MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2598 2600【Hateful Crow】

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  Chapter 2598 2600【Annoying crow】

  After the meeting, Xiang Nan specially kept Sha Qiang.

   "Ah Qiang, I want to give you a task." He said to Sha Qiang.

   "Brother Nan, if you need anything, just tell me." Sha Qiang said immediately after hearing this.

   "You go to contact the crow and say that you don't accept me and are willing to help him take back Yau Ma Tei." Xiang Nan said.

   "Huh?!" Silly Qiang was taken aback for a moment, then waved his hands again and again, "Brother Nan, I definitely don't have that idea."

  Although he was Liangkun's younger brother before, after being with Xiang Nan, he has been very loyal and obedient.

On the one hand, Xiang Nan has no doubts about employing people. Although he made mistakes, he still let him be the boss, and even handed over several shops to him, so that he can live a comfortable life during this time. To be honest, it is better than being with Liang Kun too much.

  On the one hand, Xiang Nan made a generous move, asking the brothers to pay all the guarantee money, medical expenses, and settlement expenses when they were working. It's not like some big guys who just want to let the horse run and not let the horse eat grass.

  So he didn't dare to say that he was loyal to Xiang Nan, but he was willing to do things for him.

   "I know, I just let you pretend to say that." Xiang Nan nodded and said, "Your task is to go undercover to him and find out his every move."

  So I have to keep an eye on those two people to prevent us from changing.

  When Sha Qiang heard this, he suddenly realized, "Don't worry, Brother Nan, I will definitely do well."

  Two days ago, Xiang Nan received the definite news that the camel returned to Xiangjiang.

   "Hey, Sister Fang, you want to ask him, is he playing for real with these restricted ratings?" Crow laughed again.

   "Crow, he shut up." Xiang Nan saw that the more I spoke, the more plausible he was, so he stood up and said.

  With our arrogant and domineering behavior, even if Bai Changwen seeks revenge from us, we will have a short time.

   "Bai, I still remember you drinking badly. It shows that he doesn't care. Wait for the bad to have a drink with you." When the camel heard this, he was very unhappy, and then he greeted Xiaojia to sit outside the house.

   Besides, even if he wanted to get rid of us, Xiang Nan would do it himself.

   At that time, the smiling tiger came over and asked the camel to meet Inspector Zeng.

"Oh, you've heard his name before, so it's amazing to be a fitter at the age of seventy-seven." Luo Tuo laughed and said, "Ah Sheng, Hong Xing is really full of talents, bad and bad. "


  As for why we were killed directly, the main Xiang Nan is also actively cleaning up whitewashing, so if you can see blood, try to see it.


  Before the camel left, Wu Ya smiled and said to Fang Ting, "You read in the magazine that Miss Fang's girlfriend is a gangster, and it turned out to be true."

   "That person is Jiang Tiansheng, the fit person from Hongxing Yau Ma Tei." Bai Changwen introduced.

  When Chen Haonan learned of this, he informed Xiang Nan that he planned to take me to visit the camel.

  Maybe it’s because I hate that I haven’t become a fit person at such a young age, or maybe it’s because I have occupied the treasured land of feng shui in Yau Ma Tei.

  Seeing me get up, Baopi, Chaopi, Pheasant, Xiaotianqi, etc. also stood up together, looking at the crow with a happy face, as long as I dare to say another word, I will **** me.

   "Brother Luo, peace makes money." Chen Haonan also smiled, "We are little brothers, we are young and hardworking, so we should enjoy ourselves. We don't have time to play together."

  Actually, although you have made restricted-rated movies, you are basically just showing off, so what the crow said is disgusting and hurtful.

  Xiang Nan was accompanying the wine while secretly watching. I noticed the way the crow looked at Fang Ting, full of longing to conceal his innocence.

   And when the crow looked at me, there was a strong jealousy, hatred and murderous intent in his eyes, obviously he had murderous intentions towards himself.

   "Bad." Camel nodded with a smile.

   "In any case, they are all juniors, so they should pay a visit." I said to Xiang Nan.

   "Mr. Luo!" Xiang Nan and others shouted together.


  Camel has worked hard in the Jianghu for decades, without considerable prestige and connections, which is why Dongxing can gain a foothold in Xiangjiang.

  I am mainly seeking money. If I can make money in harmony, why not fight and kill.

   "Well, Mr. Luo, his Dongxing is full of talented people, declining and prosperous." Chen Haonan laughed, "By the way, I heard that he hates drinking, so you specially brought him a bottle of Louis XVIII."

   "It's so bad, Mr. Jiang, you can do whatever he says." Xiang Nan nodded.

   Mixed society, in fact, being able to fight is the most important thing. No matter how much a person can fight, a fight is more than a firearm. Even if it was Xiang Nan, if he was hit by a bullet, he would definitely die.

   "Oh, Mr. Jiang is really eloquent, no wonder these men hate him." Crow laughed.

   "Sister Fang, he is more beautiful in person than off the screen." The smiling tiger also laughed.

  In the movie, the crow and the smiling tiger defeat the camel and are promoted to the leader, which seems to be beautiful. But in fact, without the contacts of Camel, we would lose our backing.

  Of course they are all dwarf mules, even less local villagers, and there are some inspectors and officials who have not yet retired.

   "Don't be angry, I understand, he told me that the filming is all fake. How can he deal with these reporters." Chen Haonan is ashamed of being a little brother, and he is indeed magnanimous.

  Before I came back, I was planning to hold a ceremony of rewarding the gods on my site, thanking my ancestors for their blessings.

  Fang Ting's face froze when she heard it, and then she looked at Chen Haonan and said coquettishly, "Brother Sheng, he looks at us..."

  The wine has passed eight tours, and the dishes have passed seven flavors.

   "Ah Sheng, see you after a long time~" the old man laughed.

   "That's..." Luo Tuo glanced at Xiang Nan and asked with a smile.

  Following that, I brought down the backbone brothers such as Pheasant, Baopi, Chaopi, and Xiaotianqi, and together with Bai Changwen, Fang Ting, etc., went to Yuen Long to pay a visit to the camels.

"Who is he?! You know him." Crow looked at Xiang Nan and said with a smile, "Oh, you remember, Yau Ma Tei... a fit man, haha, just kidding... His nickname is Jiang Tiansheng, you guys Who has ever heard of it."

"Bad, they will accompany Mr. Jiang on your behalf, come as you go." Luo Tuo got up and said.

  Xiang Nan was looking at the old man, and at that moment, he saw an old man, accompanied by two young women on the right and the left, greeted him.

   "Ah Sheng, Hong Xing has nothing to do with him for a day, your Luotuo really has something to say." Luotuo said with a smile.

  Camel has been in the rivers and lakes for decades, and has accumulated extremely deep connections. Few detectives and officials are my friends, so I can cover them so well.

  He knew that the crow and the smiling tiger were extremely dangerous people. There is no bottom line in doing things, cruel and tyrannical, even killing his own eldest brother. Such people are rare on the road.

  Xiang Nan nodded.

  Before I got here, I saw that the scene was really quiet, at least not thousands of people came to participate in the ceremony.

   Regarding this, Xiang Nan didn't know much about it, but his emotions and anger were evident.

   "Yes, Mr. Luo, I heard that he came back from the Netherlands, and you made a special trip to see him." Chen Haonan smiled, and then ordered Xiang Nan and others, "Call him Mr. Luo!"

  The key is to have no cover, so as to avoid all kinds of troubles.

  (end of this chapter)