MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2635 2637【Ascension to leader】

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   "If you don't dislike it, then be my pony. How about helping me make my bed and raise my offspring?" Xiang Nan laughed.

  When Deng Meiling heard this, she nodded with a smile, "Actually, when I was in Malaysia, I said you looked like my first boyfriend. I didn't lie, you see, you really look alike."

   As she spoke, she took out a photo from her wallet and said.

  In the photo, she is standing with an earthy boy, whose outline vaguely resembles Xiang Nan.

   "No way, I'm so handsome and he's so ugly, so there's no similarity." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "It's really similar." Deng Meiling insisted.

   "Okay, anyway, no matter whether I resemble him or not, as long as you really love me, I will love you very much." Xiang Nan laughed.

  Deng Meiling nodded.


  Although Chen Jianan was arrested by the police, Situ Haonan was still troubled by the fake building case.

  Because Chen Jianan was very cunning, he dismissed his responsibilities early on and blamed Situ Haonan.

  For him, the sins he committed could be reduced by one.

   This can't help but give Dongxing a headache.

   Among other things, if Chen Jianan doesn't hand over the building payment, then Dongxing will have to pay the money.

   There are hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars. If Dongxing loses money, it will definitely hurt its muscles and bones. But if Dongxing doesn't pay, the consequences will be even more serious.

  Because of mixing rivers and lakes, the most important thing is reputation. Once Dongxing's brand is down, there will be nothing to do in the arena.

   This made Zhou Benchu, nicknamed Pulsatilla, a few more clumps of white hair on his head. It made his nickname more and more worthy of the name.


  In comparison, Hong Xing's life is much easier.

  Because Dongxing was entangled in lawsuits, the younger brothers couldn’t get out the money, which led to a sharp decline in power.

  Before, they were vying for territory with Hong Xing, wishing they could become the largest gang in Xiangjiang, but now they have all turned into cowards.

  After all, those younger brothers are not raised for nothing. If you want them to dare to rush and kill, you have to be willing to spend money. Under the so-called heavy reward, there must be a brave man.

  If you don’t have money, it doesn’t matter if you are the big brother or a fit person, even if you are the leader, it doesn’t matter.

  So Chao Pi and Da Tian Er easily took back the previously lost territory.

However, Xiang Nan did not allow them to collect land fees, parking fees, etc., "We will not do these side businesses in the future. The times are different now. Situ Haonan is so powerful that he was easily arrested. I don't want to go to Kuyao to see you in the future."

  Seeing what he said, Chaopi, Datian and the others all nodded in agreement.


  In March, Hong Xing held a meeting to elect a new term of fitters.

   "I'm going to retire. I've been a leader for several years. It's really hard work." Jiang Tiansheng said modestly, "And with my ability and intelligence, I can only lead everyone here."

   "Mr. Jiang, you are too polite."

   "Mr. Jiang, without you, there would be no us."

   "Mr. Jiang, what should we do when you leave?"

  Everyone said one after another.

   "Our Hongxing now needs someone who is more capable, wiser, and loyal." Jiang Tiansheng said again, "Here, I nominate Haonan to take over the position of leader. What do you think?"

  The twelve fit people looked at each other in blank dismay, and then raised their hands one after another.

   "Okay, I announce that from now on, Chen Haonan will be the leader of Hongxing's new class." Jiang Tiansheng immediately announced, "Haonan, let's talk to everyone."

  Xiang Nan nodded, "Thank you Mr. Jiang for your trust in me, and thank you brothers and sisters for your support. It is really a great honor for me to be elected as the leader of Hongxing.

  I assure everyone that I will do my best for the club all day long as a leader. Let the brothers live a good life of eating delicious food, drinking spicy food, and having no worries about food and clothing. thank you all! "

  Hearing what he said, everyone clapped their hands.


  Subsequently, Jiang Tiansheng and Xiang Nan held a handover ceremony.

  In fact, the ceremony is just a formality, the most important thing is to hand over the accounts of the association.

  Hong Xing has a public account, which is the contributions handed in by each hall and boss every month.

  As the largest gang in Hong Kong, Hung Hing has a total of 12 sites, including Yau Ma Tei, Tsim Sha Tsui, Causeway Bay, Mong Kok and other downtown areas. Naturally, his monthly income will not be small.

  Accumulated over a long period of time, the assets are as high as five billion. But a lot of it is assets, not cash.

  For example, Hongxing has bars, dance halls, and nightclubs all over Hong Kong, such as the Dragon Star cruise ship, and those casinos in Macau hotels...the funds that can be mobilized are only 500 million Hong Kong dollars.

  However, as the largest gang in Hong Kong, Hung Hing has thousands of members, and the expenditure is quite high, at least 100 million Hong Kong dollars per month.

   Among them, there are veterans' pensions, members' salaries, benefits, settlement allowances, pensions, social entertainment, business expansion, and so on.

  So, Xiang Nan's pressure to make money is still quite high.

   "Anan, Hong Xing will leave it to you in the future." Jiang Tiansheng said to Xiang Nan.

   "Don't worry, Mr. Jiang, I will definitely do a good job." Xiang Nan shook hands with him solemnly.


  After Jiang Tiansheng retired, boss B also proposed to retire.

   On the one hand, he was Xiang Nan's eldest brother before, but now that Xiang Nan has become the leader, he has become his boss instead, and his seniority is easily confused. And with him around, it's not convenient for Xiang Nan. After all, if he did something wrong, Xiang Nan wouldn't be right if he said it, or he wouldn't be right if he didn't say it.

   On the one hand, his wife has long planned to immigrate. After several years of exploration, he plans to immigrate to South America first, and then find a way to go to Europe. In short, he is old and doesn't want to live a life of licking blood.

   In this way, Hong Xing's twelve fit people left two seats vacant.

   Therefore, after Xiang Nan took over as the leader, the first thing to do was to select the fitters in Causeway Bay and Yau Ma Tei.

   "The fitters in Causeway Bay and Yau Ma Tei are all vacant now, and a successor must be selected as soon as possible, otherwise, the business will not be able to manage." Xiang Nan said to the crowd, "Do you have any good candidates?"

"I propose Datian Er to be the fit person in Causeway Bay." Pheasant first nominated, "On the one hand, he is very loyal, no matter what happens in the club, he is the first to rush to the front; on the other hand, he has been in Yau Ma Tei for these years Watching the field, doing a good job and accumulating a lot of experience.”

   "Support Da Tian Er's hand?" Xiang Nan looked at the crowd and asked.

  Da Fei from North Point was the first to raise his hand.

  Da Tian Er two years ago, under the introduction of Xiao Jieba, he and Da Tian Er fell in love, and the two were about to get married. As a brother-in-law, he naturally supported his brother-in-law.

   "Da Tianer is not bad, he is loyal if he can fight, I will support him." Thirteenth sister also said.

   "I support him too." Han Bin also raised his hand.

   "Count me in." The prince also raised his hand.

   Seeing that Da Tianer had already won five votes, Brother Ji, Brother Xin, Liang Ma and others all raised their hands.

   "Okay, since everyone supports Da Tian Er, he will be the person who fits in Causeway Bay." Xiang Nan nodded.