MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2616 2618 [The strong dragon can't beat the local snake]

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  Chapter 2616 2618 [The strong dragon can hardly suppress the local snake]

  It's worth mentioning that Xiang Nan and Chen Farong had already broken up, and by the way, they hooked up with Zhong Liti.

   Zhong Liti participated in the Miss Chinese beauty pageant held by Xiangjiang in 1993 and won the championship, so she made her debut. After his debut, he starred in many movies, such as "Legend of Mermaid", "Lord of Destruction", "Bodyguard of Zhongnanhai", "Rogue Doctor", "Happy Event in 97 Family" and so on.

  Because of her first-class appearance, hot body, sweet smile, and unrestrained style, since her debut, she has been enthusiastically sought after by the wealthy in the city, and she changes her boyfriend every now and then.

  The reason why Xiang Nan hooked up with her was mainly because when the new bar opened, Zhong Liti and other celebrities were invited to join him, so they hooked up after coming and going.

  Zhong Liti fell in love with Xiang Nan at first sight. First, he is handsome, second, he is rich, and third, he is still the eldest brother, which makes her feel very exciting. Therefore, she was the first to catch up with Xiang Nan.

  Xiang Nan hooked up with her based on the principle of not being white or not.


  At the same time, Pheasant, with his brothers and the funds provided by Xiang Nan, began to set up in Tuen Mun.

  However, a strong dragon can hardly suppress a local snake. After he went, he was attacked by the students.

  Not only did accidents happen every day in the place he took over, but he was also bullied by the locals even when he walked on the ground, which made him very helpless.

   "How about it, can you still hold it?" Xiang Nan ran to Tuen Mun specially for this, and expressed his concern to the pheasant.

   "Of course I can hold on, big brother, you support me so much, I will hold on no matter what." Pheasant nodded.

  Xiang Nan patted him on the shoulder, "Then keep working hard. In fact, you don't need to talk about Shengfan. In fact, you and I know both about his strength. So don't worry about his tricks, just do your own thing with peace of mind.

   Everyone has a pair of eyes and can see clearly. Who is really doing things and who is deliberately making trouble, whether it is good or not is arbitrarily judged. "

   "I see, Brother Nan." Pheasant laughed.


   After comforting the pheasant, Xiang Nan went to the parking lot to pick up the car.

  As soon as we arrived at the parking lot, suddenly hundreds of people poured in from all directions.

  The person at the head, with yellow hair dyed and a sturdy expression, is the local snake in Tuen Mun.

  He sneered and walked towards Xiang Nan.

  Seeing this, Xiang Nan was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled, "What are you doing, Shengfan, you brought so many people here to see me off? Although I seldom come to Tuen Mun, you don't have to be so polite."

   "Yes, I want to see you off, but I want to send you to heaven." Sheng Fan sneered.

   "Send me to the west?!" Xiang Nan smiled slightly, "Have you thought about it, what will be the consequences of moving me? Don't talk about you, even your big brother dinosaur, you have to respect [Brother Nan] when you see me."

   "Fuck, my elder brother has already given up his skin. It's useless for you to mention him now. So what if he respects you, if I don't pick you up, he can still come up and bite me?!" Sheng Fan said with a smirk.

"Your elder brother just died, and you just talk like that. It seems that you really don't take your elder brother at ease." Xiang Nan curled his lips and said, "Since you are so disrespectful to the teacher, I don't have to show mercy to your elder brother. .Come on, let me see how you look."

"Chen Haonan, don't be arrogant. It is said that you can beat 80 people by yourself. Let me tell you, now I have more than 200 people with me. You are an iron man. If you punch one person, you will be beaten to pieces." Fan clamored.

   "It seems that you have really done enough preparation." Xiang Nan nodded, "Then if I don't show my hands, I will disappoint you. Well, come on~"

  He immediately waved to Sheng Fan.

   "Fuck, big brother, he's embarrassing you." A long-haired boy said to Sheng.

  Sheng Fan was also annoyed by Xiang Nan's fearless look.

  He received word that Xiang Nan had come to Tuen Mun to cheer for the pheasants, so he wanted to tease him once. Even if you don't kill him, you still have to lose his prestige.

  But unexpectedly, Xiang Nan was not afraid at all, but provoked him instead.

  If he doesn't make a move again, he will lose face.


  At that moment, Sheng Fan raised his hand, and was about to wave his hand to let the brothers all go up. At this moment, a female voice shouted, "What are you doing, I called the police."

  As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately followed the prestige.

   At the entrance of the parking lot, a beautiful woman was looking worriedly at the chaotic scene in front of her.

   "Fuck, who are you, dare to meddle in your own business?" Sheng Fan shouted immediately.

   "It seems to be Miss Li from our school." A fat boy said worriedly.

   "Don't worry about her, that woman has always been stupid." The long-haired boy curled his lips and said

   "Miss, there is no need to call the police. I am chatting with my friend." Xiang Nan smiled and said to the beauty with a strong sense of justice.

  People in Xiangjiang like to sweep the snow in front of their doors. If other people saw such a scene, they would have already run away in fright, lest they would get into trouble. But she is still willing to stand up, her heart is really good.

   "Sir, are you really okay?" the beauty still asked with concern.

   Seeing Xiang Nan being blocked by hundreds of people, she couldn't help but feel very worried.

   "Ma De, damned motherfucker, get out of here, or I will **** you first and then kill you." Sheng Fan couldn't help cursing when he saw her daring to grumble.

   "Hey, not bad, although this guy is a bit stupid, he is actually quite beautiful."

   "Hey, I like this kind of stupid woman the most. I want to drink a bowl of soup when my brother finishes serving."

  The younger brothers smiled wretchedly.

   "Sheng Fan, be a gentleman to ladies." Seeing this, Xiang Nan said with a slight smile.

   "Fuck, you don't want to cross the river like a Bodhisattva today, and you don't care about other people's affairs." Sheng Fan pointed at Xiang Nan and cursed, "I tell you, today you either kneel down and lick your toes, or I will kill you."

   "You want to mess with me?! Let's see if you have the ability." Xiang Nan said without any fear.

   With Shengfan's ability, he can kill him without using his own hands.

   "Damn it..." Sheng Fan was about to order someone to do it, at this moment, there was a rush of alarm bells, from far to near, getting closer.

  When the younger brothers heard this, they couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

   "Brother, the note really came."

   "That silly woman really called the police."

   "Brother, let's go, it will be too late."

   They persuaded one after another.

   "Fuck, Liangzi Nan, you are lucky today, there is a silly woman helping you. Next time you will not be so lucky." Sheng Fan couldn't hold back everyone, so he had to put down a harsh word, and then led the team to leave.

   "Sir, are you alright?" After Sheng Fan and the others left, the beautiful woman came forward and asked.

   "I'm fine, miss, thank you." Xiang Nan waved his hand and smiled.

   "You're welcome. Actually, I didn't call the police. It should have just been a coincidence." The beauty waved her hands awkwardly, not wanting to be rewarded for nothing.

"Although this is the case, I still want to thank you." Xiang Nan nodded and said, "And, I believe that group of people just now will also settle this account on your head, and they will inevitably trouble you in the future. How about it, This is my business card, call me if you have anything to do in the future."

   "General Manager of Taolue Real Estate Company?!" The beauty took the business card and read in surprise.

  (end of this chapter)