MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 10 Interview

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At that moment, Yu Yu felt that his blood stopped flowing.

He saw the look of the general's helmet, but there was nothing in the helmet.

Yes, there is nothing, the place that was supposed to be the head, is a mist of fog and light.

"You...the general?" Yu Yu muttered, and reached out to touch the position where he should have been the face, but the fingers crossed the fog.

"I am not human." The general said, "In fact, I don't know what I am."

Yu Yu looked at him.

The general said: "I am in the consciousness of your people. I have no form and have nothing to do with your real world. So, you should understand."

Yu Yan shed tears in his eyes, but smiled and said: "Thank you, general, can I give you something?"

The general put on his helmet and said with a slight sigh: "You want to give me something?"

Yu Yu raised his hand to the totem, and the golden light on the totem sprinkled a little, and formed a golden trajectory along the air, turning it into a shield in the hand of Yu.

"Send you." Yu Yu said, "This is the strongest shield in my heart. Will you go to other people's dreams in the future?"

"This..." The general was a bit overwhelmed.

Yu Yu pushed the shield to him. The general said, "Give me the totem, is it okay?"

Yu Yu signaled the general to look at the totem, it was still there, but the light was weakened by the imperceptible.

"If you can, I want to send you the entire totem." Yu Yu said, "I don't want to put a shield in my heart."

The general said to himself: "It is the first time someone sent me... something that is conscious of the world, or... totem, I don't know if I can take it."

The general bowed his head, raised his hand, touched the shield, looked up again, and looked at the embers. Suddenly he said, "Are you serious?"

Yu Yudao: "Of course!"

The general said: "Do you know what you gave me?"

Yu Yu insisted: "Of course I know!"

The general held the shield and both hands shook uncontrollably. Yu Yu said: "This shield will guard you for me."

"Then I...received." The general took the shield, swept his right hand, and carried it on his back.

Immediately, Yu Yu hugged him.

"Thank you." Yu Yu whispered.

The general raised his hand and touched the head of Yu Yu.

"good night."

These two words, like a magical spell, turned into a light powder, and suddenly flew away, and Yu Yu suddenly emptied, his hands slowly let go, and looked at the air incredulously.

"Good night." Yu Yu said.

The sun shone on his face, and the embers opened their eyes in an instant, sitting up from the bed and covering the forehead with one hand. In the bedroom, I forgot to pull the curtains last night. The sun just slanted in from the angle outside the balcony and landed in his lower bunk position.

7:35, bad! late! Yu Yu hurriedly got up and suddenly found that the phone didn't ring.

Oh, I didn’t have a class this morning... I was exhausted and lay back. Roommates have been slumbering, and Yu Yu’s eyes are on the bed. The scene in the dream has passed by. At this time, he has no sorrow and no excitement. Instead, it is the peace of mind.

Chaoyang shines on the jacket of Zhou Sheng's dry sportswear, which exudes a soft smell of soap. The city wakes up in the morning sun, and the bicycle ringing from time to time slams into the balcony and jumps into the room.

The winter in Handan City is very suitable for sleeping in the sun. The whole city is like a tacit one, and consciously moved the working time back for half an hour. The unit does not do the right thing before 9:30, the university does not talk about new knowledge points before 8:30, the default of the house is not 11:30, but does not order the delivery. If it is said that the north is wide and deep, like the fire-breathing dragon, wrap it up. Everyone is moving forward, and the second-tier city of Central China, located in Central China, is like a stalking behemoth, lazy and slow.

Yu Yi once thought about leaving here, but there were few good memories just because his hometown left him. It seems that leaving home, it will be a brand new beginning. But he has to admit that regaining a new life has nothing to do with time or place.

Even if the troubles are still far from over, the sun is still rising, and the new beginning has quietly arrived.

When Yu Xiaogang went to the library to sit down and open his notes, he received the news of Chen Yukai. Mr. Shi promised to meet one side tomorrow afternoon, and the specific place will be notified separately, so that Yu Yu is ready to arrange the time.

Yu Yu is not afraid of them, he answered well and asked what to prepare.

Chen Yukai’s answer is: [Free to play, we will help you. 】

Yu Wei: [Free play is likely to be played, or it is better to take the fire extinguisher first. 】

The opposite side couldn't help but smile. Yu Yu looked up and saw Chen Yukai sitting diagonally opposite and watching him laugh.

Yu Yu suddenly stunned, and he turned his head back to Chen Yukai's news. I saw Chen Yukai holding a smile and looking at him. Yu Yu erected a copy of "Dream of Dreams" and Chen Yukai nodded. Both teachers and students study in the library. When Yu Yu rested halfway, he sent a message to Chen Yukai.

[Do you not go to work? 】

[Prepare Cobo, the Dean promised me to be free, don't leave school. 】

Chen Yukai changed his dark blue sweater today, and the collar of the plaid shirt turned out from the neckline of the sweater, which is almost indistinguishable from the undergraduate. Yu Yu read the book again, and suddenly noticed that in the entire library, it seems that only himself and Chen Yukai are studying.

In front and behind, almost all of them have been replaced by girls! They are holding mobile phones, pretending to pluck their hair, and the camera is heading towards Chen Yukai from all directions.

Yu Hao immediately low hair news: [teacher you are being photographed by many people, be careful not to look up. 】

Chen Yukai: [How many people? 】

Yu Wei: [About twenty or thirty, it is still increasing. 】

Chen Yukai: [You borrowed a few books for me, I left first. 】

Chen Yukai apparently did not blame, sent the title to Yu Yu, and sent a document: [fill in the interview, contact the media tomorrow, give you a Tencent news. 】

Yu Wei: "!!!"

