MTL - Seventy Koi: The Unlucky Boss Hugged Me and Cried-Chapter 18

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buy buy buy

"Actually, just buy a pair." Mu Qing said.

"Where is one pair enough?" Zhou Tianze asked rhetorically.

"At least, to be able to change clothes."

After buying the shoes, Zhou Tianze took Mu Qing to the place where the watches were sold.

Mu Qing quickly grabbed Zhou Tianze's hand.

"I don't like wearing a watch."

"You keep the money, let's fix the house..."

This is what Mu Qing said in her heart, his house is indeed too dilapidated.

Mu Qing pondered that if Zhou Tianze had no money, she would take out the money herself and do a simple repair first.

Zhou Tianze turned around to look at Mu Qing, and said seriously, "If you want to buy a watch, I will also repair the house."

"Today is our wedding day, you can't let others look down on you."

"I just want others to know that my Zhou Tianze's daughter-in-law is a treasure."

After Zhou Tianze finished speaking, he didn't give Mu Qing a chance to say anything, and directly pointed to the brand new watch under the counter.

"Comrade, a Shanghai watch, money, tickets."

After Zhou Tianze bought the watch, he took Mu Qing to buy a Shanghai brand radio and a Phoenix brand bicycle.

I really bought enough for Mu Qing for three turns and one ring.

"Brother Zhou, you are so kind." Mu Qing couldn't help being moved.

"That is, I am your husband, I am not good to you, and to whom."

Zhou Tianze looked at Mu Qing with a doting face, his big hand squeezed Mu Qing's small hand, and then he made a serious promise:

"I will treat you better in the future."

"Well, I'll be nice to you too." The corner of Mu Qing's mouth twitched into a simple and innocent smile.

"You follow me."

Mu Qing directly dragged Zhou Tianze to the place where she just bought the watch.

"Comrade, I want this Shanghai men's watch."

Mu Qing said and gave the money and tickets directly.

Fortunately, she found such a ticket in Zhang Chunhua's ticket.

Otherwise, this watch may not be available for purchase!

It was the first time that the salesman saw such a generous pair, and he packed them quickly.

Just as she raised her hand to collect the money, a pair of hands suddenly came down and took the money that Mu Qing put down.

Zhou Tianze turned around and put the money into Mu Qing's hand.

"Keep it for private money."

"You bought the ticket, you bought it for me."

Zhou Tianze said, he has already taken the money and put it up again.

Mu Qing looked at her, a little annoyed that she had nowhere to vent.

"You are allowed to buy me something, but I am not allowed to buy you something, overbearing."

"Why didn't you buy it? You bought the tickets, I don't have a second one."

Zhou Tianze smiled, took the watch and put it in Mu Qing's hand.

"Bring it to me, Comrade Mu Qing."

"It's cheaper for you." Mu Qing glanced at Zhou Tianze, but still helped him put it on.

Then, Zhou Tianze put the ladies watch he just bought on Mu Qing's wrist.

Then they are a couple.

Afterwards, they went to buy a lot of things for marriage.

There were several times when Mu Qing wanted to pay, but Zhou Tianze shoved it back.

In the end, she simply stopped rushing to pay with Zhou Tianze.

Mu Qing is not very familiar with the county town. After shopping, she asked Zhou Tianze to take her around.

It's just that when they walked to a place, the front suddenly became chaotic.

Several patrolling soldiers are chasing some ordinary people carrying goods.

Mu Qing was looking good, but Zhou Tianze suddenly took her hand to the side.

"What's wrong?" Mu Qing still didn't react.

"People are being arrested over there, don't go over there." Zhou Tianze's voice was slightly deep.

"Who are they arresting?"

Mu Qing probably knew what was going on, but she still pretended not to understand and asked.

"A person who sells goods without permission." Zhou Tianze replied.

"Daughter-in-law, remember, don't come to these places in the future."

"If you meet someone on the road and ask if you want supplies, don't answer."

"If you are caught as speculation, you will be sentenced."

"Oh, I see." Mu Qing nodded, indicating she knew.

Just as soon as the two of them finished speaking, a grizzled granny wrapped in a headscarf fell in front of the two of them.

Mu Qing hurriedly bent over and helped the old lady up.

"Grandma, are you all right?" Mu Qing asked.

The old grandmother glanced at the movement behind and quickly grabbed Mu Qing's hand.

"Daughter, my foot is twisted, please help grandma and help me out of here."

"Okay." Mu Qing immediately stretched out her hand and supported the grandmother's arm.

Zhou Tianze did not act immediately, but glanced at the chaotic scene over there, and turned his eyes back and forth on the old grandmother.

Then he said, "Daughter-in-law, come with me."

Zhou Tianze said, with a cane in one hand and the grandmother's arm in the other.

Three people quickly left from the edge of the chaotic scene.