MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2602 2604【Make game】

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  Chapter 2602 2604【Make a game】

   A few days later, Xiang Nan and Ding Yan met in Macau.

  After the meeting, there was a hearty ups and downs first.

  Then, Xiang Nan asked about the recent situation of the Sanlian Gang.

   Ding Yan answered them one by one.

  During this period, according to Xiang Nan's guidance, she invested in some electronics industries, real estate industries, and panel industries.

   In addition, she also invested in a batch of stocks. After buying and selling, her profits doubled several times, which won her the approval of the elders of the gang, and her position was greatly strengthened.

   "Okay, very good." Xiang Nan nodded, then gave her some pointers, and then said, "You set up a game for me, and help me get two people."

   "What game, who do you want to play?" Ding Yan asked hastily.

  Xiang Nan then told about the crow and the smiling tiger.

   "Is it still necessary for me? With your great ability, they will die as soon as you make a move." Ding Yan asked in surprise when he heard this.

   "I know." Xiang Nan nodded, "But they had a conflict with me just now, if they died, others would definitely suspect me. But it would be different if you took action.

   Moreover, if they are killed now, they are still good men. I want to ruin their reputation and make their life worse than death. This is the best punishment for them. "

   "You seem to hate them very much." Ding Yan heard the hatred in his heart and couldn't help but said curiously.

   Talking about breaking the sky is just a matter of grabbing territory. For people in Jianghu, this is all too common, why are they so angry.

  Xiang Nan was taken aback, he didn't expect Ding Yan to have such a keen sense of touch.

  Probably this is also the reason why she can conquer many men.

   "It's hard to explain in one word, anyway, do me this favor." Xiang Nan groped her hand and said, "I won't treat you badly."

   "Whatever you say, you are my master, I will do whatever you ask me to do." Ding Yan said with a smile.

  Xiang Nan immediately revealed his plan.

  Ding Yan felt chills all over his body when he heard it. He didn't expect Xiang Nan's strategy to be so vicious.


   After meeting with Ding Yan, Xiang Nan then visited the crew of "God of Gamblers 3".

  The film crew will be filming in the hotel for two days, Xiang Nan specially suspends business for this reason, so that the film crew can film the scene smoothly.

   "Director Wang, how is it? Are our employees cooperative?" Xiang Nan laughed.

   "They are very cooperative, thank you, Mr. Chen, for your strong support." Wang Jing shook hands and smiled.

   "Director Wang is welcome. Movies are Hong Kong's business card. I grew up watching Hong Kong movies. I feel very honored to be able to contribute to it." Xiang Nan also laughed.

   "Mr. Chen is very good." Wang Jing nodded repeatedly, and then introduced him to the actors.

  Liming, Chen Xiaochun, Gigi Leung, Anita Yuen, Francis Ng, Cheung Tat Ming, Chung King Fai... are all prominent figures in the Hong Kong show business circle.

   After shaking hands one by one, Xiang Nan exchanged greetings with them for a while, then chose to say goodbye and left by car.

   "Director Wang, who is that Mr. Chen?" Gigi Leung asked curiously.

   "Who, who would dare to start here." Wang Jing laughed.

   "No way?!" Gigi Leung said in surprise, "I really can't tell."

  She saw Xiang Nan as young and handsome, with a stately appearance, suits and leather shoes, and gentle manners. No matter how you looked at him, he looked like a business elite and a scholar. Even if you beat him to death, you won't be able to tell that he is actually a gangster.

"The more you can't see it, the more powerful it is. Have you never watched "The Godfather"? The real big bosses are all kind of personable and well-dressed. Those who are bluffing and fooling around are just younger brothers." Wang Jing curled her lips and said , "In short, listen to my advice, don't be curious about this kind of person."

   "That's right, he is an extremely dangerous person." Wu Zhixiong, who worked as a consultant on the film crew and was responsible for dealing with gangsters, said, "Last year, you have heard the news that more than 80 people were hacked on the Taipa Bridge in Macau, and their bodies were covered with bruises, right?"

  Everyone nodded.

  The incident last year was too tragic, so it caused a sensation, and all Hong Kong people heard about it.

   "That's what he did alone." Wu Zhixiong said afterwards.

  He was also a gangster before, and participated in making movies in the 1980s. Because he has a certain face because he has been in the rivers and lakes, the crew often ask him to sit in the town, and if he encounters harassment from gangsters, he will come forward to settle it. So he can know more information from the Tao.

   "No way, Brother Xiong, you mean he singled out more than 80 people?" Chen Xiaochun asked in surprise.

   "It won't be so fierce, one-on-one with more than 80 people?! It's not filming, how is it possible." Wu Zhenyu also shook his head.

   "I also think it's too fantastical. Seeing him being gentle, he doesn't look like he can fight." Gigi Leung also said.

   "I really didn't lie to you. He became a fitter in Yau Ma Tei because of his battle in Macau, and he even got the nickname [God of Fighting]." Wu Zhixiong explained, "Anyway, don't mess with him."

   Seeing what he said, everyone became more and more interested in Xiang Nan.


  A week later, Xiang Nan drove Lin Shufen out of the hospital.

   "Be careful, be careful, don't rush." ​​He helped Lin Shufen out of the hospital, "Actually, you can live in the hospital, it's not like I can't afford the medical bills."

   "No, it's not easy for you to earn money. Besides, I only have to rest and rest, and it's nothing serious." Lin Shufen waved her hand.

   "Okay. Shall I hire a Filipino maid to take care of your daily life?" Xiang Nan asked again.

   "No, I'm not paralyzed on the bed, unable to move, I can take care of myself." Lin Shufen laughed.

   "Bah, bah, bah~ Don't say such depressing words." Xiang Nan spat, "Come on, get in the car~"

   "You mother-in-law, you really don't look like a big brother." Lin Shufen complained.

   "Because it's you, I'm only talking a few words." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "If it were someone else, you'd think I'd talk too much."

  When Lin Shufen heard it, her cheeks flushed slightly, her expression was a little coy, and then she asked suspiciously, "Why do you look at me differently?"

   "I injured you, of course I should be responsible for you." Xiang Nan explained.

   "That's it?!" Lin Shufen was a little disappointed when she heard that.

   "What else?" Xiang Nan asked puzzled.

   "Isn't it because I'm pretty?" Lin Shufen laughed.

   "You are beautiful?! You are far worse than my girlfriend." Xiang Nan waved his hand.

  Lin Shufen is only in good shape, and she is not as good as Xiaoba in terms of appearance, and of course she is not as good as Ding Yan. Xiang Nan has no other intentions for her.

   "You have a girlfriend?" Lin Shufen asked in surprise.

   "That's right, after you recover from your injury, I'll introduce you to each other." Xiang Nan nodded.

   "Okay." Lin Shufen nodded, looking a little lonely.

   "What's wrong with you, I heard that I have a girlfriend, and you are so lost. You must not be in love with me, no, please don't." Xiang Nan laughed.

  After half a month of getting along, he and Lin Shufen have become friends.

  Lin Shufen went to the UK to study at the age of eighteen, so she has a more ghostly personality, bold, hearty, casual, and free, and it is very comfortable to stay with her. Xiang Nan also likes to chat with her and joke with her, which makes him feel relaxed and at ease.

  (end of this chapter)