MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2627 2629【Be careful】

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   Chapter 2627 2629 [Beware]

   "Brother Nan, why don't you bring the big head back. He is loyal and capable of fighting, and will be a good helper for us." Baopi asked Xiang Nandao.

"It's so easy for people to change their ways, why do we want to pull people back, re-shoes the old way." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said, "Selling newspapers is hard work, but it is a good business after all. You are not afraid of being checked by the police during the day, and you are not afraid of being beaten by gangsters at night. "

   "Brother Nan is right. Since Datou refuses to recognize us, it means that he doesn't want to come back. If that's the case, it doesn't make any sense." Pheasant nodded.

   "Actually, he might be angry with us." Da Tian Er said, "It was originally agreed that he would only need to spend three years in the kiln, but it turned out to be eight years, and anyone would have resentment."

"Everyone has their own fate. At the beginning, he wasn't in a hurry to get the position, and he wouldn't rush to sit in the bitter kiln." Chaopi said, "It's also lucky to meet us. It's still a brotherhood, and we pooled two million together. he.

   Replaced by someone else, since he chose to quit, he is no longer a brother. Not to mention giving him money, it's fine if you don't bully him. "

  Xiang Nan nodded.

  The rules of the club, as long as you join the club, you will be a member of the club for the rest of your life, and it is impossible to quit. In "One Hand Covering the Sky", when Crow's younger brother proposed to withdraw from the club, he directly disabled his hands and feet.

   "Okay, after all, it's a brotherhood. If he hadn't been on top, then I would have been in the kiln." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said, "Don't talk about being a fitter in Yau Ma Tei, whether you can survive or not is still a matter of discussion.

  And you will not become Tuen Mun fit people, you will not watch so many venues and earn so many tickets. So two million Hong Kong dollars is considered our compensation to the big head. "

  Everyone nodded when they heard it.

  They are all big brothers now, and the worst ones have seen seven or eight venues, and they can easily earn more than a dozen or two hundred thousand a month. Everyone wearing a Rolex and driving a Mercedes is much better than the big head who relies on selling newspaper accounts.

   Now compensate him a little, the loyalty of the Quanquan brothers can be regarded as an explanation.


   After a few days, Xiang Nan continued to do his own business.

  His current real estate, finance, electronics and Internet businesses are doing well.

   It’s just that the money is not revealed, and they are all small companies on the surface, but in fact, the funds behind them are as many as hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars, which is enough to shake the economy of a country.

   "Brother Nan, I have already released the news you asked me to release." Lin Shufen asked curiously, "What is going on with that Chen Jianan?"

   "It's hard to say now." Xiang Nan smiled, and told about Chen Jianan's initiative to cooperate with him, "There will be no pie in the sky. The more attentive he is, the more uneasy I feel."

   "If it's true, wouldn't it be a pity if it was stolen by others." Lin Shufen said.

   "That's not the case." Xiang Nan waved his hand, "There are many ways to make money, and I don't lack him."

   "That's true." Lin Shufen nodded, knowing Xiang Nan's strength.

   While talking, Xiang Nan suddenly received a call, "Hey, Haonan, do you still remember me?"

   "It's Dato, how could I forget it." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "You really have a good memory. I'm in Xiangjiang now, and I want to invite you to a gathering. I wonder if you will show me your face." Dato said.

   "Of course, Dato's invitation, I'm too happy." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "Okay, see you then."

   "He wants to invite you to meet?" Lin Shufen asked curiously.

  Xiang Nan nodded, "You have been working hard in the mall for so long, have you ever seen someone who travels thousands of miles to take the initiative to deliver cakes to your mouth?"

  Lin Shufen shook her head.

  She also thought that Xiang Nan was too sensitive at first. But now Dato's performance made her feel suspicious.

  If the business is so profitable, it is only possible that others are begging him, how could it be him begging others.

  The ancients were really right about the so-called courtesies for nothing, **** or robbery.

   "Then you still want to meet him?" Lin Shufen said again.

   "If I don't meet him, how can I get him." Xiang Nan laughed.


  In the evening, Xiang Nan came to Mirador Nightclub.

  After arriving there, I saw that Pheasant, Han Bin, and Da Fei had all arrived.

   "Datuk really has a good appetite, and he invited half of Hongxing's fit people." Xiang Nan laughed, "Let me tell you in advance, no one should be a big boss tonight."

   "What do you mean?" Han Bin asked suspiciously.

   "Anyway, there is nothing wrong with believing in me." Xiang Nan smiled and said, "If anyone pays the bill, don't blame me if you lose money."

   "We are invited guests today, who will let us pay the bill? It can't be Dato?" Han Bin asked suspiciously.

   "Brother, you mean Dato..." Pheasant Ruo has enlightenment.

   "In short, be careful. Don't think that the other party will not harm you because they are rich and powerful. Let me tell you, the rich are more ruthless when they cheat people." Xiang Nan nodded.

   "Holy shit, what you said is so right. If it weren't for that Soros, I would have lost tens of millions, and now I don't even have to find a coin to scrape." Han Bin greatly agreed.

   "Fuck, rich people even cheat us short mules, it's really inhumane." Da Fei shouted.

   "Shhh, keep your voices down, anyway, play it by ear." Xiang Nan laughed, and then entered the box with everyone.


   "Datuk, why didn't you tell me in advance when you came to Xiangjiang, so that I can pick you up at the airport." After entering the box and meeting Chen Jianan, Xiang Nan smiled enthusiastically.

"You don't need to be so polite. I come to Xiangjiang dozens of times a year, just like going home." Chen Jianan said with a smile, "Come, sit, sit, sit. Manager, take the most beautiful lady here, the best Bring me all the wine, and all the bills for tonight are on me."

   "Datuk, how can I let you pay the bill." Xiang Nan laughed, "You are the guest and we are the host, so we should pay the bill."

   "Hey, it doesn't matter. If you can come, you will already give me a lot of face." Chen Jianan said with a smile, "The most important thing is that everyone eats and drinks well, and share the blessings."

   "Datu is really kind, no wonder the business is so big. If this is the case, then we will not be polite." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "You will invite this time, and next time we will invite Guanyin from Arhat."

   Afterwards, they called red wine and crush, and had a great time.

   "Anan, I will hand over all my cruises to you in the future, and we will make a fortune together." Chen Jianan also laughed.

   "Don't worry, Dato, everything is on me." Xiang Nan laughed.

  He noticed that Chen Jianan didn't mention the house anymore, it seems that he has found a new partner.

  Xiang Nan was secretly happy about this.

  He knew that the cruise ship was a business jointly invested by Uncle Qi and Hong Xing, so there was no problem with this transaction. Even if Chen Jianan wanted to make trouble, it would depend on Uncle Qi and Hong Xingle not being willing.

  As for the house, it is Chen Jianan's own business, and it is also the biggest pitfall. No matter who takes over, it will be a piece of shit, and it is guaranteed that there will be no money left.

  (end of this chapter)