MTL - Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey-Chapter 7 When the physical shield of the physical class is against a physical immune monster

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   "Visiting audience friends in front of the TV, good afternoon! I am reporter Canberra, you see, this is the food court street in Manhattan, New York! Now I am doing a live broadcast for you! Please look behind me."

A beautiful reporter with a microphone is facing the camera, and the beautiful woman rushes and passes by people who are rushing for their lives. The beautiful reporter is still chattering and talking with the microphone, not caring about the people passing by and from time to time. The person who hit her!

   As the camera rotates, behind the beauty reporter, it seems to be able to see two vaguely huge figures fighting, accompanied by bursts of explosions and fires! However, because the camera is focusing on the beauty reporter, the situation in the distance is not very clear to the audience in front of the TV.

   "Oh! My God! Canberra! Be careful! Squat down!!"

   The beauty reporter Canberra was waiting to turn around and introduce the battle to the audience in the distance. Suddenly, he heard the photographer shouting at her.

   With the camera shaking, the audience vaguely saw a car flying over Canberra's head, but fortunately, this lucky beauty reporter did not seem to be harmed in any way! Of course, a little embarrassed, that's for sure!

   Canberra is a special correspondent for New York TV. Originally, I was doing a routine live broadcast survey of the new federal law on the streets of New York today, in order to increase the TV station's poor ratings! Everything was going well originally, and the live broadcast of the questionnaire survey was carried out for half of the time, but I did not expect that when it was about to end, a huge green humanoid monster would suddenly jump out of a building! Before Canberra could react, this big green monster with bone spurs and protruding ribs began to slaughter and destroy on the streets.

   At first, Canberra was as flustered as the escape crowd around her, she just wanted to escape! But after a green muscular monster fell from the sky and began to fight with the bone-spurred gray-green monster, Canberra suddenly realized that she shouldn't and absolutely can't escape at this time!

   Because what is happening right now is big news! Just seize the opportunity in front of you and get promoted! Raise! increase awareness! Wait for the honor, I will be at my fingertips! And she herself will be able to completely get rid of the dispensable embarrassing position of the beauty vase reporter!

   If this is the case, you must live broadcast if you die! Even if I fight my life, I have to broadcast everything that happened here! As for the original questionnaire? Just let it go to hell!

   With another shaking of the lens, depending on the situation, the photographer should have stood up and adjusted the camera. Canberra once again stood in front of the camera that was restoring the picture, leaning half of his body sideways, and beckoning the cameraman to adjust the focus of the picture to the battle in the distance.

   "Audience friends! Have you seen it? Look, those two monsters! Oh! God!"

   Canberra screamed. The two green monsters in the distant war did not know who threw a broken car door, and the car door whizzed and flew towards Canberra! Fortunately, the car door smashed on the street light pole. After smashing the street light pole, it changed its direction and cut into the window of a nearby shop, making the neat shop a mess. I don’t know the inside of this shop. Has anyone been injured? But Canberra can't take care of this anymore. She just pushed away the panicked crowd and signaled the cameraman to continue broadcasting the battle in the distance. She herself also leaned in front of the camera from time to time to say something, not letting go of any increase in popularity and appearance opportunity!


The Bone Spur Hulk who was fighting the Hulk in the distance was originally named Emile Bronsky. Before today, he had been injected with gamma-ray radiation twice by the military. Although the strength has been greatly improved, He is still not satisfied, because this is nothing compared to the power of Hulk! He wants more!

   So, after he forced Dr. Stone (Mr. Blue) to inject him with Hulk’s super serum, he finally became what he is now: not lost to the huge figure of the Hulk, and huge power!

However, he did not become a monster dominated by anger like Hulk. He is still Emile Bronsky. His mind is still very clear. He is awake to feel the huge changes in his own body, and the huge the power of! Endless power! That is an extraordinary feeling of expansion! Emile Bronsky felt that he himself was a **** right now! He himself is God! He can control everything himself!

   Therefore, after he has gained this new power, he needs to vent out, on the one hand, let the endless power in his body vent out! On the other hand, let those stupid mortals see their extraordinary power!

   Emil Bronsky screamed and strode forward, and knocked the Hulk that rushed up with just one punch! Before the opponent fell to the ground, he suddenly exerted his strength, rushed up and grabbed the Hulk's head directly to the ground!

   "What! Do you only have this ability?"

   stepped on the Hulk's chest with one foot, Emile Bronsky said with a disdainful smile! He not only possesses great strength and a clear mind, but also has the adept fighting skills that he has trained in his career as a military agent! This is not at all comparable to Hulk, who is dominated by anger, lost himself and fights by instinct! Therefore, in the short time Hulk jumped from the plane, Hulk could only be beaten by Bronsky without fighting back.

