MTL - Shen Yin Wang Zuo-v4 Chapter 290 The beginning of the war (below)

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The demonization of Jiabo's demonization is not unpleasant, but his huge dark blue symbol flies to the back, even the moment when he has begun to merge with his body. (-<>-net.)

The air in front of him suddenly split, and a little colorful light appeared instantly.

What Jiabo had to do was to keep his huge blue wand in front of him. However, the next moment, the colorful light disappeared again.

The huge symbol behind Jiabo quickly merged into his body, causing his body to expand rapidly. There are hundreds of runes around and hovering around the body. It is a combination of arcane magic, in the state of demonization. , Jia Bo then casts Arcane Magic, the power can be doubled.

However, the arcane demon at this time was suspended there, motionless, and still staring into the distance.

The eyes are full of incredible looks.

The cursed demon Stokes and the dark Phoenix Phoenix also felt bad, and the two devils did not hesitate to ignite their demonization.

The cursed demon Stokes made a "squeaky" sound, and a pair of black wings unfolded instantly. The original humanoid body turned into a giant bird crow with a wingspan of ten meters in the distant orange-red demon pillar. A pair of eyes and mouth are orange-red.

Dark Phoenix Phoenix's demonization is much more gorgeous, with a length of more than 20 meters, a wider wingspan, and a dazzling black body with a dark golden flame pattern, which is turned into a dark phoenix.

However, their demonization can not affect Jiaxuan, just as they turned, a trace of colorful light began to overflow from the body of Jiabo followed by a loud bang, in the guardian of many arcane symbols In the center, Jiabo’s body suddenly exploded, and numerous colorful lights burst into tears. The cursed demon Stokes and the dark Phoenix Phoenix quickly evaded.

The 33rd Arcane demon **** Jiabo, who became the third in the Mozu, became the first demon to annihilate on the battlefield after the start of this war. -<>-net.

Samikina, who was still sitting still, stood up suddenly, his eyes showing a hint of gloom.

It should be known that although Jiabo is not good at fighting, his cultivation has nine levels and three levels. If he combines with the demon **** column to display the demonization, he can even have the combat power of the ninth level and above, and the audience assistance is very powerful. But it was so killed by the enemy.

Doesn't it mean that there is no artifact in the Warrior's Temple? But the colorful light just now is the artifact that can be issued. Artifact-level bows?

The most terrible artifact on the battlefield is undoubtedly a wand that can increase the magic, but to say that the greatest threat to the individual, there is nothing to surpass the bow and arrow. The appearance of an artifact bow can be said to be a huge threat to any demon god, even the fourth-ranked demon **** Samkina is no exception! This Southeastern fortress is more difficult to attack than he imagined, and Samikina’s face can’t help but become extremely difficult to look at.

"When one by one" giant bow landing leaves three fans holding the left hand of the bow is very calm, but the light in the eyes is dim. Obviously, the arrow that shot the killing demon **** is not easy for him. However, this arrow is an unparalleled increase in the morale of the entire Southeast Fortress.

The enemy has arrived. As a powerful race in which magic and physical battles are combined, the Flame Konjac begins to madly throw a flame ball at the city. At the same time, they use their tall and defensive body to protect the wolves and leopards behind them.

Earth's magical rockfall fell from the sky, and a wide range of bombardment of the front of the wall. And the stones of these elements will disappear on their own after bombardment, and will never become a stepping stone for the Mozu.

Five hundred soil magicians simultaneously exerted their strength, temporarily resisting the enemies attacked by the ground. However, the body of the Wolf Devil is more powerful, and the Leopard is fast. Therefore, the damage caused by Rockfall is quite limited and can only limit their siege.

After Ye San's shot, Qiu Yonghao has completely restored his calmness, and orders have been issued successively. -<>-net. In front of the city wall, the section is covered with shield soldiers. In the city, the Cavaliers army is already assembling, ready to go out of town to fight. Only the role of the knight in the wilderness is the greatest.

The mission of the Fire Sorcerer is mainly for the enemy's air force. The two-headed konjac and the fowl come at the same time. The fowl is good at physical attacks. The two-headed konjac is a dark and fire magic attack and a certain physical attack ability. The threat to the Southeast Fortress is enormous.

However, the deterrent power of Ye San's arrow has been too strong. Therefore, the speed of these flying demons is significantly reduced. Even the cursed Demon Stokes and the Dark Phoenix Phoenix are not too close to the city. They cast a demonization, and they are not completely sure that they will retreat under the horrible arch of God.

Although there is only one demon in the killing of Ye San, it can be said that he has reduced the role of the three devils to a minimum by his own efforts.

