MTL - Seventy Koi: The Unlucky Boss Hugged Me and Cried-Chapter 19

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Granny who wants to change things

Zhou Tianze was very familiar with the county town, but after a while he took Mu Qing and the old lady to Binhe Road in the county town.

Mu Qing said to the grandmother in a soft voice: "Grandma, it's all right."

"How are your feet? Can you walk by yourself?"

The old lady's face was gloomy and gloomy, "I'm old, and my bones are brittle. I'm afraid it won't heal for a while."

"I wanted to come out for some food, but I didn't expect to run into a patrol."

"Daughter. You are so kind. Thanks to you for saving me just now."

"You guys go, I'll go back slowly."

The old lady pushed Mu Qing's hand away.

But Mu Qing clearly saw that there were tears of despair in the grandma's eyes.

As soon as Mu Qing's heart moved, she lifted her foot and stepped forward to support the grandmother's arm.

"Grandma, I'll take you back."

"Daughter... I thank you!" The grandmother squirmed her lips, and it took a long time before she spoke.

"Grandma, respect the old and love the young, that's what we should do."

After Mu Qing finished speaking, she immediately looked back at Zhou Tianze.

Zhou Tianze's handsome face with hard lines softened immediately when Mu Qing looked over.

"Let's go, you are the biggest today." A helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Mu Qing looked at him, but felt that he was very attractive at this time.

Zhou Tianze asked the home address of the grandmother's house, and then sent the grandmother back with Mu Qing.

The old grandmother lives in a small house at the mouth of a broken alley.

Mu Qing sent her back, only to find that there was an old man lying on the bed in the room, his face was abnormally red, and he was in a coma.

"Grandma, what's wrong with this grandpa?" Mu Qing took the liberty to speak.

"Oh, this is my wife." The grandmother moved to the bedside.

"He has a fever, but the people outside won't let us go to the hospital."

"I thought, since I can't go to the doctor, I'll change to something delicious. If this goes on, I'll be a full-fledged ghost."

Mu Qing quickly swept the room when she heard this.

Seeing a thermos, she walked over and poured some.

By the way, when everyone was not paying attention, I put antipyretics in it.

Then put an appropriate amount into the thermos.

Mu Qing brought hot water to the grandmother.

"Grandma, if you have a fever, you need to drink more water for grandpa, so that the fever may subside."

"I drank a lot, but it didn't work." The grandmother said, her voice choked.

"Grandma, you have to persevere, maybe there will be a turning point."

"Well, well, good." The grandmother responded.

Mu Qing saw that grandma gave all the boiled water to grandpa.

turned around again from Zhou Tianze's crutches, took out the meat buns and donkey meat they had just bought and burned them.

"Grandma, take these food."

"We still have things to do, so let's go first."

Afraid that the grandmother would refuse, Mu Qing shoved the things into the hands of the grandmother, and immediately turned to leave.

Only, as soon as the two of them left, there was a "dong" sound behind them, but it was the grandma who knelt directly for them.

Mu Qing was taken aback by the grandmother's actions and immediately stepped forward to help.

But the grandmother didn't get up.

She grabbed Mu Qing's hand tightly.

"Daughter, grandma, thank you."

"This, you take this, don't let it go."

The grandmother choked and said, stuffing a small delicate jewelry box into Mu Qing's hand.

"You take it away, this is of no use to me, it will only harm me."

"You're a good-hearted boy, here you go."

Mu Qing listened to the grandmother and nodded.

"Okay, I want it. Grandma, get up."

Seeing that Mu Qing had collected the things, the grandmother waved her hands again to urge them to leave.

"Let's go, don't let people see you, let's go."

"Well, bye grandma."

Mu Qing looked at the grandmother again before turning around and leaving with Zhou Tianze.

She pretended to throw the small jewelry into the bag, but she actually put it into the space.

She opened the small jewelry box in the space, and the yellow color inside almost blinded her.

It contains gold and jade rings, earrings and necklaces.

And the quality of the jade is very good at first glance, and it can be worth a lot of money.

Mu Qing looked at these things, and suddenly felt that the grandmother lost a lot.

She suddenly pulled Zhou Tianze's sleeve.

"Brother Zhou, wait for me under that tree. I have a little way to reduce the fever. I didn't tell my grandma."

After Mu Qing finished speaking, she pushed Zhou Tianze and walked back again.

Zhou Tianze waited under the tree, and after a while, Mu Qing walked out.

She stepped forward, "Brother Zhou, let's go back, I'll make dumplings for you tonight."

"Okay, let's eat dumplings tonight."

The old grandmother in the broken house looked at a bag of white noodles, a bag of cornmeal, and a few bacon sausages.

It was too late to be moved, so I hurriedly found a place to hide.

Later, she fed the old man boiled water every two hours, and at night, the fever subsided.

She thanked Mu Qing several times excitedly, and by the way told her waking up wife about Mu Qing's kindness.