"You! You don't deserve this kind of power at all!" Emile Bronsky grabbed Hulk by one of his legs and threw him to the other side of the street. He pulled a car and slammed it towards Hulk, but Hulk, who had stood up in time, elbowed him into the air.

   But Emile Bronsky doesn't mind, he is now going to play with the Hulk, fooling him, and adapting to his newly acquired power by the way! If it is for exercise, obviously no one is more suitable than the Hulk in front of me!

So he grabbed another car next to him and smashed it, but unfortunately, this car was also flew by Hulk with a punch. The car was knocked out by the huge force of the Hulk like a toy, and hit it far. It exploded violently in the street shop of the place! When Bronsky wanted to do it again, Hulk rushed over and hugged his waist. The huge force and inertia rushed his feet directly into the air, and then the huge force made the two The people rolled together to the corner on the other side of the street.

   "You crap!"

Emile Bronsky used a standard waist twisting counter-tactical maneuver, not only to easily break free of Hulk’s entanglement, but also to press Hulk under him, then pinched the opponent’s neck with his left hand and raised his right hand. Right hand, bang! Scream! A heavy uppercut hit Hulk's chin severely.

  Sora has a powerful force that is not defeated by the opponent, but only knows how to fight with the instinct of beasts. Obviously, he is not the opponent of Emil Bronsky who worked for the former Soviet Union special agent organization KGB! The opponent not only has a huge source of power that is not inferior to him, but also has a clear mind and extremely rich combat experience! No, after a few uppercuts, Hulk has been beaten a bit dumbfounded!


   Just when Emil Bronsky was about to make persistent efforts to give Hulk a few fists to taste, he heard a beast-like roar behind him!

When he turned his head to look subconsciously, he saw a teddy bear full of flames and yelled at him with a sharp mouth full of fangs, and then rushed towards him at high speed, accompanied by bursts of commanding Emil. Both Bronsky and Hulk could feel the scorching fire waves of the extremely hot and unbearable high-temperature flame. The giant bear raised his paw and shot him and Hulk on the wall of the street with just one shot. Two huge humanoid holes!

   "Oh! Damn! What the **** is this?"

  Bronsky, who was photographed flying, fell into a pit on the wall. He looked at a scratch on his chest with flames incredibly. It was really painful! This new giant flame bear made him a little confused! What the **** is this? A teddy bear in flames? Oh! God! This **** giant bear who didn't know how came out even dared to hook his paws like a provocation? Can't spare it!

  Tibbers flew two green orcs in one punch? Afterwards, tilted his huge head and hooked his finger towards the opponent! Six years! From when Annie was two years old, she was caught as a pet. Until now, it has been trapped in a teddy bear for six years! Now I finally have a second chance to come out and let the wind go! Today it decided to have fun! You can't do it in twos or twos like you did with that old dragon!

   The provoked Bronsky struggled out of the hole in the wall, then roared and grabbed a street light pole and rushed towards the giant flame bear! Now he can no longer care about Hulk!

   When Bronsky rushed towards the giant flame bear, Hulk also struggled to crawl out of the collapsed half of the wall! Hulk is obviously still in the state of a chaotic beast, it only knows that Bronsky is an enemy, and he must defeat him! And this flame teddy bear that just shot itself is also an enemy, it burns itself very painful! It is also the enemy! As long as it is an enemy, it is the target of Hulk!

  The relatively slightly smaller Bronsky-changing skinny Hulk, this teddy bear, which is taller and more mighty and also covered in flames, is obviously more capable of taunting! More can attract Hulk's hatred!

   So Hulk came back and rushed towards the teddy bear first, passing Bronsky! I saw that he ignored the pain of being burned by the teddy bear's body, and hit the big belly of the teddy bear with one punch after another! His huge power deeply dented the teddy bear’s belly, one after another, and under his attack, more flames sprayed from the teddy bear’s stitched interface and the hideous bear’s mouth. Out!

   Seeing that Hulk was the first to launch an attack on the Flame Bear, Bronsky thought about it for a second or two, and finally rushed forward!

   He thinks it is more reliable to kill this strange teddy bear of unknown origin first! But he also kept his eyes on him, seeing the bear braving all over his body, he was not as stupid as Hulk, rushing over and risking being burnt to punch. Instead, he picked up the telephone pole in his hand, roared and jumped up, and then smashed the hollow steel pole on the teddy bear's head! Just this blow smashed the opponent's head...