The dead spirit demon Samikina has turned to stand and command the battle, "Bifrons, Hagati, you two to help Stokes and Phoenix."

"Yes." Two majestic figures flashed from behind Samikina, turning into iron black and brownish light and flew straight to the battlefield.

The seventy-sixth column devil is ranked 46th, the monster devil Bifulons, 10 meters tall, looks like a magnified version of the gods, super close ability. But there is no magic. A copper-iron bone has an amazing defense.

The seventy-two pillars of the Devils are ranked in the forty-eighth place. The cowboy devil, Hajiti, is a giant bull. It is one of the best defenders among the seventy-two pillars.

The purpose of Samikina to send them out is very simple. Protect the defensive demon and the dark phoenix demon, so that their magical power can be maximized on the battlefield, thus reversing the current unfavorable situation.

The monster demon and the fearful demon **** will have a much easier response to the bow and arrow.

At the same time that Samikena added two demon gods to the front, the attack and defense of the Southeast Fortress has been fully launched.

When the mana of the earth magician succeeded, the wolf and the leopard had begun to attack the city. They are the main battle race of the Mozu, and their strength is quite strong. The konjac's ability to climb is weak, but once they are allowed to climb the city, the threat to the city's soldiers is even greater.

The heroic top of the Shield Warriors was in the forefront and launched a full collision with the Wolf and the Leopard.

Although the professional of the Warrior Temple is the weakest of the six great temples, it is also the largest. The Shield Warrior is in the front, and the Berserker is in the back, and has a deadly battle with the Wolf Mozu and the Leopard Mozu.

The high-rises of the Warrior Temple all appear on the battlefield, and the Wolf and the Leopard are stronger, and they are much worse than the fighters of the sixth or higher.

A huge golden sword light swept across the city's head. On the wall of hundreds of meters long, all the wolf demon, the leopard, and the few flame konjac that had just climbed up were all smashed and fallen. It is Qiu Yonghao who shot.

The soldiers above the eighth order stand directly on the battlements, so that the wolf and the leopard can't be more than one step.

However, the demon's blow from the air also arrived. The magic of the two-headed konjac, the lightning spear of the fowl, continued to fall to the southeastern fortress, and began to cause damage to the federal army of the temple. Fortunately, Qiu Yonghao's one-on-one tactics were very successful, and the magicians were well protected. However, their efforts to fight back against the enemy in the air are not strong.

Something unexpected about the dead spirit demon Samikina is that I don’t know why, the Southeastern Fortress’s most powerful defensive weapon, the magical cannon, did not show up. It seems that all disappeared out of thin air. This has resulted in a stronger combat power of the Mozu Air Force.

One of the soldiers was inexplicably cut to the ground, and suddenly there was a gap on the wall, but it was quickly blocked by the mad warriors behind the flesh and blood.

"Magician, exploration. There is a landlord."

One by one, the exploration technique quickly flashed in the city. Sure enough, the amount of comforting family mixed between the leopard and the wolf demon appeared on the battlefield. Even if there is exploration lighting, the invisible people of the Laos are like a transparent cloud of smoke, which is hard to detect in this battle. The casualties on the head of the southeastern fortress were intensified.

In the air, the monsters of the monsters and the demon gods were finally in place. Under their protection, the dark Phoenix Phoenix and the cursed demon Stokes finally approached the city. Their magic is all in preparation.

At this time of the battle, the Mozu finally took advantage of the powerful strength of the open space.

A dark green light suddenly became the focus of attention, and it took a twisting passage from the air.

Cursed the demon **** Stokes in the eyes of the sly color, "Go to hell, abominable human. You actually killed Jiabo, I have to see, how do you resist my corrosion of the swamp."

The name sounds simple, but it is a real curse, a curse that is full of cursing power, not only for people, but also for the city wall.

But at this time, a fiery red figure suddenly jumped up from the city, a pair of huge fire wings opened, pushing his body lightning into the dark green light group.

The weapon in his hand was a spear, and the spear was in front of it, and a crystal clear red crystal suddenly appeared above the spear.

The red crystal was so piercing into the dark green ball. The dark green light ball stopped in the air and seemed to be exploding. The red-hot crystal that can be pierced into it broke out first.

It was a flame of red and green, rising in an instant, turning into a huge fire in the air, and then the flying red figure in the hand pointed to the distant sky...

The words I said last night, after I finished, I was very sad. I hope to see a miracle today. On the 30th, there are the last two days.

Anyway, I love you as always, and love every bookmate who likes my work. I created with blood and sweat, and I honor you. Thank you.

Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket.
