MTL - Seven Evil Slips-Chapter 26

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Mudai stammered embarrassingly: "I, I... I'm afraid of infection, I'll choose a place close to Luo Ren, and I'll come over as soon as you call."

She was anxious to jump.

Luo Ren laughed and let go: "Don't trust others too much, Kiyo, at any time, the most important thing is to ensure your own safety."

Back in the room, Kiyo was still thinking about Luo Ren's words.

What's the meaning? Does the implication mean that she is innocent and easily deceived? What a joke, she has her own ability to distinguish, believe that everyone has carefully observed and selected, okay? Otherwise, why don't you see her believe in 13,000?

Li Tan left early in the morning, Luo Ren had to take care of Pin Ting and couldn't leave, Zheng Bo sent Mudai and Shi San to the nearest hotel.

When the front desk opened the room, 13,000 murmured: "Why don't you let me in, their house is so spacious."

Kiyo glared at him: "It's not that you ate too much mutton yesterday, and you were disgusted by others!"

He really can depend on anything! Tensan carried his luggage and followed Kiyo to the room, angrily all the way: Where did all the traffickers go!

He got to Kiyo's room first, then took out his room card, and the opposite door opened, and someone went out humming a little tune, and just after he came out, he shrank back with a scream.

Too late, Kiyo had already seen it, she looked at 13,000 and then at the half-closed door: "Come out!"

Cao Yanhua struggled inwardly, but came out again with his head drooping.

Before Kiyo could speak, Shisan pre-empted the attack, striding over in surprise, "Brother Cao! Why are you here?"

Cao Yanhua also entered the play very quickly: "It's true that life never meets again. After I went to Yunnan, I wanted to change to a rougher environment to relax. I didn't expect you to be there!"

To this, Kiyo only wanted to say two words.

Ha ha.

She encouraged them: "Play, keep playing."

After finishing speaking, he swiped his card to enter the room, kicked his foot and slammed the door.

The audience withdrew, and Yi Wan and Cao Yanhua looked at each other and began to complain to each other.

—"Your sister, why don't you tell me when you live here."

—"Damn! You let me tell you when I arrived, but didn't let me report where I live. Besides, don't you live in someone else's house? Who knows, you came to live in a hotel again...Is there no hope for me as a teacher? "

In order to make up for it, Cao Yanhua talked about it, and invited Mudai and Yiwansan to a restaurant for dinner at noon.

Kiyo didn't move his chopsticks for a table of dishes: "Ten Wan followed me, at least there was a reason. Why did you follow, didn't you just find a job?"

"It's just... a job of serving the dishes. If it's interrupted for a month or two, it won't affect your career."

Kidai is angry and funny, really any type of work can be planted as a "career" when Cao Yanhua comes.

Ten thousand and three chimed in: "Little proprietress, my Brother Cao has a kind heart and a pure nature. If your master doesn't accept it, you can accept it. Just teach him how to order three melons and two dates. The butterfly effect. If he saves someone in the future, It’s also because of your immeasurable merit.”

Kiyo glanced at him: "You also said the butterfly effect, so if he harms someone, he learns kung fu and then steals it. Butterfly effect, I will still be guilty of it."

Cao Yanhua's chubby face flushed red: "Sister Mudai, I was arrested and educated last time, so I really won't steal. After you become my master, if I steal again, you can cut my limbs apart." Weary."

It’s true that he has read too many martial arts novels, and Kiyo was puzzled: “Why do you want to learn Kung Fu?”

Cao Yanhua's face turned even redder. After a while, he hesitated and took out a wallet from his pocket.

What's the meaning? Mudai took it over suspiciously. In Li Tan's wallet, there was a photo of her red aunt Li Yaqing. Does Cao Yanhua have a childhood sweetheart?

When I opened the wallet, I realized that I had misunderstood. There was indeed a photo inside. I am afraid that Chinese people all over the world would recognize that iconic nose.

jackie chan.

Cao Yanhua babbled and stammered, "I've always had a dream..."

