MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2618 2620【Conclusive Evidence】

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  Hearing what Xiang Nan said, Li Jiaxin felt even more embarrassed.

  She did use Xiang Nan as a tool just now. These days, she is frightened and has accumulated countless anger, resentment, and fear. She longs for a broad and strong shoulder to lean on, longs for a hearty applause to let her vent,

  So Xiang Nan was near the water tower and became a tool for her release.

  But after the release, she felt sorry for her boyfriend and Xiang Nan, which made her feel ashamed and ashamed for a while.

  Xiang Nan guessed her psychology, so he changed the subject and said, "What are you going to do next?"

   "I haven't made up my mind yet, but I might not be able to go back to school." Li Jiaxin said awkwardly.

  At the school, she couldn't stay any longer after being harassed by those gangsters, even the school had a lot of opinions on her. She did not dare to go back to school, for fear that they would harass her.

   But where else could she go but school. Especially when the home address was known by gangsters, they came to harass her every three days, causing neighbors to complain, so she was really at a loss for a while.

   "Well, come to our company, I just need an assistant." Seeing this, Xiang Nan invited.

   "This..." Li Jiaxin hesitated for a moment.

  If she hadn't had anything to do with Xiang Nan, she would have gladly accepted the invitation. But now that she has that relationship, it feels weird for her to work next to Xiang Nan.

  She doesn't want to feel sorry for her boyfriend anymore, but she believes that after staying with Xiang Nan for a long time, she will definitely betray him again. After all, Xiang Nan is really attractive, young, handsome, unrestrained, rich, and knows how to make girls happy...

   "Don't worry, I just give you a job, I have no other ideas. In fact, I also have a girlfriend, and I'm going to get married soon." Seeing this, Xiang Nan explained.

  Li Jiaxin nodded when he heard it, but felt a little disappointed in his heart.


  Xiang Nan then helped Li Jiaxin arrange a house and recruited her into Taolue Real Estate as an assistant.

   "Unexpectedly, you are really the general manager of a real estate company." Li Jiaxin looked at the huge company and said in surprise.

   "Of course, our company is still very big." Xiang Nan nodded and said, "And there are real estate investment projects in Kowloon, the New Territories, the mainland, and Taiwan."

   Li Jiaxin nodded in admiration when he heard it.

  Xiang Nan has such a big business at such a young age, which is indeed quite powerful. It is also a good thing for her to be an assistant to such a person.

  So she immediately quit her school job and became Xiang Nan's assistant.


   "Brother Nan, I heard that Shengfan sent people to surround you?! Made, I must give him some flair." Turning around, Da Tianer said excitedly.

   It turns out that there is no impenetrable wall in the world. The fact that Sheng Fan led people to surround Xiang Nan finally got out, and many people knew about it.

  Others are fine, like Chao Pi, Bao Pi, Da Tian Er, etc., are all about to die of anger after hearing the news. I wish I could arrest that kid and let him know why the flowers are so popular.

   "Shut up, I won't let you go." Xiang Nan immediately stopped him.

   "Brother Nan, are we still afraid that he won't succeed?" Seeing this, Baopi asked in bewilderment.

"What is there to be afraid of? He is as his name suggests, but he is just a ignorant stranger." Xiang Nan curled his lips, "I mean it's not the time. He is now competing with the pheasant for a fit. If you go Hitting him is tantamount to pulling a sideways fight, and he still wants you to **** him. At that time, he can use this to make a big fuss and win sympathy points. The pheasant will not be a fitter."

   "Then what should we do? Do you want to see him continue to be so arrogant?" Chaopi said unhappily.

"Don't worry, he won't be arrogant for a few days." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said, "In half a month, the deadline is. At that time, even if he becomes a Tuen Mun fitter, I will make him look good. If he If he is not accepted, it will be his death. All the sins he has done before will be retribution on him.

   But before that, I don't allow any of you to act recklessly and ruin the good thing about the pheasant. Otherwise, the brothers are not sympathetic to speak. Remember it all for me? "

  Baopi, Chaopi, and Datian Er saw that Xiang Nan was so serious, so they all nodded.

  The reason why Xiang Nan spoke so harshly was because he knew that Sheng Fan was not as easy to deal with as it seemed.

  In addition to being a local snake, he is extremely powerful in the Tuen Mun area, and more importantly, he has received strong support from Dongxing Lei Yaoyang and Beijiao Fatty Li.

  Baopi, Chaopi, and Datianer thought he was a little loach, and they could kill him casually. Who would have expected that he is actually a big crocodile, and if he is not careful, he will be eaten back by him.

  In the movie, Datian Er did not find out the details of Shengfan, and went out without authorization to kill him, but was killed by Shengfan instead, and even himself was killed by Lei Yaoyang.

  Brother, Xiang Nan doesn't want him to have another accident, so he would rather speak more strongly.


  Under Xiang Nan's strong suppression, Chaopi, Baopi, and Datianer did not act blindly after all, and escaped a catastrophe.

  As the two-month deadline approaches, the competition among Dafei, Shengfan, and Pheasant for fitters is also approaching white-hot.

  In order to win, the three of them used their own unique tricks.

  For example, with the strong support of Xiang Nan, Pheasant launched a big promotion in the store. Bars, dance halls, and billiard rooms are all operated at low cost, which makes the store a turbulent customer flow, and the income on the book is quite beautiful.

  For example, Shengfan plays a lot of favors, inviting local snakes to eat and drink, to win votes, and to coax them into smiles.

  Da Fei firstly doesn’t have the financial resources like a pheasant, and secondly, he doesn’t have the popularity like a raw fan, but he is not willing to admit defeat, so he specially borrowed a group of beautiful girls from Shisanmei and brought them to Tuen Mun to solicit customers...

  In short, the three of them are the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their special abilities.

   But among them, the tricks of raw fans are the dirtiest.

  He repeatedly resorted to dirty tricks to crack down on Shan Ji and Da Fei's business.

  For example, let the younger brother go to the two people’s place to make trouble; deliberately give the addicts low-quality goods, let them die in the pheasant and Dafei’s place after smoking; even sent people to surround the pheasant and Dafei many times...

   Pheasant and Da Fei were originally competitors, but now they are forced to join forces because of him.


  The day before the deadline, Xiang Nan met with the private detective.

"Mr. Chen, this is the photo we took of Lei Yaoyang meeting Sheng Fan and Fatty Li. This is the photo of Lei Yaoyang handing the pills to Sheng Fan, and this is the photo of Sheng Fan's younger brother selling the pills..." Private The detective handed the collected evidence to Xiang Nandao, "There is also this tape, which recorded Lei Yaoyang's own confession that he killed the dinosaur with his own hands..."

  Xiang Nan nodded while watching.

  When Pheasant, Shengfan, and Dafei started vying for Tuen Mun's fitmen, he spent a lot of money to hire private detectives to keep an eye on Lei Yaoyang. He knew that the dinosaur was probably killed by Lei Yaoyang, and if he kept an eye on Lei Yaoyang, he could crucify Shengfan and Fatty Li.

   Sure enough, after two months of follow-up by private detectives, they found a lot of criminal evidence.