MTL - Sha Po Lang-Chapter 21 New Year's Eve

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It is impossible for Anding Hou to rest at home every day. The day when the tyrannical and civil servants are busy and rushing usually begins in the morning. A small number of idle staff, you can go home to find each mother when you apply, but Gu Yu is obviously not a casual job.

Even if he is in the DPRK, he is generally not looking for the emperor. He is looking for the same person. It’s hard to have nothing to do with one day. He has to go to the North Camp for a round and rarely return home before sunset.

In short, live a day when chickens and dogs are not as good.

Therefore, if you want to get Gu Dashuai's personal guidance, you have to catch up with him in the morning to move forward.

Chang Geng began to climb in the middle of the night, and the chicken was still asleep every day. He took his sword and waited in the courtyard.

The young and thin teenager squatted in front of his sword, and the sword squatted in the back. A pair of iron arms stretched forward, a left-handed arm hangs a steam lamp, and the right arm hangs. A food box, like a night tour to send rice.

When he arrived at Gu Dashuai, the early servant would pick up the food box and squat on the side with a small fire. Gu Yu began to give his dry son an early class.

The night travel **** who sent the meal became a night-time god, and it was very tragic when the cow was a horse.

After a class of lectures, the breakfast was also hot. The two of them ate each other, and then what to do? Gu Kai was going to go out, Chang Geng went back to wait for Mr. to lead the study, and after the afternoon, he still followed Houfu. The home will be martial arts.

Gu Yu is not really a good teacher. Like Shen Yi, he also remembers that it is a fault. He has just fixed the iron shovel. He has already talked about how to dispatch heavy armor and how to distribute heavy armor. The proportion is the most provincial, so the horses in the Western Region and the horses in the Central Plains are different, which is the most hungry and so on...

Waiting for this topic to turn around the girders in the sky, Gu Yu probably only came back to God and asked Chang Geng: "I am running off the question again? What do I want to say at the beginning?"

Chang Geng: "..."

The two of them had to sit on the big feet of the shovel, and the "beep" sound of the gears in the body of the iron monsters, together with the theme of escaping the tens of thousands of miles.

At the beginning, I heard that Gu Dashuai personally spread the art. Ge Fatxiao and Cao Niangzi were both excited and overcome all difficulties. They yawned and listened to it several times. Unexpectedly, they only heard one experience from beginning to end - what stuff!

Ge Fatxiao privately commented: "I feel that it is better to listen to Mr. Shen’s chanting."

"Is Shen General, how can I remember it?" Cao Niangzi did not rectify her emotions and touched her conscience. She chose a conscience between the beautiful man and her conscience, adding, "I feel so."

Only Chang Geng has no opinion on this. He can wait for a while with Gu Yu every day, let him stay at the door all night long. Anyway, falling asleep is a repeated nightmare. There is nothing to be reluctant.

Like he believes that he will be able to hold the ur bones, he believes that he can become a sharp blade, grinding away a few extras and bad things every day, including his own ideas about his little righteous father.

What's more, Gu Yu is just unorganized. If you really listen to it, what he said is at least true and reliable.

When Gu Yu was very young, he was taken to the battlefield by his unremarkable niece. He had not spent a few years in the palace for a comfortable life. At the age of fifteen, he began to follow a late veteran general. Hey, I have been rolling in the ranks since then.

The seven major services, in addition to the iron shovel in the water, he is not too familiar, the other all handed over, beat the victory, but also suffered a lot of losses, so talk about their strengths and weaknesses such as a few treasures.

Chang Geng listened to hunger and thirst. Gu Yu was like a mountain to him. Every day he looked up and looked up. He found a direction to bow down all day, and then suppressed his heart’s unsuitable step by step. idea.

However, Gu Yu does not think that this is a teaching.

He also specially invited Mr. and the martial arts master to teach Chang Geng them. Every morning, whether it is pointing to Chang Geng and the iron shovel, or saying his feelings in Tiannanhaibei, in Gu’s opinion, it’s just that he squeezes out some time to follow. Chang Geng playing.

