MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2594 2596 [Bone Bone Palm]

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  Chapter 2594 Chapter 2596 [Bone Bone Palm]

   "..." Ding Yan looked at Xiang Nan dumbfounded, and after a long time, he asked in disbelief, "Are you a human or a ghost?"

   The awl on the corkscrew can drill through even wood, how could it be possible to pierce a person without even a white spot? !

   "Of course I am human, but you are more poisonous than snakes and scorpions." Xiang Nan laughed, "We are finally a husband and wife. I didn't expect that you didn't miss the old love at all, and you just ran to kill me."

   "Stop talking nonsense, what exactly do you want?" Ding Yan said excitedly, "It's all my fault that I miscalculated you, and now it's in your hands. Whether it's killing or cutting, it's up to you."

"Kill you?! Then why am I willing?" Xiang Nan touched her face and smiled, "Don't worry, I will not only not kill you, but I will help you achieve your wish. Don't you just want to get rid of Lei Gong and become a member of the Sanlian Gang?" Master, we can cooperate."

   "Cooperation?!" Ding Yan was taken aback.

   "Why, you don't believe I have such strength?" Xiang Nan laughed.

   "Okay." Ding Yan thought for a while, and finally nodded.

  Things have come to this day, people are swords and I am fish and meat, except for being with Xiang Nanxu and being a snake, she has no other way to survive.

   "Then what conditions do you want?" Ding Yan asked again.

  She knew that since it was cooperation, Xiang Nan would not help her unconditionally.

   "Simple." Xiang Nan smiled, "You just listen to me from now on."

  The Sanlian Gang is the largest gang in Baodao, much stronger than Hong Xing. This is also the reason why Lei Gong would act so aggressively when he asked Jiang Tiansheng to meet him, it was almost like he was sure of him.

   Gangs like this have people, money, decades of history, and connections all over the world. If he supports Ding Yao to the top position, he can remotely control the Sanlian Gang invisibly and become the supreme leader of this super big gang.

   "Listen to you?! Your ambition is bigger than mine." Ding Yan was taken aback for a moment, then sneered.

   "A young man should not be without money for a day, and a man should not be without power for a day. Being ambitious is not a bad thing." Xiang Nan smiled.

   "Okay, I can promise you, but you have to do it." Ding Yan said.

   "Of course. If I can't do it, I will stop talking about it." Xiang Nan smiled, "But let me remind you, don't think about crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, unloading mills and killing donkeys after things are done. Look at your left hand..."

   Ding Yan was taken aback for a moment, and looked at his left hand, startled.

   I saw a green line on my hand at some point. She rubbed it quickly, but the green thread penetrated into her skin, and she couldn't rub it off at all.

   "What is this..." She asked in shock, her intuition told her that this was definitely not a good thing.

   "Have you read Jin Yong's novel "The Deer and Ding Tale"?" Xiang Nan asked with a smile, "There is an extremely insidious martial art in it, called [Hua Gu Mian Zhang]."

   "Bone Bone Palm?!" Ding Yan frowned.

   She also read "The Deer and Ding Tale" when she was a child, but she knew it was all fabricated. How could there be such martial arts in the world.

   "That's right. People in the world think it's a novelist's words, but they can't believe it. But in fact, the world is so big that there are so many wonders." Xiang Nan smiled, and suddenly slapped him.

   There was a click, and the wine glass two meters away from him suddenly burst open and shattered into pieces.

   "..." Seeing this scene, Ding Yan almost popped out his surprised eyes.

"You have the bone-melting palm in your body. As long as the green line reaches your elbow, your bones will be broken and you will die." Xiang Nan laughed, "So if you don't want to die in pain, at least every six months, you will die." Let me help you undo the poison.

   Of course, you can also try modern medicine to see if it can help you. "

   "Who the **** are you? With such abilities, you can go anywhere in the world. Why make it difficult for me?" Ding Yan asked in amazement.

"The small hermit hides in the wild, the middle hermit hides in the city, and the great hermit hides in the court. Where else in the world is more suitable for me than the rivers and lakes." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "You don't have to care who I am, as long as you are obedient, I will I will never treat you badly."

   "Okay." Ding Yan agreed.

  At first, she thought that Xiang Nan wanted to support her as the head of the Sanlian Gang, but it was just a dream, so she was just pretending to be false. Once she returns to Treasure Island, she will refuse to admit it.

  But now Xiang Nan's ability is far beyond her imagination. Getting rid of Lei Gong and letting her be the leader is no longer out of reach. And she has always been ambitious and bent on being on top. Since Xiang Nan can help her, it's okay to cooperate with him.

  Ding Yan has always been convinced that [men conquer women by conquering the world, women conquer the world by conquering men]. So she turned herself into a vine, wrapped it around Lei Gong, Pheasant, Gao Jie, Da Fei and other trees, and used them to climb up.

  Now, Xiang Nan is the tallest tree, which can allow her to climb to the highest, so she is naturally willing to cling to him.


   "Come here first today, I will come to you tomorrow to make a detailed plan." Xiang Nan said again.

   "It's so late, why are you leaving? Just stay here and let me take good care of you." Ding Yan immediately asked to stay after hearing this.

  In public, Xiang Nan is her future support; in private, Xiang Nan is strong and powerful, and can satisfy her the most. So she would like Xiang Nan to stay, both public and private.

   "Let's talk about it tomorrow, I want to go back to accompany my girlfriend." Xiang Nan explained.

   "Your girlfriend?! Who is she, prettier than me?" Ding Yan asked in surprise.

  Except for Lei Gong who is no longer good, she has never met a man who can leave her. How many men wish they could stick to her. And she is quite conceited about her beauty, thinking that there is no man in the world she cannot conquer.

  But now Xiang Nan has given up the opportunity to spend the spring evening with her because he wants to go home to accompany his girlfriend, she finds it really inconceivable.

   "Don't worry about so much, just do your own thing." Xiang Nan gave her a look, then turned and left.

   Ding Yan ate a bit, feeling very depressed.


   Turning the other day, at noon, Xiang Nan and Ding Yan made an appointment to have dinner at Fulinmen Restaurant.

   Ding Yan introduced Lei Gong's situation in detail.

  It turned out that Lei Gong was very interested in the business in Macau.

  A flight route was opened to Baodao and Macau, and thousands of guests visited Macau every day. The gambling industry in Macau is legal and world-renowned, so there is a lot of profit in it.

  Secondly, Macao is so close to Xiangjiang, and he plans to use Macao as a springboard to enter Xiangjiang in the future. At that time, the underground world of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan will be unified and become a veritable underground overlord.

  So after learning that a new hotel in Macau was about to open, and Hong Xing had snatched the management right, he planned to send someone to cooperate with Hong Xing.

  After Ding Yan received the news, he took the initiative to invite Ying, trying to attract Xiang Nan to Pomegranate's skirt. Lei Gong knew her ability to deal with men, so he agreed to her plan.

   I just didn't expect it, but in the end, I lost my lover and lost my army. Not only failed to conquer Xiang Nan, but was captured by Xiang Nan.

  She went to the hospital this morning for a detailed examination, including CT, B-ultrasound, and MRI. As a result, no doctor could explain what the green line in her body was.

  From then on, she knew that she was powerless to resist Xiang Nan. Since you can't resist, you can only enjoy it. Fortunately, she herself has climbed up from the bottom, and it is her specialty to serve people with beauty and beauty.

  (end of this chapter)