   This should be dead, right? Looking at the flame teddy bear whose half of his head was squashed by him, Bronsky thought. I don't know what kind of monster this is, but if the head is attacked, it will definitely not survive, right? But just in case, he raised the steel telephone pole again and continued to smash the monster bear's head several times! See if you die!

After the telephone poles were broken by himself, Bronsky stopped and looked at the bear whose head was sunken by himself, and then looked at the idiot Hulk who was still attacking the bear’s stomach. I don't know what to do next! Do you continue to attack and tear the giant bear to pieces? Or turn around and kill this Hulk?


   When Bronsky was stunned and Hulk continued to attack, the giant toy bear roared loudly, and then the same flaming giant claws shot the two Hulks away again! As the two Hulks were knocked out, the terrible dents on the head and stomach of the giant toy bear returned to normal as if it were inflated, and the head bulged back again! As if never under attack!

Humph! Annie was sitting on a billboard with her feet dangling, and she curled her lips in disdain as she watched the battle in the distance! Of course she knew her little bear Tibbers was having fun with two Hulks! No one knows Tibbers' strength better than her! Since Tibbers wants to play, let it go, anyway Annie hates those two green monsters too! Then let Tibbers have fun first!

  Tibbers is a shadow bear. Its body is actually a kind of pure shadow flame energy. The outer layer of teddy bear skin is nothing but the magic leather that Annie forcibly sews on it! This leather is not only a container for Tibbers, but also a sealed item that binds Tibbers all the time! Under the dual effects of this prop and the contract, only when Annie agrees, can it change from the immobile bear toy Tibbers to the mighty and powerful flame bear Tibbers!

   These two idiots! Are they green ogres? Does your brain work? Do they still want to use their fists and iron bars to deal with themselves? This is really ridiculous! Tibbers opened his big mouth, and patted his belly with his paws burning with flames without mind! Their attacks didn't even hurt their own magic enchantment leather, let alone hurt their own shadow body!

  Valoran people know that any shadow creature is immune to physical attacks! Although it is not too easy to destroy a shadow creature, it is not too difficult! Whether it is shadow creatures, magic creatures or elemental creatures, the best way to deal with them is to use magic! It can be any non-immune magic! Of course, you can also use magic weapons or temporarily enchanted weapons!

   But obviously, the two Hulks in front of them are so pure that they can no longer be pure physical shields! Commonly known as tank + physical DPS! They have no magical attack ability, no magical weapons, and no auxiliary profession such as a group of nurses Xiaode to enchant or buff them!

  If you look at it from the perspective of the game, it is not difficult to find: the two Hulk and Bronsky's attacks on the teddy bear sounds loud, but in fact they are all immune! immunity! immunity! It doesn't matter if they hit with a fist or take turns to hit a light pole! The result is all immunity!

   But the teddy bear's counterattack can make them cracked, and those shadow flames can also burn them into misery! Although compared to the Hulk’s strong vitality, this damage is not too high, but it can’t stand the accumulation of too much. Immortal Xiaoqiang! But when they faced the giant teddy bear that didn’t know where it came from, they could only be beaten by Tibbers relentlessly, and then after a series of bear claws, they were each caught in flames. The bear's legs and claws were crushed by the bear's claws, which became their final destination....

   After half an hour of fighting (torture), the copycat version of the Hulk Bronsky has passed out under the giant claws and flames of Tibbers! Because Bronsky still has human consciousness, his body's automatic protection mechanism has plunged him into a coma and self-protection under the pain of a huge flame scorching his soul!

The Hulk produced by the genuine original factory of the beast dominated by anger is curled up, holding his head tightly in the pit with his hands, and humming a few times only when Tibbers attacks him. Anyway, he can't help the shadows. Giant Bear, and Shadow Giant Bear can't help him for a while, so let's do it!

The Hulk of the    beast version thought: Anyway, the opponent's attack can't hurt his bones. Although the claws hurt the skin and the flames are also very annoying, it is much worse than killing his own life! And his countless counterattacks can't help the opponent! If that's the case, let it be like this, let it be beaten, maybe it will go away by itself after a while?

This is the posture shown by Hulk in the beast version of Hulk after admitting counseling. If a wild dog loses a fight, he will pretend to be his grandson with his tail clipped. His Hulk will hold his head and lie on his back. Can I eat something like shame? Anyway, his whole body is already green from head to toe and can't be green anymore, how could he still care about his face? What's more, the current Hulk is still dominated by beast thinking! So, let's do it for now!