It's really bad, Kiyo quickly interrupted him: "Okay, let's eat."

Cao Yanhua didn't understand why he was cut off at the very beginning, and he was still standing there in a daze. Ten thousand and three gave him a wink, which meant: Brother, you can eat.

While eating, Wan San asked Muyo about Ping Ting: "Little proprietress, that Ping Ting is Luo Ren's younger sister, right?"

Kiyo said: "I think it should be a girlfriend."

Ten thousand three eyeballs almost popped out: "Aren't you my sister? They are all surnamed Luo."

"I don't think so, I feel pretty accurate."

It turned out to be just a feeling. Ten thousand and three were a little relieved, but the words still had to follow Muyo's words: "If it's a girlfriend, how can you be crazy? It must be that Luo Ren is not good, which made Pin Ting sad, so crazy It's..."

Kiyo slapped the chopsticks onto the table.

"You should be called 'Miss Luo', or 'Luo Pinting', don't call her by Ting Ting Ting, you don't know her that well, keep a distance from other people's girlfriends, and don't have any unreasonable or transgressive thoughts! "

Ten thousand three felt wronged: "What's wrong with me, I just asked."

Kiyo smiled at Yasan, and the cool breeze gushed from his back: "Let me tell you, I feel very accurate."

There was nothing else to do that day. Mudai walked around the Xiaoshang River by himself, and sent away both Tensan and Cao Yanhua halfway. Tensan was happy not to accompany her, but Cao Yanhua was worried: "Sister Mudai, life If you don’t know the place, be careful.”

In fact, it is not bad to have such an apprentice.

Kiyo turned all the way to the outskirts of Xiaoshanghe Town, where the continuous sand dunes in the distance surrounded an in and out road, and Muyo asked people: "Why didn't you see the camel?"

The man almost twitched with laughter: "Girl, what year is it? Who still raises camels for fun? The camels are all in tourist attractions, Zhongwei Shapotou, or Shahu Lake."

The place where there are camels is far away from the Xiaoshang River, Luo Ren said in that tone, "I have time to ride camels", as if the camels were raised by his family.

However, Kiyo's anger dissipated as soon as he returned to the hotel.

Luo Ren sent a humidifier to her room.

Brand new and brand new, it should be bought now. Kiyo installed water and plugged in the electricity according to the instructions. It didn't take long to heat up, and the soft steam filled the room.

Kiyo stared at the steam for a long time, and a sense of responsibility for his confidant arises spontaneously.

You must do something for Luo Ren.

The hotel is indeed very close to Luo Ren's house. When the curtains are lifted, not far away, you can see the house that stands out from the crowd on the Xiaoshang River.

That night, Mudai raised the curtain more than eight times: Luo Ren's house would be fine if a thief came.

When it was the last time, a car stopped at the door, and a woman in her forties got out.

Looking at the face, who is this?

Kiyo's heart moved, and he remembered Luo Ren's phrase "Don't trust others too much". Does this "others" include himself?

Logically, if you are a friend, you shouldn't sneak around to pry into other people's secrets, but...

She and Luo Ren are not that familiar either.

Kiyo walked around the house several times, the door was closed tightly, and there was no suitable reason for knocking on the door, it was still the old way.

The houses here are all mud-rammed walls, and it is easy to climb the walls, and the wind is strong at night, and the rattling of the windows is especially easy to cover up the noise.

Kiyo quickly reached the high ground.

I have looked at several windows, and I am inevitably disappointed. The windows in the living room should face the yard, and this side is the back wall, which is full of bedrooms and bathrooms. Moreover, in order to avoid the wind, the windows here are closed all the year round, and the sound insulation effect is also good. Even if people can be seen, voices cannot be heard.

Just as he was about to go down resentfully, someone suddenly opened the door and came in.

It was the woman and Pin Ting, and Luo Ren was also there. The woman changed into a white coat with a stethoscope hanging around her neck, smiled and ordered a few words, and left with Luo Lian.

Kiyo remembered that it should be the nurse that Luo Ren mentioned to hire Ting to check regularly.

