MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2597 2599【East Star Camel】

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   Chapter 2597 2599 [East Star Camel]

   Entering 1996, Xiangjiang Film has actually declined.

  Because of Hollywood movies at that time, computer special effects technology had already taken shape.

   Films like "Terminator 2", "Jurassic Park", "Independence Day", "Ghost in Mask", "Batman Returns" and other films require special effects and scenes.

  Compared with them, Hong Kong films are simply produced by grassroots teams, so they are increasingly incomparable with Hollywood films.

   Coupled with Taiwan’s removal of the ban on foreign language films, Hong Kong films lost their largest foreign market.

  Before this, Taiwan only allowed the introduction of a small number of foreign language films, but did not impose restrictions on Hong Kong films. Therefore, Hong Kong films monopolized the Taiwan film market and made a lot of money.

  But now that the restrictions are lifted, Hong Kong films are forced to go head-to-head with Hollywood films. Naturally, they cannot touch it, and their market share has been greatly reduced.

  However, Xiang Nan is familiar with the development of Hong Kong films, so he can still make money by investing in a few blockbusters.

   If you get a few more female celebrities, it's not in vain to come to Xiangjiang for a walk.

   "Mr. Chen is willing to support our film industry, of course we welcome it." Wang Jing said with a smile.

  In recent years, due to the decline of the film industry, the life of Xiangjiang filmmakers has naturally not been so easy.

  From the end of the 1990s to the beginning of the new century, due to the shrinking of the industry, hundreds of thousands of filmmakers were in a state of suspension of work and unemployment, and they might not be able to receive a film in a year.

   At this time, it is a good thing that there are still people willing to invest in movies. As for Xiang Nan's status as a fitter, it was nothing to Wang Jing.

  Because it is not uncommon for an association to get involved in the film industry, not to mention investing in making movies, even if you start your own company, there are quite a few starring actors.

  For example, Liangkun, although his Qiankun Films' films are all restricted-rated, but restricted-rated is also an indispensable part of the film industry.

   "Okay, then it's settled." Xiang Nan nodded, then signed the contract and handed over the money.

  Wang Jing didn't expect Xiang Nan to be so straightforward, which surprised him a bit.


   For a period of time after that, apart from managing the company, Xiang Nan usually went shopping with Xiaoba, and played ball with Jiang Tiansheng, Big Brother B, etc.

   In addition, it is to participate in some charity events, high-end dance parties, business dinners, etc., to expand one's social circle and strive for whitewashing. Being a dwarf mule hadn't been an option before, and now he wanted to be a good man.

  And Xiang Nan knew that the strength of the association seemed powerful, but it was actually extremely fragile. A leader of the anti-mafia group can cause headaches for the entire community.

  In "Hong Xing's Thirteen Sisters", James, the Mong Kok police officer who is in charge of anti-pornography, just sweeps Hong Xing's place every two days, and he has already made Hong Xing's feathers and ducks bloody.

  So Xiang Nan knew that being a dwarf mule was impossible for him to go far. Even if they are in the positions of Jiang Tiansheng and Jiang Tianyang, they may overturn at any time.

   Just like what Lei Gong said in "The Way of the Dragon", people treat you as a chamber pot, take it out when it is convenient, and feel dirty after using it. So whitewashing is necessary, and even preparations for immigration are necessary.

  Anyway, as long as you have money, you are an uncle everywhere.


   "Mr. Jiang, good shot~" Xiang Nan praised with a smile.

  On the weekend, he accompanied Jiang Tiansheng to play on the green.

   "Anan, you shot that shot just now was also very good." Jiang Tiansheng praised, "You hit the green with your first shot, but unfortunately you hit it crooked from the back."

   "Mr. Jiang, we still have to learn from you." Big Brother B laughed.

  Xiang Nan also smiled.

  In fact, with his hidden weapon skills, it is not uncommon for him to score a hole in one while playing golf.

   It's just that, as a younger brother, you still have to give way to your elder brother, and you can't let Jiang Tiansheng and big brother B lose too badly.

   "By the way, let me tell you a piece of news. The camels will come back from the Netherlands in two days." Jiang Tiansheng said to Xiang Nan and Big Brother B.

   "Camel?! Is this old thing still alive?" Big Brother B asked in surprise.

  Camel is the leader of Dongxing, and ran away to the Netherlands three years ago.

  The reason why he went to the Netherlands was mainly because he was targeted by the police because of drugs two years ago.

   Fortunately, in the past two years, after dealing with lawyers, the younger brother took the blame. Now the case has been closed, so the camels have been able to return from the Netherlands.

   "Not only did he not die, but he also brought back two people—the crow and the smiling tiger." Jiang Tiansheng explained.

   "Mr. Jiang, these two people are known as Dongxing Shuanghu, but they are both troublesome people." When the boss B heard this, his expression changed.

  The crow is fierce and brutal, arrogant and domineering; with a tiger face and a knife hidden in his smile, he is extremely sinister. These two people caused Hong Xing a lot of trouble back then, and later ran away to the Netherlands with the camels.

  If they come back now, there will be another disturbance in the world.

"I know, but my idea is that peace is the most important thing." Jiang Tiansheng nodded, "It's almost 1997, and we have been targeted, so we must be careful in doing things. We can't fight like before. , Lawless. As long as the camel does not take the initiative to provoke, we should not act aggressively."

  Xiang Nan and Big Brother B nodded when they heard this.


   However, unlike what Jiang Tiansheng thought [peace is the most important], Xiang Nan still thinks that he should actively prepare for the war.

  Because he knows too well the dangers of crows and smiling tigers.

  The two of them are the only characters who killed two dragon heads in the six films, and their records can be said to be invincible. And the little stammer also died tragically at the hands of the two of them, and Xiang Nan could be said to be at odds with each other.

  They are so cruel and tyrannical, if they are indulged blindly, they are likely to become more and more arrogant, and finally commit numerous murders again.

  So Xiang Nan recruited Pheasant, Nest Pi, Bao Pi, Sha Qiang, Da Tian Er and others.

   "Have you heard that Dongxing's leading camel is coming back?" Xiang Nan looked at several people and asked.

   "Come back when you come back, what does it have to do with us?" Bao Pi asked puzzled.

   "That's not true. But, Brother Nan, this is something that Mr. Jiang should worry about. It has nothing to do with us, right?" Bao Pi and Da Tian Er said indifferently.

   "Brother Nan, are you worried that he will send someone to take back the sandhopper's place?" Pheasant asked.

  Xiang Nan nodded.

  Although the pheasant is lustful, in terms of ability, it is actually the crown of brothers. In comparison, Baopi and Datianer are worse.

"The pheasant is right. Yau Ma Tei is all about Hong Xing now. If I were a camel, I would not willingly give up this piece of fat, and I would definitely send someone to **** it." Xiang Nan nodded and said, "So you all need to be careful. Keep an eye on it and don't let them spoil it."

East Star was established later than Hung Hing. When Hung Hing had already occupied downtown areas such as Mong Kok, Sai Wan, Tsuen Wan, Kwai Tsing, Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Ma Tei, Causeway Bay, etc., East Star could only mix in rural areas such as Tuen Mun, Sai Kung, and Yuen Long. eat.

   Therefore, Dongxing has always wanted to enter the downtown area. Yau Ma Tei was originally a territory it took with great difficulty, but now it was swept away by Xiang Nan, Dong Xing would definitely not be satisfied.

   Pheasant, Baopi, Chaopi, Datian Er, etc. all nodded.

  (end of this chapter)