This wave of operation is too windy! Yu Yu once again redefines Chen Yukai. The document is an interview. Chen Yukai quickly packed up and left the library with his head down.

Someone behind it said: "You Baidu search...he is him! It is him!"

In the heart of Yu Yi’s heart, he opened Baidu and searched Chen Yukai. The keywords in the search bar are: “Chen Yukai’s school, and Chen Yukai’s Columbia University.”

Yu Yu was completely stunned by the content of Chen Yukai.

[Good rest today. 】 Chen Yukai said, [tomorrow to fight the father and daughter a wave. 】

Yu Yu laughed.

The next day, when he sent the interview to Chen Yukai, the office door was closed and seemed to be talking about important things.

Yu Yu sat quietly outside the office, a little nervous.

Thinking about the meeting, Mr. Shi and his daughter came and how to communicate. Last night, he spent a night without dreams. It is strange to say that in the dream world, after the sun rises, he will never return to the palace. He slept very well at night.

Mr. Shi and his daughter Shi Wei, will be selected in the college, Chen Yukai before this, nothing to say to Yu Yu, only let him relax.

At 12:30, Mr. Shi did not come, Zhou Sheng was the first to come.

Zhou Sheng was dressed very irregularly today. He wore a black sweater and "heed" his voice toward Yu Yu. He nodded indifferently.

Yu Yu moved a position to sit for him.

"You don't use it." Yu Yu whispered.

"How is that going?" Zhou Sheng said, "There is a lot of fun to be on the sidelines. This is the basic fun of being a man."

Yu Wei: "..."

When Yu Yu was nervous and sweated, Fu Liqun also came. He accidentally did not wear sportswear, and he sat down between the two.

"The two loves are good." Fu Liqun sat in the middle and shouted.

Yu Wei: "..."

"Roll!" Zhou Sheng slammed his feet and angered.

The office door opened, Huang Wei and Chen Yukai came out, and there was a girl who didn’t know. Chen Yukai took a folder and said, “All are here, go to the conference room. They are here to accompany you. of."

At the moment before sitting in the conference room, Yu Yu’s mind was still blank, and no one else spoke to him. But just at the moment of sitting down, I saw the little girl, and Yu Yu suddenly seemed to have a lot of words, and couldn’t help but say it.

Chen Yukai first shook hands with Mr. Shi and introduced himself. Yu Yu sat here with four people. Mr. Shi was two people, his daughter was carrying a school bag, and the police sat in the middle.

Mr. Shi is a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a suit, putting the car keys on the long table and holding e-cigarettes on his side.

"Wait a minute, we have a reporter interview." Chen Yukai, Mr. Shi Shi, said, "No more than ten minutes."

Mr. Shi was stupid in an instant and said: "Interview? Who decided?"

"It doesn't matter to you." Huang Wei took off his police hat and licked his hair. He said, "Yu Yu and his friends took a sum of money, one hundred and twenty thousand yuan, and gave it to our police station. Praise the letter, help them report and spread positive energy."

Mr. Shi: "..."

"Friends" are not happy: "I don't feel like this?"

Chen Yukai said to the reporter: "He is called Zhou Sheng."

Yu Yu said: "It was what we found together. It was actually discovered when he stepped on the money."

"I have received all the interviews you have filled in." The female reporter said, "The process is very clear, no problem, just add a few small points, very quickly."

"The banner of the police station was sent in the afternoon." Huang said to the reporter, "The college will shoot you when it arrives."

The female reporter asked a few questions. Zhou Sheng took the shoulders of Yu Yu and moved to the side of the conference table to answer one by one. Yu Yu looked at Zhou Sheng sideways, looked at the reporter, thought about it, and finally said: "I don't want to take things that don't belong to me. I think most people in this society are like this, but they don't have it. The opportunity to get so much money. We are not a typical example, just happened to meet."

Female reporter: "This is not easy."

"Not counting positive energy." Yu Yu said sincerely, "should. One person, willing to lend a helping hand when another person is in distress and grievances, believe him, help him, pull him out of the quagmire without reward, let He sees the light again, this is the positive energy."

The female reporter suddenly laughed and said, "Who is this talking? Ah?"

When Yu Yu said this, he remembered the "general" in his dream. The female reporter turned his head and turned to Chen Yukai. He also looked at Huang Wei with suspicion, watching Fu Liqun and watching Zhou Sheng.

Everyone’s expressions are a bit strange, like laughing and laughing, and even more embarrassing.

Zhou Sheng suddenly blushed and said: "He should be talking about me."

Everyone: "..."

Yu Yudao: "Well... I mean... everyone, thank you."

Zhou Sheng: "Don't you say me?"

Yu Yu told him not to mention, Zhou Sheng transferred the topic, and the female reporter seriously said: "I still have an exclusive material... Do you know? Yu Yu, who was also framed!"

"This will be fine!" Chen Yukai took the initiative and came to the reporter to leave.

"Zhou Sheng, this is my business card..." The female reporter crossed Chen Yukai and handed the business card to Zhou Sheng. "We have a empty chat and talk about it... Anything can be found!" Zhou Sheng wants to get up. Then, Fu Liqun immediately grabbed his pants, and Yu Yu would like to pick it up.

After Chen Yukai sent her away, she decisively took the business card from Yu Yu and put it in her suit pocket.