MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 152 gossip

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Everyone who saw Shu Huan’s demise was stunned. She simply pretended to be frightened and let Gu Xiran go back to Shengmeige. Gu Jia’s all sorts of things, let alone participate, she doesn’t even want to watch any more. If she sees such things, she will feel that everyone’s mentality is dark and life is completely hopeless. It’s better not to be blind.

This is probably an ostrich mentality or escapism, but she has nothing to do but to live in peace, and she has not taken over the power to be the master of the house. So what do these things have to do with her?

Back to the Shengmei Pavilion, I drank two cups of hot tea. She gradually eased her breath, and then looked at Gu Xiran who was with her, and felt that there was a warmth in her heart.

Fortunately, not one person is here, and others can support each other.

The two went down to five chess and read the book. After a quiet afternoon, in the evening, Ji Danqing walked into the Shengmei Pavilion with a look of exhaustion. After putting down the medicine box, he shook his head first: "You have these things... ”

If you haven’t finished talking, it’s a long sigh.

No one answered him. Everyone knows it well. It’s really a bad thing, and the people who fell down one by one, it’s no wonder that even he can’t afford to eat it. He hasn’t stopped running for two days, it’s the iron hit. Also feel tired.

Ji Danqing turned to look at Shu Huan's face: "Tai Jun let's come down and **** milk, how would this feel?"

Shu Huan smiled lightly: "I feel very bad, I have to quietly raise the moon."

Ji Danqing slightly stunned and immediately laughed: "Yes, worrying too much, hurting the temper, knowing how to open it."

On that prescription, the medicine for tonifying the qi and the gods is full, not to mention other people, that is, Shu Huan, the "patient", is stunned, and he is not afraid to give birth to a doubt that he is ill, but this prescription is really The gold medal of the body protection, you can get away with a bright light, and Shu Huan has the mood to ask: "How is she?"

"Not good." Ji Danqing looked pale: "still in a coma, even if you wake up, you have to raise a period of time to know that this life insurance can not be saved. Fortunately, the weather is getting cooler, and it takes only two points to control, just The scratches on her face are too deep, I am afraid there will be scars."

After Shu Huan listened to the silence, even if Gu Yu was cured, she did too much. She did not leave her own retreat from the beginning. This is why she is very clear, so she has done it herself. It was only like that.

After three days of stability, Shu Huan avoided practicing calligraphy and painting in the room, occasionally embroidering things, and did not care about the external affairs. However, these long-standing and boring people are very interested, especially the gossip. Qiao Yun, always rushed out to find someone to inquire about things, so how much rumors will float into her ears.

For example, after Fang’s family had a fight, he saw that Gu Yu’s life and death were not known. After all, the prostitute who was married at the end of the year would be taken home again, not to mention the local family’s reputation in the local area. Not to look down on the face to teach Fang to remarriage, and to take a step back, Fang’s madness is now mad, and the mind is sometimes awake and confused, who can marry? I can only stay in my family. With this premise, the Fang family has scruples, and dare not make too much trouble, fearing that Fang will be abused in the future.

As for Gu Xiren, these days have been kept in front of Gu Yu, but although they have the name of brother and sister, in the end, men and women are different, Laotai Jun does not allow him to stay in Gu Yu’s room, so that people will shout a few times, he does not Disregarding it, he did not let him stay in the room. He sat outside the door. In addition to closing his eyes and resting for a while, most of the time he stared at the room, and the whole person quickly fell down.

He seems to say that his brother and sister are deep in love. Some of them have gone too far. They have attracted people from the house to steal the arguments. In the end, these ugly words were passed to the old lady’s ears, and the old lady was completely angered, and he was forced to tie him. Go back to the room and put it under house arrest.

In addition to these things, the entire family is relatively quiet, because the people who are the masters of the family are all ill, and the most stubborn Gu Xihe also sighs. The only thing that is healthy is the Lin, but she To manage the funeral, I was so busy that I was so busy that I lost a whole circle, and even my eye sockets were a little concave.

When her mother-in-law was busy, Shu Huan’s daughter-in-law’s fall in the room was a little busy and she didn’t help. She really couldn’t say it. She thought about it for a day and sent her to help her, so I wouldn’t let go of my gossip.

It’s just that the complexity of the big house is unpredictable. As long as it’s not the master of the house, it’s the master of the whole house. Anyway, it’s been talked about by anyone’s gossip. The beauty of the day is annoyed, and it’s straight into the road: The things that lie on the roots of the tongue, they always say bad things in the back, how can it be passed to the ears of Taijun?"

Shu Huan was very puzzled by her, and she put down the stone in her hand and asked her, "What happened?"

The beautiful scenery is awkward: "They said that you are a broom star, only to marry into the door for a few months, and the family will continue to do things in succession, but I am afraid that the family will be embarrassed."

Shu Huan got a glimpse, and then there was a feeling of crying and laughing. The bitterness of Gu’s family buried for ten years is now rooting and germination, and has something to do with her.

Of course, she is not as simple as she was when she first came. When she thinks about it, she knows that these rumors cannot be rumored for no reason. No one wants to cover up the truth behind the matter. Take her as a scapegoat. Someone is jealous. Take control of the family's hopes, come to life and spoil.

Either way, it is very bad for her.

Shu Huan is still considering how to deal with these rumors, the most appropriate, just see Gu Xiran frowning in, it looks like something is happening at first sight, she jumped in her heart, and quickly cast the eyes of the inquiry.

Gu Xiran smiled bitterly: "Taijun let me go out."

Shu Huan was shocked: "This time"

"This is the time." Gu Xiran shook his head. "I said that there was a little bit of business in the business. Let me take a look at the accountant. I have to go to the place where I am going. It’s not a hundred miles away. It’s just this time..."

He is still sinking, and the scenery can't help but insert a message: "The uncle has not yet gone out, how can you go out at this time?"

It’s just that this makes people feel very confused.

Reloading the disease, Gu Xiran's temperament is better than others, so he has not been idle for a few days, has been busy with funeral, but whereever relatives and friends come to the door to mourn, the guilty Lin has to deal with, those male relatives and friends only him When I received the reception, I wouldn’t say that he is now filial, and that the family’s affairs are too busy to get rid of the body. How can the old lady think of letting him go out? Unless the business thing is already very tricky...

Shu Huan bit her lip and asked her face: "Can you not go?"

Gu Xiran frowned. "I have resigned. Taijun is not allowed."

Shu Huan is impulsive I almost want to say that we are elopement, and then no matter what the family is doing, but her reason is still there, and she is swallowed back.

The timing is wrong, you can’t go at this moment.

The two shops have just bought it, and the dyed ink is busy bringing people to clean up the whitewash. The so-called monk can't run the temple. This is the truth. If the family does not calm down, they will leave, and the old lady will still call someone. They came back and left Jingtiancheng to go elsewhere. They had considered it at the beginning, and it was not feasible. The road was still good, and the household registration was not easy to move. They wanted to use this brain and keep the old lady’s law to make them difficult. .

"You go." Shu Huan sighed and smiled: "Go early and come back early. As for me, you don't have to worry, there will be no one to take trouble to find me."

She did not say anything that eclipsed the rumors, and did not want him to worry about getting on the road.

She thought, there are some things, she should try to deal with it herself, can not always rely on Gu Xiran, he also has a time to take care of, so when the beautiful words, she was stopped by a look that she cast, and Gu Xiran is carrying They washed their hands and wiped their faces and did not see them.
