MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2606 2608【Jokes in Jianghu】

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   Chapter 2606 2608 [Jokes in Jianghu]

  After Guan Erye’s birthday, the crow and the smiling tiger have become jokes on the road.

   On the one hand, they are not keeping their promises and going back on their promises. On Guan Erye's birthday, the bidding price was 10 million and 100 yuan, and the auction was very popular, but in the end he refused to admit it.

  It turned out that Brother Ji and Brother Xin really came to collect the bill the next day. The crow and the smiling tiger naturally refused to give it. They are going to do a big business recently, and they don't have enough money, so why would they spend 10 million Hong Kong dollars on a piece of rag.

  They refused to admit it, so Ji Ge and Xin Ge naturally quit. After all, this is ten million yuan, not one thousand yuan, so how could they give up so easily.

  So they kept sending people to collect debts, and they had to let the crow and the smiling tiger pay the money.

  The main business of Brother Ji and Brother Xin is to lend money, so debt collection is their old business. Even if Crow and Smiling Tiger are the big brothers, they don't have the privilege of not repaying their debts, and they are also very embarrassing to be chased by debt collectors.

  On the one hand, on the day of Guan Erye’s birthday, the crow was kicked away by Xiang Nan, and the dozen or so brothers of Dongxing were scared to the ground by Xiang Nan’s slap, and everyone witnessed it with their own eyes.

   Dongxing's strength is so hip, and his combat effectiveness is so embarrassing, how can people not laugh at it. After all, in a chaotic society, force is a must. Dongxing's little brothers are so useless, how can people respect them.

   Therefore, the two naturally became a joke and their reputation was discredited.


   "Bad, listen to Mr. Jiang." Xiang Nan nodded.

  I originally thought that the crow and the smiling tiger owed such debts that it would be too late to hide. It is really strange that it will appear in the Netherlands now.

"Hey, my brother knew he was coming to Amsterdam, so I specially asked you to be the landlords. After all, you have also stayed in the Netherlands for several years, and you are considered half masters." The crow smiled, but his eyes were fixed. east star.

The crow and the smiling tiger saw that there was no small business hooked up, and they were also the Eighth Union Gang, the smallest society in Baodao. Naturally, they were the attendees. They immediately raised a huge sum of money, returned a small batch of goods with the Dutchman, and agreed to meet in Shanghai Make a deal.

   "Brother, it's clear that I did the sandhopper thing. You all want to avenge your brother." The crow explained.

  Dongxing leading camel was very angry about this, "You two really let me down. There is no reason, why are you messing with Liangzi Nan.

  Two days ago, Xiang Nan accompanied Guan Erye and Dong Xing to the Netherlands.

  They are Yau Ma Tei fitters, and they have more money and more people. They can be auctioned for two million at random, and let the big brothers hunt them down all year round. It is to kill them and scare them to death. "

   "Brother, you are wrong, you also thought that I would be so difficult to deal with." The smiling tiger said with a raised head, "What does he think now?"


  Sheng Haocai asked me to accompany me to Europe now, and he didn't intend to show me the background of the Jiang family, but it was obviously that he regarded me as his confidant.

   "By the way, in a few days, you and Dongxing are going to Europe to play, so he should come with you." Second Master Guan said again.

  As a result, we were intercepted by Xiangjiang marine police as soon as the cargo ship arrived under the sea and before the transaction was completed. Goods worth 80 million yuan were found out, which made the crow and the smiling tiger see their fortunes turned into water, and they lost everything.

  Receiving that news, Xiang Nan couldn't help laughing out loud.

"What to do, what else to do, only you have to show your old face." Luo Tuo said helplessly, "Please ask them to be smarter in doing things in the past. If you provoke others, you will provoke them. Don't go back and let you That little brother wipes his ass."

   "Bad." Xiang Nan nodded.


   "A'nan, he did a bad job in that matter." Guan Erye smiled at Xiang Nan, "There is no outside and no face, it makes you Hong Xing's reputation so much."

   "Thank you, Mr. Jiang, you are from Hongxing, and you should do those things." Xiang Nan smiled, "It is true that the people who have passed Fang Ting are not arrogant enough, and it is time to beat us."

   "Bad Mr. Jiang, you hate having fewer friends." Xiang Nan nodded.

  Xiang Nan sighed.

  Fang Ting's fitters all do their own thing, they are subordinate to each other, and it's bad for each other to compete for the weak and win. Also revenge for the brother? ! I have touched it once in my life.

  I always thought that if I was causing trouble, everything would be fine. But I have thought that as long as I am the leader of Hong Xing for a day, peace is possible.

   Two days later, news came from Ding Yan that Xiang Nan's plan hadn't succeeded yet.

   It seems that the trip to the Netherlands would have been peaceful.


  In the end, the crow, the smiling tiger, and the head wine were given to Ji Ge and Xin Ge, and they finally understood the matter.

  I know that the Jiang family has no strongholds in Europe, Xiaoma, Thailand and other places. Once something happens, you can't run away quickly. And no matter where they are, they are all servants.

   "Well, Luo Tuo hasn't reassured you yet, we will mess up again." Guan Erye nodded and said, "Besides, it won't be April 1 next year, and you also want to avoid troubles, so forget it."

   "You guys are not here for fun, why bother them." Guan Erye said with a smile.

  We originally wanted to make a small profit, so we hesitated to borrow money and return the goods. Now that the goods are out of stock, the transaction has been cancelled, and we still owe 70 million in low-interest loans, so the trouble is really small.

   "Thank you very little." Second Master Guan nodded.

   After all, if there is no interest, there will be no dispute. I am provoking trouble, and it means that others are provoking me. So if I continue to be so sophisticated, I will be taught to be a man sooner or later. Even if he could escape the assassination that time, he might not be able to escape the last time.

Later, Luo Tuo came forward and had a chat with Sheng Haocai.

   "It's the little brother." The crow and the smiling tiger also had to say.

   "Haonan, before landing, you introduce some friends to him." Guan Erye said with a smile.

   It turned out that Xiang Nan knew that Crow and Smiling Tiger both rely on drugs to make money, so he asked Ding Yan to send someone to contact us and make a small purchase from us.

  Following that, news also came from Silly, that Crow and Smiling Tiger were suspected to have won the deal, and they lost a lot of money.

   After all, the second master Guan is the seventh generation, and he really came out of Daoshanhuo overseas, so it is inevitable that there is no woman's benevolence and wishful thinking.

   "Even if our hands are loyal, they will bite us out. The 70 million low-interest loan will still give us a headache." Xiang Nan couldn't help laughing.

  That opportunity, Xiang Nan will naturally miss it.

   "Hmph, isn't their relationship that bad? How do you remember that he and the sandhopper are brothers?" Camel laughed hotly.

  But as soon as we got out of the airport, Xiang Nan was surprised to find that the crow and the smiling tiger were picking us up at the boarding gate.

   "Hey, why are we here?" Xiang Nan asked in confusion.

  Xiang Nan was thinking, before the crow and the smiling tiger greeted him, "Mr. Jiang, welcome. You haven't arranged the car and the hotel yet."

   After all, chaos is the ladder down. For me, if I want to continue to climb down and become the leader of the club, I really need a little chance.

  (end of this chapter)