After a long period of observation, Gu Yu did not think Chang Gung was suitable to take his old path, because Chang Geng was always a gentle restraint in front of him, a little stubborn, but overall it was reasonable.

Gu Yu thinks that when he grows up, he should be a gentleman, not a killer.

In this way, it will be the end of the year.

In the first year of the new emperor's enthronement, he changed his name to Longan, and he announced that he would like to smash the world.

Since it is the world, of course, it also includes the barbaric son of Calais, who is imprisoned in the emperor.

The emperor pressed for more than two months and used this method to express his opinion in a roundabout way. The condition of the old wolf king plus one-year-old tribute was too tempting, and he did not want to renege on the face of the blasphemy, so the matter was discussed once. Once pressed, the household’s and the stability of Hou’s folds were all delayed, and they were dragged to the Tianzi Festival, and they finally saw the difference.

The two lines of the Yulin Army were separated from each other. Shen Yi was driven straight into the horse and went straight to the side of Gu Yu, who was lightly armored, and then stopped.

Gu Yan glanced at him and slowly turned his head back to go. Shen Yi quickly followed up and whispered: "Grandma, I see the emperor this time is to iron the heart to put the tiger back to the mountain, what should I do?"

"The Emperor of Heaven is a golden mouth, it is a pledge to God, it is difficult to cover the water, what can I do?" Gu Yan said with a blank expression, "In order to appease me, Zhang Kou Xu gave Xuan Tieying 30 chariot and four hundred steel armor The purpose has already been to the Lingyuan, and he has done his best to this, I am so embarrassed that there is no end to that little thing?"

The new emperor was just over the age of the emperor, and he was tougher than the emperor.

Gu Yu did not care about the power, the emperor was tough or not, he did not care, but the problem is that the emperor's policy on the border is even shorter than the emperor.

The two men indulged together for a moment, Gu Yu said: "But the treasury is also a fact, the emperor's new succession, how much can't wait - you do not know, yesterday, the foreign hair "big hat" sent a messenger monkey to come over, 叽He said that in the afternoon, I am now in my ear."

"..." Shen Yi took a moment to react. "You mean the Western Pope?"

In most of the people of the Liangliang people, the Yang Maozi family is very unconventional. The "Pope" does not burn incense in the temple. He wears a big hat all day and looks around. Everything has to be done, and the emperor speaks instead. Isn't this going to be a day?

Gu Yu nodded: "I said that I want to trade. I listened to it for a while yesterday. They want to extend the ancient Silk Road along the western territory of China. We will send troops to guard the exchanges and ensure the exchanges. The maps and the imaginary physical maps were all drawn, and the emperor had a foolish account."

Shen Yi laughed: "Communication is a good thing. What do you say?"

"I didn't say it is not - I just don't know how to do business," Gu said. "But I still feel that if foreigners trade with me, they don't have to get cheap."

This is the truth.

Western goods began to flow into the girders from the emperor's reign, and the baubles such as the glazed lights and the western scenery were fresh for a few years, but unfortunately they didn't last long, because the inflowing Western artifacts were exquisitely refined, and many of them had to be burned. Kim, once in the Central Plains, indirectly sizzled the black market of Ziliujin.

When the Emperor Wu felt that it was going on, the country would not be in the country. In order to strictly control the private use of Ziliujin, he prepared both soft and hard hands, and issued four decrees in one day, and thoroughly investigated the private use of Ziliujin. Grab a group of killings, all of which are based on rebellion. They will not tolerate them. They first used the high-pressure iron wrist to arrest the lifeline of this country.

Later, Ling Lingyuan took the lead and gathered a large number of folk long-arms divisions. Soon, they worked overtime to imitate a bunch of imitation western goods with similar functions but powered by coal burning.

The hard knife stuck the Ziliujin export, and the soft knife directly cut off the market of western goods. Even if you get Ziliujin, who is not willing to burn cheap fuel? In addition, Western paintings are full of whistle, and in the eyes of the Central Plains, it is somewhat impossible to stand on the table.

