MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2604 2606【Pit you didn't discuss】

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  Chapter 2604 Chapter 2606 [Pit you didn't discuss]

   After a while, the food and wine were served.

  Kigo. Brother Xin immediately announced the start of the auction, "In order not to delay everyone's meal, let's auction while eating, okay?"

  Follow the auction one by one.

  Basically, they are all worthless things, such as statues, amulets, and swords to ward off evil spirits. The cost is estimated to be a few hundred yuan at most, but it can be thousands or even tens of thousands when it is auctioned, which shows how high the profit is.

  Patting back and forth, we arrived at the most important Changhong.

  Changhong means that from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, it will be red all the way, and the meaning is excellent. In fact, it is a big red cloth, and the cost price does not exceed one thousand yuan.

  But every year, there are countless bigwigs who bid for this kindness, often raising the price to more than 100,000 Hong Kong dollars.

   "Okay, the next thing is today's highlight, Changhong." Ji Ge smiled, "Its reserve price is 16,800, 168, all the way! Which brother bid~"

   "Fuck, the price has gone up again. Last year, the starting price was still 8,888." Han Bin curled his lips.

   "Haonan, you earn so much money, you still haven't photographed it." Thirteenth sister smiled, "I'll keep you popular until the end of the year."

  Xiang Nan smiled, "Okay, then I'll lend you a good word." Then he made a gesture with Da Tian Er.

   "One six eight, one six eight, which brother bids?" Ji Ge shouted.

   "My elder brother pays 180,000." Da Tian Er immediately got up and said.

   "Wow~" Everyone was surprised when they heard it, they didn't expect Xiang Nan to raise the price so high as soon as he opened his mouth.

   "180,000?! Anan is so proud!"

   "It's no wonder, he is in charge of Yau Ma Tei, and he has made a lot of money this year."

   "That's right, the business in Yau Ma Tei is booming now. 180,000 yuan is too much for him~"

   Everyone praised.


   "180,000, Anan has offered 180,000!" Ji Ge laughed and said, "Okay, is there any other brother who bid?"

   "My elder brother offered 200,000." Crow's younger brother got up and said.

  Xiang Nanchong Da Tianer gestured again.

   "My elder brother paid half a million." Da Tian Er immediately got up proudly and said.

   "Wow, that's amazing~ It's really a newborn calf not afraid of tigers!"

   "500,000?! Really generous."

   "No matter how good Changhong Yitou is, it won't cost half a million yuan. It's really too much money to burn."

  Everyone said again.

   "My eldest brother paid five hundred thousand and one hundred." Crow's younger brother said again.

   "Fuck~" Han Bin, Shisanmei, Pheasant, Chaopi, etc. all scolded him when he saw such an offer.

  Xiang Nan added hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars, but he added one hundred and one hundred, which is obviously disgusting.

  Xiang Nan gestured with Da Tianer again.

   "My elder brother offered one million!" Da Tian Er immediately got up and said.

   "Anan, don't be angry!" Han Bin, the prince, and the thirteenth sister all persuaded him when he saw that he had reached one million.

  Xiang Nan waved his hand. To him, one million is nothing.

  His money rolled in the stock market, and he made more than a million dollars in a minute.

  So his money is extremely easy to come by, and he is not afraid to bid with others.


   "Anan has reached one million!" Ji Ge was very excited when he heard it.

   Just this Changhong made him a fortune.

   You must know that his Xihuan’s annual revenue is only tens of millions. Excluding what he wants to give to the company and his younger brother, he actually doesn’t have a few million left.

  This time, he can earn millions at a time, so how can he not be excited.

   "Wow, Liang Zai Nan is really popular this time!"

   "It's really rich, one million!"

   "Are you young, or are you uncultivated? You will get angry when you are provoked."

  Everyone sighed.

   "One million and one hundred." The crow cried again at this time.

   "Fuck, are you here to make trouble?" Pheasant couldn't help it, slapped the table and stood up and cursed.

   "Why do you say that, Hong Xing can bid, but Dongxing can't?" Crow said disdainfully.

"That's not as good as yours. We all add hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands more. You tama add an extra hundred yuan every time." Pheasant scolded, "If you can't afford it, don't shoot it, Momo Chirping, like girls."

   "The asking price is based on one's own ability, Brother Ji didn't say anything, you're an idiot~" Smiling Tiger also laughed.

   "Okay, Brother Ji, I'll pay five million." Xiang Nan got up immediately and said.

   "Wow~" The crowd immediately boiled, they didn't expect Xiang Nan to make such a generous move.

  5 million Hong Kong dollars can buy a thousand-foot mansion.

  Smiling Tiger heard this, his face froze.

  A bidding price of one million is already dangerous, and a bidding price of five million is unheard of. If they follow up again, if Xiang Nan abandons the auction, then they will be in trouble, where can they find five million for Brother Ji? !

  But at this moment, the crow had already raised his hand, "Five million and one hundred."

   "Crow, what are you doing?" Smiling tiger became anxious when he heard it.

  Five million and one hundred? ! He didn't want to be taken advantage of.

   "I just don't like him." The crow gritted his teeth.


   "Ten million!" Xiang Nan bid again.

  At this time, the arena was completely silent, and everyone was shocked by Xiang Nan's courage.

   Ten million, many big brothers have never seen so much money in their lives.

   When the price was called out, even Brother Ji and Brother Xin were stunned. Both of them were surrounded by great joy. They knew that Xiang Nan was rich, and since he dared to ask the price, he would definitely be able to afford it.

   At that time, the two of them will add up to five, and each of them will share five million Hong Kong dollars, which is really a big deal.

   "Crow, I beg you, please don't bark." The smiling tiger held the crow's hand tightly and said.

  The crow is also a little sober at this time, knowing that if it continues to scream, it may be troublesome.

  He is vicious and tyrannical, but he is not brainless, otherwise how can he be a big brother.

   "What's the matter, wasn't it pretty amazing just now, and the shouting was quite joyful, why do you admit it now." Xiang Nan looked at him and smiled.

  When Crow heard this, he glared at Xiang Nan angrily.

   At this moment, he saw a gleam in Xiang Nan's eyes.

   Immediately, the crow raised his hand abruptly, "Ten million and one hundred!"

   "Wow~" Seeing that he really dared to follow, everyone present was stunned, and Smiling Tiger scratched his head even more depressed.

   Ten million, even if they were killed, they would not be able to get it out. Even if it can be taken out, it is a fool, an idiot, and a big fool for such a piece of tattered red cloth!

   "Since you like this piece of red cloth so much, crow, then I will give you this piece of red cloth if a gentleman does not take away his beauty." Xiang Nan laughed and sat down immediately.

"Ten million and one hundred and one one time! Ten million and one hundred and two times! Ten million and one hundred and three times!" Seeing this, Ji Ge was afraid that the crow would repent, so he quickly shouted, and then dropped the hammer, "Congratulations to the crow! Brother, 10 million and one hundred is so popular! I wish him a prosperous year from the beginning of the year to the end of the year! Congratulations, it is really a blessing."

  Crow had also woken up at this time, and when he learned that he had bid ten million and one hundred, he couldn't help standing on the spot.

  If he paid the money, he would be a pure idiot. But if he doesn't come out, his reputation in the world will be lost. Moreover, he offended Brother Ji and Brother Xin.

  Brother Ji is a fit person in Xihuan, and brother Xin is a fit person in Sham Shuipo. No matter how weak the two are, they are still big men. If you really want to collect debts from them, they really can't stand it.


  (end of this chapter)