In fact, if it was before, when Pin Ting was taking a bath, the nurse would have followed her all the way, but ever since Pin Ting had something strange, Luo Ren tried his best to avoid any irrelevant people from being alone with her.

In the bathroom, only Ping Ting was left alone. She still looked silent and dumb. She first turned on the shower head in the standing shower room, and then took off her clothes one by one.

It seems a little... See no evil, Kiyo looked away, his heart was pounding.

Hiring Ting's figure is really good.

It's better not to look at it, Kiyo breathed a sigh of relief, turned his body halfway on the wall, and changed his posture for going down. When changing hands, he inadvertently looked into the window again.

Pin Ting seemed to have forgotten something, and opened the glass door of the shower room to take it out. She turned her body slightly, her curves were extremely beautiful, and crystal drops of water rolled down her white and clean back.

Kiyo's eyes suddenly tightened, and on Pin Ting's back, it was...

Luo Ren listened to Kiyo's speech in silence.

Kiyo was a little excited, with a lot of dust on his body, but his voice was relatively low, as if he was afraid of being heard: "It's only a second or two, and soon, under the skin on the back, it suddenly bulges, that shape..."

She stretched out her hand hesitantly and pointed to the wall.

Looking at the past, it was the table I made, the column of "suspect's death statement".

"That's the shape. And..."

In that one or two seconds, the raised skin was not flat, the blood in the veins suddenly became dazzlingly red, passing through the skin, forming a shape with extremely thin strokes.

Kidai found paper and showed Luo Ren the drawing, which is an elongated S shape with a small stroke added to the left.

It's like a word.

Luo Ren turned on the computer, searched a few times, the page froze on the screen, he called Kiyo to come over and look: "Is it the word?"

Kiyo nodded repeatedly.

The page is "the evolution of the shape of the knife", from oracle bone inscriptions, calendar inscriptions, seal script, official script, regular script, to the current standard Song style.

The shape drawn by Kiyo is exactly the first one, the word "sword" in oracle bone inscriptions.

"Playing songs" in ancient times, the word "sword" in oracle bone inscriptions...

Luo Ren suddenly asked her: "Do you still remember that at the scene of a murder, among the dolls pulled out by the thread, there is always one with a knife?"

Remember, the scene is that one person is covering his face with his hands, as if he is hiding, another person is holding a knife in his hand, grinning and trying to cut it down, and the third person is pushing his hands aside, as if trying to persuade a fight.

The person holding the knife didn't just make a false gesture. He actually had a knife in his hand, most of which were from the kitchen of the victim's home. hold on.

What does the knife represent?

Luo Ren frowned, and naturally bent his index and middle fingers, and lightly tapped the handle of the sofa at hand.

"Luo Ren?"


Mudai hesitated: "Actually, after you told me last time, I went to that Wan Fenghuo, and I asked him, are there any ghosts in this world?"

Luo Ren looked up at Kiyo.

Kiyo actually said it seriously: "I know you don't believe me, but there are many things that may be called 'ghosts' in name, but there are actually scientific explanations. The person Wan Fenghuo asked me to find seems to be real. It looks very powerful, he also wrote books, and told me to have a scientific attitude.”

"so what?"

Kiyo really thinks this is a feasible direction: "That person has been studying various supernatural phenomena for more than 20 years. I heard that he has been on the road and has seen many strange things. I thought, if you agree, we can Tell him the ins and outs of the matter, maybe he has a similar case, and maybe he can give us some clues."

Luo Ren remembered the words Wan Fenghuo often said.

— This is the case with inquiring about news. Sometimes there must be an opportunity. If the opportunity does not come, it is common to wait three to five years.

Yes, if there is no new opportunity, do we have to wait like this forever? Since both Wan Fenghuo and Kiyo believed in that person, maybe he is the next opportunity?

Treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Luo Ren took a long breath: "What's his name?"

While talking, he turned the computer to the search page, wanting to search the scholar's books by the way to see his research direction.

Kiyo slowly replied two words.

"God stick."