MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2615 2617【Do not avoid relatives in the case】

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  Chapter 2615 2617 [Do not avoid relatives in the internal move]

"The death of the dinosaur will be dealt with by the police. In addition, let's spend more time and inquire about the rivers and lakes to see if there are any rumors and clues." Jiang Tiansheng added, "Until the truth is investigated, I don't want any more Blame-blaming happens."

   "Yes, Mr. Jiang." Everyone nodded.

   "In addition, after the death of the dinosaur, the position of the boss in Tuen Mun became vacant. What do you think?" Jiang Tiansheng asked again.

   "Of course we have to find someone to take over. Tuen Mun is all Hong Xing. If we don't send someone to manage it, I'm afraid other associations will step in soon." The prince said.

   "You are right." Jiang Tiansheng nodded, "Then what good candidates do you have?"

   "This position must be based on loyalty, someone who can make money, but will not waste money." Brother Xin raised his hand and said, "I suggest Da Fei."

"Thank you for your nomination, Brother Xin. Don't look at me, Da Fei, who is usually sloppy. I promise that as long as I get this seat, I will do my best." Da Fei immediately expressed his opinion, "Besides, I am the most loyal person. .As long as I sit in this position, I will guarantee that all the brothers will be popular and drink spicy food."

   Da Fei also followed Big Brother B. Although his qualifications are deeper and his influence is stronger, he became a big brother early on, and he has nearly a hundred younger brothers under him, which is much stronger than Chen Haonan who only had four younger brothers at the beginning.

   But Da Fei's biggest problem is that he is crazy, sloppy, and not as reliable as Chen Haonan in his work. Therefore, Chen Haonan is more reused by Big Brother B and has made more military exploits for Hong Xing, so his promotion speed is actually faster than Da Fei.

   Chen Haonan has already secured his position in Causeway Bay in the second part, while Da Fei didn't take advantage of Fatty Li until two years later and was promoted to be a fit person in North Point.

   "Okay!" Da Fei's words drew applause from all the brothers in the audience.

   "Da Fei, it seems that you have a lot of supporters." Jiang Tiansheng nodded with a smile, "I want to hear again and see if you have any other candidates."


   "Mr. Jiang, I don't want to avoid relatives, I propose pheasant." Xiang Nan said.

  In the movie "Invincible", because Chen Haonan did not nominate the pheasant, the brothers almost broke up. Naturally, Xiang Nan would not make that kind of mistake.

  To be honest, he also intends to recommend Pheasant to the top.

On the one hand, if he wants to be the leader in the future, it would be best if all the twelve fitters are his own people; on the other hand, the business in Yau Ma Tei is now on the right track, and there is no need for pheasants to stare at him every day. He should have a bigger room to play.

  Hearing that Xiang Nan recommended himself as a fit person, Pheasant couldn't help being very excited.

   "Mr. Jiang, if you hand over Tuen Mun to me, I will definitely work hard." Pheasant also expressed his opinion immediately.

   "The pheasant is good, and it manages Yau Ma Tei very well."

   "Peasant is very loyal and has done a lot for the club over the years."

   "I also think pheasant is good. Pheasant, I support you!"

  Everyone echoed.


"Wait a minute, Mr. Jiang, instead of letting Dafei and Pheasant be the bosses in Tuen Mun, why not find the leader of Dinosaur? He is the local snake in Tuen Mun, and he has been with Dinosaur for many years. He is better than Da Fei and Pheasant. I am more familiar with Tuen Mun." Fatty Li suddenly said at this time.

   "Hey, that's right, Sheng Fan is really good."

   "Sheng Fan is the leader of the dinosaurs, and it is only natural for him to take over and change his name."

   Several fit people also echoed.

   "Are there any other candidates?" Jiang Tiansheng asked again.

  Everyone glanced at each other, then shook their heads.

   "Mr. Jiang, since there are no new nominees, let everyone vote." Ji Ge said immediately.

   "Well, I'm learning how to play the Internet recently..." Jiang Tiansheng laughed.

  When everyone heard it, they were all ignorant. Only Xiang Nan nodded.

"Hey, forget it, I mean you can't stick to the rules." Jiang Tiansheng waved his hand, "Since Dafei, Pheasant, and Shengfan are recommended by others, I believe they are all good in character and ability. In that case, let them three a fair competition.

  Divide the dinosaur scene into three, with a limit of two months. Whoever manages well will take over as the fitter in Tuen Mun. What's your opinion on this? "

   "No." Everyone shook their heads.

   "Okay, then it's settled." Jiang Tiansheng nodded.


   "Brother, thank you." After the meeting was over, Pheasant thanked Xiang Nan.

  If it wasn't for Xiang Nan's recommendation, he doesn't know when he will get the chance to be in the top position.

   "You are welcome, you are my brother, of course I have to think about your future." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will support you 100%. If you want money, give money, and ask people to give."

   "Thank you, brother." Pheasant was very moved when he heard it.

  After returning to Yau Ma Tei, Chao Pi, Bao Pi, and Da Tian Er were all very envious when they heard that the pheasant was going to be the leader.

   "Brother Nan, when will I be in charge?" Baopi asked with a smile.

   "Everyone has a chance." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "As brothers with me, I will never treat you badly."

   "Thank you, Brother Nan." Everyone laughed when they heard it.

"Pheasant, take someone to Tuen Mun to find out first. How many people there are, how many shops are there, how much income... You must know yourself and the enemy before you can prescribe the right medicine." Xiang Nan suggested, "This time your main opponent is the students. Fan, he is a local snake, and he has been a dinosaur boy for several years. He has roots, influence, and connections in Tuen Mun.

  The so-called strong dragon is hard to overwhelm the local snake, you will have a harder time dealing with him. As for Da Fei, you can join hands. In any case, they all debuted with Brother B, and they both have a passion for each other. "

   "I see, brother." Pheasant nodded.


  In the next period of time, Xiang Nan sent people to keep an eye on Dongxing Lei Yaoyang.

  He knew that the death of the dinosaur might be related to Lei Yaoyang.

  The reason why he wanted to kill the dinosaurs was, on the one hand, he wanted to step into Tuen Mun, so as to facilitate their drug business;

  Ever since the death of the camel, the arrest of the crow and the smiling tiger by the police, and several big bosses choosing to run away, Dongxing's power and morale have declined greatly.

  In comparison, Hong Xing has been thriving these past few years. Therefore, if he didn't take some measures, Dong Xing would be trampled to death by Hong Xing sooner or later.

  In addition to helping keep an eye on Lei Yaoyang, Xiang Nan is mainly busy with his own affairs.

  On the one hand, it is preparing for the Asian financial crisis next year, and on the other hand, it is investing in some promising companies, such as real estate, the Internet, and the electronics industry.

  He is now worth more than tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars. I dare not say that he is the richest person in Hong Kong, but he is also at the top of the pyramid. So he further cleansed himself.

  Now he sees that the place is very clean, not to mention forcing **** into prostitution, selling pills, etc., even selling alcohol without a license.

  In addition, Lin Shufen has now joined his company and is in charge of the business department. She was originally a high-achieving student studying in the UK. She is knowledgeable and cultured, so she is qualified for the post of business supervisor.

  The two of them are usually business-to-business, and they can secretly make out when no one is around, which is also a kind of fun.

  (end of this chapter)