MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2628 2630 [In business, business]

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  Chapter 2628 2630 [In business, talk about business]

   Just then, the phone rang,

  Xiang Nan picked up the call, but it was a call from the police station, asking if he knew Deng Meiling.

   "She is my friend, may I ask what happened to her?" Xiang Nan asked quickly after hearing this.

   "This lady used counterfeit banknotes and is now detained by our police." The police officer explained, "You need to find someone to bail before you can leave."

   "Okay, I'll go right away." Xiang Nan nodded, then got up and said goodbye to Dato, "Datu, something happened suddenly on my side, I have to rush over to deal with it. Have fun and have fun."

   "Oh, the party has just started, how can you leave? What happened, is it really so urgent?" Chen Jianan took Xiang Nan's hand and asked very attentively to stay.

   "Yeah, a very important friend, I have to rush over there immediately." Xiang Nan nodded and said, "I'm really sorry, Dato, next time I will accompany you better."

   "Well, if that's the case, then I won't force you to stay." Chen Jianan said with a smile on his face, but there was a cold gleam in his eyes.

  When Xiang Nan saw it, he felt equally proud.

  He knew that Deng Meiling was the bait released by Chen Jianan, and the purpose was to stay by his side and find out his details.

  That's why he said on purpose just now that Deng Meiling is his very important friend, and he must rush to rescue her immediately, pretending to have been successfully seduced by Deng Meiling.

   Sure enough, when Chen Jianan saw that his plan was working, he was so excited that he almost showed his fox's tail.


  As soon as Xiang Nan left, Pheasant, Da Fei, Han Bin, etc. immediately made excuses, or said to pee, or to vomit, or in the name of making a phone call, and they all left in a short time.

   When Chen Jianan realized it, all the fitters had slipped away, but they left all the bills of more than 100,000 Hong Kong dollars to him, which naturally made Chen Jianan very angry.

  Although he seems to be doing a big business, he is actually a liar.

  The bill of more than 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, although he can afford it, is also very painful. It's just that he didn't become suspicious because of this, thinking that these fit people had seen his true face.

   Firstly, he felt that he had always disguised himself very well, and no one could tear through his mask; secondly, in his opinion, these dwarf mules were of low quality, stupid and greedy, so it was normal for them to hide.

   "Hmph, let me pay more than a hundred thousand, good! In the future, I will let you return it a hundred times, a thousand times." He said through gritted teeth.


  Xiang Nan rushed to the police station and saw Deng Meiling being questioned by the police.

   It turned out that she went to a gold store to buy jewelry, and when she paid the bill in US dollars, she was found to be using counterfeit banknotes.

  The clerk directly called the police and got her arrested.

   "Officer, I bought these dollar bills from Kuala Lumpur. I didn't even know they were fake. I was also a victim." Deng Meiling cried and said aggrievedly.

"Miss, for the sake of you being a tourist, we believe that you did not intentionally use counterfeit US dollars, so this time we only ask you to make a record and will not take any measures against you." The police officer explained, "But if you If we make a mistake again, we will be counted and punished.”

   "Thank you, officer." Deng Meiling said happily immediately.

  Xiang Nan then helped her go through the formalities and took her out of the police station.

"Fortunately, you came to rescue me. Do you know that I don't know anyone in Xiangjiang, but I still remember your phone number." Deng Meiling said gratefully to Xiang Nan, "I'm so scared, it's really good Afraid of going to jail."

   "Where do you live, I'll take you back." Xiang Nan said.

   "I want to go to eat first. I will take the statement at seven o'clock, and I haven't eaten until now." Deng Meiling said again.

  Xiang Nan nodded, and took Deng Meiling to dinner first.


   "Do you know, I still have a lot of fake dollar bills in my hand, I'll give them to you." On the way, Deng Meiling smiled.

   "Throw it away, don't hurt anyone." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said, "If you use counterfeit money again, you will go to jail if you are caught again."

   "Okay, it's all up to you." Deng Meiling nodded, and then waved a stack of counterfeit banknotes in the wind, "Wow, it feels so good to spend money."

  Xiang Nan also laughed when he saw it. Later, he took Deng Meiling to the food stall in Yau Ma Tei.

   "Wow, you are so stingy, you actually invited me to a roadside stall." Deng Meiling said with a smile when she saw it.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't know. I tell you that when you come to Xiangjiang, you don't have to eat anything else, except the food stall." Xiang Nan laughed, "This is the real taste, which condenses the essence of Xiangjiang's century-old diet. And Like lobster, abalone, shark's fin, Japanese food, steak, pasta, where you eat it depends on where you eat it."

   "That's right." Deng Meiling nodded upon hearing this.

  Xiang Nan immediately ordered some side dishes, and ate and drank with her.

   "Well, the taste is really good." Deng Meiling tasted the pork ribs in black bean sauce, smiled and nodded.

   "Try this mantis shrimp again, it tastes absolutely fresh." Xiang Nan smiled and helped her peel the shrimp.

  When Deng Meiling saw this, there was a hint of joy in her eyes.


   Just then, several people came to the stall.

"Hey, isn't this the famous fit guy from Yau Ma Tei, tsk, tsk, tsk, pick up girls and invite people to eat at roadside stalls." The leader said sarcastically, "Why, is it that business is not good recently and there is no money? made money?"

  Xiang Nan looked up and saw that the leader was Situ Haonan, a fitter from Dongxing.

   "It's none of your business if I don't make any money?" Xiang Nan curled his lips, "Is your Dongxing life easy?"

   "It's not easy. However, I recently took over a real estate project in Kuala Lumpur, and it is conservatively estimated that I can earn 400 million Hong Kong dollars." Situ Haonan laughed.

  Xiang Nan's expression turned cold, "What did you say? Real estate in Kuala Lumpur?"

   "That's right, the name of that real estate seems to be Huihua Jiayuan." Situ Haonan sneered.

   "Huihua Jiayuan?! How is it possible? You **** fart!" Xiang Nan scolded.

   "I knew you couldn't accept it, but this is the truth. If you don't believe me, call and ask yourself." Situ Haonan laughed.

  Xiang Nan nodded, and then called Chen Jianan, "Datuk, did you entrust the project of Huihuajiayuan in Kuala Lumpur to someone else?"

"That's right, there is such a thing. A Xiangjiang company took the initiative to ask me to cooperate, and their percentage of commission is lower, and the service is better. I think they are very sincere, so I handed over the real estate to them. " Chen Jianan explained lightly, as if he really didn't know what was wrong. .

   "Datuk, they belong to Dongxing, and they are enemies of our Hongxing. How can you cooperate with them?" Xiang Nan complained.

"Oh, Haonan, I'm a businessman. When it comes to business, I will naturally choose whoever has better conditions for cooperation." Chen Jianan explained, "As for the grievances between you Hongxing and Dongxing, I really don't care. I know, I'm really sorry."

   "This..." Hearing what he said, Xiang Nan still looked indignant.

  (end of this chapter)