there are still small-scale fights.

  Where Hua Fu was in the Temple Street area, he competed with Hong Xing for food.

  The so-called Dazi Hongxing, Sizai Dongxing, joint production of chicken essence, Hua Fu is in the business of women. And Temple Street is also known as Ladies' Market, and the entertainment industry is more popular than Bolan Street. Hua Fu naturally wants to be the king here.

   These two foreign enemies, Xiang Nan wants to get rid of them so that he can monopolize Yau Ma Tei.

   But with his ability, it would be very easy to deal with these two people, two stones could kill them.

   But as a fitter, he can't always do it himself. Otherwise, just be the boss and continue to be the younger brother.

  So he gave this opportunity to Chao Pi, Bao Pi, and Da Tian Er, "Now I will give you a chance to perform. If you do well, you will be promoted smoothly. If you don't do well, you will wait another two years."

   All three nodded.

  (end of this chapter)