The real Western goods were quickly replaced by imitations, and the merchants’ things were not sold in the Central Plains.

Instead, it is a delicate object like silk. I heard that it is not possible to fire in the foreign hairs.

Gu said: "Since there is no benefit, there may not be good intentions."

Shen Yi silently silent for a moment: "How do you see the emperor?"

Gu Yu’s mouth curled up and revealed a smile that was sour and spicy. He said: “There is no fear in the emperor. He feels that my Xuan Tieying guards the northwest, and the beam can be invulnerable. I don’t know that I have this. Big ability, you said that I am not guilty?"

Shen Yi thought about it and asked, "Is the emperor saying this in front of you?"

Gu Yu smiled bitterly: "Not only in front of me, but also gave me a fox."

Gu Darai’s problem of wearing a single coat all year round is that Wenwu knows that when he meets the white hair, he adds some clothes. The emperor gives him the meaning of winter clothes. It’s hard not to be overwhelmed.

Shen Yi silent.

Gu Yu: "I will probably go back to the northwest after the end of the year. Xuan Tieying is always in the North Camp. The emperor can't sleep."

Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, Jinxiu River and Mountain in the new emperor sentence into a line, pressed on the shoulders of stability.

They think that he holds the three camps of the mysterious iron in his hand, and he is invincible and omnipotent.

Relying on him and fearing him.

Gu Yu jokes: "What do you say if I die a day?"

Shen Yi’s face changed: “Where is the confession, oh!”

Gu Yu didn't care too much. "This is a lot of jealousy. It's life and death, wealth is in the sky. We don't have a long life, but we don't have a long life. Even the children's transport is a rat, a generation is not as good as a generation. When Hou Ye saw me every day, I sighed and sighed. When I arrived, it was even more... I was no one."

Shen Yi: "Is there still four Royal Highness?"

Gu Yu shook his head: "The child is not the life of eating sand. Hey, good big night, what are you doing with these stuff? Go and order me a red head, and I will go home to pick up my son. "

After he finished, he immediately put Shen Yi behind him.

Shen Yi snarled angrily: "You don't say that the city is full of twenty red heads. How can you get it today?"

Gu Yu: "You look at it -"

The word "do" floated down, wrapped in the northwest wind, and it was easy to face.

Chang Geng had been reading the book in the house in a down-to-earth manner. The door was suddenly broken open from the outside, and the wind and the wind smashed his head and slammed his face. He didn’t have time to get the town’s good rice paper and fled.

This kind of disturbing quiet nuisance is not the second person to think about it, Chang Geng reluctantly turned back: "Father."

Ge Fatxiao and Cao Niangzi left and right as a hip-hop two, followed by Gu Yu, and rushed to him and waved: "Big brother, Hou Ye said to take us out to sit on the red head."

Chang Geng: "..."

Chang Geng didn't like to go out, he didn't like to go out, he didn't like it, he was annoyed when he saw people. He used to go to the army to practice the sword. It was also because his yard was not big enough. Since he hit Houfu, he didn't have the desire to go out and let go.

In his opinion, when the festival is over the age, everyone is surrounded by a small stove at home, warm two wines, is it not good to talk about two gossips?

If you want to go out and drink and watch people, what is this interest?

Gu Yu has taken his robe down on his own initiative: "Come on, don't grind, Wang Shu said that you haven't been out of the house since you hit the Houfu, planting mushrooms?"

When I think of the "Shengjing" in the crowds of the capital and the tens of thousands of people in the capital, Chang Geng has a goosebump, and even if he goes out with Gu Yu, he is also unwilling, so he grinds and finds an excuse in his place: "The father, the defender has a particular attitude, Someone left home, I...ah!"

Gu Yu couldn't help but say that Chang Geng went to the robe and took him directly into a room called the beam. He dragged the room out of his shoulder: "Little hair child, pay attention to it."